Monday, July 11, 2022

Texting My Described Ebbing and flowing date Jan 12/13 2022, Pat Brad Pitt/SHILOH Memphis niece

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear July 11, Apocalyptic 2022, seem to be an offered of a huge enough to block out the hall here, Red Rose Of Sharon, before forewarning a huge enough to block out the sky, can opener! 

Prophecy' Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 11, Apocalyptic 2022, seen to be seeing 27/28 2022 work from home desk chairs careening toward an apocalyptic firestorm; mocking July 27 28 2021 Americans being illuded by their own self-made work camps to death camps, beware, HGOW/Apb

I texted what's below, then I found this,, Scientist Early Warning Of Major Earthwide For Eastern Half Of The United States Canada & Puerto Rico;

Those who read behind me know , when Holy Watcher, 2019, Approached Inquiring What's The Secret Of Memphis? As forewarn decades now, with plenty its American evacuations, they know I believe this reference a just as deadly nuclear Memphis, New Madrid fault zone

Texting My Described Ebbing and flowing date, five years now, of Rev 17/18  Fulfilling Jan 12/13 2022, Pat-Brad Pitt/SHILOH/WW3/WWIA/WWZ, Memphis Niece

-Hey niece, I thought about something as I was doing the trash and getting it out. You know after auntees funeral, the next family funeral, repast I saw was at another's aunt house. How ironic then, her grand has been hospitalized all this time, during MK funeral, her kidney's done shifted. Now you know aunt me, I'm praying more about y'all souls, y'all don't wake up looking at tortuous demons instead of BLESSED JESUS!

You know the sun erupting all month, there was a sunspot just now June 17, 2022, three times the size of earth just sitting on pause. Know ({June 17, 2002)} is when the SUNLIGHT of God from AODHF back turned Throne commanded the African American EXODUS, Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit. No, If y'all don't wanna suffer the worst kinds of death and dying ever, AGAIN EVER, then y'all need out of those impact zones. There's fiery doomsday, Mauna Loa/(Aug 7 2019), Yellowstone into Memphis New Madrid to its flooding inland possible timely extinguisher, Mississippi River.

Look, know also, that demo I had around the same time, Jan 2022, THEY showed Bum Bum abandoned, walking around Memphis Peabody to Highland Park area lost, and cousins aunt M finding her. Mk and C were both in that dream, yeah, marked as gladiators fighting to the death atop massive death and dying in, loses. Its all around arena, cast with all jeering, cheering y'all buying tickets, paying to see them duke it out, a tug of spiritual to mental war over what to do about their moms murder, I guess Mk lost, huh?

 Whereas like your collision dream, J car, a Walgreens filling station, Austin Peay/Covington Pike Intercession. Then its like all others of, our procrastinating Memphians were left fatally injured, further making sense T of me just before Christmas, six days before J's murder, being in and out of family funerals to repasses. I even tickled, when I saw my hair now is way more gray than momma's was when she past, love and kisses, Aunt Apb The RAM 

WARNING!!! New York PSA Warns Of Nuclear War And How To Prepare Now,, (- First remember, the single word NOW, is itself, a multi-colored, blinking light of caution, I found this screening youtube, only moment after I was assured in my spirit, THEY'RE about to yank us off this planet, only after 30 plus rapture springs demos, when anything nuclear was imminent, only this time, being near nine months into a final 84 months interval between Anti-Christ reign and Jesus THE CHRIST Millennium Reign, Prophetically we just shouldn't be here; just saying, blessed are those in the first resurrection, second death, damnation, hath no power; GOT THEM, WELL GOT JESUS THE CHRIST AND GOT STAR WARRING, DELIVERER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM AND GONE UP YONDER YET? HBOW/Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls was born a goddaughter Anasazi Hadezn Fraize, a daughter Saylor Prayson Fraize and a godson Peyton Alcolm Fraize, Tolls

