Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, 2, Rev 13, 2003, Put A Hussein In The White House, The Greatest Leader Planet Earth, Still, A Deadly Wound Healed, One Is Destroyer, One Is Deliverer: 101 Yellowstone Eruptions, 99 Bowls of Molten Lava, On Trump's/Israel's Wall, And A Pomeo, (Both it's Pomeii, Atlantis Day, ELE's, US soil) To The Rescue, That's Not God's Promised Final Days, Mockery, At All! Beware!
Article, [It may not know it, but the US is accelerating the end of Israel's apartheid regime]
The Dying Of Schools Is Painful! Kill All Parents By Now!
-Like the sight of seeing Grandparents bury their grands alive; or disillusioned American parent's, accused of using great innovation as manners of offing their children, as usual there's no good being done here, only evil. Prophetically, as of Trump's April 16/17, 2019, advancing Dan 9: 27, prophetic deal, only a depleted apartheid, saves the two.
-As is prophesied, before hearing Sept 13, 2019, Before its news, Israel; months prior, April 2, 2019, it was, "two weeks and 7 years. Admittedly, as just before Barack Hussein Whitehouse" given the last two weeks and 7 years. That was of Dan 12, man in linen timetable of grace, into Rev 10, Mighty Angel, swearing, "There shall be time no longer.
-Meaning, first born's been living in God's back turn Throne, (Spring, April 1986), suspended grace since, Obama passed White House mantle to Trump. Explaining why during Trump and Pence 2016 campaign they were aligned to, as in here come Rev 13/17:16-18, Ancient Beast Reign, so into Gog and Magog, a Nuclear fate and 50 million US, BC, soil, deaths, as so, UK's 5%, dead.
-Before, I declared Nov 12, 2019, the last day planet earth, said date, come a 70th Rev 2 Jesus, Nov, Thanksgiving, 2017, Matrix, 10, day countdown to Dec 24/25, 2001, fiery doomsday Christmas Carol, UK/ US/BC of Barbecue.
-While Trump's April 17, 2019 is now a 70th, as in the last week of years planet earth, April 17, 2019-2026, also Daniel, final week of 7 years, fulfilling right now, as in right now, revisited into its prophetic finale, an Israeli/Islamic, Trump's, April 17, 2019, non aggression pact, in progress since we heard Holy God tell Ezekiel 4, lay a siege many millennia past.-Meaning, first born's been living in God's back turn Throne, (Spring, April 1986), suspended grace since, Obama passed White House mantle to Trump. Explaining why during Trump and Pence 2016 campaign they were aligned to, as in here come Rev 13/17:16-18, Ancient Beast Reign, so into Gog and Magog, a Nuclear fate and 50 million US, BC, soil, deaths, as so, UK's 5%, dead.
-Before, I declared Nov 12, 2019, the last day planet earth, said date, come a 70th Rev 2 Jesus, Nov, Thanksgiving, 2017, Matrix, 10, day countdown to Dec 24/25, 2001, fiery doomsday Christmas Carol, UK/ US/BC of Barbecue.
-Here's where Mat 24 Jesus say, like your Dec 3, 2017, stampeding elephants of staying unaware, you being without excuse; when you too see this abomination that maketh desolate, flee, again flee! I say raise your hand if you ever knew America would end; raise your other hand, if you ever prayed as 911 Victims, God's Kingdom come on earth.
-Just as Rev Apostle, John, because the first was no more, two thirds dead, witnessed a New Jerusalem descend. Apostle I am, because the first burn away, it's entire continent, world rule, 5% into 15% dead, I witnessed a New White House descend, Royal family intact; knowing as 2 Pet 3, forewarn, it's all to be consumed, both hands raised, thank God for knowing and praying what you know, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.invasion, how it ends, prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Aug 5th, 2019, the hand that wrote Jan 20, 2019, the predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava on Trumps's wall, was the hand now writing nervously, Escape Yellowstone; its Aug 7th, the word disappeared left frozen on all HD to 5G screening; Its Aug 30, 31st, hearing the last end of a news report, "after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions," truly why hundreds of millions of refugee Americans are stampeding, into Georgia', Africa's Atlantic, and remember, none of its predictions returns to Holy Back Turn Rite Aid Pharmacy/ Throne, God, void, beware, Apb, see Psalms 37/Rev 10
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Bride Queen Lorelai Elaina Urban
Starring, Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To Lewis Capaldi, Someone To Love,
Unto Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Lorelai Elaina Urban was born a son, Geffrey Metacomet, River Brook, Hillsfeet, a son, Wendell Blackhorse, Mount, Hillsfeet, a son, Garrison, Snakerattle, Ravine, Hillsfeet, and a daughter, Whitefeather, Brooke, Comet-Crossing, Hillsfeet, Urban
Unto Adonis Jaquez Alfredo and Mishal (Mish'a-el), Ahadi Cobberson was born twin sons, Obadiah Tyrell Alfredo, and Emmalee Mackrick Alfredo and a son, Chainberson Demetria, Alfredo Cobberson
Unto Acquis Jamila Alfredo and Whitey Nicole Deburk was born twin daughters Astana Clarabelle Alfredo and Haley Asante Alfredo Deburk
The Acorns Are Falling , Dear Sura, 09/07/2001
The Acorns are falling dear Sura, clashing through the mother due proud, at headmost this clacking unharmed, as fluffy feather’s lying down, down to her good for nothing mound. Tis this treachery I tell you, Raine is his name, a laughing stock, enjoining in dessert spoon ang. Way down, faraway they go, this mundane existence below. An indefinite never-mind, a sweet wickedness in my vine. Still to and fro they voyage , here to there they scheme, then unto rehearsal and partnerships, her devious plots redeemed, your Allen Tristan
Starring: Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Lorelai Elaina Urban
Starring: Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Lorelai Elaina Urban
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain I
"I never told you Mr Derry, when first I laid eyes on this castle, I come as speechless as to fall to my knees, this staggering enrapture. Only, here, now, standing the lake size Duck pond view of it all, and yes, all Decked are these halls. Look at this stunning exterior, so fancy with unspeakable Christmas cheer and celebration, I'm even more overwhelmed, please, please dear husband, pinch me, lest I perish! I wouldn't beloved woman, dare harm a hair on your beautiful head, let alone pinch you, and what would the unborn, Little Henry say about that? Look, look, look, a dear family, I rather we follow them for a spell, not to far though Liza girl, lions, tigers and bears, oh my! So all your sisters are coming? Agreed, in 48 hours, your decked halls will be filled with over zealous parents chasing down their over zealous. Even Mr. Derry, Christmas eve, day, candy filled children, happily, gorgeously, while my most talented than them all, sister in law, Glorianna, play these delicious Christmas Carols her newest piano, I know Liza dear, neither can she wait. Magnificent, all that is Lord Kimberly Estate Liza, ah Mrs. Derry, can you yet see that stunning look of awe, right into that loving heart, spinning tears and hugs everywhere, saw love and thought she being so overwhelmed, would never let us go! There, there, there they are, if we're the least bit quiet, well love those far off shots from hunters are not, we better get back, or that humbug servant of mine will instantly be on our tracks! Cookies, excuse me, my servant to come bearing cookies? No, I elect we speed off, into the kitchen and, and, yes, little Henry just leaped in agreement, little Henry or beloved your growling belly? I'm the carrier, I think I know the difference, yes, yes, then beloved you lead and I will follow, loving to, as always. Look at this place as you say, the putting of Heaven's crystal streams and golden streets to shame, I can't believe after all those days of fierce labor, it's has finally come to all this amazingness. Can I, Liza sweet heart, in the sweetest of trust, tell you something? As if Mr. Derry, you have to ask, I been practicing how to perform, mostly before a large family of an audience, the Christmas Eve reading, of The Night Before Christmas, but is that something to tell Liza, or to be embarrassed about? No, not if we yet take Lady Aunt advice and practice, speaking of which, are we expecting the scrooge in our Christmas Carol to grace us with her presence? I dare say Mrs Derry, yes, company and all, our own scrooge indeed, well, what would be Christmas eve, without her, or Chaney's, giving Lady Aunt all the praise, Me'sure, William? Hark, who goes there, who dare come into my kitchen? It is I, your Lady Derry and I, Miss Frenz, your gentlemen fellow, Mr Derry, and we're on a mission for cookie baking. Well if a serpent, you are sir, madam, most bitten, as you can see all around, all the bake goods, cookies, pies and cakes, galore, your precious time would be spent best some place other, than my kitchen, that is. Show Miss Frenz you are right as usual, but this darling mother to be here, has her heart set on it, ah the baking of her own Christmas cookies, want you prep accordingly? If sir gentleman, Mr Derry, this is your will? And Miss, darling Frenz it indeed is, then for a certainty I will assist mother to be Mrs. Derry, then I beloved wife, as it is yet daylight still I go to secure us an evening, eventful carriage ride. Just you imagine how merry decors are to look all around, this magical place, then as well dear Derry, be still my fluttering, anxious heart, cook well my love, cook well." >>>"I'm right here dear sister, floating on every edible note, you startled me, give me your dear, sweet cheek brother, I didn't know you was there. Yes, again, floating on cottony, holiday carols, you Glorianna, perform so well, so will he come, Lord Percival? You said dear brother you would write him, invite him very early enough, yes, yes, yes, Lord Fennick Percival will come, so that's who you're practicing for, I gather? Have you seen my dress? I know men aren't that good at such things, ummm, smell so sweet, Miss Frenz must be at it all again, I'm afraid she and craving to cook her own Christmas cookies, Mrs. Liza, no, no? No, dear brother, I'll wait to see your shocking face, my amazing dress, just as His, Lord Fennick Percival, did you know of him brother, that he has five other sisters, he alone, the third sibling, the only son, did you know? There's been rumors, that is striking, as to sparkle like diamond, the way the sunlight hits your grand piano Glorianna just right, actually your whole music parlor, shines so bright, remarkable. Good day Miss, until I see or that is, hear you again, I have an evening carriage to arrange, you want to be a third wheel? Just thought I would ask, imagine Kimberley Estate, seasonal decors as from the high hillside, I can no more loving brother imagine, than the joy of my exploding heart, the very day Lord Fennick Percival does ask for my hand in marriage. You like him so very much dear Glorianna, I see, I like your hair, those twist like that, the daylight equally, addresses just right, thank you, dear brother, surely the governess and I try."
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Thus saith Ps. 66:18, Throne/Rite Aid Counter, Back Turn God, Kill All Parents By Now, Finish All Schools, Begin At My Sanctuary, Rev 1-3, Churchians!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling,
-Seeing 2010, Eze 9 commanded grim reapers, bearing sword like SYRINGES, targeting American stampeder's, one spin into a waltz, one strike the tell all heart, some are ascended, but mostly descended. When nothing is left, The Americas continent, for Rev 17:16-18, nations summits to turf war over, but a coast to coast impact crater, all along the North American Craton, bubbling to boiling over with predicted 2015/Jan 13, 2019 99 bowls of molten lava, beware, Escape 101 Yellowstone, (Mega), Eruptions, Apb
And A Third Part, By Pestilence!
[900 kids test HIV Positive all after visiting the same Doctor]
Articles, [Homosexual HIV cases on the rise] (another reveal, the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware), see more here, The Light Of Ctentri,, how it end prophetically
[900 kids test HIV Positive all after visiting the same Doctor]
-Clearly this tainted needle pandemic, is why I call the same sex abominations, GLADD to LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, tainted blood farmers to the breakage of the rainbow covenant, into both a fiery Noah's Cousin, to Aqua Age. Since before God destroyed its first satanic, infiltrating black death, the Human being like all other its human resources. He has only one single blood genome, prick it, all its billions inherit perish, then judgement, then hell. Then Holy God sends a Passover of a loving intervention, Noah's Ark into Savior Jesus' Cross, into Savior Jesus' Cross, the Outreaching Holy Church Bride, knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out! Apb,
Articles, [Homosexual HIV cases on the rise] (another reveal, the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware), see more here, The Light Of Ctentri,, how it end prophetically
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, PaleMaverick, RedRaven Hillsfeet and Queen Bride Natalie Heidi, Caterra
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To Dan and Shay, Senseless,
Unto PaleMaverick, RedRaven Hillsfeet and Natalie Heidi, Caterra was born twin god daughters, Jaguar Penelope Hillsfeet, Lion-wolf Pristine Hillsfeet, and Mountain Lion, Paris, Hillsfeet, Caterra
Unto Ahlstrom Daniel Marks and Marius Dimitra Vertis was born a son, Hallstrom David Marks, a son, Rendon Aerfred and a daughter Ceychelles Adina Vertis
Unto PaleMaverick, RedRaven Hillsfeet and Natalie Heidi, Caterra was born twin god daughters, Jaguar Penelope Hillsfeet, Lion-wolf Pristine Hillsfeet, and Mountain Lion, Paris, Hillsfeet, Caterra
Unto Ahlstrom Daniel Marks and Marius Dimitra Vertis was born a son, Hallstrom David Marks, a son, Rendon Aerfred and a daughter Ceychelles Adina Vertis
Unto Rulius Decimus Chambers and Alexandra Mithila Bisbee was born a son Cumulus Echinus Chambers, a daughter Miredeth Ariella Chambers and a son, Calloway Efroson Bisbee
The Acorns are falling dear Sura, clashing through the mother due proud, at headmost this clacking unharmed, as fluffy feather’s lying down, down to her good for nothing mound. Tis this treachery I tell you, Raine is his name, a laughing stock, enjoining in dessert spoon ang. Way down, faraway they go, this mundane existence below. An indefinite never-mind, a sweet wickedness in my vine. Still to and fro they voyage , here to there they scheme, then unto rehearsal and partnerships, her devious plots redeemed
Starring: PaleMaverick, RedRaven Hillsfeet and Natalie Heidi, Caterra
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain II
"You're day dreaming love into your favorite Omelette breakfast, sorry, I felled asleep on my favorite Kiera Knightly movie, you say that like's it strange. No, what's strange is I woke Phearce in a dream, a movie of it, seven years it's future, three days before celebrative Christmas gathering and all characters that movie otherwise named would be there. Before I woke, an instead Mr Derry was planning a carriage ride to better enjoy what he described such Holiday decorations, even heavens crystal streams to golden streets couldn't compare. Whereas his sister, Glorianna was looking forward to being visited by a new love interest, Mr Fennick Percival, the scene opens, remember the reaction when she first arrived outside that lake size duck pond, the Kimberly castle? Only now it's us, we're Liza and Mr Derryfarm and in 48 hours this phenomenally decorated mansion will be overrun with family and guess. I'm pregnant Phearce, and the unborn is still referenced as Little Henry, you think this is little Henry making mockery of my fondness of this movie? And even more odd, there's Phearce, something about the Globe's Poem, 'The Acorns Are Falling," all around, you do Phearce remember what that poem is about, cause most don't, yes, like the Globe's, now famous to abhorred Blood Farmer article. In that poem, Apache Arrow Deburk, alias Tristan Allen, gone under attack by an Aids sufferer, jamming tainted needle. He marred with telling the story of this earth's inherits, one human genome, now corrupted, it's black plague, of a genocide, black death. So Phearce, as fluffy and fond as being ushered seven years into the future of such a popular parable, including that poem is just another reminder. It is that humankind is presently facing it's sixth, final extinction level event and loving God is yet being long suffering toward us, showing us unconditional love. Giving us a Salvation Ark, Jesus intervening millennium, that lesson here learned, it's that, and Phearce, I probably need to lay off watching that particular movie so much. Then simply, the lesson, beloved girl, not falling asleep on it, let me reheat this, look, I can't but reconsider, Rig, Sia Maaseiah seeing an extinction level event that was as speedily as the Bride was snatched out. A monumental happening,she designed, a doomsday Christmas Carol, that put the greatest of technology and innovations back to the horse and buggy days. But surely sweetest love, that is not as well what's being referenced here, surely beloved, Regan Central Whitehead, McPhearson, is it not that at all." >>>"I tell you Mrs. Derry, I've never seen so many children in my life, still, brother, these stunning lawns are just filled up with them and all things so incredible, and it's yet to be Christmas day. I see dear Charles Benton, you still look at her as she's the most beautiful woman in the world, yes, and that twin son of yours, my prayer Fitzgerald is, I'll always look at her like that, until death doeth part us. I know what you mean, indeed I know Charles Benton, what you mean, so Mr Benton, the staff not being worried with Christmas festivities, how did that go over? Ah, they loved it, having hosted Thanksgiving, plus I was able to release them early, home for Christmas, to their own families, like I said, they loved it. Excuse me gentlemen, please Liza, be well, so you think Glorianna is ready after losing Mr. Gentri so tragically? My dear, dear Liza, it is just as you predicted, all about the lawn and grounds here, anxious parents chasing happy go lucky children, but to be honest Charles, first rest your smoke, walk with me. There is something else you simply must see, ah, nall, be still my leaping heart, how can I dare, bare much more, how can any of us Fitzgerald? Have mercy! Now what you was saying about Glorianna, though I didn't think it's day would come, losing Mr. Gentri to pneumonia like that, she is so elated about Mr. Percival. Mentioning he possibly asking for her hand in marriage, but dear brother, you didn't hear that from me, well that's equally fond hearted to hear. Okay, we have arrived, before I opened this door, I need you close your eyes, close my eyes? Yes, Charles, think of it as one of the Christmas gifts early, okay, okay, no peeking Charles, I mean it, wait, a step up, okay, a turn about, now, opened. Ah my god, that is incredible, the Lord's Supper, yeah, Liza had it done, right on our bedroom wall, a breakfast to reading get away, she calls it. Of course Charles it just happen to be finished in time for Christmas guest, I am so jealous, you have no ideal Fitzgerald, how I would want something similar. Only now it's too late, you beat me to it, look how the light anoints the Christ's Chalice, just right, again fascinating. I still would want Janine to personally see this as well, you know before all others, well of course, as soon as you can distract her from all this holiday business. Who did she get? The Larks brothers, never heard of them, neither had I, but they come with high regards and reports, and look at their expert work, just splendid, beyond even. I take it I'm the first, thank you for this, don't think I've put off, we even, have put off, you and Liza, Fitz, after so long a wait, this time next year, you will have one of your own, well toddling and fumbling around. I know, I know, news of little Henry has been beyond heaven amazing, and not long now, as you see by my over zealous to birth him, beloved Liza. Knowing Mr Benton, that you are most of all pleased, speaking of being pleased, Lady Adeline's new husband, Dr. Matthew Lux, he's good to her? He is highly fond of her, and she of him, they too Fritz are looking to reproduce their own off-springs, Adeline's two sons not being his. I guess Charles, it's all she can do, having a military husband missing and presumed dead these many years, does the heart heavy and happy, both sweet Fitzgerald and bitter, huh, Huh? I don't know about you, but I want more Kimberley medicating outdoors, father, there you are, mother send me for you, but you were not to be found, I am twin son right behind you, good, she says it urgent, Fritz? Nevermind me, I need to find Liza, myself." >>>"Then, you're saying, that's