Thursday, December 22, 2022

Phone Comments 64


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear Firestorm,  December 25, 2022, 

I explained Aug 24, 2022, marvel not all the weirdo things going at the predicted Euphrates River, before, I come into the demo, a Memphis niece, a MS St dear, family, friend and I, at the grocery store. Seemingly after our shopping is done, standing on the other said of the checkout is the same Memphis niece, the one waiting atop as I exited that Anubis underworld, with a grand niece, in toll, the same, niece whose house endured 11 bullet shots or more, none of the eight there, had a scratch. Looks like from here,  she's again all checked out, and all seems normal.

-Soon I too HAPPILY find myself all checked out, only, oddly holding the manger keys, this toll booth exchange  to charge,  only once I crossover, and the cashier is celebrating into the high ceiling, HE NOW HAS THOSE KEYS! I look back and horribly realize, in doing so, handing off those keys, I not only stranded the best friends but she's now trapped behind a line of millions again this GROCERY LINE and here ended this maze of revealing sin, of revealing, Rev 9 predicted, SATANIC DEMONIC and shown to be a hybrid between the two, ALIEN APOCALYPSE HERE! HBOW/Apb


-Except walking out of a reveal dressed like an Eskimo to Moscowian, there's nothing much to say, one of my grand Memphian lost a friend. Just as we all knew, ignoring urgent warnings, trying the US blizzard to equally predicted, coldest, apocalyptic CHRISTMAS of the century; American dreaming, Wishful, Positive thinking. I keep saying and saying, especially, after or on, a million or more US COVID DEAD AND DYING, "AND DYING," won't save from an also for MANY Millennia, HGOW, presently, regularly about a threaten mass dieoff, ascension of children, to bring their genocidal, endangering, overseers, religious, political, PARENTAL, to an AODHF who only HEARS HEART, SOUL FELT, REPENTANT PRAYERS! REPENT, RUN OR BOTH FIRST AND SECOND DEATH/DAMNATION HATH YOU! REPENT!, See its entire prophetic parable here,



WATCH! RUN! LIVE! THUS SAITH DEC 3, 4, 5, (2021), REV 3 JCOR...

-Question still, is it those growing young Rappers  18 to 20 years, shown with head wounds, to the Apocalyptic WINTERBORN, event I saw, warn Aug 24,, 2022!? Unquestionably an unprecedented Winter Come, FRIGHTNIGHT, leaving a reveal dressed like an Eskimo plus some, but still, ELE'S natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR to Cosmic ALL Impacting, US soil from its West Pacific to All around; I'm asking whose winter is it; anyway? What THEY show me, all named to described, Watcher ANGELS, GUARDIAN ANGELS, STAR WARRING ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM. 

US DIGS OUT OF STORM OF THE CENTURY; forewarn by me, after a maze of revealing sin, ebbing and flowing, date, Aug 24 2022;

-FRIGHTNIGHT, There's even ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, (AODHF), I've called HIM, since HE showed HIMSELF, Rev 11, version, STAR WARRING alongside Rev 12, Archangel Michael THEM. Despite how it all seems, FSS, all Nuclear friendenemies are puppeteered by Rev 17:17, AODHF, puppeteering, Ancient Dragon Beast, to take UK/BC and US cities and burn them with fire, revisited Jujy 27, 28 2022, as to leave 100 million westerners dead; RUN! YOU KNOW WHERE! 

