Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Voice Of The Archangel, And The Trump Of God!

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Voice Of The Archangel, And The Trump Of God!

The Voice Of The Archangel, And The Trump Of God!

-Jesus, and all Holies of Holies predicted to assist him are here, waiting along a perfect nano-second and personally right now, Jan 19, (2019), battling along star wars with evil principalities see, Rev 12, over the air, in the second heavens. Soon hearing Michael are getting his set all around, before Israel, Islam and a UK, Sandwich Island, Michael Volcano erupted, all. Presently as a revisited Dan 534, Angel Gabriel 2004 warn, May 15, 2004, all things unto fulfillment, she'll go, come with a seventh angel; then here as recent as Jan 26-29th, (2018), a Rev 10 Mighty Angel, and Rev 17:7th Angel, meeting in the heavens, I explain where HIS Feet where.
-Actually THEY warn, no further delays US, Western soil, all those along the North American Craton, and pending North American Continent, desolations, as predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, and recently, 2017, a Noah's cousin, all come! See more, here, Rev 6, 6th seal, see,, see Zech, 14, see here,, .

....I SAY GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US, THAN HE THAT IS IN THE REBELLIOUS, CURSED, DAMNED WORLD, AGAIN I SAY AS JESUS, REPENT OR PERISH! Beware, Apb, see more of 1986-2016, 2017-2019, prophetic parables now a pending Briexit, Blaexit, the year 2012, Arks, (Aqua Juttah, Cruises/Submersibles, 1996/2012, exodus), all already in progress,

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Blain Daniel Crockeron and Ninth Symphony Artz

The Unending Love Antidote

Also Starring: Teylor Martin Cartwin and Amara Kiery Shave, Tanner Channing Birthstone and Gloriana Nigeria Logan, Hordan Riley Simms and Villanova (Villa), Byston McCalls, Judenna Tyson Lloyd and Malaysia Hannah Forsyte, Justice Matiquite Jamison and Athena Marissa Narks, Blaise Amare Sundown and Shanann Niagara Milwaukee, Tailor Lancaster Flousence and Ciara Amantha Holland, Cameron Caison Moss and Caisson Esrica Cedar, Kiely Olstrid Weakly and Aressa Jodin Smith, Kierion Cedic Viceroy and Keely Ashliegh Nielson, Jeremy Burtson Kembly and Canary Aiston Avery, Braness Eric Tower and Riomma April Lustrom

Give To Time Sensitive Escape Fund Here,
Give To The Church Of The Martyr,

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, 1986-2016/17/18

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy,

Unto Hybrid Angelson Fielder and Lucy Belle Bobbins was born a son, Kincaid Paradise Fieldler, a son Cliffhanger Red Lakeside Fielder and a god-daughter Rumer Luciana-Sky, Fielder, Bobbins

...He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler....

Scene XXXIV/Feb 1st, into the 43rd, Thanksgiving (2017), Matrix Ten Day Countdown to Doomsday US, Western Soil, beware, see,