why Rig Dear, you didn't hear me? It's kinda like I did, but I didn't want to let go of the Derryfarm's, a Christmas Carol, the what? You went off dreaming again, yea, Gloriana and Adeline, Charles Benton sisters are both widows, Adeline in a new marriage, and Glorianna is fishing for one, ah, they all have a few children each, ah Liza friend Chantey and husband, William, I don't know, they arrive with Lady Aunt, another day away. My Christ Rig, you talk as if you're watching a movie, no, not watching, we're the hosting characters I told you, Mr an Mrs Derryfarm. Now guess what Mr. Derry name is, his friend Mr. Benton, calls him Fitzgerald, you do know how crazy and remarkable all this is, wait, you said you could hear me calling you? Sorry I didn't answer but I was trying to get all the details I could, ah Glorianna lost her husband to pneumonia and Adeline, to the military, MIA, for years, left and never return, she has two sons, and looking to have more with her new husband, Dr Matthew Lux. Okay, all remarkable as usual, now, can we bring this all in, to the lunch table? I don't want to ask, but you think I should tell Dr. Coogan about this, have my head examined, so to speak? I thought of that, that, the telling Dock Coogan part, but this isn't the first time, little Henry has shown you these odd reveals. Should I remind you, you know your, our future grands and great grands, because of him, but to show me, the future Phearce, by a type of continuing saga the Derryfarm, A Christmas Carol, what is he trying to tell us? I thought Rig doll, you solved it's possible reveal by explicating the all around the Derryfarm, poem, "The Acorns Are Falling." Whereas suddenly by some impacting, earth ending event earth's oblivious inherits are set back to the times of horses and buggies. Now, napkin, silverware, I know all this is beyond amazing, I also know, you're hungry, little Henry anyway, e going to look for a Christmas tree or Phearson, it is too soon, not yet Thanksgiving? To be honest, I don't wanna wait, you know NASA was warning about a plethora of NEO 's approaches, with the Midwest come close to being hit; as so Israel and Islam, went under more bombings. Seems, just as more 7 plus earthquakes happen, with an 8 plus predicted, the W. Pacific, by, by, by a Dutch scientist, remember 2017, Maaseiah woke from interpreting an English sign, into the Dutch language, though it was her earthquake predictor, dutchsinse, related, no doubt so is this. Then there's allied to Gog and Magog, Pres Trump, who went under impeachment proceeding, amazing is, then I hear Nethanyue is being investigated, all these pending earth enders, happen the one day, Nov 12th, 2019, Sia Maaseiah Phearce said,was the last day planet. As in it being both a 70th, Daniel's man in Linen, week of years, and a 70th, Sia Maaseiah, Rev 2 Jesus, matrix ten day countdown to a predicted doomsday, Christmas Carol. I remember that's why she predicted mass disasters of both Thanksgiving and Christmas 2018, both as usual come, close. Christmas 2018, suffered a Great Depression, stock market crash, meaning they got a genius banker in the White House for reason, and a righteous, God of wrath, throne back turn all, who can't wait Preece, to strip them all birthday naked. I didn't think, ah my god, but when you add ten matrix days, to that date, Nov 12, you get the Nov 22nd, what day is thanksgiving on this year? After all that scar-nario, you really Rig, want to know that? Ah, yes, the first Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown Phearce was awarded Thanksgiving 2017. Okay, I click here, Thanksgiving has went from being the first Thursday in November, to the third and now, it's the fourth, so Nov 28th, 2019, but you just proved Rig, it's not the date, it's that day of celebration, and in case you need to know, 2017 thanksgiving was Nov, 23, and the one following, 2018, was Nov 22, but as I said, it's not the date but day of celebration. So love to continue into another answer, what did you do to this salad? I used the air fryer to toast some of it's ingredients, ah, these mushrooms Phearce are divine, so Rig, in your Derryfarm's A Christmas Carol, and please don't get angry, is little Henry up for adoption? That is so, do I really Phearce have to ask you how unfair that is. Neither is he the result of a continuous lived, heart to mind numbing, rape and torture. Please, don't, don't, I'll leave, you eat, Rig, Rig, ah god, what the hell Phearson man, hitting and kicking yourself, what the hell!" Why Speak In Parables? See here Mat 13:10-17
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To: Leona Lewis, One More Sleep,
Unto Calum Mathias Reades and Kiersten, Chasten, Hilary, Hillsfeet, Fox was born a son, Cattery Orion Reades, a son, Brantley Tyson Reades, and a son Normady Demetri Reades, Hillsfeet,
Unto Camera Dillard Alfredo and Shaughnessy Braxton Stockton was born a son, Matterson Kelsea Alfredo, a son, Garran Bartley Alfredo and a daughter, Heian Bentlee Stockton,
Unto Benedict Valdir, Sullivan and Halsey Alana Chelan was born a son, Galley Jillian Valdir, a son, Diiemon Fredrik Valdir, and a god daughter, Tiera Solange Valdir and a son, Conner Sebastian Chelan
The Acorns are falling dear Sura, dissolving both old and new, shattering asunder all that’s unadulterated an espousal to profitless dew. To here they’re to come dear Sura, yet unto yonder places they go, some far away removed, others to loneliness door. Yes that door dear Sura, that one both admissible and closed, either this light or this dark, unto alien fables untold. I am unto you my lover, then I am further away still, a fumbling acrobatic at the whistling wind, tis accord unfulfilled.
Starring: Calum Mathias Reades and Kiersten, Chasten, Hilary, Hillsfeet, Fox
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain III
I mean, we're yet waiting for the great end day plague, but whose being deceived, isn't that gun violence, drug and marriage abuse, into suicide being up Phearce, over 50%? My God is Christ, an eight year old just hung his four year old sister, then himself, don't even mention these Walmart mass shootings. The one multi purpose chain, Sia Maaseiah, a decade back saw become a cup of trembling, like the White House, watched it burn, they're now saying they're no longer gonna allow customers to open, carry in their stores, which Rig is hypocritical, they being an arms, weapon, provider. Here, here, perfect trees, mother said she's not surprised Rig you want your own tree, Mavis was like that, wow, I'm beginning to feel like I'm in a scene from a Christmas Kiss, which, one or two? You know which, stop it, look, I think I see a stunning, white carriage ride over there, I'm not looking, I know you're messing with me, ah I love these all askew limbs, their flaws make them so incredible. I'm not kidding, there really is a horse driven carriage, if I look, I'm going to be so angry with you, ah my god, a carriage ride, the decorated streets of Paris, I read about this, here, see its right here, come, read it to me, as I pay the driver. Downtown Paris, France, it's capital, is a major European city and a global center for art, fashion, and culture. Its 19th-century cityscape is crisscrossed by wide boulevards and the River Seine, beyond such landscapes as the Eiffel Tower, like Phearce, right over there, ah, forgive me, I forgot, you grew up here. It's continues, the 12th-century, Gothic Notre-Dame cathedral, the city is known for its cafe culture and designer boutiques along the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. Just take my hand up, me lady, well my wife, ah my Lord, I've never done anything like this before, remind me of that odd, Sia Maaesiah, dream. Remember, she said, in the dream, how all domesticated horses, like these, when they see her, they'd break loose from all these stalls and pulls and come after her, like revelation predictions pending them had come, and seeing her was the proof. This is breath taking, look, a little tear, I never told you Phearce, you look a Burnett Paul Walker, my god, you're not surprised, it was my nickname at the weather center, what, what, ah my, how I didn't know that? Being your most proficient admirer, okay, okay, for fun, what celebrity I, Scarlet Johansson, red hair and all, I've always said that Rig, a blackish Scarlet Johansson, yes, but just as so whitest, isn't your father considered white? Yes, and I'm the only one that took his pigment and, and Phearce my brothers loved it, and I hate them for it, I look like a mixed Scarlet, they look like Nick Sagar, Nick, I don't know. The male shelf, best friend, in 'Princess Switch," oh my god, you're right, I always thought that, yeah just imagine growing up with three older brothers who look like three versions of him? Edible dimples all, that amazing physic, the only girl friends I had were those needing to get closer to my stunner brothers, then your Vincent as well, our, our Vincent as well. I say a cross between the stunner guy, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, 12 dates of Christmas and this other, heart throb, again dimples and all, Eddie Cibrian, and even wife Tennyson, the actor on De ja vu, Paula Patton, okay, yeah, now I thought that as well. Still Phearson, growing up rich in Paris, a castle McPhearson all, I can't even say I didn't know you at all, because since we were only secret admirers, writers, I didn't know you. To ah, lovers, I guess we love, ah, one another, we've sacrificed mightily Rig, we're yet sacrificing being here, despite how wonderful, all this is. Jesus two great commandments, Rig, not only have we fallen heads over heels in love with God, but with his people and each other, look , look, the Eiffel Towel from this view! I'm sorry, tears and all, I mess home, even the reminder of the greeting of the Statue Of Liberty, you know, tell you what, if Jesus tarry, and we're not spending Thanksgiving to Christmas 2019, the second heavens intercession. Then yes, of course, we'll spend the eve of Christmas eve day Rig, getting us to the states for the holidays into New Year's day, okay, okay, I totally believe you, good, cause, I totally, beloved wife and mother to be, mean it!" Why?
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-A prelude to Ancient Beast rule, and I heard in my hearing July 27, 2009, two weeks and seven years; Ancient beast rule come, reigning, and I heard in my hearing April 2, 2019, two weeks and seven years, beware!
[Does 1 Peter 3: 19 Teach That Jesus Preached in Hell?]
He Led Abraham's Bosom, Captivity Captive Into High Heaven! Lk 16:19-31, Eph 4:8-10
-So does Eph 4:8-10, say the same, possibly the three days his temple, body was destroyed. He was delivering the paradise of God, those old testament worthies Abraham's bosom, leading captivity captive, right into God's Throne. Psalm 139, this is the scripture I think of when its writer claim, if we ascend into heaven God is there, if we make our bed in hell, behold God is there! What kind of merciful God would Elohim be if Holy He didn't show to visit those damned, with compassion?
-The Spirits here are described as fallen angels, humans are not referred to in this sort. Possibly the same as those who tried to corrupt the human race cohabiting with human women, see also, II Pet 2:4, Jude vss, 6-7, these fallen angels. Also the fallen Angels to Los Angeles referenced to as recent as Jan 20, 2019. Seeing the letter, by letter forming of the word Thousands, the two part word to area, Los Angeles and a Rev 12, Michael battling along a star wars in the heavens, hearing, "Michael is setting his all around," the Holy Bride rising into Bridegroom Jesus, into second heaven intercessions, and all evil principalities in high places come raining to missiling down to planet earth; woe, woe and woe! knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb, see here,, see also here, and here,
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, PaleMaverick, RedRaven Hillsfeet and Queen Bride, Natalie Heidi, Caterra
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To, Lukas Graham, Love Someone,
Unto Kincaid Manning Zenith and Genesis Kalivia Vienna was born a son Reynolds Khalid Zenith, a son, Dimitri Kalian Zenith and a son Coli Greyson Vienna
Unto Kincaid Anais Lutheran and Payne Ivana Jeffers was born twin daughters Terrace Alexander Lutheran, Torrance Alexis Jeffers and a son Kaiser Aisha Lutheran
Unto Londonardo Maximillian Ericht and Haora Arianne Zenith was born a son, Sylvan Becenti Ericht, a son Jainiah Flacon Ericht and a son Kincaid Manning Zenith
Dear Allen Tristan, Before The Last Acorn Falls
My dearest Allen, Tristan, I know they are there darling, I hear the rustle about, I hear their ceaseless crying, I hear their endless pouts. they're not unto you dear lover, but I, I'm thy will, I wait you as joy come this mourning, and at night time, i await thee still, Sura Danielle
Starring: Dyas Linus Cortege and Brecket Elinda Grinds
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain IV
"Tell me beloved Phearce you didn't wake me? I did, ahhh, too bad, I think the end of the world come the eve of Christmas the Derryfarm's Christmas Eve dinner to party. The end of the world, really Rig? Fire from the sky, pandemonium all around, burning eyes, bleeding ears, explosions after explosion in the distant and fingers to toes crossed, hoping it's not the end. You Phearce just woke me from all that hell on earth, I woke you from breathing erratically, so hard indeed I'm surprised you can speak, my throat feel fine, sorry I startled you. Is there some fruit? I feel a crave come on, you know Rig, Sia Maaseiah's doomsday, a Christmas Carol, things done, the US, Canada, West Pacific, Hawaii, Alaska, California were no more planet earth. Sia Maaseiah even said, when Jan 23, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, and Rev 17, 7th Angel, forewarn the Midwest and eastern seaboard to be just as aware, that West coast extinction level had happen or was in progress. Then should I even asked, these grapes are candy sweet, this kiwi is good as well, you mean things present, yes Rig, those recently predicted 101 Yellowstone eruptions, knowing the abnormal would be if they're super eruptions. Before that more direct Yellowstone prediction, twice now, an Asteroid commanded to destroy again the Midwest, then hearing recently, Asteroid impact, incoming, destroy Wisconsin. Everything is burning from there, now as you say, cup of trembling Walmart's, The White House, she even saw damage done to the Kennedy space, center and that's Florida, Rig, and the things yet to be? Eventually she heard it, that the entire eastern seaboard was gone as well, just as area US map, Rev 10, Mighty Angel Standing one foot to the other upon it all, forewarn it to be, and all it's inherits were stampeding into Georgia to Africa's Atlantic. So what you think you gonna see when you're back asleep? Perhaps what that sky phenom was or nothing, at all, the author of these reveals Phearce you know, they decide what we see, hear and experience, all I know is. seems, one moment, the sky was a twilight to pending black dark, then like a sunny day all of a sudden appeared, we didn't even feel it affecting our eyes to ears, until our eyes turn red and our ears begin to bleed, and Phearce said, I was breathing all erratic like? You were, kinda of startling, thought you might need emergency service, it was that overwhelming, a seizure even, a seizure? Yeah, come close, your eyes flicking, and such, I had to wake you, I had too, you want I cut on a movie, or some music, what if I tell you love, I don't want to wait? What, you think something gonna happen to America, well we're in France, and if that's Rig predestined? I don't know how to answer that, I just can't forget how all of a sudden it all was, like, like, Sia Maaseiah's intrepid dream, weight of blood guilt, station. One moment she's basking in the most wonderful innovations imagined, now a pending, most lethal, 5G, next she's ejected to stumbling from the driver side of the car. Just like that, what'd been western civilization since Prophet Daniel heard of a pending, Roman Empire, rise and take much flesh, it's present day Phearce, Mystery Babylon, America. Known as well, as West Rule, was no more, nor ever again planet earth, nor universe, that fast Phearce, that fast, my, our God is Christ, you know, please, please, just take me home. Okay, okay, no arguments here, ah, I'll get on the commy right now, you, ah, I fixed you hot honey, lemon tea, that sound delicious, as you woke me, Liza and all her sisters. Including Chantey, were making hot cups and serving warm cookies, you as Mr Derryfarm prepared to read a Christmas story, well all guess gathered around this huge, wood burning fireplace. I have you guess, what I got you for Christmas, a fresh painting, the bedroom wall, this stunning mirror, of the last supper, that won't Rig be had again until it has it's fulfillment in heaven. Now the mystery woman, bearing black bowls Rig, but in her upper, right hand pocket, are business cards for better homeless shelters, planet earth, universe no more. Those homeless shelters, then Rig, can only be, Jesus promised, mansions in heaven, now the long suffering, merciful, Bride offer, ah, well you imbibe as such, let me get to the commy. You dear love gonna be the one to explain this sudden need to vacate to our loving mother, something dearest husband I'd not considered, when was the last time your parents spend Christmas in New York? You mean, while the crystal sky is missiling down huge chunks of it's creators fury, I'm guessing, but I shall say never, okay, we'll just leave that raining down sky part out, your parents are believers, as such they don't die, they ascend, right? I'll be right back, tree in, so is that a yes or no? Biscuit, didn't think about the in-laws, let me drag my own Christmas in and all, even if I argue it's not, they'll feel it's there fault, Lord, thanks for your help always being there, so I know, as I debate, you're figuring this all out and is readying to tell me all about it! There is something really amazing about that girl, yes, and our son seem to know it, she simply love the outdoors, if dear Phearce didn't insist, looking down from here, I've seen her sleep under the sun and the moon, honestly, she kinda remind me of Mavis, until that part Charles. You and I know, Mavis was a long way from being outdosy, so it's final, I guess, the giving up the babe to the father's parents, yes, and every mention like a dagger to your son's bleeding heart. I had no ideal that boy was such a superman, you know that right? I want to take credit Cat, but to be honest, at this point, I'm leaning on him, authentic, unconditional, not to brag, but I stutter to think, where she would be without him. Equally Charlie, one another's help-meet, after his heart breaking announcement a year back, I rather shutter as you say, to reconsider where Phearson McPhearson would be with Regan Central, even little Henry, I mean, I know, with Mavis missing, I lean on both their faith more than I can say? Such a stunning, strange girl, hard to believe someone did her like that, here tell, she witnessed to his parents lately, that she further Charles witnessed her attacker, repent of his atrocities, then watched, as he ascended, even entered the Juttah Septennial, my god, I know, kinda bring tears to your eyes, such a reminder, that while we're yet sinners, Christ died for us! " >>>"Catching you Rig for the third time mooning over our flight departure, I just Phearce keep seeing the look on your mother's face when I told her I couldn't stay. Yeah, but that's more about Mavis not being here, equally sad, guilty, with me darling man, taking you away for the holidays, how selfish, I just didn't consider how this would make them feel. What if I change my mind and stay instead? You know love that's up to you, well mom and dad isn't expecting me, neither is South, North or Andy, nor is Celeste, actually I tried to get Rome and her to come here. I got to get used to it, they're my parents now too, so yeah, desist all packing, ah, I'm sorry to be so wishy, washy about all this, you're not. You're just trying to spread and share your holiday love to so many others, that's what greeting cards are for, ah, so cute, you haven't had anymore dreams of the Derryfarm, A Christmas Carol, more a Sia Maaseiah's predicted, doomsday Christmas Carol, and the world as we know it, is no more. But no, I think Phearce, that was all they're to show me, like the climatic, series to seasonal, finale, to it all, what about the Lowds, had you assured them you're home for the holidays? No, good thing, and on that, I'm feeling really icky, even agitated, I'm in a hot, bubble bath, well sweet, sweet heart I'll go and assure my parents. Your parents too, you just said it, I can't wait to see their faces, take explicit notes, you Rig enjoy, I'll be back before you know it, rub your feet, your back, then please darling man, hurry! Why?
