Friday, January 21, 2022

Pieces Of The Tribulation Saints

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 25, Apocalyptic, 2022

The handwriting Jeremiah 37 8, Bush/Clinton/Bush Mid October, ({1998}), And the Chaldeans (ISLAMIC TERRORIST), shall come again, and fight against this city, (North America), and take it, and burn it with fire; marvel not the Jan 22-29, 2021, flaming blazing frying pan flying saucer liftoff of Pres Biden and Vice Pres Harris, JCOR/HBOW


-Frightnight FSS, after a predicted two and 7 years of ({Senator}) Obama Presidential campaign, BEAST reign to outbreak of ambulances,  revisited May 22, 2021 by building storms and a building up of rescuers. Right until by Dec 22/23 2021 GREAT KILLER BEAST on the prowl, THEY'RE asking us, should THEY pray? Then and apparently, Jan 3, 2022 I turn onto a certain street and coming and going is a build up of dump trucks, marvel not, to the rescue sparkling red Munster, MONSTER, trucks are no more, only a ginormous clean-up.

-During President Obama's July 27, 2016, of Jesus Millennium descent, the earth is littered with the dead; seeming, predicted President Obama's/ President Biden's outbreak of mortuary, 2013/2020/ 2021/2022 and climbing into earth ending events, of witnessing two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, Rev 3:3 Jesus until by Dec 30, 2021 we got a huge enough to block out the sky, in black bold capital letters, the single Rev 3 3 Jesus, word of warning, simply, WATCH! HGOW/JCOR


Article, A New York judge rules that the state’s mask mandate is unconstitutional and can’t be enforced,

And Let The Angels Of The Lord Presecute To Chase Them!

-Soon Hearing Michael Is Setting His All Around, Michael THEM star war, from the interstellar heavens into the earth, over mask mandates to in-person schools to virtual classes; these genicidal, agenda's root, deadly travel bans to herd immunity; predicted tens of millions dead The Backward Letter C/Covid 19, Pandemic, mutating into the Pale Horse Pandemic; millions of souls lost and being lossed! WHY DIE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR


Article, Tonga Eruption Was So Powerful, Scientists Propose New 'Ultra' Classification, Article,;
(The Tonga Eruption Was So Powerful, Scientists Propose New 'Ultra' Classification, as a Surtseyan Eruption. Only Apostle I am say, oppose to revisted Nov 21 2021, Yellowstone to come a VEI 8, of exactly 101 eruptions and 99 bowls of molten lava. Right until the northern hemisphere, The American Continent to West Rule come, as in relocate to SW Africas' Continent beginning with US/Canada West Pacific, skyrocketing to fire-rocketing.
-Marvel not US West Pacific no more, Canada, the UK taking up molten wings their own and flying off the map . Clearly no more argument, as its all being totally inundated by oceans of volcanic magma, the just now, Nov 26, 2022, referenced frog in boiling water senario; marvel not, the use of US Georgia's Atlantic COAST as a crossovering, launching pad/path, WEST RULE, no more.
-Frightnight night and you shall know the truth, fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol revisted after two decades Ben Affleck's Nov 11/21 2021, Eze 5, barber chair, pending Judgement also a death bringer that's been coming from beneath, here's its own Armageddon, over three decades; behold it is death, I heard, riding against time, riding against abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches; for they have forsaken God, once standing and staying in the way of such earth enders but apparently ebbing and flowing date, ({Jan 22-29 2018}), Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel says there's no more doomsday passovers to be had; WHY DIE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW

Article, Finding The Right Description For Such An Unprecedented, HISTORIC event; Tonga eruption equivalent to 'hundreds of Hiroshima bombs,' NASA says,

When A Hand Writes Clumsily Escape Yellowstone, Pray Your Flight Isn't In The Winter, Nor On The Sabbath day; pray for mother's with infant children! Thus Saith Mat 24 Jesus Christ Of The Authentic (ENCANTO) Miracle, Resurrection, Ascension!