Unto Sebastiano Centeuri Fraize and Selene Tristiana Laetitia were born quad godsons, Sarius Lamda Fraize, Upsilon (Silon) Canopus Fraize, Odyssey Arcturus Fraize and Bach Kentaurus Fraize, Laetitia

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"I know you know, how amazing that is, you licking and biting me all over, through, then where are you going?" Watching her flawless nakedness sprinting into the bathroom, away, feeling heighten coupling fade, fade. you do know loving husband, Cristiano Ariel demerits are also allowances, they can get you special treatments, advancement all, I know sweet love, I wanna stay home, eat, drink and make love, ah Jesus is Holy Father God, make love, how can even a descending golden City Jerusalem,;;  be beyond this our bedazzling marriage bed? So you know as long as we're tardy stunning, stunning Cristiano Ariel, for near every assignment"  peaking out to say, but so was her voluptuous bosom, smooth, chocolate skin, tempting, kindling his, lusting places, we're never gonna be able to join any of our friends to acquaintances in these specialty outings, no, on, no!" Hurrying to close, lock the door, "take the other shower, dress, make ready, hurry, we can get breakfast there. Hello," a silent door cold to her ear, "Cristiano Ariel, hello, you better not be waiting to shack or shag me, really, Cristiano Ariel, I'm serious, are you there?".    >>> {{{"No, Am I grand, grand reading more and more not only are variants, Covid 19 surging, but with reinfections, I mean for one if its causes, just the other day, they called it the worst week of Pres Biden's Whitehouse. I guess May the deadly itself herd immunity has run its course, plus you saw this deadly as the spanish flu, backward Letter C pandemic mutate into a swine to Avian like new pneumonia you liken to Apostle John described pale horse pandemic, your grand, grand pale horse pandemic, as well. Right, John's predicting further May it's to claim a quarter of earth's inherit, death tolls revisited upon you grand as a US funeral reef shooting into the heavens. Didn't you also May believe the run on that Rite Aid Pharmacy, its single opened counter, you witnessed was about a rush on Covid 19 vaccines? Most frightingly President Biden election nights predicted US's Covid death tolls at one per every 20 seconds; equally, Pres Biden February 2021 Whitehouse, come in warning there'd again be San Bernardino type, incubations, didn't we then May love,  knowing, equally know despite all efforts where this, domestic bio weapon was going and how extinction level? I been reconsidering you getting assassin's creed right before Biden assassinated a Syrian leader, predicted Japan's ex prime minister, A'be killed, with others being threaten. I can't tell you how much that pressed on my heart but so grand, grand did UK's Boris Johnson resigning, I know good for him, no more travel bans, knowing where WATCH! RUN! LIVE! But I feel with his lost Americans just lost insider intelligence, of political truth telling. You said it May love, you said leader's would be targeted by their own people, they seeing their world imploding all around them, well their leaders are pushing campaigns of going on like Americans, California Dreaming, actually these stay put incentives, their, surely the people's annihilation to extinction. What is, tell me that's, wait are, I'm out shopping, no you're not, I am May, I know I'm not, wait, you have apps for that. Plus your tags have that handicap decal, you and I know grand, not only a last of the year, beginning of the year, a building,  even a pharmacy left in splitterings, showed the shop sign thrown down. You and I know the morning of auntie's burial, we were possibly told her, well there, Memphians, Trumpians to Americans Dec 23 2021, beast, stalker killer, possibly targeted women drivers with handicap decals. I had to do it May love, I had to do this one thing, you know they're away at that boy's funeral, who like his mom also died according to one of