-I admit, more and more in the form of extreme MOCKERY, but the amazing grace is doomsday by doomsday, for 30 plus CHERNOBYL springs, THEY showed me things. Though THEY rather you'd RUN during summer months, over 20 to 30 US states were just set up to suffer mightier than Buffalo, N.Y,  with -40 to -60 tempts forecast, that'd been hundreds of thousands to MILLIONS frozen to death, I guess that's AMAZING GRACE, also. HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, No, Yellowstone isn’t about to erupt, even after more magma was found,; ,(-So who you gonna believe mightily disillusioned them, A RESIGNING POPE to Jan 22-29, 2018 Rev 10, TIME DONE LAPSED, MIGHTY ANGEL? Plus, Rev 17, 7th ANGEL is with him and he's too bearing 7 JUDGMENT bowls; after they've this year alone mis predicted several Eruptions, like  Hunga Tonga to Hawaii Mouna Loa, if this response, predicted to go nuclear for decades now into this present hour to nano second; Just saying if this arrogant, to RECKLESS respond don't remind of Mat 24 Jesus explaining to inquiring disciples, the Apocalyptic Firestorm ending of human planet, by YELLOWSTONE TYPES, but first warn, let NO man, Religious, Political, to SCIENTIFIC, deceive you; these are APOCALYPTIC, ELE'S, that must be, HIS TO AODHF COME AND TAKE INFINITE REIGN! HBOW/Apb

These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Josef Henry Aleksouvzn and Queen Bride, Remedy Keiran Kitts 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986 2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Nevls Deshon Frances and Ceanna Donavin Barber was born a son Clancy Sennacherib Frances, a son Tennessy Aliah Frances and twin daughters Zyion, Shania and Ashish Nicola Frances, Barber

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"You can look it up, grand Sia heard TWO BOWLS after Semeru to Stromboli erupted, I must say, with enough power to stampede their resident; when predicted to go Nuclear MAUNA LOA  into YELLOWSTONE, NEW MADRID, didn't, and we all know why predicted Mauna Loa didn't. Plus I thought about that Mystery woman carrying more judgment bowls, only blacken, as in Volcanic, molten. Did y'all know there's a YELLOWSTONE Park Ranger literally predicting it's  about to blow; then with Hawaii's Mauna Loa, it's prelude, again eruptng, grand Sia mom been saying and saying! here's getting a Red Alert, Mark 17 and 7 as far back as Bush's WH. There's her reportedly getting 17, just last night, all premonitions to the ginormity MOUNA LOA, YELLOWSTONE, to  NEW MADRID, that follows Noah's Cousin massive deluges. When actually, Nevus man, these areas map should've cleared out ALL THE MORE, after hearing like Nov 7/8,"THE BUILDING OF HAWAII, INTO, but STAR WARRING AODHF/ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM are saying you won't do it( repent of Noah's Day Abominations); even if  to save millions of children. So you El, El said, hold that thought Cassius man, you all do know revisiting just last year, Dec 3, 4, 5 Rev 3, Jesus, saying RUN! This Dec 3, 4, 5, those specific volcanoes Semeru to stromblie actually did have people running, just as you said Cassius man but not endangered so catastrophically Americans to Westerners. Sorry, you were saying to El El. I was saying, well asking, so you know why Mauna Loa didn't erupt to stampede millions in souls all around? Actually we witnessed like something out of a King Kong movie, it's native worship the damn thing. Grand Sia mom said it, Cassius man, by the time she heard TIME DONE LAPSED, Mighty Angel say, beware, US/BC West Pacific was gone, there're no take backs with THEM, think, just think, how can the tens of millions of them stampede if they're all unimaginablly dead? And there was silence about the reveals table, will you stop doing that Bison man, jeez, it's freaky! Just saying, I think we can all agree, the death rider from beneath has been building  these DECADES into those predicted 101 YELLOWSTONES and a hand writing both 99 bowls of molten lava and writing clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! What don't especially Americans get, even their elephants of staying unaware, stampeded four years now! You do know Bishop man, with that inquiry you too just revisted for five years, Dec 3, 2017 the actual day of those Elephants STAMPEDING a Ginormity, that just happened to Mauna Loa to YELLOWSTONE to NEW MADRID? What the Jesus Christ, CROSS you say? Still haven't figured getting YELLOWSTONE  thrice, Nov 2021/March/April 2022, September 2022, I know each time was right before a Hunga Tonga eruption; whereas hearing TWO BOWLS, out of 99 bowls predicted was that before or after "the building of Hawaii into,"  before it's again predicted MAUNA LOA erupted; Marvel not DOOMSDAY, EARTHERS, your one car trunk most valuable asset, especially for MEMPHIS BRIDES, are running shoes!  Everybody, EVERYTHING, hold up, what you say Warhawk man, about 2017, stampedIng of elephants? Yes, its Dec 3, following Thanksgiving day, Rev 2 Jesus awarding that matrix tenth day countdown, wait, you're not saying it's first ever count was the Dec 3 of those stampedIng elephants and Nervs man in real time there's a tug of WW3 between Trump, now the Islamic, Israeli Abraham Accord, Nethanyue, Abbas and his mentioned 8 leads, grand Sia saying, Nethanyue and Abbas, making ten, yes the day Rev 3 Jesus warn, WATCH RUN LIVE, was all it. Just think Nervs man, with sudden destruction following his everything, Pres Trump, has served up the most important Dan 9:27 referenced documents, they're all being puppeteered to sign, of all 6 thousand years of biblical history to both divine and Apocalyptic fulfillment, as to sign the final extinction of humankind! Hey Nervs man, you okay, you're not being sick are you? I think so, aim going to my domicile, I'll catch you all later, what the hell El Shaddai man, you much know, all of you we're in the midst of holy Spirits and pop up reveals, there's no telling what its phenomona to come of it.