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Is God anti-gay? (Questions Christians Ask)]
If I regard Iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me! Ps. 66;18
II CHRON 7:14, 15 GOD, I Will Not Hear You, See You, Know You,
-Gen 1-3/Rom 1, God is anti-sin, Hebs 10 Elohim can't be God to sinners, and sinners can't serve Him, as Ps. 1, Holy God; why St Jn 3 to Rev 2. Jesus warn, repent or perish, or even your children, perverse harvest, all the more dead, beware, Apb, see here,
-As revealed Ancient Beast rule, the mocked nations summit, Rev 17:16-18, 2008/09-2018/2019. Breaking national to international news are also about timing end days to hours. It is knowing by various events concerning men of prediction like President Carter, like all world leaders. Today, Nov 12, 2019, is the last day planet Earth, as referenced by losing the handled of a loving Carter. Thats during, during a tug of Israeli/Islamic war, Dec 3, 2019, Nethanyu, Abbas, Abbas threaten, 8 leads, (see Dan 7/Rev 13/17, ten heads) to Dan 9, 27, nonaggression pact, April 17, 2019. Whereas error, doomed Pres Trump Gog and Magog aligned, mediator to agitator, knowing, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, molten inundation, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Nov 12th, The Final Day Planet Earth; 2019, The Man In Linen, 70th Week Of Daniel; the Rev 2, Jesus, 70th Matrix 10 day, countdown to doomsday, US/Western/Earth Soil, beware!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Bennington (Benny) Clarkson, Hillsfeet, Teams, and Queen Bride, Felecia Esponronza Castberry
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To, Shawn Medes, It isn't In My Blood,, Nothing But The Blood,
Unto Bennington (Benny) Clarkson, Hillsfeet, Teams, and Felecia Esponronza Castberry was born a son, Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet, Teams a daughter, Mierianna Erica Hillsfeet, Teams, and a son, Ellerga Kirtson Hillsfeet, Teams, Castberry
Unto Stolypin Olympus Bonai and Angelo Clementine Jaefar was born a godson, Menelaus Enison Bonai, a son Quinton Halde Bonai and a goddaughter, Neffi Teirnary Jaefar
Unto Kefferson Sade Fritz and Tyler Rowling Dyets was born a godson Viceroy Lennox Fritz, a godson Bristow Tierney Fritz and a godson, Zechariah Giovanni Fritz, Dyets
Dear Allen Tristan, Before The Last Acorn Falls
My dearest Allen, Tristan, Before the last acorn fall dear one, peep out and see there is rain still, that the wind has gathered about thee, and so much, much, pain. they're taking them away, blowing them into far, distant lands out of my garden beloved, into the, wilderness, uncertainty of man. Truly Your, Sura Danielle
Starring: Bennington (Benny) Clarkson, Hillsfeet, Teams, and Queen Bride, Felecia Esponronza Castberry
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain V
"What is it dear Mr Derry? Waking, the stale aroma of pine needles and roasted nuts yet filling the air about, glancing, squinting, noticing, the dawn, Mr Derry , he is awake, standing the looking window, it's reflective, yet burning fireplace, sparkling, along the Lord Supper, mirror, so joyous, it's celebrative morn. "What is it, what do you see still? Explosions Liza yet torching the twilight sky, and what seem like thick, snow flakes, but I don't think it is, I think it's volcanic Ash. Did I hear you say volcanic ash, here, at Kimberley? Yes, and, ah, Merry Christmas, what Liza, could be our last, merry that is, you don't mean it," tossing the overs off, a chill hit her arms, legs, her head, and she just, cutting through the cold, getting at this Christmas mystery, "its hard to see, something is falling, and I'm sure Liza girl, not as prayed after, a White Christmas, see, see, the light there, the lightning? No, no thunder, no lightning, those the lasting events we saw as that strange sky phenomena passed us by, but Liza, not yet. Whose, that? That sound like some other is awake, probably the children getting a peek, under the Christmas Tree, I thought in a few years Mr Derryfarm, that would be us, but with such gnawing at the heart to thoughts trials, we have to believe, pray for the best. What is that, who, who is that? Knock, knock, Fitzgerald, it's Charles, I think I hear you whispering and fussing about, yes, Charles, come, come in and good Christmas morning to ya. I love those pajamas, so festive, yes Fritz, one of many of my presents, seeing you stand the window there, I Fritz agree, something odd is happening, yes, Liza and I can barely see it as well, I think we should dress, conjure up a carriage or some riding horses, take a look and see, Liza, what you think? I think whatever your and Charles idea, you two better come back here safe, I will Charles be with you shortly, and I you Mr Derryfarm. Is this, are we at the end of our world?" Feeling his warm hands assist her warming her nervous, chilled arms, thinking to bring her along her side of the bed, fit her back in for now, "you're freezing, come, come back to warm covers! Gladly beloved, gladly, please Fitzgerald , let nothing happen to you, nor Charles, I'll forever hear the last of Janine, I'll be back just as soon, all safe and sound, I promise you." >>>"You think Mr Becton, its grands up so soon?" Yet having the smell of those logs, tossed into the fireplace, a race back to bed, into her warmth, feet all, grandpa Becton folding into a welcoming grandma Benton. "Not to alarm you dear, but one glance out the window, all is not well, all is not well all around, a snow or some other builds and builds on the ground, I just know, chocking out both crops and livestock. Some other, some other, truly Mr. Becton, more blind than me, what some other, could it be? I said nothing, not to alarm us all, but that something that streaked and lite up the skies, indeed nothing been the same, nerves, frayed and all, and that's the some other I fear, and if my fears are founded, not only is our harvest dead, for miles and miles around, but we could be looking at dark skies for a time and great famine. Dark skies, no sunlight, what love, what is that gnawing pause in your hearts' voice? Please don't take my sunshine away, yes, yes, what of it? Before, just now Mr Becton, I heard it as a merry-go-around song, the grands hand in hand, skipping around in a circle, singing, "you are my sunshine, my only sunlight, you make me happy, when skies are gray!" When skies are gray, Mrs Becton? Yes, yes, then the saying as here, "please don't take, my sunshine, away, did I just have a premonition of things Mr Becton, you just said, a long time without the sunlight? Sh, sh, sh," nuzzling a warm, moist kiss, her welcoming cheeks, forward, just right, thinking after every odd thing that'd happen, this premonition as Mrs Benton described, could only be shared wisely and not abroad, not just yet, anyway. >>"My fears were right, it's volcanic ash Charles, tons of it, and more, and the more, it falls, you think it's Mount Michael? If that sky mystery impacted any of a volcanic anomaly, if you Derry is looking for a proper description, I believe it's called a volcanic winter, one or the other of extinction studies, world temperatures drop exponentially. Plus, we can't be in this, breath this, lung disease is also increased exponentially, right dear friend, we realized our fears. Anyway, the horses are having a hard time at it, what's happen is happen, only a merciful, shepherding God, will Charles see us through it, let's get back and give our guess the best, last Christmas day ever, ever I say Charles, ever." >>>"Why am I not surprised Liza to find you day dreaming the family room fireplace, and why am I not Chantey dear surprised, that you are the first to find me here, and best friend, if your question is, am I alright? No, our world is changed more dramatic than I or writer Janine can explain, and I just can not get past the suddeness, and, the yet gnawing intensity, so many people, men, women and children, even for a Christmas day, could be dead. Ah god, ah god, peace be still my panic heart, those flocking, black birds Chantey I witnessed form into the look of a black, Christmas tree, black death all. Then dear Liza so many dead, like Holy God asked his prophet Ezekiel, and the Christ asked, Lazarus' sisters, can the dead, can these bones, Liza, live again? Yes, on the last day, the trumpet will sound, the righteous dead will be risen to second, immortal, life, but we know dear Chantey, we know, whatever this blessed Christ ask the Father, blessed He will give it, thus dear Liza we pray, ask, seek and knock in blessed, Christ's name. We pray, our father Chantey, which is in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy, kingdom come, thy, will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven, give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us Liza our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, for thine Holy God, is the kingdom, the power, Chantey and glory, Liza, forever and ever, amen. Now, does my mother to be, best friend, feel better? Tell me about it, childbirth, I rather not, until nature take it's course, I would only worry you, scare you even Liza dear, god forbid. Let's instead fix the setting all around, build better fires, lite candles and lanterns, for our soon to be running in screaming, to happy to have fun children. Liza, Liza darling, where you all about? I am here, Chantey and I both, Chantey, Mr. Derryfarm, I will not speak lightly, it is as suspected and we're possibly with extended guess, and all the more from the hilltops to come, running from fires an famine. But, but, dear, sweet Liza, that bridge is to be crossed then, first our Christmas guess, presently at hand, and seeing a servant with hot tea up the stair, says, beloved Aunt, has gotten us off to a pretty, pleasant start, let us not disappoint." >>>'I'm sorry," opening her eyes to two strangers overhead, thinking she'd not yet freed herself from dreaming, but where was she, who were they? "No, dear Regan Central, we're the ones sorry, I'm Phearce cousin, Percival and this is my wife Elizabeth, Liza for short. How it is best to explain all this, ah, your, ah, dear husband send us in to introduce ourselves, only we found you sleeping, rather loudly at that. I was dreaming, The Derryfarm's, now A Doomsday Christmas Carol, seeming the end of the world come, The Derryfarms, as in one of our most famous, fables come so cinematic, the Derryfarm's? Yes, only it's seven years past, actually Mr Derry, your cousin Phearce in the dream, his now widowed sister, Glorianna, is looking forward to being wedded to a Mr Fennick Percival, joined by Liza, played by me, the ah sister in law. Whereas Mr Benton sister, Adeline, also a window, military husband, MIA, is again married, two sons, and wishing to have more children, with her new husband, Dr Matthew E. Gentri, I'm betting the E is for Edward. I see you all found her, Phearce, Phearce love, are you hearing all of this, Regan Central's Mr. Derryfarm a Christmas Carol, doomsday at that? Well yes dear husband, just as I woke just now, a sky phenom had just cast to them all Christmas Eve, to Day, into a cocktail of activity, a slow motion, extinction level event. Whereas, it's host, us, the Derryfarms were hell bent on how best to tell them all, their world, pre this, our technical world, is all over and with lightning speed, please, please excuse me, I must quickly find a restroom. Ah, I can tell by your stun faces, you guys ever watched the movie Cloverfield? Well, the Paris Globe's, Sia Maaseiah saw a similar scenario, two crystallized, Godzilla like creatures, to beast, tearing chunks out of the cracking apart crystal skies, then tossing them, these, even fiery, giant like Asteroids to meteors down at abominable us. Cause the ah, ah, mountain, she saw in the now reigning Bride's possession, this was before she as well tossed earth enders down at sinning us, the Holy Bride's own wrath, I guess. Did too, it did too, this Daniel 2, stone, cut out without hands, did too, have the look, the surface of a meteor, hum, which remind me, anybody ever asked, the difference between those two? There's wine and finger sandwiches being served in the, ah den, to parlor, I'm told to tell you, and I'm going to check on dear, dear, Regan Central, seeing she could deliver that little Henry the third, any moment, ah, see you two posthaste. What the hell? I know, Percy right, the twilight zone, outer limits or a scene out of X files, or, or that TV series, Stranger Things? What the hell? We need wine alright and plenty of it, sounds really good to me Percy dear, as well; where they Rig that awful? Please, I woke with them standing over me like I was some phenom oddity, plus I know what your side of this family Phearce, must think of me, Mavis made that very clear. Well, not saying that I fixed anything, if anything, the plot that is Regan Central McPhearson, thickens the more. Though I kinda explained what you was saying, by kinda breaking down Sia Maaseiah Phoenix Dream, you know, of those two crystallized, Godzilla beast, tearing, and tossing our now revealed crystal skies back at us. Still, still, still, love, I explained further, by using the movie, monster Cloverfield, as an example, show you right, beloved man, no way did that explanation help. So get my apologies in order? No, what are you Rig apologizing for? You have this extraordinary gift, that has passed down from God's anointed patriots to prophets until Jesus, the Bridegroom was taken skyward and now, many millennia later, the Holy, Queen Bride is off to second heaven's intercessions. You are talking into billions inherit this planet, universe, who will never Rig, until they're suddenly overtaken as in Noah's day, believe their America to world to universe are all ending and with lightning speed. Therefore Jesus cries into Holy God's' Revelations, blessed Phearce are it's hearers and doers, making all others, cursed, equally Phearce darling, Jesus saying he that believeth not is condemned already, yeah, yeah, the first born curse, death and damnation, remain, right? Right, so what's that daring far off look into the beyond, being stoned to death, Stephen instead distracted, looking into the heavens, seeing Jesus reign the Holy Throne, the Father's right hand. Your two cousins Phearce, were named for two of the Derryfarms, A Christmas Carol dream, story, even your father, Charles, Mother, Catherine, don't be surprised if tonight's guess aren't as well, characters this curious fable, recognized to revealed, accordingly. Yeah, we better go join the party, don't want to appear as hard noses, I hope I yet look presentable, you are Regan Central darling, indescribably edible and as usual I can't wait to dig into such sweet, vanilla to caramel, cottony skin. Then you stunning sir, not even having to ask, so equally edible to scrumptious, sound like a feasting table, a McPhearson, rapacious marriage bed. Although precious, precious girl, until then, please bid me this perfumed arm, and let me lead you our way, surely gallant Mr McPhearson, taunt me as need, I will as always, run after thee!." Why?