-Tonga eruption equivalent to 'hundreds of Hiroshima bombs,' NASA says; (Frightnight with The American Continent ending; marvel not instead, 101 Yellowstones were again activated a Nov 11/21 2021 Eze 5, Ben Affleck's barber chair, a fiery Armageddon, judgment, pending since Happy Holidays, ({2001}); Dec 3, 2021 we got Rev 3:3 Jesus' WATCH, Dec 4, 2021 it was RUN! Dec 5, 2021 it was LIVE! Honestly Dec, 30/312021 it was a huge enough to block out, the sky single word WATCH!

-Marvel nor it's (Aug 5, {2019}), skyrocketing to fire-rocketing event, Aug 5, 21 Rev 11 described ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, literally mocked, HE'S star warring the taking back of planet earth from Red Dragon them, right along side, Archangel Michael THEM! I, Apostle of Jesus THEY entreat me, concurrently, I ask blessed escapees slash their Africas' Southwest Atlantic, exile luxury, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/Apb The RAM!

YouTube, ABC News, By The numbers, The asteroid That Came 1.2, Million Miles From Earth,

Asteroid Destroy West Constantly Sinning Until 101 Yellowstone's Erupt; Screen Earth Ending Movies Scenarios, Like Moon Fall, Until Then!

-Marvel not getting a Hunga, Tonga Volcanic eruption when 101 Yellowstone's, Nov 11/21 2021 Ben Affleck's Armageddon, were all set to go, then, once US/BC West Pacific was no more. Know also, It is these kinda reports coupled with celebrity type, Pitt-Jolie, movie premiers, are what I describe as campaigns of going on like normal.

-Undoubtedly, ABC  News, since Nov 3, 4 2020, election night, ought to know better, they drank the lemon-aid of blessed kitchen reveals; Understanding, an outbreak of mortuary here, one US Covid-19 dead every 20 seconds. Prophetically, acts of divine intervention, including a just now Jan 11/12 2022, Memphis, 8000 pieces burnt offering,  appeasement to  release. 

- Know also, THEY, Aug 5 2021/Dec 23, 2021, Archangel Michael THEM, asking should THEY, THEMSELVES now pray for targeted, procrastinating Memphians? THEY been standing in the way of impacting meteors and asteroids we know, as far back as Aug 10, 2010, then expecting fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol impacting "Big Ones," as recent as (Jan 12, 13 2018) and that Dec 11, 2021 Kentucky, killer tornado.

-Recurring mass disasters, like witnessed skipping over predicted to go nuclear behind US West Pacific, Ark, TN, THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. Marvel not before Mat 24/Rev 18, Jesus explained even commanded and guided near earth objects come impacting, He warn against letting such campaigns of going on like normal deceive and detour our fast and furious get away. 

-Simply saying, right now, Elon Musk couldn't give me those billions in charity to be in any other of US's 49 and two thirds states of barbecue; other than assigned, designed territory US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, crossovering into Africas' Southwest Atlantic, blessed exile luxury. Frightnight to all around, Hitler's Germany's type policing Anubis', mummifiers and undertakers;

-Actually, what we know from (May 31 {2021}), Gen 19 Lot and family ANGELIC escape, present rapture to second heaven intercessions, plainly a blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit; even (Jan 22-29, {2018}), Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL, said it, there comes a prophesied day, a prophesied hour and even a prophesied nano-second, there are no more doomsday passovers! WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith, Dec 3, 2021, Rev 3:3/Rev 17:14, JCOR/HBOW,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 22, Apocalyptic 2022

BE PREPARED NOW, YELLOWSTONE VOLCANO, JAN 19 2022,, (Seriously, if I told y'all what I saw Jan 19 2022, only one day Trump's Jan 20 2017 inauguration pendijg I woke from hearing, as during Bush/Obama and now Biden/Harris/Obama, 50 million US'S will die, you'd think I'm double crazy, triple even; I witnessed the tightening to loosening of screws and the word CANCELED stamped on all fooling and playing around.