Look look look, El Mahaseiah, when mrmbb333 meantion reading those winter solstice charts, one Sept 21, that's when grand Sia heard, ORANGE ALERT and again Dec 21, do I have to tell anyone at this table or this reading center, the date of the predicted Mayan APOCALYPTSE? Presently all related to grand Sia  predicted Aug 24, 2022, Apocalyptic Winter, but whose she asked, natural/VOLCANIC, Nuclear SOLAR Cosmic?  Which was even more foreboding than the Prophecy itself Knowing she's PREDICTED for years, they're all come! Wait, wait, wait, how did your mom, also get a HUGE ENOUGH TO BLOCK OUT THE SKY IN PULSATING LETTERS, she say, THE SINGLE WORD HELP! Multi-colored letters, Preece Sultan, grand Sia mom, too realizes. I mean, we do El Mahaseiah know what that mean, an outbreak of emergency calls, again we know all this APOCALYTIC BLIZZARD, related; did you also know, a million in US's Eastern Seaboard without power, the coldest it's been ever, grand, grand, our escape from California cousin is there and with a newly born son. I'm not even gonna tell you how long ago they were warn by her this was coming and suggested they come to her, to Georgia's Coast, but too late now! I been meaning to ask why didn't you El Daedae, even you grand triplets go on the Nigerian Sabbatical, wedding extravaganza? Didn't you two Maipo man and Darius Mahaseiah, plan to marry? Really visually saddening to impairing him, it seems, he even moved to exit the table. To be honest, Preece Warhawk, grand Sia mom couldn't have it both ways, the loan of an Aqua Juttah and Africa's Juttah, grand triplets, plus don't forget our grand brother-in-law and sister, are the Juttah vows protected. Right right but its apparent, Darius Maipo, I told you not to, isn't, ISN'T in agreement." As my Darius, brother said, we're Juttah vowed married, but like we all Wait the Lamb of God wedding supper, EXTRAVAGANZA, we await its, settled kind, the African Juttah, but once it all settled, cleared and such marrying a Darius does elevate you to that status,I'm told anyway, right? I don't understand,are you in any way implying I'm marrying the woman I've Loved, since before the womb, yes some procreation a into predestination are before the womb, it's all for status when if we stand Warhawk man, we're heir to God's Kingdom, to Jesus, THE CHRIST, reigning Kings and Queen, honestly, we just want to a part of its extravagant, wedding extravaganza!" wow the way Miapo you just put all that, why again can't I called you Darius? Soon Miapo, shaking his head into a spreading about them, laughter, you're relentless Warhawk man, I mean my name is Warhawk, again they laughed, as in sparring for a fight. I'm gonna go check on Nervs, and if he's in any peril, I'm just not gonna be please with you Godtriplets, what else is new? Right, ah right, ah, there's my lady love come, she must have read my mind, scary thought Warhawk man, I know right. Lady love! Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious, endangering, today as those rebellious, Ezekiel to Prophets of old days yet say, the Rev 18, AODHF, saying I see you, your sins have reached into ME and I remember, yet they say, HE SEES THEM NOT! HBOW/Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-Never you mind, I'd been again around Aug, warning about the GINORMITY, Mauna Loa/YELLOWSTONE/NEW MADRID, that follows predicted Noah's Cousin, NATION/worldwide UNPRECEDENTED WEATHER TO  FLOOD EVENTS. Sept BETA 21 I got, ORANGE ALERT, a day later, Domino Mauna Loa was placesd on YELLOW-STONE ALERT; Sept BETA 22, I heard YELLOWSTONE! Do your research, there was another Tonga eruption, mixed in here;  Oct 10/11, a year Brad Pitt's predicted WWIA, WW3, WWZ; I saw in God's Throne, this hammering off of a Mount Sinai type reigning there, Daniel 2 Stone From Heaven; Nov 7, 8, I heard, the building of Hawaii, Into; you know the last time Mauna Loa was THREATEN to blow, by that inbound missle, Rev 2 Jesus and A MIGHTY, MIGHTY host of heaven, SNATCH US OFF THIS PLANET, but only after THEY crossed UK/BC/US/Tribulation Saints over, into US Georgia's Atlantic/Africa's/Americas ATLANTIC Basin, MOTHER, Africa's Southwest.

