Sunday, June 19, 2022

Pieces of The COMMANDED Hemingway Exodus, US Georgia's Coast crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic,


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JUNE 19, FATHER'S DAY, 2022, 

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Happy Father's Day! Mal: 4:5,6/Jn 1:1-6

In Prophetic reversal to hindsight, OBAMA'S NOV 4, 2013, I witnessed these once greased for disallowing Russia and China, handlebars grow a funeral reef and shoot into the heavens with US soil death tolls; BIDEN JULY 2021, I witnessed the calculating of death tolls, showing Britain loses 25 million, Canada loses 25, million, that's a total of 100 million; meaning the predicted since Bush, Clinton, Bush into Biden, US's loses at 50 million.  

Whereas my referenced {(Oct 11/ 21, 2021{), Brad Pitt, Eldest son, finding a five dollar bill a day past, where Archangel Michael THEM just showed THEMSELVES a little past midnight, THE FOR FOUR YEARS, AUTHENTIC AFRICAN AMERICAN EXODUS, March 13 2022, as circling the Bride's Chariot all around. Understand this US 5 too, has a weighty (Feb 12 13 2019), BACK TURN, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Westernized death toll tied to Brad Pitt/Eldest Son, 5% into 15%, even His Nov 4, birthday; just now, like June 13, 2022, I'm seeing the raining down of blood, as in beware, its raining blood, Marvel not Jan 20, 2022, I witness my recently Dec 29, 2021, murderered Memphis sister, she's stamping the word CANCELED on all games and playing around, especially, child's play!

-Such the World ending, by a Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era, marvel not seeing some passing around a near empty water bottle; could too have something to do with Archangel Michael THEM seen battling a star wars to Interstellar Armageddon, up there, Trump's (Jan 20, {2019}).  Undoubtedly, the time of the dead, the ({Aug 5, 2021}), Rev 11:8/Rev 11, AODHF just used to relate, both pending Jesus Millennium and HIS OWN ETERNAL KINGDOM REIGN, HE'S too star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, the taking back of planet earth all its underlying Apocalypse to claim 2 quarters of earth's inherit; blessed are those in the first resurrection; blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS and Mat 24 Rev 2 12, 18 Jesus' Overcomers! 

YouTube, dockidds, CHINA, I tried Warning You, Revelation 2000,000,000 Willing And Waiting,, ( Clearly, and no this inquiry has nothing to do with his staying unaware as hundreds of millions of their fellow Americans, parents, even near a million Covid 19 dead. So this is why when grand Caden out of the blue, ask, who wins a nuclear war between America and Russia? Hesitating not I said, no one wins a nuclear war, if man can't eat, drink nor take refuge, THEY EXTINCT! THE END! 

-Marvel not asking should THEY Instead pray for us, additionally THEY knew not only had triple Great Tribulations been activated, THEY knew my next to the youngest sister would be the  first of my targeted Memphians, to be murdered, something about a stalker killer by day who hides underground by night and just Friday past, BIG JUNE 2024 2022, her oldest son. Fightnight to all around policing Anubis'mummifiers undertakers, look like commanded Eze 5/ 9 reapers took him, as they threaten all procrastinators, especially since (Nov 10/11{2020}), mother's ENDANGERING children with in-person school classes and the same gender genocider, agenda. fright night, they're commanded one strike the telling heart Eze 9 reapers, apparently they're on the haunt/hunt.

-Only, beware, only made to look like a heat stroke to heart stroke while he prepped his car, only not for its fast and furious escape to safe-zone, US Georgia's Savannah COAST crossover, AODHF surmise such procrastination as opting for whoremongering, warmongering, genocider WEST RULE over Jesus THE CHRIST descending Millennium. Still, ({Dec 23 2021}, after THEY showed us pending recurring catastrophes, ESPECIALLY by way of unprecedented storms, the bride being snatched out, America, West Rule being wiped, out, the first of these WORLD CATASTROPHES! Just know also, the word APOCALYPTIC itself  is now in RED ALERT  as the word NOWis decorated in multi colored, blinking lights, of caution.

YouTube, Destiny, What If A Nuclear Bomb Hit New York Tomorrow? (Not only are you reading behind someone who like Apostle John has seen this manner of human carnage, thank nuclear Jan thru June 29, Apocalyptic 2022, Rev 11, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, it was during one of the Obama's Whitehouse, (July 27, {2016}), Jesus THE CHRIST, Millennium Descent; even then reminding UK/BC/US losses sat at 5% into 15%, revisted (July 27 28 2021),  under these admins, as a total of 100 million Westerners deaths, UK/BC/US; greater the horror is, this single ONE that can bring them back from the precipice of human extinction, see here, Ps 2 and here,, see also here,,

-Whereas though for many millennia THEY PRAYED HIS, THE LORD'S PRAYER, THEIRS L KINGDOM COME! Though for near two thousand years HIS OWN SACRIFICAL CROSS, they won't nothing to do with HIM, thus HE ascend some, crossover others into described Isa 16/Dan 9/Rev 12, exile luxury and let devil oppressed to demon possessed nuclear world systems have at their own extinction, then the second death, then the Great White THRONE Judgement and also Eze 31 described, world leaders, ETERNAL HELL!

