Thursday, September 22, 2022

Son’s Of The Phoenix 03/18/2010, STRIKE OUT HER NAME!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear September 22, Apocalyptic 2022, know even Nov 11/21, (2021), Ben Affleck's Eze 5 Barber Chair, Reveal ended with An Armageddon, YELLOWSTONEF Only Followed By A Yet Unprecedented, Atmospheric, ( Troublesome, Hunga Tonga Eruption! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Youtube Dutchsinse, SESIMIC UNREST, Large Earthquake Unrest Taking place, (USA Trump', Predicted His everything followed by sudden destruction, marvel not his May 15 2020 early opening is marred by over a Million US Covid Dead, I Heard his October 17, 2018, both 10.2 earthquake, (I'm thinking now Imminent, New Madrid/MISSISSIPPIAN RIVER) Frightnight followed by breaking news, "Major, Major Earthquake, West Pacific Canada," He standing atop, all areas US Map, Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL, saith, beware! HBOW/Apb The RAM

A hand writing,  July 27 28 (202),, calculating, that's 25 million BRITAIN losses, 25 Million Canadians loses, totalling, that's one Hundred Million Westerners Lost, then you wake up! HBOW/Apb

Woke Feb 12 13, 2022, saying DUD in Dutch, meaning, instantly I'm reminded of that genocider Mystery (Babylon), disguised as  those two world systems, Aug 5, presently skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet;  by its 7th, it's a handwriting clumsily, Escape Yellowstone; by it 30/ 31st, there's breaking news, "AFTER 101 Yellowstomes Eruptions." Clearly, we're on into presently TIME DONE LAPSED, By Memphis New Madrid, the OBAMA'S Sept 3, 2020 campaigning, Biden's Whitehouse

-Surrealistically, here's the APOCALYPTIC aftermath that just send two world systems off the planet, 190 years in tech; the sky is crystalizing, breaking and missiling down; when by its 13, ANGELIC HOST, calling down from heaven, THEY'RE declaring planet earth home, a shaky, shaky shelter, there's a mystery woman, it's maze of sin, also offering up mansions in heaven; while ebbing and flowing 7 years today, Sept 22 ,23, 2022, THEY'VE demonstrsted a Bride's Chariot liftoff, designed The BETA,.F

-Frightnight with an army of Anubis Demon Dogs all around; HOLY CHURCH BRIDE, THEY'RE escaping through a barrage of falling stars, to space junk, could be Elon Musk, satellites, fret not, all by then, faithful, stampeding Tribulation Saints by the hundreds of millions are shown crossed over from US Georgia's Atlantic COAST,  from The Americas, Atlantic Basin into SAFEHAVEN Africa's Southwest Atlantic. Marvel not that May 22 2022, line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children come was followed July 27, 28 2022,  by the  surreal warning, also down from heaven, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES, Satanic Demonic ALIEN APOCALYSE, here, AODHF/JCORR,HBOW Apb The RAM

Hearing Down From Heaven,FRET NOT THYSELF! Over Twenty Years Now, The Earth Just Seem To Open Up And A Death Rider Just Leaped Out!

Eruptions and FEMA Where The Warning Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel, USA Trump's Reopening May 15  2020! Until by May 2021 we have a Million COVID DEAD and a buld up of both dump trucks, rescuing MONSTER trucks and a build up of rescuers!

-First, I worried for days about warning you about that New Madrid Memphis, Mississippi River catastrophic event.
Frightnight, after they mocked our March 2022  packing,, as having a Yellowstone eruption on our heels; possibly the word APOCALYPTIC now in Red Alert Mode. I woke last morning  Seot 21 again hearing this year 2022 alone, YELLOWSTONE; woke, this morning, Sept 22, THE DAY OF, Dutchsinse, hearing, ORANGE ALERT, stumbled upon, well saw that you'd posted a new video put it on pause.
Well see at the exact time I was researching this, WARNING / ORANGE. Major volcanic eruption is imminent, underway, or suspected but it poses limited hazards to aviation because of no or minor volcanic-ash emissions ; remember like Revelation Book John I've seen mountains melting, the heavens roll back like a king Zedekiah, US/Westerner lead, Boris Johnson the exception, the sky is as a burning, forewarning scroll; knowing where NOW! RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN HBOW Apb The RAM, see entire prophetic parable here,