-There's DEC 3/4, I heard TWO BOWLS,  only with 99 bowls of molten lava impacting;; marvel not somewhere in the molten midst of it all, Dec 14/15, after 30 plus Chernobyl Spring Raptures, there's talk of the GREAT GATHERING OF SAINTS, going LIVE; So why is Pope Frances resigning and whyI wish, to equally save their souls, UK's Prime Minster, BC Pres and US Pres were all joining Him?  Know also, not only have their Kingdom Nation building been aligned to 100 million Westerners deaths, ALL IN PROGRESS; holy scripture, end day eschatology says, Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11 described AODHF, also see HIM, Rev 17:17/ chps,17/18, HE'S puppeteerung as recent as AUG/Sept/Oct 2021 Dragon BEAST to then puppeteer world leaders, they're to begin with DESTROYING BY FIRE, genocider diplomacy, WEST RULE, to covertly bring their single humankind to the brink of Extinction, again in progress. Only, again ONLY,  only Jesus'THE CHRIST MOUNT Olivet return can bring us ALL back from; THEM suggesting we pray, even THEY PRAY, THEM predicting it's all, TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS; suggesting we all, PRAY, (REPENT, Ps 51), Dec 3, 4, 5, 2 021, Rev 3 Jesus, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! 

-Still, knowing about the handwriting clumsily, Escape 101 YELLOWSTONE ERUPTIONS, I prefer the vulcanologist who just said, a volcano can erupt at any given time, there's no telling;. How can HOLY LORD'S tell you 50 Mil US about to die and you don't even flinch? Imaginative Creation, is a good description for Americans, CHURCHIANS to TRUMPIAN'S, 1 Mil Covid dead, easily swept under Biden/Harris stay put incentives, just ain't possible, with 49 Mil to go, again just by imagining it ain't so, then, it ain't so! Beware, I warn mine, one million US deaths,with a Rev 2 Jesus, threaten tripledemic (Gun violence/OPIOIDS/ COVID), MASS DEAT come for the children, as evidence,  American Dreaming to Wishful thinking CAN'T save from STAR WARRING, God's Judgment sentences, GOD'S WRATH, COME! REPENT,  RUN, you know where, HBOW/Apb