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-And I heard in my ear, 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools," as Noah's day marriage abnormality, fallen angels, mating human women. Satan's, devils and demons, as at present covert agenda, F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler. A wicked thwarting the woman seed that would give us Jesus' redeeming, Cross, blood/The Holy Bride, Jesus Millennium Reign, God's Kingdom come, don't let those deceived, deceive you, Repent, ....Ah, Run! Beware, Apb
Americans Cried To Trump Make America Great Again, Throne Back Turn God Cried Back, Yours Is A Nuclear, Natural, NEO, Fate!
Article, [LGBT group pushes for 20 percent of all television characters be LGBT by 2025]
Nov 12, 2019, A 70th, Man In Linen Week Of Daniel, A 70th, Jesus 2, Matrix, Ten Day Count, The Final Day, Planet Earth!
-Despite how indescribably abominable fornicating to formulating Americans to Earthers. Though Noah's family had his Holy God's designed Ark, called them in to join Holy Elohim, four righteous Genesis Men, Marriages. Yet standing in Jesus first descent, the Bride's first ascent, Rev 12 star warring Michael.
-The second heavens, watching as Prophet Jeremiah's book of lamentations to Apostle John's book of Revelations, I think of it a lot, what's going to be a million years impossible. Unthinkably, standing, watching, even interceding from the second heavens as tens of millions of US/Canada soil Americans literally, equally burn to death, just as a whole world that's presently, on fire; see here, Rev 6, 6th seal, Jan 23-29th 6th Matrix, (666).
-Soon, I just John witnessed, the sky rolled back like a scroll, and missiled down in huge shards, claiming 5% UK, soil, and 15% US/BC/The Americas soil, are no more, see" see, [*Massive MAGMA Pool Found BUBBLING**Under New England Volcanoes Will Spark Eruption!];
-See also, The Final Days" causes of fires,; see, also, dutchsinse, causes of fires,, see here,, how it all ends, prophetically, beware, Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Jackson Alexander Curtis and Queen, Bride, Bristle Kegan Lowd, Lotts,
-And I heard in my ear, 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools," as Noah's day marriage abnormality, fallen angels, mating human women. Satan's, devils and demons, as at present covert agenda, F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler. A wicked thwarting the woman seed that would give us Jesus' redeeming, Cross, blood/The Holy Bride, Jesus Millennium Reign, God's Kingdom come, don't let those deceived, deceive you, Repent, ....Ah, Run! Beware, Apb
Americans Cried To Trump Make America Great Again, Throne Back Turn God Cried Back, Yours Is A Nuclear, Natural, NEO, Fate!
Article, [LGBT group pushes for 20 percent of all television characters be LGBT by 2025]
Nov 12, 2019, A 70th, Man In Linen Week Of Daniel, A 70th, Jesus 2, Matrix, Ten Day Count, The Final Day, Planet Earth!
-Despite how indescribably abominable fornicating to formulating Americans to Earthers. Though Noah's family had his Holy God's designed Ark, called them in to join Holy Elohim, four righteous Genesis Men, Marriages. Yet standing in Jesus first descent, the Bride's first ascent, Rev 12 star warring Michael.
-The second heavens, watching as Prophet Jeremiah's book of lamentations to Apostle John's book of Revelations, I think of it a lot, what's going to be a million years impossible. Unthinkably, standing, watching, even interceding from the second heavens as tens of millions of US/Canada soil Americans literally, equally burn to death, just as a whole world that's presently, on fire; see here, Rev 6, 6th seal, Jan 23-29th 6th Matrix, (666).
-Soon, I just John witnessed, the sky rolled back like a scroll, and missiled down in huge shards, claiming 5% UK, soil, and 15% US/BC/The Americas soil, are no more, see" see, [*Massive MAGMA Pool Found BUBBLING**Under New England Volcanoes Will Spark Eruption!];
-See also, The Final Days" causes of fires,; see, also, dutchsinse, causes of fires,, see here,, how it all ends, prophetically, beware, Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Jackson Alexander Curtis and Queen, Bride, Bristle Kegan Lowd, Lotts,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To, Mina Alexander, Mercy Me,
Give Here,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin,
Matrix, LXX,
Unto Dr Jackson Alexander Curtis and Bristle Kegan Lowd Lotts, was born a son, Efferson Arson Simms and a daughter Madison Freedom Curtis, Lowd, Lotts
Unto Darius Aden Lowd and Felicity Nicolette Janin was as on Darius Eden Lowd 2nd, a son, Herenton Erion Janin and a
daughter, Maverick Damien Lowd, Janin
Unto Kesane Equado Lowd and Britton Willow Grants was born a son, Kesane Equardo Lowd 2nd, a daughter, Piper, Sicily Lowd and a son, Nicole Gavin Lowd, Grants
From Poetry Rising, Mission Butter Fly 05/12/2016
My Dearest Regan Central
“I’ve only lived a short time yet I’ve lived forever, I’ve only known a few people yet I'm known by everyone, I only have eyes for you, yet my vision isn’t clear. I miss you so much, though I little miss you, I was born into this world without a say from me, my parents loved and I was born, what about you?
Starring, Jackson Alexander Curtis and Bristle Kegan Lowd, Lotts,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Starring, Jackson Alexander Curtis and Bristle Kegan Lowd, Lotts,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain VI
"Look there Brisk, all bets off, Regan Central is here, and she's stunning, they, she and that mesmerizing, hubby, Phearson McPhearson, well, mom is gonna flip, said Regan wasn't sure she would attend this years New Year's Eve party, looks like she found away, perfect for both mom and dad. You think she's seen more of Herenton?" Thinking back months past, knowing the gentlemen helping her with her bags was a form of her brother's reincarnated spirit, or such. "I've seen him, he was disguised as the risen Christ Lord was to Mary Magdalene, giving a name only his name Kesane, spelled backward, I would swear before God's Throne, that was him. I never Brisk forgot you telling me that, even Darius, but since you didn't tell mom nor dad, kinda made it seem you wasn't all that sure. Look, perhaps, that is the conversation we're to have with them and Regan instead, you think sis? It's brilliant I admit, but testaments of Henry's visiting afterlife coming from me isn't as intriguing as coming from Regan Central, you say that Bristle Kegan like Regan won't have something equally amazing to overwhelming to add. Hum, from this balcony looking down into arriving guess, Mom's own New Year's, Rocking Eve Party, is off to a good start, I'm going to find the stunner hubby, Dr Jackson, and show stopping, Regan Central, see you and your amazing girl there, yeah, see ya, let Darius know where I am, I will, ...good, thanks!" >>>"You might as well tell me," greeting a truly tied Mr Derry as soon as he's off of his horse front and center, he and three assisting. "You know how the rumors spread, I'm afraid Liza our New Years' Eve doesn't fair better than Christmas Eve, Day, we found more families burn out, some shot out, and not just by variances, but, ah, ah, killed by their own hands Liza, by their own hands, men, women, children, babies, babies Liza girl, you think I want to tell you that? So has Charles return, any of your brother in laws, Chantey, Mr William? None, but soon I am sure, as you can see, hear, we were able to take hold of more livestock, what good was left of stores, which is good, there are more homeless on the way here. Then Mr Derry it is good we have taken hold of the Krontrite Estate, all are comfortable, and we have more than enough room, food. So good to hear, so, so good to hear, but I must admit, I feel, if we don't hear from our brothers soon, I will Mrs Liza, take a charge of horses and men and go and search, I feel I must. This, this here," lifting his jacket into his watch pocket, bringing, as to slowly unfold a mystery, letter, instantly seizing Mrs Liza 's sweet heart so, with what it must dare be, to say. "What is that, why do you now hesitate? We found a letter, "Dear God, forgive us this fear," soon her darling Mr Derryfarm begin to read, calling out each of the deceased names, no doubt for burial plots. "But Holy God can't, these deaths dear Liza being premeditated, they died murderers Liza, they murdered their five children and murdered themselves. Ah my scarlet heart, love, come here, this crying shoulder all, and for as long as you want, no, no, no, I have to be strong for you and little Henry, but you are strong. Even a superman, you think any of these, all come, well ran, sanctuaries and counting, would be here if you Mr. Derry, wasn't strong, this mission impossible even? I guess not, my lord I guess not, ah I'm starved, of course you are, take my hand my strong, super man and come this way, I have just the right thing waiting for you, as always, yes Dear Liza, as always" >>>" Now my loving parents, that our guess are satisfied and most are being delivered home, we brought you all in here, welcome as a sister Regan Central, as a brother, Phearson. Further, as with our guess, Dr Jackson Alexander, Darius,' Felicity Nicolette and my own, fiancé, Britton Willow, fianc'e, did you son Kesane just make an announcement, your own? Yes, my own darling Kesane did you? If you Brittany dear will have me as your husband and life time companion, Darius brother, if you will," reaching into his pocket, bringing out a red bow, dawn, black jewel, box. Handing it to a come to his knees, romantic offer, so tear jerking for them all, "for this new years, resolution, with this offer of an amazing Jewel, I want to vow myself as a husband, both to Holy God and my beloved Britton, will you Britton, vow, yourself to us as well? Holy God this witnessed, and this ah, ah, ring, is gorgeous, I, I was so not expecting this, not even close, I Britton, I do, Kesane, vow myself before Holy God, as your wife to be, your fiance, ah, ah my god, my god, everybody, what a new years gift, ah, here, Kleenexes everybody, ah, how can our hearts, dear Charles, ever bear it? What an amazing surprise!" >>>"How can I dear Constable show you more proof if these prison bars keep us from my estate? We're not robbers to murderers, we only ventured our to investigate our properties and bring word again to the Kimberley Estate, Mr Derry Fitzgerald, I'm sure you've heard of him, here, here! Just a reminder jailer of how much trouble you are to be in, arresting Mr Derry's gentlemen friends, for vagrancy and wrong doing, when nothing, nothing is farther from the truth. You must hear us, we have our wives and families to get back to and look after, poor Mr and Mrs Derryfarm, can't do it alone! Arggggg, they make my heart hurt, calm down Mr William, as you would say, I feel an, as the days of Peter and Silas miraculous prison bars, escape coming on, let's not faint, there's no getting back to our families that way. Thank you Dr Matthew, I can't believe you of all is being held here, those, building homeless at the Kimberley must need you, most of all. My dearest Charles, there you are, Mr Derryfarm, just as we spoke of a miracle, how did you ever find us? I learned of some night riders, breaking curfew, arrested, and this gentlemen here tracked your whereabouts from there. How is my Janine? Sorry, how selfish of me, did you bring us word Mr Derry all is well? All is indeed well, since you left we required the Kroncrite Estate and we got it, it too is running well, housing pretty well arriving house less. Let's get to each of your estates, shall we? Surely Fritz, you must get back to your own, yes, yes, I will, just you, no more breaking of curfews, know there are plenty wounded to decease souls out there, and don't be naive about that. It's best to know your families need you, and look for you, here I am running to bring them good word of you, I will Mr Derryfarm, come back with you, any ailing patients I'm to yet have are as those arriving at Kimberley, right now. The Kroncrite you say, as well, as long as you Dr Matthew can keep up, I have a wife and family, I am anxious to see, that urgency will Mr Derry, be all the speed I need." >>>"I know, I know, Bristle love think I stole her thunder but not hardly, she too has a miraculous unveiling, to ah, equally tell you all, I say equally, because, months ago she told Darius and I and we accepted what she told us as being truly remarkable and authentic. I admit, when we stood the balcony, watching guess come in, seeing you stunning Regan Central come, finding ourselves so glad for our parents, you accepted it's invitation. We, ah, Kesane and I did discuss what of you Regan, of any news, ah, sightings to visits of crossing among us beloved Herenton? When I was reminded by Kesane I had quite a dozy of a Herenton testament my own, pray then if there are no objections? My Bristle girl, if you don't continue, mom, okay, continuing, I was shopping, bringing out arms filled of bags, this gentle guy just appeared out of no where, and I mean that, he was just all of a sudden, right there, until I kinda felt threaten, backed off. Soon realizing, there's something so familiar about him, that at his notice he tried to shy away, but soon come closer, grabbing my bags to help, despite how I fussed at him, I was not kind. But come so personal, I knew it was him, I knew it was Herenton, so when I hand my hand to thank him, I said my name, Bristle, hoping he would say his name as well, and he did. He said, his name was Notnereh, mom, dad, that's Herenton name spelled backward, yes Kesane yes, but Instantly I wasn't to know that, it was Darius, as he heard it, who figured it. It was just a weird name, sound made up even, so, I easily figured it, ah my God, he is alive, just as you Regan said, you said months ago and you're just now telling us? Right, I know mom, I the husband, I'm equally flabbergasted myself, I thought you beloved Brisk, brought all in here, to tell your mom, your parents, about the pregnancy, what, ah my god, what? Dear, Father, husband, what did I say? You hoped this time next year, Bristle's news today would be about another pending grandchild, as Regan Central's does at this New Year's gathering. My darling girl, son, son, ah my god, congratulation Bristol, husband, Dr Jackson, how wonderful, but speaking of wonderful, Bristle. I saw him too, around that same time, you, you, yes, well, little Henry here, let me get a glance at him, it was about four or so months ago, during a dream to demo, I glanced up from, into the birthing center viewer window, where little Henry was being kept. Like you said, at first glance, I couldn't tell, yeah, Bristle said, like Mary Magdalene didn't rightly recognize risen Jesus, yeah, like that, but in this heart it was him, like me, like us Phearson, he was seeing to residing over the birth of all our son, little Henry. I'm even positive, he's ascended into the African Juttah, only known there as Egan Notnereh, Bristle, as you say. So are you darling girl telling me, telling us, if we want to join with our son Herenton Egan again, he awaits us in the African Juttah, under this alias? Though yours mom and dad is called the New Euphrates River, Parental Juttah, but yes, your Herenton Egan is there. Such, such amazing grace, all of you help me sing it, I'll get to the piano, thank you son, Darius, thank you Regan Central, you too Bristle, for again remaining us our eldest son Herenton Egan is yet with us, and for it's immortal lifetime, ahhh -maaa, zingg grace, how sweet, the sound, that save, ah wrench, like, meeee... see, hear the entire song here, Whitney Houston's, Amazing Grace,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Hearing 2010, like Ezekiel 9, Throne Back Turn God, "Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin; March 2019, seeing two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side, like in a race to impact US/Western soil; hearing, June 2019, "Destroy Wisconsin," beware!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Seen to be seeing Jan 13, (2019), a handwriting on a wailing wall 2015's 99 bowls of molten lava, (see Rev 6, 6th seal domino effect of all firing volcanoes predicted 2015, US West Pacific Ring Of Fire, Hawaii, California/Canada, New Mexico to Wyoming US States of Barbecue, all not for centuries active, beware, Apb
Article, [NASA asteroid WARNING: Area rock might slam into Earth TODAY], Trump/Pomeo's Error, Venezuela, Crying Jan 20, 2017, Fifty Million will die, for a lost 2003/2013/2016 of 15% Us/Western Soil
Barter Balen, A Measure Of Wheat For A Penny!
-Ice age farmer, Evolutionary arts and others are showing us for over a year the multi billions in agricultural loses, because of a mini Ice age, come. What they warn, plus you all, is surely all the fulfillment of Rev 6, 3rd seal, black horse judgement crying a measure of wheat for a penny, soon evoking and enforcing a mark of the beast system. Then all religion, politics, monetary and military systems are being made liable for their wicked parts, all Lisa Haven, all Dave Hodges, not just one.
- ALL, ALL! ALL!! Now once you all kick against the Prick Trump Administration as well has been aligned to 50 million US deaths, just like Bush's, like Obama's perhaps you'll lay blame to its original source, God's Noah's day wrath. Then accepting harsh truth truly help people by getting them out of the way of Noah's day extinction level events nuclear, natural and NEO'S as recent as days before Putin's Threat and Alabama's disaster, all ELES gone active US/Western soil; knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed escape, a Briexit skyward or a Brexit/Blaexit, Georgia/Africa, beware, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Talisman Hennessy Breaker and Queen Bride Avalon Angel Sky Hillsfeet,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Hearing 2010, like Ezekiel 9, Throne Back Turn God, "Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin; March 2019, seeing two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side, like in a race to impact US/Western soil; hearing, June 2019, "Destroy Wisconsin," beware!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Seen to be seeing Jan 13, (2019), a handwriting on a wailing wall 2015's 99 bowls of molten lava, (see Rev 6, 6th seal domino effect of all firing volcanoes predicted 2015, US West Pacific Ring Of Fire, Hawaii, California/Canada, New Mexico to Wyoming US States of Barbecue, all not for centuries active, beware, Apb
Barter Balen, A Measure Of Wheat For A Penny!