-Then, then by the sister who was just brutally murdered in a Memphis, Walgreens parking lot, while sitting a Chrysler 300 be at that; Frightnight, just as I knew, texted my Pat-Brad niece, something unthinkable was about to happen, there, this Memphis sister, sat her ready, the Nov 11, 2020 get out of Memphis, blue sixties Ford, when sparkling red Munster MONSTER trucks start showing up!I know,  I know, only Jan 22, 2022 that's today, by the way; a year past Jan 22, 2021 was the standing the world still, flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff of President Biden and Vice President. Harris, all aligned to 50 million US deaths; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW.

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah, 1986-2016/2026/3026, God's Kingdom Come!!!!!!!!!

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Starring Herenton Egan Lowd III and Kyefer Berlyn Nollel, Herenton Egan Lowd IV and Joslyn Ameka Bellows, Kylpe Elfin Lowd and Sophia Ireland Harrison, Kegan Berlin Noellel and Tyson Edward Wells

 Unto Kingsley Edward Artelon and Kieynan Deloris Mensdan was born a son Alfred Chanston Artelon, a son, Jakhya Layton Artelon and a son,  Gracelight River, Artetlon, Mensdan

Unto Brandstone Edward Artelon and Penelope Deloris Hertz, was born a son, Bradford Norman Artelon and a daughter, Chelsea Kimberly Hertz and a son Bishop Allen, Edwards

First Posted, Dec 11, 2018

  …And The Lord Said To Noah Come Thou And All Thou House...
              Scene Mark XVII and VII

     "What is it? You may as well tell me, you just stopped the middle of the mall right now, all the people, shoppers going around us, ah, I, I, ...King, what? You're scaring me, I Key, I, I think I just had a live vision just now, as we were walking, talking, of what? I, we were talking just as now, only before I could get the next word out, we were gone Key, we were taken, ah my Christ it was that fast, that glorious, like Key before you can take your next breath, calm down, people babe, we're being stared at, who? It makes sense, if he's to know the words on our tongues, right, don't you see what this mean? Nothing babe, nothing, no place, no how, not even the grave is gonna stop Him from taking us, nothing, just imagine that. Remember the words they gave Sia Maaseiah just as spring ended, just this blessed reassurance, the ah, lyrics from that song, 'no mountains, no winter's cold, can stop me, Him, from getting to you. That's to us babe, the Royal Priesthood and though fall/winter is here, evidently it's like spring all around for Christ's anointed right now, a heatwave setting records. Which King explains the speed by which two days of snow melted at such a record pace just the other day, yes, love, yes, again it all make such miraculous sense. It was, hold up babe, hold up, look, that corner right over there, I gotta call Brandy, wait, wait, what, so he can laugh in your face as always? Yeah, Key okay, I got to call him, you should call, {{{Brand, hey, hey, you, you okay? Brand, look, can you, yeah it's, look I was, Key and I were just now walking and talking and all of a sudden man before we spoke our next word, breathe our last breath we were gone Branston man, just like that, you wake me up to tell me that? Wake you? It's like, but don't you see? That mean we're closer and closer and how long little brother have they been saying that, huh, thousands of years, right? Which is to mean what Brandy man, that we're that much closer, or further away? Maaseiah's Gabriel appearance," not hardly believing this, but as just as well totally believing it, it was Kingsley and so like him they'd suspended all Christmas shopping, the middle of the mall of America. It was just so her husband, Kingsley Edward Artelon could once more give testament to his stubborn as a mule brother, actually twin brother, Branstone, which suddenly reminded her. How it was of an odd dream, sorta like this, only it was as if these two were spending the night in a mall, happily window shopping and galloping freely all about, such fun, though the second. The second dream, yet to tell husband Kingsley about either, it wasn't so lovely, the mall had been shaped and formed into a fallout, bomb-out shelter and there battered refugees gathered and hide themselves all about it.  {{{"Assured us we're that generation, the undeniable signs and wonders right now credit us with knowing, we're that season, a season proved unstoppable until Jesus take his out, that season Brandy man, I heard you Kingsley, okay, stop talking at me like I don't believe. I'm just saying, she experienced the Lamb's book of life being open, this Branston man was because of a roll call and a census that was being taken, and what pray tell little brother does that mean so I can get some sleep? It means as of the live vision just now, there is no further delay, it mean any nano-second Bran man, just as the Lamb's book sound off each of our names, and, and, ah Christ, we shoot up like, like, firing rockets, ah my Christ, just as He, and it's millions, hello.  Ah, no, I, so if this phone go silent and you're Brandy here to know and testify about it, that is so not a good thing, I'm just saying, that is not good. Yeah well, I keep asking you brother why is your belief so different from mine? While how did the religious leaders and Jesus' belief, differ? It's said, the law come by Moses, but truth and grace by Jesus Christ and they hated him for it Brandy man, hated him enough to prowl him for his life, soul and immortality, all of us really, ours upon His. Like all religious people, they just knew they loved God, but they hated His Christ, which made their love, apostate. This was just because He was setting the human being free from a life of condemned flesh into a life, walk in, by the, the holy spirit, a blood redeemed, holy Temple of God. Hey, look, nice talking to you Bran man but I won't keep my stunning wife waiting, sorry I woke you, goodbye, I don't like you saying goodbye to me and you know it Kingsley man, but I'll take it, I need my beauty sleep, got another party tonight." Clearly yarning to say, no doubt stretching and relaxing under those silk covers and pillows of his, well there's, his wife, Phe, Phe, short for Penelope, such a tit for tat couple, "you bro know it's that season, yeah, tis the season alright, why Key and I are standing a shopping mall ourselves, see you later then? Yeah, that's better, see you later, hey I love you, I love you too Bran man, so much, later. "}}} Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples ask Him, with Holy Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying, well, see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, The RAM, see the entire, Silverton Nicholas, Coogan, Chow, Liverpool, as Moses day, trail, trial' Exodus here, and here

