Monday, August 1, 2022

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Aug 5 2022, Herring 99 bowls of molten lava; seeing a  hand write, 99 bowls of molten lava; seeing a hand write clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! HBOW Apb The RAM!

You all know, I saw today, Aug 5, until Sept 22 23 it was all no more, begin the apocalyptic cocktail, fiery doomsday, that ends West Rule, kills tens of millions, sending more than, a billion, the Northern Hemisphere a repatriation of Africas' Southwest Atlantic COASTAL CITIES? HBOW/Apb,

You Tube Two Preacher's The World Is Being Shaken,,vl (-Two Western world  systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, that's kinda Two Preacher's what I heard, frightnight after catastrophic events from Aug 5 into Sept 22 23,2019/2021, I heard like all that's left of our planet home, rightly until Jesus Millennium Reign is a shaky, shaky shelter!" HBOW/Apb

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, THE IS WAR! Missiles Launched,

-Exactly this time Aug 5 th 2019, with Rev 11, described AODHF, standing over sleeping beds anxious an EVIDENT revisit, its (Aug 5, {2021}),  but also showing HIMSELF star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN, just see here, Psalm 2;/Rev 20; Know, such a ginormity hit US/Western states, it send their two world systems, both religious and political fire-rocketing off the planet, the smoke of its burning rising up forever and forever! Now with an Asian Invasion pending on US soil and US House Speaker Pelosi making sure it's a surety, again such a perfect date ebbing and flowing three years, Aug 5, for such an extinction level event, those the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard MIGHTY ANGEL forewarn be just as aware as Hawaiians burning everything up into Memphians! I know, I know!

-Said Asian Invasion pending, two decades, revisted Jan 12 13 ({2015}), as a form of body snatching deal, again ASIAN INVASION, actually followed Arabs (Islam), making war on US soil, and God doesn't do partial fulfilments; (possibly those New York towers going down). Just know, since our leads are with an error Islam, we now know clearly this time last year, (July 27 28 {2021}) said error Islam/Trump's Abraham Accord is  aligned to 100 million Westerners deaths. 

- Just say, if you're a Westerner,  that's you and yours, except you WATCH! RUN TO LIVE, using that Kentucky, couple on suicide watch FOR-ER-VER, who watced their four babies drown to death; as what's meant by ({Nov 10/11, 2020}), example, procrastinating parents endanger children and except they repent, RUN, have to be dealt with, thus saith Jan 12 13 ,2018, Hawaii's missile morning,  Rev 2 Jesus! Whereas Dec 3, 4, 5 , 2021 Jesus THE CHRIST, when He say LIVE, HE'S talking the second, immortal, ETERNAL LIFE, only, only only, Jesus THE CHRIST IS. Further explaining blessed assurance, blessed are those in the first resurrection, also happening as I write and you read, SECOND DEATH ( death, Judgment, Hell, ETERNAL, THE MARK OF THE DRAGON BEAST),  Hath NO POWER!!

-Although FSS waking Aug 5 2022, THE DAY Of 190 YEARS IN TECH and 190 Million also went skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, hearing "strike out her name!" Knowing whosoever name is not written in the Lamb's Book of life are cast into a late which burns with fire; oh, that's FOR-ER-VER. Then I'm thinking there's the LAMB'S BOOK, school name roll call, a May 22, 2022, neverending line up of your injured, orphan school children, just answered;; only waking since July 31 2022,  hearing "WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!" there's the page of names I saw torn out;  there's ARCHANGEL MICHAEL now has a list, his own. Frightnight a few months back THEY laid a book of remembrance at the foot of this bed, but that could be all the complied obituaries, we being in and out of family funerals, repasses; frightnight,  with one to two pending mine, as I write. I guess y'all too, especially, well see what mass disasters are planned by Eze 5/9/Ben Affleck's Nov 11/21, 2021, same GOD OF WRATH, for same type, endangering,  procrastinators! HBOW/Apb The RAM.   