These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Josef Henry Aleksouvzn and Queen Bride, Remedy Keiran Kitts 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986 2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Holmstrom Calid McCall  and Adelsobln, Caliis, Russel was born a son Hamilton O'Reilly McCall, a god- daughter Amateur Kaithl McCall, a goddaughter Mercedes Roselle McCall and a godsin Couture Orion McCall, Russel

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts


Son’s Of The Phoenix 03/18/2010

     “Desrek, backing away with nervous hands slipped into his pockets, could Soledad always depend on his big brother, “you found us I see. What is going on? I mean with Kassel being half crazy that her husband haven’t been home in two nights, I know,” again as an anxious one peering off, away uneasily a witness of temporal roommate Adrian looking in on them both. “Look I had the most, I don’t know, the most disturbing dream, like you Desrek I have lots of dreams, but this, this was beyond anything. I was standing in an open field,” as one easing into a seat, did an attentive Desrek Allum as well sit, arm, by arm remove his jacket. “Even a wilderness, suddenly the sky above begin to freeze over and just as it froze over, it began breaking apart with huge jagged and shard like parts of it crashing to the earth, I mean destroying Desrek all people and places in its path. Truly nothing on the earth was safe, shortly I realized it wasn’t just ice, but it was crystal, the heavens above had turn crystal and it was all breaking apart and colliding with the earth, making everything and everybody at panic.  It was the craziest thing ever and terribly disturbing, ...crystal, that’s a metaphor, crystal skies, what do people mean Sole when they use the phrase “Crystal Skies? I don’t know, ah, beautiful, sunny, safe and even peaceful. Though Desrek man, that wasn’t all, I just as soon began to see two giant beast, they were crystal as well, it was even as though they were responsible for the crystal skies falling and booming largely to the earth and man. That could be so but you have to remember they, these demonic creatures don’t want to be revealed, so he causing this sky-shattering annihilation has to be God, I mean you are Sole talking about a mankind who in ways quite calamitous obscure that evil with that which is divine, exclaiming evil as good. One of them, one of these beast Desrek had this huge mouth, almost like an alligator and the other remind me, remember the last Godzilla movie they made? Well this second beast look like him and as I said it was so terrifying I began to run, you know like all the others, ...well did they, these beast give chase? No, they were always in the sky, the heavens, never on the earth. My God Desrek man,” a nervous one at running his fingers through his hair along a stand, disturbingly away, “what could something like that even mean? My god in heaven, well Sole, crystal skies as a metaphor mean all you just said, but justly so does it represent a false sense of security, which is why we’re forewarn not to let the sunshine fool us, though it appear so, everything isn’t alright. As well as you was describing these things to me I was reminded of the war in heaven, when Michael shall fight and his angels, as so Lucifer and his armies, with Satan and his failing, and he, the red dragon, drew a third of the stars (angels), with him. Fall, as in down to the earth, bringing their high places to nothing, surely that will bring an end to crystal skies, to this fake calm and praise God for it, as it deludes the people the more. Remember what that strong voice in heaven said, woe, as in great sorrow to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for now he, Satan cometh down to you, and have great wrath, because Sole he know he have but a short time left, so you’re just getting a look at all of this in the spirit world, …man Desrek, that all sound so horrifying. Look I don’t know what this have to do with anything, but just last night I got as a forewarning, the word Phoenix, I heard it twice. So when I researched it, what I discovered mostly is the Phoenix is a mythological bird, one dating back to ancient Egypt where it lived in what was once it’s capital, Heliopolis. It’s considered to be a fire spirit, again a mythological bird, the only one of its kind that lives five hundred years. Though this Sole is the most interesting, when it must die, it builds a nest of frankincense, myrrh and other spices, that after its selective collection it set it’s nest ablaze with itself in it. Hence, dying a horrible, unthinkable death, it’s then said, as the flesh decays it produces a sort of worm which eventually create itself into another Phoenix bird from which it passes from the land of Arabia to Egypt to as well live five hundred to a thousand years. What’s even more amazing about this mythological bird is like the Dragon, every nation of faith Sole has a form of belief or ritual concerning this bird, Egypt, Russia, China, even the Catholic Church, putting it in comparison with the Christ of God death and resurrection, which is abominable I know. Especially Lebanon Beirut, since they are descendants of the Phoenicians they often claim themselves to be Sons Of The Phoenix. I tell you Sole, the more I read this, the more I was reminded of Mystery Babylon’s fate, how she will most of all burn to ashes, only it will not again be made new. What did John say he saw? A New Jerusalem, A New Heaven and a New