-Clearly, here is CHRIST JESUS ultimatum to Jerusalem, and thus the ebbing and flowing in post apocalypse, fiery doomsday finale. They wouldn't see Him again, except they call on Him, again the ONLY ONE who can bring us back from the brink of natural, nuclear, SOLAR, to Cosmic, extinction. Still How many of you reading behind me online now over Three decades unto this prophesied day, hour ,to nano second, wondered what did (Jan 22-29 2018) REV 10 MIGHTY ANGEL mean, desolations predicted upon US soil, now come?

Apostle THEY also call me, I advice, just go back to when like now,  the  planet was obviously on a ww3 setting, US, Rep Congress were running, right after they told us the inbound Hawaii missile alert was a false alarm. Though Jesus THE CHRIST and an incalcuable HOST OF HEAVEN, descended to cross some over into three assigned, designed territories and snatch out OTHER'S. Until presently we're with 36 rapture spring demos, like since threaten to Nuke The Planet, Chernobyl (1986) and a Mal 4 described Sunlight of GOD arriving the midst of described post fiery doomsday apocalypse, again HEALING WINGS ALL, THEY ready to snatch THEIRS OUT! Beware, HBOW/Apb, 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands Of The Mark Of Oct 17 2021 Until SEVEN BEAST Years Be Fulfilled, Oct 17, 2028, Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom, The Nigerian 300, Dareh Mattison Okanok and Queen Bride Beylor Reesen Ambiance

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nigerian 300, Unto Chetachi Gabiel Mumnfunma and Chinara (Ara), Adonanai Jimmy was born a son, Abaeze Michael Mumnfunma, a son Abeo Raphael Jimmy. a son Amaechi Uriel Mumnfunma and a goddaughter Chinara Azrael Jimmy  

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII

"Look love, I wasn't gonna say, but seeing, hearing all these back to back governmental incentives, I mean soon Maaseiah, the elderly only gonna have money just to have it. Then, O my God Maaseiah, it dawns on me, they're running a stay put campaign, our religious, political and commercial leaders to social media; then while Archangel Michael and His Star Warriors, Trump of God and His Guardians of the Galaxy and DOMINION and His, all around this doomsday planet Watchers. THEY'RE not only stampeding us, elephants of staying unaware all, they've indicated us as  fast and furious, ludicrous and Vin Diesel, a Tokyo Drift, both his name May, automobile related, while going fast and furious Ludacris, is another take on the awarded, assured by Holy Watchers, Daniel 4 madness, curse to Oct 11/21 2021, Brad Pitt's WWZ. There's Tokyo we know May is known for one of the hugest earthquakes ever with both US's New Madrid imminent as a woman in birth pain, with a 10.2 quake. When even as I say May, I know you hear, see, (Jan 22-29, 2018) Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL, prancing nervously, anxiously as a husband with a wife travailing in birth, the planet, the  sea to US's going volcanic, catastrophic, West Pacific. Only  loving girl, I hear that for years cry, especially its elderly related, "the Enron attack killed many, drop your pensions, (described your peace getting churches, porches and falsified crystal skies), and get to the hills! Enron,; Any doubt grand grand, that, 10.2 quake has send in wrecking-ball, the Mississippi River, now May we're talking, all of a sudden, Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, Rev 3/ I witnessed ({June 7, 2011}), Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband, done come in as a thief, snatched HIS out and left all other's at least May, stranded atop Trump style highrise buildings, again the extinction level New Madrid, earthquake, flooding of US border states by the mighty Mississippi, any doubt, 2018 approaching me, inquiring Watchers, "What's the secret of Memphis? We  guess May, its New Madrid, a sleeping giant, a world ender, all its own, even May, individually the Obama's, time done lapsed, Memphis Dunlap street, another demo of The American exodus." Why speak in parables? Jesus disciples asked HIM with HIM responding, by quoting prophets of old, saying, well, see here, Mat 13:10-17 

Youtube, Elon Musk, Rewind, Elon Musk FINALLY Breaks His Silence On ALIENS, They Are Really close; also see here, Extraordinary: The Revelations; (Presently, all a distraction that with Eze 9 commanded reapers, one strike the telling heart are upon us with unimaginable mass disasters, natural, nuclear, SOLAR, COSMIC. Even the reigning Bride possessed, prepped and launched Dan 2 described STONE FROM HEAVEN; Archangel Michael and Trump of God, Gabriel have in such a short space to evacuate near a billion off this AMERICAN CONTINENT alone, not including, those the UK, Britain, an unprecedented event predicted (July 27 28, {2021}), would cause 100 million in Westerners, their lives

Understand when I delighted in watching such documentaries, see more here,; especially about ancient mysteries from Egypt to Atlantis, I always said if only they'd factor in fallen angels and their participations: until just a few months ago, I'm sitting the bed here, watching TV, not unusual, those all around Guardians to Watchers just spoke up and said, "fallen angels is why Aliens exist." I didn't flinch, plus we know by Rev 12 especially, fallen angels been exiled on planet earth for what could be millions of years, there's no more mystery from Ancient, fallen Angels to their injected, Ancient Aliens.