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Ordavis Cordell Neele Jr and Queen Bride Aryanna, Chandni Chowk 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Carius Kieran Olmes and Chelsea Sannai Hippa was born a son Damien Mahew Olmes, a son Duomo Mikel Olmes and a godson Diamond Michael Olmes, Hippa

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"Grand Sia, the Nov 10/11 2022 example, procrastinating parents endangering children; children Preecest Chasity, who're the future Royal Priesthood and those the authentic endangered species. Actually I believe what's that domestic evil revealed during the Nov 10/11 2020, is what Eze 5 Barber chair, Ben Affleck' upon arrival meant when he warn there'd been one failed attempt to that something nefarious about who tried to launch WW3, slash WW Ad Astra to Interstellar Armageddon, slash Brad Pitt referenced WWZ? Right, right Ben Affleck's, Sums Of All Fears, movie plot, exactly me sure Goher and welcome to reveals class." When I come into the demo, my first three children were only babies, worrisome at that, the hubby and I were trying to get busy, and it was very apparent, they aren't having it. Things progressed he's soon out the door working on getting our car road ready, again understand readying here were all my Memphis relatives. The kids and I moving, packing all about, one say, Momma, someone's here for you, I look out and see sparkling Red Huge monster trucks are arriving this escape. Understand, this is the same, my grand, grand Memphis Highland street, the Dec 23 2021 little boy asked as a favor to him, bring him, them water. So I knew the predicted Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era was here, one of our Ryan Hall just explain as four, simultaneous 500 to 1000 year storms and impossible, with a barrage of more of the same. I once said you can judge how APOCALYPTIC THE FIRESTORM by how APOCALYPTIC THE RAINSTORM. A choice, I warn when commanded to be destroyed as Wisconsin had been, only by an asteroid, the gulf coast. Especially Louisiana was getting hit back to back by hurricane building some thousands of miles away, another mind blower for US meteorologist. Next I know, the Nov 10, 2020 Highland street Dream, I'm the front of the house, I can see my aunt sitting ready to go, the designed by granddad, who in grand, grand demos is a Rev 17:14 type Lamb of God, Jesus Husband, DELIVERER, this get out of Memphis, blue sixies Ford. Truly Africas' Juttah, having no ideal, though there were tossed in flags, it was warning she'd soon be murdered. Something, the same Dec 23, 2021, about a stalker killer Beast, killing by day, hiding underground by night, and since I've visited the Anubis' underground plenty, I don't think THEY' meant just any underground  Anyway my aunt began talking to me from there, again remember it's like all my various Memphians are here, we're all getting autos road ready to leave Memphis the only, the ONLY reason HUGE sparkling Red Monster trucks can come and assist, finally we're all ready. No doubt Grand Sia Aunt a dream. I read the text, you thinking the last funeral could've been a double if the May 22 little Miya hadn't made sure one got lost. There come warning Memphis grands about having Memphis relatives work on autos not for getting road ready to escape Memphis, why you think your now murdered sister, first born son was dead and possibly grand Sia just as witnessed as if Eze 9 reapers one strike the telling heart! You saying the act of divine intervention here was making sure another brother cousin get lost; the favor the highlight little boy was asking a return favor, I'm waiting someone his house to guide me, cause I'm lost, stalking this killer beast, jumping from high places, I'm completely turn around, but as my brother cousin, getting lost saving his life's soul for now. Ah, right, all Memphis Carter, this is only a dream, not in trouble, Dae, Dae right, quiet Memphis man! Sitting ready, this specialty car, aunt says something odd, if only you'd kept, naming a baby sitter, yard this well, soon hinting she had a prize in her trunk for me, but not yet, like I'd not earn it yet. Next the hubby, children and I had arrived home from a family outing, only as soon as our feet hit the porch, we could