     "We knew Nicholas this would happen, it's why we activated final stampedes into New Africa, okay, okay, don't get so, ah, let's go see what they're saying on breaking news huh, see what's for dinner? I know, I know, I know, stop cutting those golden eyes at me like that, but you Tiffany virtually have to eat, I can try the fast thing in your stead, you did, you couldn't, remember? Yeah but I Tiffany had no conviction then, Nicholas, what are we, you and I having, ah my god, are those explosions, those are explosions, ah my god, ah my god, it's really, ah happening, should we take cover? I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I knew it, I told the Globe, Christian Cross, all, I knew we'd been at this too long, I knew it, Tiffany, TIffany!" I see them," and suddenly there were angels all around them and Nicholas Edin never looked up again, "I ah, see them, where Lord Sariel are you taking us this time? You will know beloved, Holy One, only once we've arrived His Ancient of Days, Charge, is this a demonstration to imitation of fulfillment or it's for many millennia now actuality, robes of righteousness, linen clean, Holy Kings fitted for Holy Queen? We will take you along a flyover this entire doomed planet, if you Sia Maaseiah want to see, you will see, if you Sia Maaseiah do, not want to see, you will not see, do you understand? Yes, Tiffany, there are so many of them,” something Maaseiah Adonai, (Tiffany Ann), had experienced all her life, but a first for Nicholas Edin, that He could see any way, and how beyond heart threatening, to amazing to humbling. “Yes Lord as Lord Israel proposed, but what about all these others, my beloved ones, and friends? If they are yours, they are ours and are already with us, please Maaseiah Adonai, come, time is of the essence. Yes, of course, please Lord Sariel, have your way with us both, as you will Lords, as you will. This is really happening?" As prostrated as one could be above one's bended knees, though most of this Angelic Host remain a luminous shadow of sorts, this single one Maaseiah Adonai called, Lord Sariel, he shined forth the brightest and mightiest of them all. “Then it's off to New Africa, the Juttah Septennial, Marriage Supper All? Perhaps it is so, Lords, bidden to Lamb of God Wedding Supper, then perhaps it is not so at all, Lord Raguel, Lord Simiel, Lord Asriel, please, take us all this way!” Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed cold, as, are their stone gods, from one religion, politician to another, so are they, Apb, The RAM, see entire blogspot here,, see more here, the Aqua Juttah Escape Reveal, see more of the Revelations of Lucifer (Hele's) penetriary, here, and here,

-Article, Oregon gets a new playbook for responding to a Cascadia earthquake, tsunami... The playbook provides a two-week blueprint for the state's response and expectations for prioritizing Oregon's recovery from what would be the deadliest natural disaster in the U.S., Article,

Prophecy Link Fulfilling

Seen to be hearing, Oct 15 (2017), in my ear and I quote, ten point two earthquake," and days later I heard, and quote," major, major, earth, West Pacific Canada," beware, Apb, The RAM, see, here,

Woe! Woe! Woe! The Entire North American Craton/Continent Is Going!

-I saw the damage this catastrophe did decades before they rightly portrayed it in the 2009, 2012 movie, again adapted, arks, destination Africa from my 1986-2016, 2017-2019, prophetic parables. Nothing was left of California nor Canada, West, Northwest shores. Then everything, everything along what dutchsinse sees and calls the North American Craton burn from there. Just such an outbreak with ELE'S, soon the Eastern seaboard was pronounced gone as well, just this total removal of the North American Continent off planet, What actually begin 1986/2001/2004, when, as of 2015 predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, revisited Jan 13, (2019), 2015, predicted, disaster Pacific Ring of Fire, predicted 2015, disaster, Hawaii/Memphis, New Madrid. As in, right up, until both coast and millions were no more.
-I know a Noah's day ELE, on US/Canada soil, just remember, God back then angry at unrepentant sin, is the same God right now, Angry at America's, Westerners weight of blood guilt, and billions this world. You have US Generals saying they're preventing Trump from killing all of us, that's exactly what I said, 2003, about Bush's error Saddam, only days before those New York towers went down. To stop him, to stop Eze 9 reapers from retaliations against all he does, all this planet, they need to muzzer his mouth and his tweaks. I told you all July (2017), everything of this rebellious man's efforts to save judged, sentenced America would be followed by sudden destruction. Then hurricane Harvey type, as in mega disasters been hitting US territories since.
-America's, West Rule, is one of two things, your choice, Briexit or a Blaexit, Noah's, Pompeii's and at last, a questionable Atlantis type world, wide removal, are all here for king of kings Babylon America. First a lost of 190 years and 40 days, and tens of millions. All earth enders your military leaders are calling a pending EMP attack; your astronomers are calling too many rogue asteroids to meteors targeting planet earth. Still your seismologist to Volcanologist are calling nearing monster quakes to super eruptions, see Rev, 6, 6th seal; and that's all what's wrong with Trump, with y'alls help building you a wall, (now upon which, (01/13/1998/2019, a hand is writing, 99 bowls of molten lava, after I see a single bitten apple); so knowing all this and chance the burning to death of tens of millions, why, depopulation earth or Dan 4:4, awarded Oct 15, (2018), madness, until 7 Daniel 9, prophetic years be fulfilled? Beware, Apb,

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...