Earth, no once Mystery Babylon, all world nations and kingdoms fall, from its ashes will not emerge another man made kingdom, but God, the Ancient of Days Kingdom alone is to reign, it’s what’s being celebrated doing the sounding of the Rev 11, seventh angel. This is what John meant when he declared, Five Are Fallen, and is another example of God’s reign over mankind, rigorously John meant Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo Persia, Grecian had all fallen, and one is, he was talking about the Roman Empire of his day, and now Mystery Babylon, The Roman Empire most diverse section. Then he said and one haven’t yet come, and when it come it shall remain a shall space, he was talking about the ten heads, those end times nations of the which now occupy the territories of Assyria, Greece and the Roman Empire, an end time conglomerate referred to as the New World Order. This seventh kingdom will reign exactly 42 months, that’s three and a half years, then this little horn rising out of the ten heads, will defeat three of them, some say, Egypt, Greece and Turkey, and reign as head of the remaining seven, whose reign will as well be exactly 42 months, no more or less. Hey you guys, Desrek," having listen to them as one having itching ears, at getting in on the conversation, "this is really interesting stuff, so could the two beast Sole saw be those beast as described in Rev 13, 14 chapters? I mean in the spirit world, I guess that could be so, as their reign, the Antichrist and the false prophet will as well bring as end to this crystal sky scenario, and crystal, doesn’t it as well represent clarity, as in a reveal? Yeah, yeah that’s also true, good sight there Adrian man, …this Antichrist will set himself to destroy the holy people and Christ’s testimonial from the face of the earth, yeah remember May said she heard a voice say the antichrist will kill millions as millions go broke, there is Sole another such prophecy, of hers, a voice declaring, God said he will kill millions, the he here she believed meant He, the anti-Christ, will kill millions, but could as well Sole mean, He, as in God's Winepress of judgment, rev 14, avenging  martyred blood, said to be 175 miles of it. Now the wife, Kassle? Ah man these things I shared with you were getting to me so, I just had to get out, you can’t Sole keep running from Kassle, she’s your wife now, you gonna have to confide in her, like you do Kiefer right? Look just don’t assume she won’t understand and support you, you mean like Andre does Hain? Heck I wish you and I both could be that blessed you know, I know, I know you’re right, so I can give you a ride home? Yeah, let me just get my things, hey Adrian man I’m gonna go, you sure? Yeah, look why don’t we all do something this weekend, Kassel, Hain and Andre as well, theater and dinner, yeah Sole man that sound good, see you then, look tell Amirah I said thanks. The fall of Mystery Babylon huh? Yeah it’s called that because all nations, people and tongues fallen from God’s grace look through a mirror darkly, that’s the mystery, which veil, which shroud Adrian is taken away only in Christ Jesus. The authentic Adam, the authentic tower of babel, we are not our own, never have been never will be, that too is a vast, even strong illusion cursed upon mankind until Jesus feet as predicted, promised again sat atop Mount Olivet.”     >>>"
My sister grand Sia, commy me,  come from work with a bedazzling story, seems this offer, she's in US Georgia still, this offer 100 dollar to any taker, in return for getting Covid vaccinated. Presuming until those funds run out, run amok the traffic , into a raging jam, tortured and terrified her, until one of the said 80 plus keeping the peace officers had to play her escort, and not only that, she arrived to work having a prayer section for her. Wow, wow, all blessed assurance no doubt Preece Trinidad, to have co-workers who believe in prayer, alone, yes , yes Grand Sia, that's what I told her,  even how it all reminded of your back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal. One its Rite Aid counter slammed out the dour and around, but this other, only waiting on you, this stalk reminder Grand Sia, procrastinating, endangering westerners where about to die by the tens of millions, so staggering. Grand Sia mom, the secret of Memphis, you just predicted as a New Madrid Memphis Mississippi River, EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT, but, well you also know you also hinted said extinction flood event could act as an extinguisher  the roaring, raging along the North American Craton, non-stop, Apocalyptic Firestorm, again is this Mississippi River unprecedented flooding saving hundreds of millions to a billion or more in flight? Grand Sia mom? seeing she"s to peer off a bit, "I hear you dear son," notedly something out that door getting her attention,. "Those things past, Nextus El Shaddai,' still yet to attend them fully, "those things which are and those things which should ,be all presently happening simultaneously, marvel not the getting of reveals in reverse, even the running, speeding backward man. " You're all to excuse me," Yet with great concern, this dramatic rubber necking out that door, " talk of these things among yourselves, I won't be long.. Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have, but they see not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their many stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb, see More here, error, and here,