sense clearly some evil, trusted device, had infiltrated the house and not just ours, all the houses. Undoubtedly further explaining why we're all road ready, and just in time, mighty deluge was coming, as portrayed then by huge, rescuing, red monster trucks to the rescue; and Jan 19/20 2022, turning on a street seeing nothing but a line of Dump Trucks coming and going! Grand, grand, Grand Sia since confirmed, one of the last things they did, before grand, grand dad come too ill, was yard work, yes, with the person who killed your aunt owning to working for a lawn company, ah God, see, I know that, we, the Nextus Juttah El Shaddai man didn't know that.  So what was the trunk surprise you think, and this other aunt mentioned is she in danger; the stalker beast taking refuge underground, could it be that arrow launching Anubis being used as a bringer of death, curse of death, Egypt's tenth plague? I did El Eli son only as recent as a few days past reconsider that. Seeing the car trunk offer, that was no different than Satan offering Jesus THE WORLD, He already owe and detest except they all REPENT, if HE, Jesus THE CHRIST, would forfeit the souls of us all. This car trunk offer, that did come that mother's day 2020 was from a Memphis Uncle Pastor and  his Churchians followers. When, just as I and a second cousin, with an uncle Abraham's daughter, so another cousin, waiting us on top, she and I, who'd been warring in the Anubis underground made this exit. What grand Sia did he offer, that could compare to the temptation of Christ and do you think that's the same prize awaiting you, your aunt's trunk? Well there goes our sent home inquiry, assignment, no doubt Paula love. In real time, mesure Goher, since my aunt was killed by bullets tearing through her car, I doubt we'd ever know what's actually in her trunk, though here's the take home inquiry, in the spirit world, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, we now know her sitting the blue, sixties, get away Ford, know she's now in the Holy Spirit world, that she's now in the knowing. So what do you believe a knowing aunt Memphian car trunk offer is and what must I do it's earning? You are dismissed, blessed day, sweet sleep, and let's thank mesure Goher for his time with us, how about lunch mesure Goher, I'd love it Sia Maaseiah Adonai, just love it. Woe to school buses?" Sia Maaseiah Adonai, The Holy God of Wrath, who at the commanding, all School finished, just use a daily pandemic, to shut down schools and education centers worldwide. Seeing for thousands and thousands of miles burnt, scorched autos and motorists, am I supposed to assume, me sure Goher, not any of them, were schools to school buses? Revelation 2 Jesus doing Apostle John timeline promise except parents repent of Genesis Marriage abominations, HE would take their children by a mass dieoff ascension Revelation 2 Jesus by Sia Maaseiah Adonai timeline just showed the taking of the children by a mass die off Ascension this line up line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children, come to me like a school office nurse to official, truly that's all for today, forgive me that I'm running, I will make it up, I promise, blessed day sweet sleep, Me sure Goher? Right with you, running Sia Maaseiah Adonai as well." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious during Prophet Ezekiel day, still harden to frighten, even Rev 17/18 AODHF, saying I see your sins, they've reached unto me! "The Lord seeth us not, the LORD is ascended from the earth. Miraculously until when a winged SUNLIGHT of GOD, Chernobyl spring 1986 to 1992/1993, AD bought me too, into THEIR 92/93 AD Revelations, He first of all hand me off to a 586 BC/593 BC, Elder Ezekiel, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, to be continued here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Aug 2, Apocalyptic 2022, comments taken from, You Tube, Full Spectrum Survivor, THINGS justJUST BLEW UP, PELOSI IN PERIL, PROOF OF US NAVY INTO TAIWAN!; see also here,; there's even an image of your African elephants Of staying unaware, Stampeding a ginormity that happened to Hawaii, YELLOWSTONE and what's the secret of Memphis? Possibly this same ginormity happening to earthquake, New Madrid/Mighty Mississippi!