-Ice age farmer, Evolutionary arts and others are showing us for over a year the multi billions in agricultural loses, because of a mini Ice age, come. What they warn, plus you all, is surely all the fulfillment of Rev 6, 3rd seal, black horse judgement crying a measure of wheat for a penny, soon evoking and enforcing a mark of the beast system. Then all religion, politics, monetary and military systems are being made liable for their wicked parts, all Lisa Haven, all Dave Hodges, not just one.
- ALL, ALL! ALL!! Now once you all kick against the Prick Trump Administration as well has been aligned to 50 million US deaths, just like Bush's, like Obama's perhaps you'll lay blame to its original source, God's Noah's day wrath. Then accepting harsh truth truly help people by getting them out of the way of Noah's day extinction level events nuclear, natural and NEO'S as recent as days before Putin's Threat and Alabama's disaster, all ELES gone active US/Western soil; knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed escape, a Briexit skyward or a Brexit/Blaexit, Georgia/Africa, beware, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Talisman Hennessy Breaker and Queen Bride Avalon Angel Sky Hillsfeet,
Give Here,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Talisman Hennessy Breaker and Evalon Angel Sky, Hillsfeet, was born a son, Javen Enrico Breaker, a son, Nevels Fiona Breaker, a son, Lorance Demeter Breaker, Hillsfeet
Unto Darius Eden Lowd and Felicity Nicolette Janin was as on Darius Eden Lowd 2nd, a son, Herenton Erion Janin and a daughter, Maverick Damien Lowd, Janin
Unto Kesane Equado Lowd and Britton Willow Grants was born a son, Kesane Equardo Lowd 2nd, a daughter, Piper, Sicily Lowd and a son, Nicole Gavin Lowd, Grants
From Poetry Rising, Mission Butter Fly 05/12, 2016
Dear Regan Central
-I've only lived a short time yet I’ve lived forever, I’ve only known a few people yet I'm known by everyone, I only have eyes for you, yet my vision isn’t clear, I miss you so much, though I little miss you. I was born into this world without a say from me, my parents loved and I was born, what about you? Your Phearson McPhearson
Starring: Talisman Hennessy Breaker and Avalon Angel Sky Hillsfeet,
Starring: Talisman Hennessy Breaker and Avalon Angel Sky Hillsfeet,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain VII
"Am I seeing right? I, they're back, and Adeline, Dr Matthew is with them, what about Charles and the others? Good news I'm sure, having Dr Matthew, Janine mean, they found the others too, I can't believe him, doesn't he love me? Is that a trick question? Mina, how you feel? Nothing Linda Joy, a little Chamomile Tea didn't fix, does Mr George know? No, with all this messy, mess going on, still love, you going to have to tell him, don't make him think you are sick other than you are carrying. Easy for you, you wasn't there when he said two sons and two daughters, were enough, while dear Mina, when he use that excuse to stop climbing into you so often, just look over all that kind of talk. They're pilled high, going to need us, and you, that's why knowing is best, so we know to be careful with you, plus men know more than they let on at times. You heard that darling Adeline, they called me father, ran right into my arms with it, yes, I saw, heard, like me, they are just so glad to see you. I know Adeline dear, one went away, did not come back, when Mr Derry come for us, I waste no time making sure you didn't worry more than you had too, got back with Mr Derryfarm, just as fast. Then truly Dr Matthew you love me, speaking of which you must come and see this, we're placing every thing holistic to medical in here, ah my god, like my own little clinic. Exactly, and I your nurse, with many waiting to visit, then let me just catch my breath, enjoy a few more warming hugs to kisses, and we can get to work." >>"Don't think Mrs Mina I don't know you should be careful, I'll take that basket of potatoes, you think a girl or boy this time? I asked because worker, Smith, had two at once, a son and a daughter, please love let's hope, Christ God is not that generous to us, stop it, put me down, you said be careful', grabbing her off her feet, into a big, ho, ho, ho, holly, jolly!!! This was no longer the man, the husband, father, she was just describing to sis Janine, but with all the horrors that's happen, all were changed, some for the best, but still others, for the worst." >>> "You are no doubt love, crossed at me again, I'm sorry, for what's that's even worth, Phearce, let me Rig, have your coat, scarf, ah gloves, you want anything before I turn in? When you say turn in, I really miss you when you're not with me, little Henry too I guess, I didn't tell you, but I had the hardest time at your mom's Christmas gala, not Phearce completely throwing myself on you, or at you. Such burning temptation, is really why I kept excusing myself to the bathroom, wanting you like that, needing you, was beyond taming, but you did, tamed it, as you say. Look Rig, there's no explaining for a billion years what you mean to me, I just can't believe you did that to me again, I felt so equally ambushed by it, even by them all. I just don't know what is it about Herenton you think you can't share with me, some people think it's unfair Phearce how so easily Herenton was forgiven and ushered into heaven and even New Africa's Septennial, the only second best thing. Just people Rig or unbelievers? I know God's forgiveness into it's merciful love is for the ancients now into its eons to come, past finding out and you Rig more than any other know that, so I suggest, as we both undress for bed, you try again, please, it's only fair. I then, I think that, after the long lasting, unforgettable horror he put me through, it seem so, ah, too easy, he's so easily forgiven and all. Didn't you Rig see all the equally horrible things Herenton, gone into a hellish descent, he suffered first, how sorry did you as well Rig, feel for him? I know, because you told me these sorrows, and had me kneel often a merciful intercessor for pitiful him, all, now come, come, let me help you with all this. I told you Rig, when it come to our pending, unspeakable marriage bed, I look back to Christ Jesus', Joseph and Mary, and Jesus having at least five Rig, younger siblings. Again that's five, five times Jesus witnessed his woman suffer, bringing new life upon the earth, I must say, only one less than our genealogy, ah, well you, finish this. But you don't have to, yeah, I do, I'm gonna, ah, ah, I'll be back, ah, yeah, I'll be back, as you speed away dear husband, does that mean apology accepted? " >>>"So our goodest news? Put on hold for now, you say that Dare like we're not waiting to be together until your parents are informed and in agreement, I don't understand. They accept Regan Central and Phearson McPhearson, Juttah Marriage Vows, does that mean, loving Felicity, you are forgetting neither of those are my siblings? When Regan Central carrying Herenton's unborn no matter how, first entered those vows with Mr McPhearson, my mother thought them, even declared them, heathen to trespassers, but look Fe Fe, at how wonderful they are, unspeakable even. Seems darling man, that argument should work more for us instead of against us, if not love you're saying we fear to obey man more then Holy Father, please, can I just go home? Home, I thought you'd stay here tonight, as in separate rooms away from you, no, if I'm going to be away from you Derry, I may at well do it at my place. You're punishing me and just won't say it, I can say the same Derry, you're punishing me, I miss a marriage bed we haven't even had yet, okay, okay, you're right, we'll tell them, you sure, now, right now, just give me these perfectly manicured, kissable hands, and come this way." >>>"Did you Rig have any ideal Darius could both play and sing like that? He did your favorite Clay Aiken, "Don't Save It All,' so good, that amazing note all, how is it he's not a professional? I know, I know, but no, I was just as dumbfounded, hey, hey, my chest is saying, why, so uneasy? You mean incredible man, besides your neck, cheek smelling so Desrek Chocolate edible and I so want to bite you ears to toes? Seems I been dreaming along the Derryfarm's, now a Doomsday Christmas Carol again, it was an extinction level, event, continuous fires, only it seem to passover them, the Kimberley Estate is nothing more or less than a homeless shelter. This amazing place and some nearing Estate called, the Krontrite House, it's really bad, entire families and plenty of them been wiped out, others turn to wiping themselves out, murder suicide Phearce, even way back then. This time I learned more of Liza's sister Mina, married to a Mr Georgia, four kids in seven years and both just learning, there's another on the way, ah hopefully not twins, I don't under, one of Mr Georgia's workers had twins, and they're hoping not them, also. This other oddity, they're putting people up no pride or prejudice, all come, all Phearce come, whoever has a need, wow, wow, yeah, hum, I guess we're seeing early only what passovers extinction level events could've happen. How this world Rig, never would've existed, but to outreach Holy, blessed, Christ, here we are near two thousand years it cry, it is finished, Christ's Cross has overcome for the ancient, spiritual warfare and abominable sin and got us the victory, eternally. Hey, that make me wonder, how long you think Rig this earth sat all black, blasted and wasted before Holy Them decided it was time to create the Genesis Man, Marriage, a more carnate, Holy God that is? I mean Sia Maaseiah little Miya girl being of both post and present apocalypse, meaning they're one in the same, we never actually rose from the pre-adamic apocalypse, not past those, what two, to three innocent days; clever illusions, like the American Dream, only made us think we did, yet does, is that loving man, what you're saying?" Why?
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Hearing Sept, 13, 2019, "before it's news, Israel," Nov 12th, 2019, The Final Day Planet Earth; The Man In Linen, Dan 9, 70th Week Of Years; the Rev 2, Jesus, 70th Matrix 10 day, countdown to doomsday, beware!
Article, [Iran-backed Islamic Jihad Says 'We Are Going to War' With Israel After Assassination]
-But The End Is Not Yet, Nation Shall Rise Against Nation, Kingdoms Against Kingdom, And There Shall Be 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!
-All those defending Israel, think back to Jesus standing Mt Olivet, looking down upon a rebellious Israel. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together but you would not, desolated are your houses.
-Disciples are asking about the signs of the end days, Jesus pause everything by saying, let no man deceive you, again, NO MAN. As in believe it or not, desolations Israeli soil will happen, two thirds shall be cut off.
-It's my response to Bush's war on the axis of evil by saying Saddam Hussein executed instead a pending Barack Hussein would sit the white house and Hussein would indefinitely rule the world. Cursed by a disillusioned reality, the American Dream, you can't see it even now, but that then during Bush, the seeing 1998/99, Jer 37:8/Oct 25, 2018/19, Dan 4:4 until 7 years be fulfilled.
-Iran to Islam being the rock kingdom nations for many millennia broke themselves against, now presently Israeli/American/Western reign. Then Jesus began to describe apocalyptic events like at present then pending , biblical to revelation book, and as described Rev 6, 6th seal, a 6 matrix US soil.
-There's no prep to shelter in place, in mountains nor beneath, there is only stampeding into safe havens designed like Noah's Ark to Moses blessed exodus, by God's mercy. Hussein's Aug (2008) it was by a sea of refugees pouring into Africa's coast; by Hussein's 2010, 15% dead US soil, it was as a New White House, Royal family, descending into a Hussein reign.
-Obama/Trump's 2018, it was invitations from US, Canada, The Americas states of barbecue into US Georgia for as far as Africa's Atlantic. Then Sept 23, 2019, into last day planet I earth, Nov 12, 2019, there's California burning, refugees stampeding and tens of millions dead to dying; a fiery doomsday Christmas Carol to a Fiery Noah's cousin, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Artwork, Paisley Arden Hillsfeet and Queen Bride, Domenick Serbia Hacksaw
-The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Listening To , Clay Aiken, Mary Did You Know,
Give Here,
Unto Artwork, Paisley Arden Hillsfeet and Domenick Serbia Hacksaw was born a son, Trondrick Raisin-Sun Hillsfeet, a son, Wright Valley, River Hillsfeets, and a godson, Days-End, Sunmorning, Hillsfeet
Unto Aiden Riesen Williamson and Skylar Winter Morning was born a son Cullum Jakai Williamson, a son, Chelsea, Calen Williamson and a son, Craven Reyn Williamson
Unto Dr Jackson Alexander Curtis and Bristle Kegan Lowd Lotts, was born a son, Efferson Arson Simms and a daughter Madison Freedom Curtis, Lowd, Lotts
From Poetry Rising, Mission Butter Fly 05/12/2016
My Dearest Regan Central
I can see you and you say I am blind, I can hear you and you say I am deaf, I can feel you here, there, up, down and all around and you say you’re this distant away from town. I say I’m crying and you say its laughter, I say I’m dying and you say I’m very much alive, I say I’m gone and you say I’m near, I say I hear you and you say, you’re nowhere near me. Your skin is like silk, your tongue like milk, your blood like honeycomb and your substance on mine this priceless imbibe, I know that you are mine and you say, not this time, thine, Phearson
Starring: Artwork, Paisley Arden Hillsfeet and Domenick Serbia Hacksaw
Starring: Artwork, Paisley Arden Hillsfeet and Domenick Serbia Hacksaw
-The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain VIII
Prophecy Links
-Christmas season shopping 2018, Before one word to letter passes into another I'm enraptured, soaring skyward, the speed of blessed sunlight, through the heavens. That's better than 2013, even if told by Heavens Host, after visiting heaven, THEY want to be down here with me, so being like visiting Apostle, John, unfinished, and lead back here! Beware, Apb
Article, [Debunking the post tribulation Rapture theory]
For The Lord Himself, During Like Right Now, A Great Falling Away From The Church, Himself Shall Ascend From Heaven With A Shout, The Voice Of Archangel and The Trump of God,
-You best debunk Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2, Perfect Man Jesus, right before predicted Hawaii's Inbound missile alert, asking ascending Bride will Angels also ascend? Judging great whoredoms with riches to rag sickbeds and GREAT TRIBULATION; saying to suggesting to those Born Again, near two millennia now, pray the Father you're counted worthy, (Holy His blessed Christ's Cross), to escape, great judgement come to the earth. As for Apostle I am, I can still hear 2011/12, Holy Spirit come into my kitchen, into my ear saying, "soon, the Church-Bride could be in heaven, (Rev 12 Michael, second heaven of intercessions); praying for Tribulation Saints, as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them; see Gen 3:15/Rev 13:5-7, knowing as your stampeding elephants of staying unaware, to stampede yourselves southeast into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, see here, Phearce and Regan McPhearson, Darcy's A Doomsday Christmas Carol,, how it ends, prophetically, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly and Queen Bride, Sarah, Pocahontas, Hillsfeet
"That is not dear Liza, just any drover, that's Miles, finally it's Miles," running out to greet him, its been days since he last seen his special friend and then it was as to escape accusative prison bars. "Charles, dear, dear Charles, some come up behind, pulled by oxen's, by bulls, not as speedy as my thoroughbreds but Fitzgerald, getting this way, all the way. It's all flatten, the Benton Langley Estate all, like back to the earth, its all no more, everything else smoke and burns and, just burns none stop. Please tell me there are places to put all this, we've filled barns, now the few guess cottages, then no sunlight to be had for a while, mean the weather is perfect for storage. First, first dear brother Charles, climb down here, see your beautiful Janine, your children, even if Mr. Derryfarm I have nothing more to offer them? This loaded wagon returning their beloved home safe to them, says different, says beloved Charles, God has not completely abandoned us, come, hot baths, food and beds await, we have volunteers, plenty, for all this goodly labor, and loving it. I couldn't find them, my parents, yes, there was no word of mine, the Derryfarms either, that I got to tell Adeline, soon yes, but not just yet, who may I Charles ask, bring up the rear?" Taking a glance at an interested Aunt Catherine, up and up the stairs, foyer, a reminder such trials hadn't been prejudice, rich, poor, European, African, Greek, those meant for good, those meant for evil, all suffered accordingly. "I see fair Lady Catherine is as well abandoned here, dear Janine, looking as well as can be, as can be yes, let's get you undressed, your bath is hot and steamy you see. Nothing is left, we're all strewn as birthday naked, and though my heart was so broken to bleeding, getting back to you Mrs. Janine, was it's every crippling beat, inching and inching me here, back to you. Here, here, one feet in, now the other, heal my dear Charles Miles Benton, heal, as you will it love, as you will it, as Holy God will's it dearest Charles, be well my love." >>>"So are you Rig so sure Herenton is in the Septennial, Juttah, I know you witnessed him enter in, but how do we all know, that isn't all just well wishes of the beloved heart? I've seen his Aqua Juttah Genealogy, I'm sorry, what, how, how, how Phearce is that possible? That like our AJG, his too began with a first son, named Herenton Egan the third? I know, why didn't I tell them, go into such details. Don't you Phearson know by now said reveals are both charming and terrifying, is that not the lesson we learned from now, Sia Maaseiah,'s own appearing Rev 10, Mighty Angel, isn't all of it, both sweet and bitter? The mystery woman, the ginormous maze of sin, single, awaiting patiently by the millions, water cooler, though in her hands were more Rev 17, 7th angel, bowl judgments. Only by now, just as western soil, black and void; yet in her upper, right hand pocket, these beautiful business cards for better the now homeless planet earth, homeless shelters as mansions in heaven. The sweet of Holy to devastated disciples into Apostles witnessing Jesus ascension was His promising to go and secure them all mansions in heaven, thus a primary reason He will return, actually, right back there, allying Angels say, that very same mount of Olivet. Sia Maaseiah when she first as a babe in Christ received a demonstration of ascension, she's devastated with it's departing her from the only planet, earth home she's known; the sweet, Phearson, Bridegroom Jesus, Ancient of days manifested in Holy flesh and blood, shows her this phenom of a church of tribulation saints, indescribably holy, with only for it's likeness to comparison, the phenomena, Holy Christ, Lord, who hath Holy Them, Himself. Then suppose Phearson, this is that something mysteriously revealing about revisited Herenton I elected to share with you most of all first, perhaps even my own new years resolution, really you think? Mother is waiting to take me shopping, the, cherchez la femme, prenatal emporium, if you can believe it, only the sky, it's second heavens the limits, soon I could be looking at descended into second heavens Jesus and Holy He, could be looking at me, welcoming me. Yeah, well Holy He, having mercy, best be wondering where your sweet husband, Phearce must be and summoned me up there into cottony clouds, wings all, in a hurry, ah, the things the Juttah Husband, does say. Always so cute Regan Central, I miss you already, and think about that, the hours you are away, ah beloved man, blessing with your online interview, I say they're anxious to have you back, I hope so, even pray so. Hey, hey, hey, no shooting like fire rockets into cottony clouds without me, fire Rockets into Cottony clouds and