my dream, those commanded reapers targeting procrastinators, one strike the heart. Just get back safe grand, well, I was thinking none of flashlight had batteries and guess what, the lights went out hours later, didn't last though, I see grand, I gotta go, blessed day, sweet sleep. You know May, after that funeral, before I left Memphis, what? Near six months now, I dreamed about both Terrance and Colin, that gladiator, arena and we, its spectators all around. So, like paying and buying tickets, to see them fight out the indecisive, tug of war of what's to be done about their now, murdered mom. You didn't tell me that, yeah, I even remember the ticket booth, somebody grand Caden knew, possibly family, making a beyond seriousness, as your aunt's murder, like fun and games. If you think May, that's what a gladiator does, they engage in a fight to the death as public entertainment; Americans go on pro-gaming, AMERICAN DREAMING THEY call it, upon the corpses of near a million Covid dead, see Rev,9 f for what happens next. Next I know, I, well their described Pat-Brad Pitt, niece, frighten terribly, she'd left her Alzheimer's mom, outside on the back porch, and she was now walking around Memphis Peabody to Highland Park area lost. Like instantly she got word to those spalding brothers, they too cared and ran off after her, when a great quaking hit May, possibly that 10.2 New Madrid, and said Pat-Brad, SHILOH niece felled. This is when the baby she was holding, she, we May, didn't even know she was holding, they both felled into a puddle, but particularly the baby got mud all over its face. You know what mud on, in your face indicate? Showing this person up, they been proven wrong, you May, actually by many its witnesses, been proven right, but I was wondering, why this innocent baby? Until May, just a day past, I remember this is an up close, lingering, seducing spirit, disguised as an innocent. Some years ago, I'm in this demo, I'm doing everything for this child, loving this child, treasuring, this child was everything. When soon, I hear, and love quote, "why are you caring for this child, its supposed to be dead?" Totally shocking, devastating, I'm totally confused, until May love, I begin to see a more mature version of myself, only I'm weak, I'm frail, dying and for as long as I care after this child. Apparently, which in reality is a type of apostasy, as transgressions does May, keeping me from GOD and God from me, therefore keeping me, well us from growing into a type of Holy, Sanctified Jesus, THE CHRIST! You know grand, grand you're describing the same niece, THEY just used to reaffirm, Memphians aren't just in but like sin cities Sodom and Gomorrah, they've been given up to an undefeatable spiritual warfare; that one niece they just showed Jan 2022 during a pending funeral repast, they just had for Terrance, July 9, 2022, a day past, has a pet serpent with a fetish for children, then while the floorboards are erupting up and now a beleaguering, seducing, spirit. Cleverly May love, a spiritual, physical to mental shape shifter, so it's not Memphians discouraging specialty niece from getting out, it's her, even them, guided by seducing spirits discouraging Memphians. So now May I know just what to do, good granny, I'm so late my reveals class can chastise me and threaten my demerit intake, go love, and as Holy Lords have really been encouraging last year into this one, even showing a build up of rescuers, saying we're in triple great tribulations, PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!" Why? Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious during Prophet Ezekiel day, still harden to frighten, even Rev 17/18 AODHF, "the Lord seeth us not, the LORD is ascended from the earth, Miraculously until when a winged SUNLIGHT of GOD, Chernobyl spring 1986 to 1992/1993, AD bought me too, into THEIR 92/93 AD Revelations, He first of all hand me off to a 586 BC/593 BC, Elder Ezekiel, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM

You Tube, In2thinair, WARNING, Scientist Early Warning Of Major Earthwide For Eastern Half Of The United States Canada & Puerto Rico;

PS HASHTAG EXCRETA, JULY 11, 2022, Know in near two weeks we're revisiting for six years THEY assuring me ({Feb 12-29 2015}) JESUS IS ON HIS WAY HERE, then, thrice, only Obama's White House ({July 27 2016}), we actually witnessed as Zech 14/Rev 19 Jesus Millennium descend. Although that's near too miraculous to conceive not only did we witness the earth was littered with the dead, Frightnight to Anubis Undertakers all around,  revisted were since Bush's Whitehouse, US/West Rule death tolls, 5% into 15%; until near a year ago, there's a hand literally writing, calculating its July 27 28, 2021, these tolls as Britain 25 million, Canada's 25 million, totaling 100 million when you add America's 50 million in losses; marvel not After THEY Oct 7, 2021 warn of Triple Great Tribulations, Rev 3 Jesus come Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 just saying, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, 


According to showing HIMSELF star warring alongside Archangel Michael THEM, August 5, 2021, the taking back of planet, Jesus Millennium to the meek hath reign, both Rev 11/Rev 17 PUPPETEERING AODHF has then forewarn for many millennia, HE'S IN CHARGE! With Rev 3, Dec 5 2021 JCOR come saying WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb The RAM Youtube Perry Stone, WHY IS ALL HELL BREAKING LOOSE? (ALL HELL BREAKING LOOSE, A CALCULATED 3 MILLION TO DIE A DAY TO REACH A TWO QUARTER THIS EARTH'S INHERIT IN LOSSES, BY JESUS REIGNING MILLENNIUM, OCT 17 2028; until we've gone from star warring ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM; to standing over sleeping beds anxious, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, to circling the bride's chariot all around us, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM; until Perry i just had a line upon line, neverending line of injured to orphan children come to me, these evil days designed a Noah's Cousin, so not unlike those paired creatures come to Noah's Ark. Before I Perry, reconsidered Oct 1st 2021 predicted BIG ONES COMING, further on to predict a precise date of Oct 17 2021 revisited, 17 years prior, Oct 3 2004, forewarn TWO BIG ONES COMING; and Dec 24/25 2001, US/West Rule weight of blood, guiit, judgment sentence, would send them all skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet 190 months of an ebbing and flowing date Oct 17 2017, now these four years more, Oct 17 2021. Only, only, only, here adding again Oct 17 2021, Daniel 9:27, final SEVEN, DRAGON BEAST YEARS. I know, going on 9 months of these equally predicted triple great Tribulations, WW3/ WWIA/ WWZ! Understandably with those two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, killing westerners by the tens of millions, stampeding near a billion, in Brits Canadians and Americans, blessed Brexit, Briexit Blaexit, CROSSOVER into, decades now, task with their safe haven, a year in, (July 6 {2021}), described Ps 35/91/Rev 12, star warring Archangel Michael THEM, exile luxury, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, but, but, but first, there are Eze 9 type commanded reapers to Rev 9 type unleashed, Anubis' types also task with stampeding some into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! Knowing WHO, what, why, when, KNOWING WHERE, NOW, RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! You Tube, In2thinair, WARNING, Scientist Early Warning Of Major Earthwide For Eastern Half Of The United States Canada & Puerto Rico; PS HASHTAG EXCRETA, JULY 11, 2022, Know in near two weeks we're revisiting for six years THEY assuring me ({Feb 12-29 2015}) JESUS IS ON HIS WAY HERE, then, thrice, only Obama's White House ({July 27 2016}), we actually witnessed as Zech 14/Rev 19 describes, Jesus Millennium descend. Although that's near too miraculous to conceive not only did we witness the earth was littered with the dead, Frightnight to Anubis Undertakers all around, revisted were since Bush's Whitehouse, US/West Rule death tolls, 5% into 15%; until near a year ago, there's a hand literally writing along the foot of my prayer bed, calculating its July 27 28, 2021, these tolls as Britain 25 million, Canada's 25 million, totaling 100 million, when you add America's 50 million in losses; marvel not After THEY Oct 7, 2021 warn of Triple Great Tribulations, Rev 3 Jesus come Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 just saying, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more here,, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM


Inside a Uvalde Classroom: A Taunting Gunman and 78 Minutes of Terror (

Weeks prior, so many injured to orphan children visited me, some my own Grands, yes, I know what that indicate for their parents, grands. Again so many, until one was about needing a children's center, then that morning of, come a never-ending line of orphan children, and believe Apostle I Am, such in inflow, influx of injured to orphan children, was about something far more extinction level than US gun violence, to US Covid dead, AODHF!!

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...