-Marvel not equally, once paying direct attention FSS is keeping us abreast from behind a steering wheel. Only just now gave me a deja vu feeling of the Oct 21, 2021 Brad Pitt; pending WW3/WWIAI/WWZ, flash-forward scenario. How they're positioned, hardly any difference, only he's Brad Pitt, stranded in tons of traffic, on his cellphone phone, talking to me. Just as instantaneously I wake totally flabbergasted, like remembering an impossible event that hasn't happened! I know, I know, HBOW, Apb

Article, NTEB, Comic Books And Hollywood Have Been Preparing You For The Return Of The Gods In The Soon-Coming Days Of Noah

Seeing Jan 19/20 2022 The Huge Word CANCELLED, Stamped On All Game Play, All Playing Around, Including Child's Play, And the Doing It ALL  Recently murdered Memphis Sister! 

Since GEOFFORY they've mocked both Ben Affleck's ARMAGEDDON and Batman VS Superman as an Eze 5 Barber chair, Nov 11 and Nov 21 2021; I know you right, Angelina Jolie and kids ETERNALS, red carpet premiere, was, you can say mocked days prior, by an unimaginable  Oct 11 2021 demo; see here,; eventually unveiling on this exact date a US Submarine member was caught trying to sell this US tech to the Taliban. Anyway, the demo opened, I'm looking out the front door here, I see dressed in camouflage, men with rifles growing in the trees, this building, encroaching guerrilla war!

-Soon I hear, look and pouring down this stunning staircase are running, jeering, Brad Pitt/Jolie kids, instead inundated with Marvel and DC characters, thinking waiting them outside are playful games of paint balls to laser tags. I stop them at the door, call up to my son, when their dad, Brad Pitt' comes down, open and look out the door, I imagine see what I see. Only while he's seeing this encroaching WW3/WWIA/WWZ! I'm seeing there's a huge, muscular Angel standing guard, wearing a more stylish, updated, shiny, bluish, green, camouflage, waistband jacket. 

-Next I know we're all a hotel, with joining rooms, and its like we're sitting on top of massive, grid lock traffic. Soon Brad Pitt, his laundry done, again like a son, comes through the connected door with a basket of my dirty laundry. You have to remember, taking the attention of all forms of breaking news is this hunt for this guy, name Laundry; so here no doubt portraying we all at one time or another got dirty laundry, this is why we either have or need Jesus, THE CHRIST 

-Here's but a glance into their room, there's Brad Pitt, I realized recently the female with him is showing her age, Angelina Jolie and there's a bitter-some sweet advisor with them. The door again slightly closed, the last I hear is, "that's because she should've been on the 57th!" Honestly, for some reason to me it references the US military, even a submarine, actually revisiting years back getting, The Hunt For Red October: with Oct 17 for 21 years Dec 24/25 2001, predicted as the day America, The Americas and West Rule fire-rockets off the planet; revisited (Oct 17 2021) as when Daniel 9:27 clock, ticking down the last fiery doomsday apocalyptic 7 years, before Jesus Millennium descent, and I wake! HBOW/Apb The RAM.  

PS, Hashtag Excreta Nuclear Aug 1st Apocalyptic 2022

I Wake from hearings, warnings Oct 17, 2018, about courting and flirting with Keanu Reeves Movies; at the time I'm thinking his Johnny Neumonic,( In this film, Johnny (Keanu Reeves) is a data courier who has a secret stash of information implanted into his mind;. Reeves, The Matrix, (depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, and of course, then pending, Reeves, Replica, William Foster is a brilliant neuroscientist who loses his wife, son and two daughters in a tragic car accident. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, William comes up with a daring and unprecedented plan to download their memories and clone their bodies. What they all have in common, the genocide of the Genesis man, marriage, no more God's Will be done, but highly technical mankind; there's Reeves John Wick, (When sadistic mobster Iosef Tarasov (Alfie Allen) and his thugs steal John's prized car and kill the puppy that was a last gift from his wife, John unleashes the remorseless killing machine within and seeks vengeance). 