PS, HASHTAGS, Excetra, speaking of Christmas shopping and the predicted to go nuclear pharmacy, here thrown down, Dec 11, 2021, Kentucky killer tornado style; four hours earlier said Pharmacy was filled with families visiting Santa Claus; I woke it's early morning prior, from seeing a building shredded to pieces and the shop sign thrown to the ground; no more normal days, blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS and Mat 24, Rev 2, 12, 18, Jesus' Overcomers.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 20, Apocalyptic 2022


YouTube Pastor Farag, Arise And Shine January 20, 2021,, (-Only my translated (June 26, 2015), by Rev 17:14 Lamb Of God, Jesus, Grandad, to US Georgia's Savannah Coast, crossover, eldest granddaughter, 29th birthday; who's father (Nov 4, 2013)  birthday remind us by a handlebar attached funeral reef. Frightnight is Obama/Clinton rule like Clinton/Bush before and Trump/Biden/Harris and any pending ,skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, West Rule; they all have in common their weight of blood guilt, into heaven's ceiling, with US soil death tolls, and that's Rev 12, woe, woe and woe! JCOR/HBOW


-Arriving in time to witness the Bride snatched off the planet; a type of nano-second, Holy Bride escape. Notedly, Isaiah 16:1-6, revisited by Rev 12:1-6, Prophet of old to the Apostle of Jesus, John. But be reassured, even an adulterous Mother Jerusalem, by an act of divine intervention also by star warring Archangel Michael THEM will stampede into safe haven Sela who hath it's name at present as Jordan's Petra City, no further delays saith Rev 10 Mighty Angel with Rev 17,.7th Angel, aiding and abetting.

-Frightnight to beyond miraculous though described as riches to rags, sickbeds and sleepovers, endangering even their celebrity, Pitt-Jolie/SHILOH, children. Still such blessed US/West Rule, commanded Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit revisited Rev 12 act of stampeding some, then ebbing and flowing near 7 years, date, July 6 2020, marvel not, sweet smelling savor Jesus Christ to HOLY FATHER OF WRATH reassurance, Africa's Southwest Atlantic exile luxury await, even Jesus' assuring His Tribulation saints,the same; marvel not Dec 3, 4, 5, Rev 3:3 Jesus come forewarning, with triple Tribulations impacting, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM, 

see more prophetic parables here,

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...