Mocked with a fireball impact (May 31 2021) Archangel Michael THEM hand down, out escape,  this area and both my procrastinating son's, now as Gen 15 Procrastinating Nephew Lot, So As Fireballs Are Raining Down While they're renovating a house right across the street, Oh the roses for my viewing they recklessly cut down, so surreal, it appears, they start growing on top of the house, again for my viewing. I  look our one day, not one but two Huge  dumpsters are out there and they're are wearing HUGE, Soaring, Red Phoenix Birds, Ironic I know, even coincidental, I know, HGOW/Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear SEPT BETA 22, APOCALYPTIC 2022

As Usual This Nuclear, Apocalyptic 2021 Alone  AGAIN AND AGAIN,There's Something Sept  BETA, 20, bout YELLOWSTONE; equally there's something Sept, BETA 21, bout a Volcanic Threat Of An Orange Alert...HBOW/Apb

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, EMERGENCY ALERT, IT JUST, EXPLODED,, 


-Marvel not, Sept 3 ,2022, seeing letters USA floating off the planet, taking the once trans Atlantic slave trade, trajectory; see more  of their (Dec 24/25, {2001}), handwrittibg of judgment, sentence here,  like Jer 37 8,  Dan 5/.Rev 17 18 all fulfilling on US/WESTERN soil, see also

Apostle I am just saying, the last too cool hot heads and drive warring US states to nations to end days Peace Accord,  Dan 9:27, THE ABRAHAM ACCORD; HGOW tossed in Coronavirus, STODD THE WORLD STILL!

-Surrealistically, we know, to follow WORLD FLOODING, world quaking domino, by world quaking domino, another GINORMITY is imminent,. For when there's a sudden SOLAR EVENT, there's a sudden deficit of 190 years; yeah I don't know bout you,  but Elon Musk and I think, that'd  bout do it. 

-Marvel not, that October 1 (2004), warning of two big ones coming; marvel not that Oct 3, (2021), warning, of two big ones coming, of the date, Oct 17; marvel not October 3 2022, those two big ones, come and by ebbing and flowing date, 21 years, Oct 17, nothing is left of AMERICA, of West Rule, but a fork in  Rev 20 described, sands of the sea; a predicted tens of millions dead, get It, get Jesus, get star warring Archangel Michael THEM, GET UP YONDER,  HBOW/Apb The RAM


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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...