-Frightnight to  an Alexander/HITLER'S GERMANY,  Anti-Christ, Anubis,'Demonic  Army  of  undertakers to mummifiers all around;.Actually Obama/Clinton/Biden, Harris, aare those since legalizing what to God are ABOMINATIONS into GENOCIDE, they too,  aligned to 50 million US dead,  are the accused. Of course, they having swepted a million Covid US dead under the  proverbial rug, Marvel not, referenced Aug 24 2022, were  Rev 9, keys to the bottom pit, during, trapping a million man grocery store, exchange, exchanging hands, so more a SATANIC, DEMONIC AND SHOWN A HYBRID BETWEEN THE TWO ALIEN APOCALYPSE!!!!  

-Whereas like Rome's Pope Frances signed resignation, especially US Leads need to like him, actually like for two millennia, Rome's Pilate wash their hands of their own weight of blood guiit,, an APOCALYPTIC CHRISTMAS, Holy Bride Escape, with an APOCALYPTIC WINTERBORN CHRISTMAS, impacting! RIGHT NOW! REPENT, (Dan 9 begin vs 4l/PSALMS 51!  GET IT, GET JESUS GET OUT OF THE EVIL  OF HUMAN EXTINCTIION! 

Jimmy Swaggart Expositor Bible

Shared, Feb 18, 2021, Ezekiel's 31 Visions,  Come To Me


(588 B.C.) 


1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, in the first day of the month, that the Word of the LORD came unto me, saying (This Chapter was written about two or three months before the fall of Jerusalem. It deals with the ruin of two mighty empires, Egypt and Assyria [the latter had fallen years before], and their banishment to Eternal Hell. The language is striking, and leaves nothing to the imagination), 

2 Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom are you like in your greatness? (The question, “Whom are you like in your greatness?”, is speaking of Sardana-Palus, the last king of Assyria, who was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar. Possibly, Pharaoh looked up to this now dead despot; however, his end will be as Sardana-Palus’, defeated and lost!) 

I know why am I sharing this scripture? Why when brought before God's Back Turn Throne, reigning there was come as a gamma ray burst,  The Sunlight of God, Holy, possessing prepping and launching, Dan 2 stone from heaven, Holy  Bride Of Wrath and the hammering off, Nov 10 11, 2022, of Dan 2 stone, an MOUNT SINAI type,HE, Sunlight of God,, accustomed me like a Moses only calling for the EXODUS, of African Americans, blessed Brexit Briexit Blaexit? 

Prophecy to US/Western Leads, LET MY PEOPLE GO!

-I explained my grand just a say past,  those the Obama's to Biden to Harris, on to teach GOD'S PEOPLE, there never was a biological origin intended for them; like showing HIMSELF, as well as Archangel Michael THEM, star warring, Aug 5 2021, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER,  never intended for Adam and Eve,  to procreate  it's present 8  billion inherit. Just aa o, gain I told her, the only reason Pres Bidenand his are still standing , God is during a  type of Egypt's Pharaoh to Rev 11 Anti-Christ with them, thinking they're standing, achieving, empowered,  when they're all molten hell on earth, to eternal lakes of fire predestined, get it, get Jesus THE CHRIST get up yonder!  The RAPTURE GOES LIVE,  AT ANY NANO SECOND,  the SUDDEN, end of West Rule/THE AMERICA'S, and easily a million dead a day; STAR WARRING THEMSELVES,  AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb 

Youtube Dutchsinse,  WEST COAST SEISMIC UNREST, 

Hearing,  After Mauna Loa, Semeru and Stromboli Eruptions, Two Bowls, Only With 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava Pending, Plus, 101 YELLOWSTONES

"THE Building Of Hawaii Into" I also heard, Nov, ⅞, 2022,  After I Heard ORANGE ALERT! 