wings, dear son Phearson, whatever do you mean? Ah, a demonstration of the great gathering of saints, Mother, ah, not ours, but Sia Maaseiah, both I Thess, 4, I Cor, 15, holy Bride and Rev 17/18, West Rule, shot up like skyrockets, one never to be seen again, the Holy Bride returns with Holy Bridegroom two, Dan 9:27/Rev 11, Rev 13, 42 months, intervals later, possibly, April 17 2019 thru April 17, 2026/2017, all that's so unfathomable son, so amazing grace, she truly is Sia Juttah, Maaseiah, so, shall we stunner daughter? Yes, stunner mother we shall, so love if you don't mind, please tell me more, you guys have fun, wow, love to be the back seat, little Miya girl watcher, translator, even listener, on that drive." "<<< "Weeping Mother, son Charles, where's your brother, Tristan, sister Emily? They are helping with unloading, they are mother being their most careful, Dear father? Taking the time needed for a hot bath, we will go and prep him a hot drink and food, thank you son for your handkerchief, I will treasure it. Since Mother it is a new year, it is time I remind you, father too, we so love you both, and so much. Asking your pardon mother Janine, at times I grow mightily fainthearted that my beloved siblings and I will suffer as Aunt Adeline's sons, a beloved parent just gone and replaced so easily by another. Not so easily replaced, I assure you, son Charles, these worries son is why Holy God is trusted like a blessed shepherd over death and dying, deciding each trial and how best we're to suffer and overcome. We, our poor selves, are only to trust, delight and commit to His as sweet Christ's Will, the only Blessed Will, son Charles, so, so Righteous. Trust, delight and commit, mother, so is that written? Yes, the blessed book of Psalm, it is the 37th verse, it too speak of great trials as these and how best the faithful son Charles are to endure. Here, being very careful, let's prepare papa's favorite hot cup, honey, lemon, tea, with a pinch of liquor, only son Charles, a pinch, follow by a cigar to smoke. While you run this brew up, I will see what of the ham, eggs and potatoes left, and biscuits Dear Mother, maple syrup, father loves your biscuits. Of course, yes and biscuits, now go and give your father a good kiss for us all, and take good news of intimacy to them both, looking in on dear Tristan and Emily, yes, sweet mother, as you and Holy God, both will's it, perfect, my perfect son, Charles Miles Benton." >>>"That's what he said Liza girl, I am afraid, but faithful, that it's all gone, smothering to burning, that there are wagons following his, from the Fitzgerald, to the Benton, to the Becton's and all the more. Which remind me, we're going to have to assign some to search through stores for spoilage, it is easy to smell, there is some already, expected, but if the weather remain as twilight as the skies, thankfully, there won't be much of it, spoilage that is. Any word again, Mr Derry, of the Carnival Estate? Not yet, but any day now, look at this, such stunning fish, yeah, it's the work that keep the children happy and busy, and a good turn away from beef, lamb, goat and pigs, my thoughts exactly. Agreeing, all my sisters, all is well, and you Mrs. Chantey? I look often for my beloved William, thankful the prayers of the righteous profit much, there yonder on the horizon, well wishes and prayers alike, I'm sure one of it's sorts, is driving you Mr William here to you. Ah, now I see, bandages, Tiny, girls, for Dr Matthew, studied for a while before I knew, I'm sure with word again, as dear Chantey come news of both you and Linda Joy, beloved men, well, husbands and fathers. I fear more Mr Derry all the more, the word by letter, that's to draw my dear Jeffery Hamlock back into the battle, I think I fear more he is to look forward. Agreeably, dear Linda Joy, what men look to before fiery disasters are presently, mightily changed, family, finding and staying close with them, is now primary. Now, as usual I have a million things to do, when dinner bell rings, I will return with haste, humm Liza girl, as coveted, how sweet your cheeks on my lips, Godspeed ladies, and lots of it. That man, that incredible man, your loving husband Liza girl, ah how I used to hate him, oh how dear Janine, we all used to hate him, the viperous, striking pride of him, Hump, dear Chantey, Mr William, assembly last lesson, Holy God does indeed work in mysterious ways, yes, I just hope dear sisters, one isn't to give my Mr George and I, twins, as he shepherds and wills dear sister, Mina, as He shepherds and Wills." >>>{{{"This is Vincent, I got it, you got what? Ah don't tease so, I'm back in, I'm a lead meteorologist again, I know, I sat on that council, you what, why didn't you tell me? Pause along the odd silence made in heaven, Phearson McPhearson, consider your question and fairly answer it. I don't understand, how would you have freaked out this approval, here wondering whether you are deserving or not, knowing I, your best friend this world, sat along such decision making? Okay, Branch Vincent, I'll bite, did you do this? No, there were, six ya's and four nays, I was a nay. You was a nay, how was you Branch Vincent Maurice a nay sayer, so I guess we're not friends? When do we start, you think they're to again let us storm chase, or after my whole team wiped out, it's no longer allowed? I'm sorry brother, with such inquiries, I'm confused, whose on the board you or I? Okay, okay, rhetorically speaking, but what does Regan Central think? Don't know, didn't want to bother her with text and calls, she and mother dear are shopping, Sia Maaseiah's Cherchez la femme at that. Though Vincent, knowing her, this approval for her mean she has a fine excuse to return to the states, speaking of Sia Maaseiah, you guys see her at least four Aug to Sept references to a Yellowstone extinction level event? You're talking it's Aug 5th, a hand writing clumsily, escape Yellowstone, it's 7th, the word disappeared, frozen on all HD, 5G screening, it's Aug 30, 31st, hearing the last part of a news report saying after 101 Yellowstone eruptions, and by it's Sept 3, the hearing shaky, shaky shelter, and in home planet earth. Equally Piers, did you all know, her dutchsinse has gone silent, five days now? As in according to him there is mighty back building going on, all all, all my dear Piers, after she two months prior, it's June, again seeing the crystal skies cracking apart, hum, I see we're kept abreast. Just wondering, inquiring Phearson, with you hearing, knowing all that, believing all that, why are you relocating to the America's, and not New Africa? And yes dearest friend if you must know, I stared myself the looking mirror, wondering if I should shave as I ask equally of myself, of your pending folly? Foolishly, even having accepted this promotion, okay, I could Piers cut your silence with a buzz saw, I know, knowing better but not Vincent coming even close to doing better. Tell you what trusted brother, when you prep your African Intrepid escape, and come a traveler Vince it's urgent, manifest, I bid you secure Regan Central and I departure as well, and count us it's ally, then the same here, Tenny and I, y'all tag along, and I hold us both Piers, to it, love you, later, yeah, love you, .....ah, later."}}} >>>"Your back dear love Felicity is flawless from it's neck to your bottom, and all things kissable below, right? Ah how amazing Derry all this is, better than a dream, I still see your stun face when you told mother we'd taken the Juttah vows, my god is lord, how fast she said, that doesn't stop you two from having a wedding. As a matter of fact, how about a double and got right on the commy to Kesane and Britton, to see what they thought. Then Felicity girl, from my back, to my butt? Ah flawless, until it come hairy, into your equally apple shape bottom, hairy, that sound gross, ah that is Christ Jesus Fe, Fe, we're married. We are finally, Felicity girl beginning a new year as husband and wife, and as soon as mother get her wedding out of the way, even double, where are we going, the Globe in Africa or France? Babe, you sleep already? Fine, just to hold you like this, like you say it's all better than a dream, a fantasy even. I'm going for something to drink, hum, soda or juice, there's champagne and we're both old enough, Felicity, come on you're not that tired. Fe, come Fe, Fe, stop playing, stop it, you're scaring me, Fe, ah my god you're not, Fe, Felicity, mom, mom, ah my god, don't do this, to, Fe, what is it, son! Come come in, she's, she's not responding," backing off, away horrifyingly guilty, that this was his fault, that he'd hurt her some way, offended God even. Dad, mom, Charles, call 911, Felicity darling girl, can you hear me? Son, son, dad, no, okay, God has no reason to punish me like that, to punish us, let's all just, ah, ah, I'll wait outside for the ambulance, she's gonna be fine dad, dad! Ah my god Charles, she's gone, just like that, she's not responding to CPR or anything, what is going on, what is happening right now? I, I, I, I don't know love, I'm just as stun as you, as Darius, let me see if I get him dressed, yeah, ah, I'll help her as well. Ah dear, Derry need to call her parents, okay, call, her, ah, ah, ah, parents, okay, let me get to him, here, ah there Charles, take his clothes. Darius son, you need to put these on, what is taking them so long? She can't be dead dad, not as suddenly as all that, your arm son, for a year we been planning all of this, it was to go so perfect, your other arm, son, son, ah god dad, ah god, ah god, she can't be dead, right, she just can't be?" Why?
Prophecy Links
-Christmas season shopping 2018, Before one word to letter passes into another I'm enraptured, soaring skyward, the speed of blessed sunlight, through the heavens. That's better than 2013, even if told by Heavens Host, after visiting heaven, THEY want to be down here with me, so being like visiting Apostle, John, unfinished, and lead back here! Beware, Apb
Article, [Debunking the post tribulation Rapture theory]
For The Lord Himself, During Like Right Now, A Great Falling Away From The Church, Himself Shall Ascend From Heaven With A Shout, The Voice Of Archangel and The Trump of God,
-You best debunk Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2, Perfect Man Jesus, right before predicted Hawaii's Inbound missile alert, asking ascending Bride will Angels also ascend? Judging great whoredoms with riches to rag sickbeds and GREAT TRIBULATION; saying to suggesting to those Born Again, near two millennia now, pray the Father you're counted worthy, (Holy His blessed Christ's Cross), to escape, great judgement come to the earth. As for Apostle I am, I can still hear 2011/12, Holy Spirit come into my kitchen, into my ear saying, "soon, the Church-Bride could be in heaven, (Rev 12 Michael, second heaven of intercessions); praying for Tribulation Saints, as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them; see Gen 3:15/Rev 13:5-7, knowing as your stampeding elephants of staying unaware, to stampede yourselves southeast into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, see here, Phearce and Regan McPhearson, Darcy's A Doomsday Christmas Carol,, how it ends, prophetically, Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly and Queen Bride, Sarah, Pocahontas, Hillsfeet
Give Here,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly and Sarah, Pocahontas, Winfrey, Hillary, Hillsfeet, Forthwith was born a son, Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly, 2rd, a
son, Chancellor Fredricks Nannery
Unto Pedersen Matthew Lloyd and Tasma Alexander Roots is born a son, Astern Dmitri Lloyd, a godson, Gabriella Alfred Lloyd and a goddaughter Arabella Crostini Roots
Unto Kawantan Joseph Petersen and Damari Casita Voom was born a son, Zander Hayley Petersen, and a goddaughter Felicity Rosined Petersen, Voom
From Poetry Rising, Mission Butter Fly 05/12, 2016
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly and Sarah, Pocahontas, Winfrey, Hillary, Hillsfeet, Forthwith was born a son, Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly, 2rd, a
son, Chancellor Fredricks Nannery
Unto Pedersen Matthew Lloyd and Tasma Alexander Roots is born a son, Astern Dmitri Lloyd, a godson, Gabriella Alfred Lloyd and a goddaughter Arabella Crostini Roots
Unto Kawantan Joseph Petersen and Damari Casita Voom was born a son, Zander Hayley Petersen, and a goddaughter Felicity Rosined Petersen, Voom
My Dear Regan Central
-I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m keeping you here, yet the window is open, I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing and I just know it. I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible. I say I must have you and you say dream about It, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless, I say you’re countless and you say prove it, your Phearson,
Starring: Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly and Sarah, Pocahontas, Hillsfeet
-I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m keeping you here, yet the window is open, I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing and I just know it. I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible. I say I must have you and you say dream about It, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless, I say you’re countless and you say prove it, your Phearson,
Starring: Kirtwood Foxworth Nannerly and Sarah, Pocahontas, Hillsfeet
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain IX
"So actually July 27, 2016, the eight year revisit of hearing, during US elections, it's July 27, 2008/09, two weeks and 7 years," talking afar from Regan Central getting to the balcony, a seeming, serious commy conversation. "Sia Maaseiah's witnessed Bridegroom Jesus descend into Rev 12, Star Warring Michael, setting the Brides second heaven intercession all around, bringing Holy Her up to His healing clouds, wings all, do you know Rig, how phenomenally that all make prophetic sense, not only Angel Gabriel appearing 2004, assuring the 7th Angel appearing, Jan 23, 2018, would be her ascension as well; but ten Matrix days prior, Jan 13, 2018, a Michael Ealy appearing Rev 2 Jesus during a Memphis, all grace time done lapsed, home, Dan 12 fulfilled into Rev 10, also her appearing Jan 23, 2028, Mighty Angel, still this Rev 2 Jesus asking, will Angels also ascend. Plainly, as in all doomsday passovers suspended, something Rig, we'd never considered, if blessed Jesus hadn't asked that to marvel beyond imaging, questioning. Rig, my god Rig! Running, terrified, to catch her from falling, panicking, to reading the commy for help, Rig my god, ....HELP, .....HELP! No, no, no, its Darius and Felicity, what, my God what? We're okay Mrs Frenz, we're okay, ah cancel the, the alert, are you certain sir, isn't lady Regan quite smitten? I am certain, for now, for now, ah sweet, sweet girl, hold me as tight, as tight, shhhhh, I got you, shhhh, I got you. Phearce, yes beloved girl, Darius' Felicity is gone, gone, I don't, dead Phearce, Darius' Felicity is dead, during their marriage bed at that, her heart just, just, amma throw, throw up, hurry, hurry, amma, throw, here, here, here, why we keep this near. That'll be mother, even father, then go, go, no, I won't leave you, help me to the bathroom, then Phearce go, go, I rather you go, I'm fine! Mother, Father, false alarm, sorry, it wasn't even her, another tragedy the Lowd family, ah my god not Herenton's parents? No, no, one of their recent daughter in laws, just newly wedded, her heart mom, just stopped, just like that, just stopped, ah come here doll boy, I'm so, so sorry. Look, Stephon was on his way here, Stephon? But I told him to get settled into his hotel first, no, no mother, I would love, okay, okay, I'll have him come right alone, I better check on Rig, this horrid news hit her especially hard. I'll summoned you when Step get here, thank you, you too dad, we love you son, Regan Central too, you know, little Henry. I'll explain later, but you two should reconsider relocating to New Africa, I do believe we're ceasing to have a choice, please beg pardon, let me explain later, sure son, sure, go, go to thine own, Regan Central." >>>"Here you are, nestled this giant oak tree, just where twin son said you would be, here, let me brush your teary cheeks, at least you're somewhere out here, I don't know Charles if my mother and father will ever come out again. Not even for their insisting grandchildren, I know, but you get word Janine, that is, that your for many decades invaluable collections, planet earth are as speedy as a fireball, streaks once crystal skies, brought to fire, ashes and dust, you know the horrid rest. Then you feel this, hand stained tears all, what Mr Benton do you see, feel and what on doomed earth does it mean? I don't want our children to see you die this way, do make sure beloved you see how your Mr Derryfarm and his Mrs Liza do die, so perfectly, until there's no wonder, it is called by the bible, a blessed death, is Holy God this Holy Shepherd or not? Here, take my bible, I suggest you read Psalm 23, but, but, read how Holy Christ suffered death's end first, Psalms, 22, and the last enemy to be destroyed Mr Benton is death, you know where to find me, fishing and fondly catching rabbits with the kids, they so miss you, they so Charles Miles, miss us." >>>{{{"Ah, son, there's an urgency amidst the McPhearson Castle, get here sooner rather than later, okay Mother, we'll come there first. What Is it? Mother need that we instead hurry there first, so Phearson, no longer, a blood farmer, but espoused Step by the so called African Juttah vows, an otherwise sexually, assaulted impregnated, ah, what's her name? Regan Central dear and to be assured Poppy, mom, dad and the McPhearson's staff, are all entirely mesmerized, it seems, by them both. So I heard from Mavis before she mysteriously disappeared, where is that dear oh girl? I beg you, let's hear them out before any sweet to bitter, accusations, mostly bitter I fear beloved Stephon, I know, I keep fastening an eye, ear back there, I can't believe, they're still asleep, don't tell me you miss them crying" daddy, are we there yet, mom, how much longer? I guess I do, here we go, watch father, Poppy, most of all attend, that I'm driving." >>>"Would it Kesane, sitting here, be too ironic to say I feel like that scene out of the movie, time machine, or perhaps, Ghost, if only now knowing, I could do this day over again, and that by her spirit she's right here with us, wondering like us both, all, what the hell just happen? What's even more ironic, is what I was saying to her, strange is, I was telling her how we were starting a new year as husband and wife. That after the wedding Sane man, where would it be, the Globe's African Juttah or France's Global Center? Where, where you going? I'm reminded, if Felicity's spirit is here, you get back to your girl, I'm going to pack, as early as I can, I'll be on a flight to one of the other of those destinations. Felicity's mortuary? My Christ, as inconceivably heat ripping as it is to contemplate that, mind blogging question Sane man, I'll be here for that, that's now Sane your single position in all this, make sure I'm rightly informed. You gonna be alright, right? Look, you probably Darius don't want to hear this, but remember what Regan Central witnessed happen to Herenton after he died, not only ascension but translation into the African Juttah, Septennial. Then right now little brother, if I was you, not even a billion stampeding elephants of staying unaware could keep me from New Africa's Juttah, looking to find and reacquaint with my love there. My God Sane, my God, you really are my big brother, yeah, but big brother Herenton Egan suffered these unprecedented trials first, see you soon then, ah yeah, mom get her wedding, Britton and I are there as well, okay, ah, see you both, yeah safe travels, Darius Aden, Lowd, Godspeed." Why Speak In Parables? Mat 13:10-17
Prophecy Link Fulfilling
-When Crystal Skies Missiled Down, Unveiled These Expert Illusionists Were Two Crystallized, Godzilla Type Amphibian, Demons
Now The End Begins, Article,
Article, [A Giant Statue Of Molech Has Been Put Up Right At The Entrance To The Colosseum In Rome]
-Put Ye On The Whole Armor Of God, Withstand!