I never really considered, Reeves unimaginably violent John Wick, but since Dec 23, 2021 and there's shown a seducing, possessive spirit, a monstrous beast, that stalks and kills by day and hide under ground by night; shown ebbing and flowing five years, Jan 12, 13 2022, comes a warning unleased even more, is a plethora of spirits seducing many to commit monstrous, murdering acts.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear August 6, Apocalyptic 2022

See more here, Daniel 4, a counting down since October 17 2028/2029/ madness curse, fast and furious Ludacris contagious and spreading, marvel not US Pelosi, Insanity Right now. TThere'sxplaining, how seeing the down on all fours, Memphians crossover into US Georgia's Coast, reference, EXTREME PENANCE by EXTREME, EXTREME trials and tribulations, 

Article, China halts military and climate ties with U.S. and sanctions Pelosi in fury over Taiwan visit,

See here, Psalm 2/Rev 11 thru 19,

-Beyond Miraculous Is, By the Time Grand Caden, this time, 2021, come telling me, he'd just been visited by Archangel Michael standing over His bed, anxious to snatch him out; I'd also been THEIR visit, moments prior, but it wasn't just Archangel Michael THEM. Surrealistically, using descriptRev 11, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, the first I'd Called ELOHIM, AODHF. Right here, this bedroom, not only Shown to be with THEM, but showing HIMSELF star warring alongside THEM, the taking back of Planet Earth!

-HE, Jer 37/Eze 38 39, Dan 7-12, Rev 12/17/2/18, ELO-HIM, as of gathering nuclear nations together, and they all GLADLY come bringing fire. Plainly with help to rid the planet of America, THE AMERICAS, WEST RULE, I Know, they thinking, all for themselves, ANTI-CHRIST, genocider efforts their own only prophetically, JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN, COME, IMPACTING, AS A GAMA RAY BURST, HIMSELF!

-They visited Prophet Ezekiel, Daniel likewise, Archangel, Trump of God, Angel Gabriel, THEY allying one described The Man In Linen. Just you remember He visited too, the Hemingway House, well, actually HIS Linen clean garment was seen blowing in the wind of his speed; soon come at the Head of my bed, a harvester, with gleaming tool, a day or so later. I explained, moreso days later I swept up lots of salt where HIS FEET had tread. 

-Such the extraordinary, prompted us Grand Caden, daylight (March 13, {2022}), to go outside and look where ARCHANGEL, circling the Bride's Chariot all around, had been just past midnight. Just as so, looking for said evidence, only references to a Red Bull Market, how many would, lose their shirts, to doggone shit. Thinking that boy, has no ideal, not only at the same time, he's seeing Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around.

Frightnight to Rev 9 type, Anubis mummifiers, undertakers, really want your children, such timing, not only did I see a breaking news report about a ten plus quake, New Madrid/MEMPHIS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER, no doubt. Though, though, here it was a little past midnight, four years the March 13 2022, revisiting the authentic African American exodus, shown to be evident, the trans Atlantic slave trade in reversal. Those reading here and loaded from rims, trunks to top, every brand of auto Elon Musk, ever made, pouring into Archangel Michael THEM, safe-zone, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST. 

-THEY eventually explaining to Prophet Daniel, THEY, these phenomonal acts of intervention, is because He's so GREATLY BELOVED.  I know, I know, but since my 2013 Daniel's 21 day fast, death, resurrection, descent and They before releasing me back to my family, my grands, EXPLAINING THEY can't wait to be down here where I am. WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? APOCALYPTIC 2001, DEC 3, HE SAID, WATCH! DEC 3, HE SAID RUN! DEC 5, HE, AS MST 24 JESUS AND REV 18 HGOW, SAID RUNNNNNNNNN! 
I know, I know, that's kinda, for when DOOMSDAY APOCALYPSE, Hawaii began to blow, (Jan 12 13 2018/Aug 5/7/31 2022), Rev 2 Jesus, asking me would, apparently surrounded by THEM, ALL,

Inconceivable, HIS inquiry, would Angels also ascend? I guess THEY did, as into second heaven intercessions, anyway, but first there's securing, crossing over stampeding to THEM, Tribulation Saints, and ascending, Holy, Bride Saints, THEY go skyrocketing, simultaneously as WEST RULE goes fire-rocketing. Get It Russia, CHINA, even North Korea, there's no more, America, THE AMERICAS to WEST RULE, insane as their US  leaders, settlement, only the smoke of its burning rising up forever and forever, a West Coast to Atlantic coast, to THE AMERICA'S, boiling to bubbling with molten lava, impact crater of 101 Yellowstone eruptions, we know! AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...