-Truth is, my outreach is met with a lot of resistance also, only, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, Gog and Magog them, simply, THEY DON'T WANT US SAVING LIVES, SAVING LIVES SAVE SOULS, marvel not we got star warring AODHF and Archangel Michael THEM. I'm woke, 5am looking at your video,  it's now 6:23 am, yours is the only over 8 to 10 minutes, I fully watch. I figured It was coming after hearing about California:s 6.4, and as usual it didn't disappoint. 

-AODHF remind us Dutch our labor isn't in vain; you're warning people who don't just die, but by their immortality also ascend to descend, With CHRIST JESUS CROSS ALONE THE DIFFERENCE, protecting from SECOND DEATH!. Rremember, this planets being l billions of years old and at one time ruled by Lucifer and millions in fallen angels, found in black void post apocalyse before AODHF spoke LET THERE BE LIGHT  into The Genesis did thousand years,8  8 BILLION inherit, our post apocalyptic world at present.

Look, I just got, Dec 23, 2022, a huge enough to block out the sky, possibly flashing, single word HELP; on top of a  reveal, about approaching STORMS, predicted May 22, 2021, into  a  builduo of rescuers. Only Dutchsinse, when it's predicted by me Aug 24 2022, I walked out of a maze of revealing sin, dressed like an Eskimo, and that's double. There's reportedly an unprecedented winter, to  cold  to wind/ BLIZZARD come;. Days later I'm worried by the saying  WINTERBORN; with me asking at the time, yuu know, with an Apocalyptic CHRISTMAS EVE/CHRISTMAS day yet pending, there's also Russia threatening to freeze Europe to death. 

Frightnight with an army of Anubis undertakers mummifiers all around; I mean with all extinctiion level events launched, incoming, impacting firstly US/BC West Pacific, Clearly I asked, who's winter was it, natural/VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic?  I'm here reminded of my grand Caden asking who wins a war between Russia and America? Hesitating not, I said no one wins a Nuchesr war, when man can't eat, drink or  shelter, they're extinct. I know impossible, I tell you my eyes open at the word, LIGHT, out of hearing, LET THERE BE LIGHT, I tell you how emaculent as The once martyred CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF were the Tribulation Saints I saw, Chernobyl Spring Rapture LIVE, what, 30 plus years now? HBOW/Apb

Youtube Mrmbb333,  THIS NEVER HAPPENED HERE, SOMETHING'S UP,;  didn't forever using Ben Affleck's Armageddon to Batman VS SUPERMAN, remind of  deadly dangers from above, marvel not hearing as the Sept BETA 2015,  scorched the skies, IT'S DIVINE PIOLET WAR OF ALIEN DANGERS FROM ABOVE!!! HBOW/Ap


-Know also, Mrmbb333, 101 Molten Lava Bowls Impacting, getting, "TWO BOWLS," again after Volcanoes Semeru and Stromboli erupted. Only here's  getting just the other 🌃, this HUGE ENOUGH TO  BLOCK OUT THE SKY,  IN HUGE PULSATING  LETTERS, THE SINGLE WORD,, "HELP!" Getting reveals in reversen, I then coninside it with May 22 (,2021), BUILDUP OF RESCUERS; and this UNPRECEDENTED BLIZZARD! Marvel not, Aug 24 2022, I   frighten unusually, coming out of a maze of revealing sin, DANGER YOUNG Rappers and New Rap Groups, there's some bout HEAD WOUNDS; only to exit, dressed like an Eskimo to Moscowian; Asking but whose WINTER  is it; aren't they all launched, Natural/VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic? I know, I know! 