-Still, we know how paramount to unprecedented heathenism to Satantic oppression, even demonic possession America's to Planet Earth's, inherit. Especially 2017, when three of the most powerful, deadliest territorial spirits.
-This was the Lion, the Leopard and demon dog, keeper of the dead, Egypt's Anubis, just insurmountable evils. Those as Dan 9, Angel Gabriel mentioned, Prince Of Persia, Were all shown sitting in the domestic home to church home as friendly house pets, so just as other trusted members of the family/pulpits and pews.
-Whereas, Jan 13, 2019, we were shown a hybrid Antichrist, a cross between great warrior Alexander The Great, and the final abomination that maketh desolate, a Heil Hitler, whose demons also posed as trusted German Shepherds; knowing, repent or perish, beware, Apb, see more here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling!
-The Build Up Of Mede Torture Vehicles As Mounting Earthquakes And Volcanoes Will Take American White Houses, Leaders And Cities And Burn Them With Fire! Holy God Influenced, I Seen It; Eze ⅝, Jer 37:8, 1998/99, Rev 17:16-18, 18, 2018,/2019, Beware!
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Queen Bride, Beatriz Shelby Joplin
Listening To: Talsha Cobbs, He Knows My Name,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin was born a son, Ava Brooklyn Hillsfeet, and a son Jamisen Lakeside Hillsfeet, Joplin
Unto Tyshawn Chance Lawson and Francesco Elizabeth Neelson was born was a son, Genaro Reynolds Lawson, a daughter Arietta Roseland Lawson and a son Cobra Burleson Neelson
Unto Rashawn Carole Lawson and Tanana Ethality Lenna born a daughter, Xenias Diametric Lawson, a son, Bradenton Aeolis Lawson and a son Radisson Apollo Lenna
From Poetry Rising, Mission Butter Fly 05/12, 2016
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin was born a son, Ava Brooklyn Hillsfeet, and a son Jamisen Lakeside Hillsfeet, Joplin
Unto Tyshawn Chance Lawson and Francesco Elizabeth Neelson was born was a son, Genaro Reynolds Lawson, a daughter Arietta Roseland Lawson and a son Cobra Burleson Neelson
Unto Rashawn Carole Lawson and Tanana Ethality Lenna born a daughter, Xenias Diametric Lawson, a son, Bradenton Aeolis Lawson and a son Radisson Apollo Lenna
My Dear Regan Central
I say I’m clueless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here, lite breaths from me. I know that I lost you, this bitter to sweet rage in me, that misses you dearly, this is how I know you are mine and you say, all the time, one heart, breathe, beat away, thine own, Phearson, McPhearson, loved always is my wife Juttah Bride, Preecest Regan Central,
I say I’m clueless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here, lite breaths from me. I know that I lost you, this bitter to sweet rage in me, that misses you dearly, this is how I know you are mine and you say, all the time, one heart, breathe, beat away, thine own, Phearson, McPhearson, loved always is my wife Juttah Bride, Preecest Regan Central,
Starring: Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Curtain X
"No, no, my twin father, that is not how you catch rabbits, let me show you what servant Willie Lee showed us. You must not call him that anymore, he said I must, and I showed all others, and it works, it really works, since they so small we need plenty, and there are plenty father, there are plenty. Okay son Charles, I'm humble and willing, I pray father you are not the lest be angry I revealed to mother how best to find you, I worried much too. No, if you had not, we would not be here right now having such a splendid time, the more people who come and come, will they be good or bad? They son will be both, but we don't force our will on them, they can take as need and go and have their smothering part of the world the way they want, this is ours and so far that suggestion has worked. Then father when it does not? Always with us, still, that is the part son Charles, Holy God really shepherds us, it is up to Him whether such troubles overcome us, or us, these troubles. I think we caught one, no I, think we caught a lot more than one, you are very good at this, I can smell the rabbit stew and cornbread to biscuits right now, how about both father? One with preserves, the other with honey, I agree, I too can just smell it, father, too, and it is smell so, so delicious, come, let us catch up with all the others." >>>"What Mrs Liza, you think? Standing here, looking at everyone being so grateful as to work so hard, it's so amazing how it still come together, so soon after, Mr Derryfarm, so much lost. Agreeable, but there's been a lot to gain Mrs Liza, I think it is called, our humanity, I can see Charles from here, come with the children bearing rabbits and fish, he was in a bad way until Janine gave him a good talking to, the bible and all. I can not say I was any better Liza girl, I know, you just put everyone's needs before you and lost it's misery to bring, comforting them, now a joy, luck club, it's own, even here still. That is why I should tell you, I am in labor, you in what? I been in labor most of the day, ah my god Liza, for, for, for a better part of this day, you mean? Dr Matthew know, has everything set, said not yet but soon, water did break, so very soon, ah that is maddening, hey, hey, hey, it is decided right, if a son, Henry, Fitzgerald but if a girl, Henrietta, Laralay, Lora for short? Then yes, ah, yes, we are agreed, good, now go, go, do your rounds, leaving none waiting to wanting, I am fine, my sisters, Chantey, the godmother, Dr Matthew, they all got this down, I sit here and drink this hot mix, that is to help. But shouldn't I, no, no, this will be easier when beloved darling, you are not mooning over me this much, okay, okay, but I won't be long, take your time, I can't believe it, finally it is time, yes, nine months is a long time, only three months short of an entire year, right blessed dear, right, I do you wife, I do love you too, husband." >>>"Watching Phearson and his once estranged brother go on so, thinking no, if her Phearson could instead pull off, Maze Runner, Dillon O'Brien, then most definitely older brother Stephon, is, was, is Fast and Furious, Paul Walker, she even recently thinking how those two could've gone for bothers, and these two are brothers. Now, Stephon's uppity than described wife, Princess Arianna Poppy, Benton, a stunning as ever, Hollywood, Dangerous, Perfect man, star, Gabrielle Union, so beautiful, hands down, thinking, ump, that's what Sia Maaseiah saw. A dangerous, perfect man star, Michael Ealy, when an alike appearing, perfect man Jesus asked, would angels also ascend? The, marvel, early morning, Jan 20, 2019, a Rev 12, Michael was seen battling a star wars in heavens, while in real time, a UK, Michael Volcanic eruption, summoning some to red rooms, of reporting ash building on escape bridges and cars. "I don't understand, neither will she, will Regan Central understand, if you and Poppy don't meet with her, introduce the kids, what will she think other than you Step brother, do not accept her? Look, it can't be helped, Mavis is missing now, for months, and the last one to see or talk with her personally, is your Regan Central, the one Phearce, who believes in and forewarn there are Juttah reapers, punishers, Phearce man, who target all not in agreement, how we know, Mavis disappearance isn't equally entangled in all that strange non-sense? I don't know how this gonna sound, actually I do, because I know how it sound to me, one of Branch Vincent's wife Tennyson, brother, Ctentri Israel. Just as well, believe it or not once dead, passed on, for days, then like a biblical Lazarus lived again, said during his transcendence between the earth and the spirit world mother, father, sister Poppy, said he saw Mavis, ah, in heaven, where he witnessed his niece, Caddy residing, who also died in this terrorist attack with him. Terrorist attack? Yes, that France train, he and his niece were on there way to a carnival, actually the girl who held the bomb right across from him, was of an acquaintance, said he was inquiring about the strange silver box she carried, said she explained it was a bomb, from her uncle. The next he knew it was all shrew to itty, bitty pieces, like Stephon, King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed happen to all kingdom, Nation building there ever was, or ever would be. He only saw he and his niece Caddy, not in their bodies, but not out of their bodies, as well he saw his niece into heaven, thinking that was that, before he was then transported to Israel during the final Antichrist, invasion and seizure. But when he was there, in heaven Mavis recognized him, yet to be equally explained, and she told him to reassure her loved ones, us, with this, his witness, three to four days later, before his remains, well their remains were it's mortuary, Ctentri, Israel Bonai rose from this coffin, only he alone. Regan was there, she witnessed this, heard this unspeakable testament, all of us did, Vince, his wife Tennyson, and were just as flabbergasted as undoubtedly, you all are right, now. So Stephon, Poppy, if grim reapers, one strike the tell, all, heart, accusers, judge, jury and executor all these sword like syringes, did come in contact with our precious Mavis, rest to be assured, they ascended her. A miracle within, especially, when most are descended, and that's until the Great, White Throne Judgment, we know a thousand years into Jesus' Millennium. I ah, see, ah, ah, judging by the time, Grandfather's clock, it is Regan and I lunch hour, out by way of the balcony, visit well brother, it's been too long, so judging by your own astonishment, he never told you all any of this before? No, proving he yet doesn't trust us, then it's true, our Mavis is no longer here, meaning you believe every word, mother, really? I don't understand Stephon son, why would anyone make up such a spiritual phenomenon, then in the body, he said, out of the body, he wasn't sure Apostle Paul say, the same, about it's confusion. You all read it, heard it, when he's trying to explain his visiting, the astounding himself, Paradise of God, Heaven, he was flustered his entire cognition, along fear and trembling, it's description, that I too heard and yes son Stephon, I believed it all. Perhaps dear she too is with Regan Central's Herenton, translated into the Septennial Juttah, what are you two talking about? Prepare son you and your family for brunch, Poppy dear, if you all are like me, you are much hungry, do help me dear, husband, my legs feel like jelly to jello, then beloved Mother, lean on this stout shoulder, just so love, just so." >>>"I am here father, I hear, you, come to play? That was your mother, first she said tell you do not worry, father, what is happen? Your mother and Poppy are taking Regan to the hospital, wha, her water broke, she in labor, what, we thought we would be in the states, yeah, yeah I know, but we best get there, I guess this Henry as you both call him, has his own will of a birthday. Stephon, I'm here, ready, let's get out of here, I'm so glad brother you are here, me too, really, I never told you, never told Poppy, but Mavis told me, after she and Regan talked on the balcony that night, she never saw the world the same again, and it seem for the good. Then, just last night I understood what she meant, we were standing, opposing sides of the balcony, I was trying to defend this man slaughtering world, when she said, simply, Stephon, if the American dream was of a Holy God. Then know, it's primary motto wouldn't be make America great again, which is impossible without more foreign bloodletting, but said motto would as well be, forget those things behind you, press toward the mark, of the prize, of the high calling of god, that in Christ Jesus the Lord. And be not conformed to this world, the enemy of God, for all that's in the world, yes primarily the American Dream, is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, which not of Holy God, but of the world and she turn and went back in. I know Poppy heard her as well, but she pretend like she didn't, but, but Phearson, I know, the most important bro, is that she heard and now she know, and Shep man, will be judged it's sorts, ...your mother and I have decided. What's that dad? Our anniversary coming up, we'll spend it in New Africa, well that's a start father, that's what your mother said, well at least Charles, that's a start, only I'm getting so my two sons, I don't know if I want to wait, so long, I'll see, I'm in and out with the board right now, if it can be sooner it will be, sooner. So Phearce man I been meaning to ask, Poppy and I both, the twins too I'll admit, what if Little Henry is a she, are we then looking at a Henrietta? Seeing His and her future genealogy, she knows, but that name would've been a good save, forgot about that, she's seen little Henry procreating bloodline into you two's grand and greats, right? Something very, extraordinary like that yes, that is son, something amazing, ...we, are Mr McPhearson and sons come upon your destination, do you prefer it is that I wait? No, I rather you return and I will inform you Mr Genri if I need you further, very well sirs, and Godspeed, and God-wink upon both Mrs Regan and son, Henri, just blessed day, all!"
One Year Earlier Into The Present Doomed Hour, The Exodus Of Darius Aden Lowd,
"You see Mr Dark, tall and more drop, dead gorgeous this planet? Girl, I saw him as soon as that million dollar coat and those long, galloping slacks turn into the door, while apparently Felicity girl he saw you as well. As I helped him with million dollar coat, and just as costly cologne, I mind you, he asked your name, I told Mr Darius Eden Lowd, I'd let you tell him your name when you bring his drink, yeah right. So tell him you're not interested? I didn't say that, what is he drinking? Mr Lowd said to bring him a glass of your favorite wine, okay, okay, the duties of a stewardess, yeah what a horrid day so far to have that Mr incredible come, courting after you. Girl, I'll serve Mr Beast and Beauty TV series, character, a convenient stumble, a drop of a few nut packages his lap, ah we know Adeline, we know! But that is who he look like, those two black, beauty, brothers that TV series, Beast of Beauty, breath, Fe Fe, take him your favorite imbibe and let him girl mesmerize us all the the rest of this flight." >>>"Pinch me lest I perish," waking the arduous flight, meticulously a wipe of his cheeks, chin, his neck, appreciating Kleenexes were kept close at a glance the available ETA, thanking God, though he'd dreamed of first meeting his Felicity girl, he'd slept all the way, even from the stay over in Rome, Italy. "I was not Holy Father, to take this trip alone, I don't understand, for a year Fe Fe and I did everything right, even biblically, the genesis man, marriage. But knowing scripture, it's not the first trial of the taking of one's spouse, the prophet Ezekiel wasn't even allowed to mourn such a horrid lost, here, finding myself blessed in comparison. The Heir Juttah, didn't even know if they were real, sir, no, stewardess, just talking out loud with, god. "Wait, your name is Felicity? What would you say if I told you I knew a stewardess, Felicity, I know, sorry for your lost, we called her Fe, Fe for short, excuse me. I was there when you two met, I was the one you trusted to bring her to meet you, I was called Fe, she instead Fe Fe, or they differentiated between us by using our last names. Did I hear you Mr Lowd mention the Heir Juttah, so awaiting you when you land, you off to the Septennial Juttah? That's Felicity only if I'm worthy, if you know what entering the African Juttah mean and what it takes, unworthy, commanded reapers Mr Lowd will get you, plant you Negeb Ophel, until judgment day from heaven to hell. Terribly, like they took her, one strike the tell all heart, I warn Fe, Fe for Felicity, she couldn't marry you, she was already married, vowed and all, to ah, well, me, no, Darius Eden, this is not a dream, nor nightmare even, the fasten your seat belt light is on, godspeed, Mr Lowd. Ah, ah, wha, what just happen? No, no, no, I won't, I can't, get thee hence, ah, Satan, I'm entering the African Juttah so, sir, please, please sit, fasten your seat belt, yes, ah, ah Stewardess, ah Felicity? Felicity and I switched flights, she won't be in the air for hours now. You know her? Thank you, yes sir, and welcome to Mother Africa, if assigned it's manifest, an Heir Juttah will take you from here, if not, you will be given further instructions, yes, ah, thanks again, your name? Beverly, there are Kleenexes there for you, right, again thanks, godspeed, you too; the twilight zone, after all the maddening confusion, I wake in the twilight zone, I guess that's better then Negeb Ophel, no, no, I k now that' better than, seeded a strange fruit on dry hill." Why Speak in Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious in Ezekiel day, the days of the early prophets, have eyes, but they see not, ears they have by they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, so are they. Beware, Apb
-I saw my self as this, laboring after the sons of mean, knocking on heart's doors until Jesus come and lead me a seat the Bride's equally stunning Chariot. Her estimated time of escape, ETE, September 23-25, post Rev 2.Jesus Nov Thanksgiving, 2017, Matrix 10 day countdown. You guessed it, another doomsday Passover, timetable, now Daniel's 70th Week of Years, it's 70th, Jan 12, 2019, matrix countdown into this last day planet earth, beware, Apb see here,, how it ends, prophetically, Apb, The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Seen to be busying around my kitchen, a usual voice come in my ear, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, (I Thess 4/Rev 12 star warring Michael, the second heavens); "looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints, as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them," beware, see, Rev 13:5-7, how it ends, prophetically, Apb
And Let The Angel Of The Lord Persecute Them
-The Rev 2, Perfect man Jesus asking, the Bride's urgent ascension, would Angels also ascend? Back to imagining what it might have been for Abraham's Lot and family being delivered from mass destruction raining down, rising up, by appointed, Holy Angels. First the 2015, remarkable of witnessing a Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, delivering some from /US/Canada states of barbecue, nuclear, natural and NEO events; to seeing a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars in the heavens, some I heard live, 2013," right outside my home, but here now Jan 20, 2019, the second revisit to Trump's 2017, Jan 20, inauguration, saying as error Clinton, Bush and Obama, 50 million will die, US soil; the hearing still, Michael is setting his all around," knowing to bring the Bride up and The Americas, refugees out, I'm sure the fulfillment of many a biblical scripture, but mostly for many millennia, fulfilling the prayer Psalms, 35,
I Have Appoint My Angels Over Thee, Lest Thy Stomp Thy Feet!