-What these, instead biblical REVELATIONS mean, is all these so call Ancient Mysteries causing humanity to question the biblical Genesis man, marriage, having procreated billions their home planet. Actually when they should've been questioning why like today, by way of described abominable lives, lands, and churches WHO'D FORSAKEN GOD, was it Rev 12 described Red Dragon posing as a subtle serpent ((presently, Jan 2022, posing as HD, 5G and social media screening to a friendly house pet, with a fettish for children); 

-THIS EVIL, was already in The garden of God, prowling, seeking whom he may devour, like the GODMAN, first parents, The Eve taken from The Adam, and soon the last Adam taken from Eve,  predestined, procreation of the Women SEED Jesus  into the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD; as the days of Noah, A Noah's Cousin, Red Dragon them responsible for EVIL, to GIANTS to ALIENS, just you know, all, ALL, all, FORNICATION, threatens with Genocide, the Genesis man, marriage; Marvel not Jan 12,13 2018, HAWAII inbound missile alert, here's Rev 2 Jesus threatening with mass dieoffs, your just as comprised seed, as your children!

-Or did I more so get your attention, reminding as I write and as you read, and as Archangel Michael THEM, within every letter I strike, threaten to snatch THEIR HOLIES out? Archangel Michael and Trump of God Gabriel are presently doing what, when, doesn't the Bride's escape alone, also threaten a world catastrophe, star missiling down all? Just understand, as I waited to see what EXTINCTION EVENT would hit us June 17, 2022? Meaning that unusual multi-state blackout,; eventually leaving over six hundred thousands in the dark, was supposed to be more a just as threatening at the time, solar CME event,, of standing the world still, let alone ENTIRE, The Americas!

-Plainly, revisiting, June 13, 2022, the hearing, the DESOLATOR is approaching, (June 27 28, ({2022}); too Revisiting, ({June 27/28 2021}) Angel Gabriel putting us endangering procrastinators in fast and furious mode. Just know, exactly 20 years ago, (June 17 {2002}), the arriving with healing in HIS WINGS, (Spring Rapture {1986}) SUNLIGHT OF GOD, BRIDEGROOM, decades later, again ({June 17 2002}), from God's described BACK TURN THRONE commanded an exodus, of African Americans, you would eventually call the Brexit. Only for years now, I describe as a blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, as both these world systems, under presently existing Administrations, THE HOLY CHURCH BRIDE/WEST RULE, are simultaneously skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, killing tens of millions in westerners, evacuating to relocating over a billion; knowing, knowing where, NOW, RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! HBOW/Apb The RAM.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JUNE 19, Apocalyptic 2022

What enormity bringing all attention this way happened Aug 5 2019 to two West Rule systems, that showed us AODHF star warring with Archangel Michael THEM the taking back of planet earth, unto HIS CHRIST MILLENNIUM, REIGN, ({Aug 5 2021?}) 

See Zech 14/Mal 4/Rev 19, And This Shall be The Plague Of Jesus Returning As An Earth Directed Gama Ray Burst! 

-Beware Oct 1st 2004/Oct 3 2021 both predicting BIG ONES COMING; the UK Briexit dating back as far as ({July, Aug 2004/2005}), commanding Britain, America be separated into Itty bitty pieces; CANADA be wiped from the map; the cataclysmic end of western civilization, revisited June 27/July 6/Sept (22 23 {2015}), as surely as grand Memphians are translated to US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, Crossover, a fiery doomsday apocalypse trailing with already,  tens of millions in losses. Only just before The Bride is taken skyward to their, pending Tribulation Saints, triple Great Tribulations, intercessions, rightly, not before we hear "there's something about Cameron. "

-Notwithstanding, ({July 6, 2015})/revisited July 6 ({2020}), pending to ebbing and flowing for near a decade, nuclear UK/ Russia/Syria; With again, the UK Brexit, offsetting both a Briexit, to Blaexit, skyrocketing to crossing-over, curiously signed into fruition Feb 22, 2016. Ironically, only four years after my for decades, Rev 17;14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband, in my prophetic parables, ascended, its exact Feb 21/22, The Mayan Apocalyptic, 2012; marvel not the little Miya girl, backseat surveyor translator, deliverer.

-Marvel not, July 27 28 2021 calculating Britain, Canada and America under these present Administrations 100 million in death tolls was then FSS foretold online under the RAM's prophetic ministry, for 18 years, knowing, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS and Nuclear Jan thru June Apocalyptic 2022, Mat 24 Rev 2, 3, 12, 18, 19, Jesus' Overcomers! AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, 

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...