-Marvel not, "The Eastern Seaboard," is the other part of the country, Jan 22-29, (2018,), Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL, again  by its territory,  US map, also said, "BEWARE,  The Eastern Seaboard, as the INUNDATED with such forewarniings US West Pacific. Shown to be evident, there's a Rev 17, 7,th Angel , bearing  7 more Judgmentt bowls with hm.. Ah by the way; MERRY APOCALYPTIC CHRISTMAS, ebbing and flowing, since Christmas Eve, Day, (2001);  HBOW/Apb

Youtube, Brylan and Lisa, If only Christians, Saw  This Coming, 

Light Hath Come But Men Love Darkness, If only Brylan,  you and watchers like yourselves could only realize, westernized Christians, even a million Covid dead,  don't wanna see anything coming at them but an indefinite continuity of the US Government to Western civilization; only I've seen along with 30 plus  Chernobyl Spring Rapture demos, simultaneously, fire-rocketing off the planet; Marvel not, JESUS GOVERNMENT REIGN, during Pelosi Taiwan visit, THEY showed famed, perhaps even framed letters USA, floating off the planet, taking the trajectory of the once genocider, Mid ATLANTIC slave market, I say from which it ALL come;


-Marvel not waking from seeing the HUGE enough to block out the sky, in pulsating letters, the single word, HELP, during an Apocalyptic CHRISTMAS, Ebbing and flowing 20 years now, Dec 24/25 (2001); the disappearing, spack Brand New, White trimmed in gold, disappearing, Intrepid Auto, represented, escaping the HOLY Church Bride!

-Theres also waking just now with the word LUDACRIS, I call it fast and furious and contagious; they been running procrastinators and their leaders all the more delusional, since ebbing and flowing D-DAY OCT 17, 2018/begin D-Day 2019. Like Dan 4 madness curse, only again HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. There's also,  waking from seeing the HUGE enough to block out the sky, in pulsating letters, the single word, HELP, during an Apocalyptic CHRISTMAS, Ebbing and flowing, and building into an extinction level event, 20 Christmases, since. 

The Mass Dieoff Ascension Of ALL children; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES;July 27, 2022

- ABC News is reporting  there's actually 100 million US Covid infected, revisted July 27, 2021, hat's West Rule, UK/BC/US entire, impacting death tolls, with refusing protective measures China, like I said following Americans, like her, going on a million Covid dead, I know, like Pres Trump', every ideal out if a western leaders mouth except REPENT, RUN OR PERISH, followed by sudden destruction, you can't follow them. Surreal is in two parts, THEY just showed Aug 24, 2022, the switching of hands of the the keys to the bottemless pit, (SATANIC DEMONIC and Shown a Hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE); and Nov 10/11 2022, showed as the great gathering of Saints no longer 30 plus Chernobyl Spring Rapture demos,  how it All  FINALLY, goes,  LIVE!  HBOW/Apb

Youtube Christopher Greene,

WHAT IS THE ISLAND PROJECT? Other Than stampedIng them all, star warring, Archangel Michael THEM, exile luxury, Africa's Southwest ATLANTIC, Coastal Cities? 

MERRY APOCALYPTIC CHRISTMAS/RAPTURE, PASTOR, BREAKER, ebbing and flowing date since Christmas Eve, Day, ( 2001); been really busy, been meaning to share this in this video  a while; now...

Youtube Pastor Breaker,  How A  Lost Person Is Verses How A Saved Person Should Be,

See here, Eze 36:26/27, John 4, 4-42 Rom 6, Rom 12:1, 2, Heb 10, I John 3





-Once I experienced Pastor, similar reveals as written to verified in these HOLY Scriptures, Holy Angels been ascending and descending  upon me, these 30, plus, Chernobyl, Rapture springs. Truly Pastor, not an identity crisis, nor ever has been, well not for me or THEM. Anyway, just sharing what phenomon been happening  with me, 30 minutes to an hour after I, BY MY PRAYER CLOSET and a PLEADING Rom 12:1, 2, Apostle Paul, SURRENDERED ALL TO HOLY FATHER,  HOLY SPIRITS; again, a hand writing in JESUS' MARTYED BLOOD, Roman 6, 'man can't do this, only the Holy Spirt,' HBOW/Apb


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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...