Plead our cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against us. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for our help.
Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them. Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them;
knowing like your stampeding elephants of staying unaware, to stampede themselves, beware, repent, escape Yellowstone, southeast into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb
Starring: Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin
" I know this is going to sound like a line, but you do look so familiar, I lost my wife suddenly as ones' heart can stop, my escape to new Africa, testament, I admit. Please as I pull out this seat, and interrupt your private lunch, again, please loan me your name, I could stall such mysterious this request, and ask me'sure your name instead, wow, you have an accept, stunning I admit, it's Felicity Nicolette, your name is? That's not possible, am I dreaming this, right away please, please tell me, I'm dreaming this? You requiring gentleman, now in tears, now tell me I can' t be who I am, since I'm not who you think I am or should be? I'm sorry, perhaps Felicity even sorry I'm not dreaming, it's Nicolette to Nickie, well, excuse me for any bother, pray tell me'sure, what is your name? My name is Darius Eden Lowed, I know an Lowd, Egan Notnereh, I know how that sound, but you really remind me of him. Your Darius Lowd, over all stunning look, build and mannerism, you could be brothers, twins even, if it wasn't for the age difference, then may I Felicity, with fear and trembling, inquire your association with him? Nothing like that, he's engaged, the Juttah Tombola, to my sister, Gali, short for Galilean, ah, I see, they're having a wedding party tonight, you are Darius Lowd welcome to come. Just see that information station there, since, you know my name, use that and you will know how to find me, so let me know, and I will look forward to seeing you, look at me well Darius Lowd, I'm not just inviting you to be nice, I look forward to seeing, and talking to you again. I feel the same actually, odd and miraculous, this other-world place, look at it, all people this planet ever just eating, drinking and being a multicultural genesis man, marriage. I say Felicity Nicolette, just as Elohim garden of Eden forgiveness predestined, yeah, we couldn't imagined Darius Lowd, except Jesus' prayer, prayed, God's will be done, His Kingdom in heaven, come down to planet earth, and here s where it all begins, I will see you later, yes, you me sure, as well." >>> Not for seven years Liza could we do this, here my loving, warm arms, bosom, bring a child, let alone a son, into the world, but at it's world end is that not at all a blessing, it is a blessing, we're born the end of this world, a curse of death it's moment in, now hand him, let me change him, didn't you promise Charles, you'd go on an investigating ride? None of the others offered any better Liza, than what we have here, plus, they're prepping the grand foyer, Georgianna wedding, don't tell me you have non sense excuses not to be a party to it's mounting festivities as well. Mr. Derry, with worse that's happening and yet happening, burning people out of house and home daily, we could all use a jolly, as a Georgianna wedding. So no more convincing Liza girl, I'm on my way, I'll see both Charles and Georgianna, see how I'm to assist in both, let the little one have a proper nap, and his mother, yes love, and thank you for that. Just how thankful beloved Liza are you really? Oh no you don't, you don't get out of helping Charles or Georgianna but flirting and tempting me, there is plenty of time for that, pray for more light as the day progresses, surely I will Mr Derryfarm, and without ceasing, even the better for children hunting and fishing chores. Let go, you're doing that glow thing, making it impossible to keep off of you, oh you dear, sweet thing you, kiss you and say, go with Godspeed, while may God-wink upon your blessed day Liza, and you little Henry son, as well. You can't wait can you, to teach him, the building, the hunting, the fishing and all else a days work, I won't be gone long, you never ever are, Fitzgerald, take your time." >>> There you are, you asked him? I told you he has bad memories of such things, and I tell you they're too much alike not to be brothers, and when he arrive tonight no doubt Gali you and all others sis, will see it as well, your band stand is amazing, as so is the dancing gazebo, you said Gali, you had so much to do still, I don't see it, all you need is all arrival. This lunch table intruder, ah you make him sound dangerous, he's not charming, Gali, now don't repeat this, and I mean it, I didn't want him to leave and when he left I was anxious for an excuse to go after him and stay with him, I ache for him still. You are serious, you're not just playing with me? Why would I Gali play about something so serious, and I tell you again there's just no possible the two are not related, and if not for the age difference, even twins, they could be." >>>"Since before the shopping 2018, live rapture deal you have your own mall dreams, two of them and just no elect to tell me, where you want these boxes, ah, top of the closet why wait, you don't trust what you saw or you don't trust me? It's probably nothing, and Kiey, it could as well be something, here, lets take a break, we both sit, you tell me. The first dream, you want soda, water, ah, a little soda, the first dream King, it was like we're stranded or a night the mall, having fun window shopping and playing so jovial about, really special; the next dream all of that was no more, like a post apocalypse and that fun shopping to playing mall was now a fall out to bomb out shelter filled with batted people. So hopefully Kingsley like in your dream, we'd already ascended, then what I was seeing this reminder, Apostle Peter's inquiry, knowing by fiery extinction events this present world will be dissolved what manner of people righteous to unrighteous we ought to be?" >>>"You guys hear, see what's happening in Australia, same as what Sia Maaseiah saw happen to US/Canada, this time of this year, since 2001, this Dec 24/25 2019, eerily, even surrealistically it's like they're suffering our fiery desolation's, I even saw escaping cars purposefully parked in the waters, the banks of rivers, to coast. Only Australia's fiery horrors stampeding them some say north, others say south, right into coastal areas, during her flyover fiery doomsday Christmas Carol for the US it was into the southeast coast Georgia and as far as Africa's Atlantic coast. Though come to think, with both New Mexico and New England, Maine as well, having active super volcanoes and its Texas sitting on what YouTube dutchsinse describes as a New, New Madrid fault zone. Possibly Holy Lords asking her the secret of Memphis and during a Memphis home visit, asked, her, whether angels too would ascend? So both TN and TX, which remind me Lakeside, she got the word pyramid a night back, so is that Memphis Egypt or Memphis, Tenn slash Texas? Well surely hearing Jan 13, 2018, a Memphis TN home, the downtown newspapers bells are ringing, it's Pyramid sit, it's downtown, Mississippi River, the same Mississippi, predicted for decades now to swallow up Memphis, during like 1811, 12, or greater earthquakes. Welcome everyone, new comer, Darius Lowd, ah, during these eating breaks we often talk of breaking prophetic reveals, so whatever come, just speak Darius E., as you will. As well welcome Darius E, look just as well, by Sia Maaseiah's witnessed said New Madrid to produce a ten plus earthquake or simply the ELE's described Rev 6, 6th seal making all seismic to tectonic plates, simultaneous mass disasters is why only the southeast into Africa's Atlantic West Coast is safe. I saw a headline weeks past, Black Britain's thinking about leaving the country, and going where Shawn girl? Africa! Really? I remind you all Sia Maaseiah asking months back is God stampeding African America's out of The America's, Barack, Hussein, Obama's White House fulfilling the timetable of grace fulfilled, so like get out of all world wide, West rule. Yeah, I think we forget always being aware Sia Maaseiah, for decades forewarn West Rule being a slow motion exodus into Mother Africa. When by 2010, witnessing a New White, Holy House descend from heaven its blessed replacement but for many pending by 2019/2020, was this 400 year repatriation of Mother Africa, that prophecy could've inspired Col Qaddafi's attempt at a US of Africa. Well now, Sia Evolent all in blessed exodus they're paying for his US of Africa never being realized, yeah how surreal was Sia Maaseiah days past pointing out as it's lesson; how it is Abraham's children again come, African, a native African male was elected to help Abraham promised son, Jesus bare all our cross. Ironically, to biblically, how Jesus Cross set him and all that'll come free, authentically, the blessed death, cursed, eternal death hath no power, now everybody say hallelujah, Amen! Excuse, ah, and hallelujah, amen, but did I just hear you say Sia Maaseiah witnessed a New White house descend from heaven, so like John witnessed a New Jerusalem? To be honest Darius E., it's in her prophecy links, a lost US soil of 15%, she witnessed like Aug 2010, a New White, Holy house, descend, Royal family intact, the first she saw burn away, as so all Walmart's, with damage done to a Kennedy space center, which is actually Florida Then bitter, but sweet witnessing what's happening especially in in Australia, to, I'm careful to say, mostly White People, is a sure wake up call for all doubters to those in loving denial. I can see that, in her prophecy links you say? You will also see, she witnessed as John an army of scorpion soldiers, and they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon, The shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions, and they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle, and they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months, one woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter, hum, and I don't really know Darius E, why I elected to tell you all that, just that something else Evolent we did not expect to see in her links prophecy , how so bizarre, when you said Evolent, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle, I couldn't help thinking how twice now, she's heard to seen it sound like a star wars battle going on in heavens, one 2013, as she sat her bedroom, said it was so real she felt if she went our and looked she could see, only Kadesh man, Jan 20, 2019, she just that, she saw it, a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars in the heaven, and the wonder how you going with simply this, after seeing that beyond miraculous? Hey ah, all, I'm Hillary Nicolette, I'm with Darius E., as you say, ah call him, I with you Sia Lakeside question the Australians suffering exactly predicted US soil, at the exact precise time as December Christmas 2019, she as well forewarned. Right right, but if you think about it Sia Hillary Nicolette, if it can happen to them, their prized above God, everything, then it can no doubt happen to any of us to them. For if Hill, the European man is not spared , then honestly, where shall the minority, appear? In other words what chance of escape do any of us have if our world' human savior is put to burn down, out, and up? I'm just gonna say it, Elohim, like the world being on fire, burning it all, will give these murdering tug of turf wars less and less to war over, yeah Blain man, until you reconsider water, world battles, Jesus Reign and God's Kingdom following, beginning with Holy Bride tossing that Antichrist murderer, that mountain made without hands down into them, followed by the consuming brightness of the Sunlight God's Throne, coming, mankind's is always it own dug out, brink of destruction. Those were gone, there were no meatballs left, I knew it, you have people Sia Evolent setting aside for you, not true, I got there just in time, they were bringing these out, I could be satisfied with just one, if only Lakeside Pier Swanson, I cared. You don't mean it, plus you're embarrassing me in front of new company, am I you two lovies, embarrassing him? Possibly the most stunningly, amazing creature, ah woman he'd ever laid eyes, her long, flowing dark hair, those keen, sharp, bedazzling eyes, their equally tempting, her kissable, mouth, thinking her name as Evolent so, so befitting. "I think that's our q, you darling Hillary? Plus Darius E., we can possibly grab some of those meat balls on the way out, so it's like that? It would seem dear Sia, Pier Swanson, yes it is, okay okay, here, for a kiss your sweet cheek, see you in culinary class, thank you, love you, I know, love you too, what are you doing Caleb man? Sleeve that fork or perish!" >>>"Yeah, yeah, I'm here, I'm here, ah what is, ah, said i had an early class, you said you wanted to come, right, right, you have like five minutes to get ready, sorry, i was up most f the night looking through Sia Maaseiah, ah, ah, Prophecy Links? Yes, those, come, in, come in, ah, did you know she h as many end to beginning of the year earth ending prophecies? Especially 2017-2019, 2020, can we dress as as we talk? Yes, plus I saw you talking to Egan Lowd, how'd that go, well you can tell me the trans port in, and did you say, earth ending reveal, January 2020? You have fully loaded kitchen, I heard they were doing upgrades, I know what's happen in Iran, retaliations nuclear, natural nor cosmic can't hold off, we having one foot Darius E., on earth and in second heaven's intercessions, okay, this is about as ready as I can get on such short notice, you look really good, come, come. Right, ah, the one Hillary you know as Edwin Lowd, before his merciful, Juttah translation, even his last name, is Herenton spelled, back, Herenton Egan Lowd, was my eldest brother, I have an elder brother, Kesane and a sister, Bristol Kegan, even first star transports I see, ah, Herenton, ah snapped as one would save, attacked his fiance Regan Central, almost killed her, and slipped up the shower killing himself, only before he completed crossed over, he apologized to both God and Regan and she as god, forgave him, and watched him ascend, ah eventually Hillary, landing him here, he Juttah Septennial. What amazing, grace, she forgave him, just like that, she did, I know, in comprehensive, and truly holy spirit, even though his assault end up an unwanted pregnancy and rushed Juttah marriage, but that as well, holy spirit as God is merciful. So what class I fear to ask? I rather you see for yourself, but it's arts and crafts to the extreme, we're designing hat possible, Ezekiel's description of God's Chariot and Sia Maaseiah description of the Bride's chariot would look like and soon to feature them both in the biblical museum of sightseeing,then Hill, I got that's okay, yeah, sure, you not gonna believe this, I'm a third generation engineer, ah my Darius E., that is so perfect, I just brought, we needed another engineer, come, come, meet everyone, they're going to swear you to secrecy, only a few know, it's to be a surprise until we present it as an art exhibit. Good morning everyone, that coffee smell so delicious, this is my new friend, even new arrival Darius E., since that's his name and not his title, and guess what I just learn, graduated the top of his an engineer, right, right thought you'd really like that, lets eat, drink, and I'll show you what we got, then we got to get our assignments, so what do you know about Prophets, Ezekiel's and Sia Maaseiah's Chariot? I held my dad and brother, design and build one of it's first, submersible aqua's. I'm, ah, did you just say you and your designed a Juttah Aqua, so which come first the aqua right? My dad had months design all that, all we had to do was critique his, but the aquarium was my or holy spirits ideal, I just knew why and how, even how to build it so that sea creatures, come and go, freely, then you're perfect for this project, so how long did it take? Months, day and night, but should've been years, you all know she wanted it a submersible not for flooding but those predicted Alien dangers from above? I heard that yes, wow it's really impossible that you too end up together, that you end up Darius E., on this project, wow, thank the Holy Lord's of Israel, so want you in design, critiquing as you say our schematics, I'm so really pumped right now, welcome aboard Lowd man, wow! Why Speak in Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious in Ezekiel day, the days of the early prophets, have eyes, but they see not, ears they have by they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, so are they." Beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Seen to be busying around my kitchen, a usual voice come in my ear, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, (I Thess 4/Rev 12 star warring Michael, the second heavens); "looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints, as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them," beware, see, Rev 13:5-7, how it ends, prophetically, Apb
And Let The Angel Of The Lord Persecute Them
-The Rev 2, Perfect man Jesus asking, the Bride's urgent ascension, would Angels also ascend? Back to imagining what it might have been for Abraham's Lot and family being delivered from mass destruction raining down, rising up, by appointed, Holy Angels. First the 2015, remarkable of witnessing a Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, delivering some from /US/Canada states of barbecue, nuclear, natural and NEO events; to seeing a Rev 12, Michael battling a star wars in the heavens, some I heard live, 2013," right outside my home, but here now Jan 20, 2019, the second revisit to Trump's 2017, Jan 20, inauguration, saying as error Clinton, Bush and Obama, 50 million will die, US soil; the hearing still, Michael is setting his all around," knowing to bring the Bride up and The Americas, refugees out, I'm sure the fulfillment of many a biblical scripture, but mostly for many millennia, fulfilling the prayer Psalms, 35,
I Have Appoint My Angels Over Thee, Lest Thy Stomp Thy Feet!
Plead our cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against us. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for our help.
Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them. Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them;
knowing like your stampeding elephants of staying unaware, to stampede themselves, beware, repent, escape Yellowstone, southeast into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb
Starring: Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
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