Friday, June 11, 2021

Pieces Of Tiffany Ann Saurus

 Poetry RisingMission ButterFly 05/12/2016 

My Dearest Regan Central

      I've only lived a short time yet I’ve lived forever, I’ve only known a few people yet I'm known by everyone, I only have eyes for you, yet my vision isn’t clear, I miss you so much, though I little miss you. I was born into this world without a say from me, my parents loved and I was born, what about you?
     I've found you, ah my god I’ve lost you, yet here you are right beside me, inside me, you and I are one, yet I am alone, I am alone. I know who made you and you say no way, I know where you come from and you say not that place, I know who you are and you say that’s not me, I know that you  are mine and you say not this time.
     I can see you and you say I am blind, I can hear you and you say I am deaf, I can feel you here, there, up, down and all around and you say you’re this distant away from town. I say I’m crying and you say its laughter, I say I’m dying and you say I’m very much alive, I say I’m gone and you say I’m near, I say I hear you and you say, you’re nowhere near me. Your skin is like silk, your tongue like milk, your blood like honeycomb and your substance on mine this priceless imbibe, I know that you are mine and you say not this time.
     I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m keeping you here, yet the window is open, I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing and I just know it. I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible. I say I must have you and you say dream about It, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless, I say you’re countless and you say prove it.
     I say I’m clueless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here light breaths from me. I know that I lost you, this bitter to sweet rage in me, that misses you dearly, this is how I know you are mine and you say, all the time, one Heart Breathe, Beat away, thine own, Phearson, McPhearson, love always. From Preece Phearson McPhearson to wife Juttah Bride, Preecest Regan Central, by Patricia A. Bradford, Apostle, Prophet, Spring Rapture, 1986/2016/2026/2028, 

Prophecy Links fulfilling, There's Something About The Year, ({2447}), Apb 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20,1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Nicholas Edin Coogan and Tiffany Ann Saurus was born twin sons, Agurus (Aggie) Heus Coogan, Heus Agurus Coogan and a daughter, Karrsiann Coogan

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVII Matrix



"What the hell is she doing now?" Turning about, researching, were they as usual in this visual research after Erica Lynn. "It's about time, ---I think he really like me, ---he, when did you Erica get it down to just one? Yeah, yeah you two, just get in!" Flirting as usual Erica at Susan's their designated driver agitation pushed into the auto. “Girl I tell you, you and your men,“ as one starting the car, turning, backing them out, fussing at dawn catching them another morning leaving their favorite night spot. “Man what has happen now? There’s no telling, this is Hike's Peak, there’s always something going on.” Seeming this ritual of their’s, spending most Friday nights partying and the dawn of Saturday mornings rushing home to rest up for that nights’ partying as well. “I can't believe this, it’s what 2, 3 o’clock in the morning? Man this is crazy, damn it Sissy, you’re barely going, moving, yeah, this is awful, people honking their horns and yelling profanity back and forth, like that’s gonna help them at all. I guess I'll go to sleep," with a dazed as this Tiffany Ann laying rather comfortably in the back as it was her turn, was Susan and Erica disagreeing to debating over the cause of this taxing build up.



"Looook!" Suddenly letting out the most horrifying screech, her eyes stretched, jaws dropped at her pointing and leaping literally from her seat, "it's him! Who?" With a now ruffled Susan and Tiffany anxiously investigating was Erica Lynn hysterical at grabbing Susan's head, turning it to the direction she was most anxious, causing Tiffany Ann at hanging over the seat seeing as well. "Are you guys freaking blind? Ah my god!" With eyes beaming into her own jaws dropping, quite traumatic made aware, did Susan Faye indeed see as well, "it is him. Who? The monster!" With Erica bearing a cunning grin suddenly Tiffany too began to see him, "ah god," sighing sorrowfully, even sickly into a hand over the mouth, it was him, the Monster of Hike's Peak, two-face they all called him, the pressed traffic had caught him as well. “Just try not to look you guys, don’t stare, what’s that other thing they call him? Two faced, it is said for one side of his face Erica is as beautiful as any man would hope and the other side is horribly scared and contused.” People were very cruel to him, the girls had only heard of him and by dares peeped in on where he lived, this is the first time they'd actually seen him, he wasn't but a car over from them, to their right. "I wonder Tip how do you know all of that? I wonder who looks best he or his dog? Ah leave him alone, don't you guys think he has suffered enough? We were only kidding, ---god! I bet he could just die. Okay Tip" winking an eye at Susan that this was their chance to get the best of Tiffany Ann "here's your chance, my chance for what? You know, yeah Erica’s right, you always befriending people, let's see you befriend that, yeah, I bet you won't go over and ask him his name. You guys are crazy" instead shaking her head into a much desired rest down into the back seat was Susan and Erica being their silliest. "What is the damn hold up? Hey!" Summoning one of the motorist as if he’s to know better them all, was the unknowing unbearable. "You know what's wrong? A really bad accident, about five cars, it's all on WKL 101. Thanks," as one responding to a nod of his head did Susan get busy finding the station. "Five cars, there's no telling how long we're gonna be here, yeah I wished I'd left earlier with Mike" as one peeking out disorderly when suddenly her car door open and she began walking toward the monster's car. "What the hell?" Jerking around quite astonished, turning, as well through the rear view and side mirrors watching carefully. "Is she crazy? I don't believe it," gravely suspecting Tiffany's insane gesture, contemplating her every move as she’d undoubtedly lost her mind. "My god she's actually going over there. ..Ah my god!" As one approaching the car did his dog begin barking rather frantically at causing her to be spooked somewhat. "What am I doing?" Those very words, that very fear squeaked in her tighten throat, “he's gonna think I'm mad, hell I think I'm mad." He'd reclined his seat and couldn't see her as she pursued upon him, but his dog alerted him to the point he rose and looked toward the window, right into her face. "May I help You?" Tiffany thought she would die, she was, she was dying, she'd never done anything so stupid in her life. She thought she would fall right there in the street, in the traffic, her knees were weakening, her legs trembling, her heart was in her throat, her stomach, she was sick. "Miss, is something wrong?" Gulping hard, god! She hoped she'd hadn't swallowed her tongue, for she couldn't speak, she couldn't make a freaking sound. "Miss?" Being of utmost concern after her, that she’d abandon her own vehicle, came upon him a stranger among all strangers "are you alright? Uh huh," as a sort of hiccup. “No, no, my friends, they, sort of, you,” displaying herself terrified, not because she felt threaten, but somewhat dumbfounded, he wasn't a monster, but quite the gentleman, one speaking with such grace, such passion and with a darling accent, only forceful when he ordered the dog to be silent. "I’m sorry, sorry I bothered you," instead backing off, retreating did Tiffany get back to the car as quickly as her weak legs would go. Diving into the back seat, covering her head in shame, she'd made a damn fool of herself. “Ah my god, are you insane?” The both of them jeering her, bursting their sides, it was so hilarious, did Tiffany's throat began to tighten the more, eyes tingled, heart pounded as she felt such the idiot. It would seem she got back just in time, she could feel the car moving faster and faster, getting as far away from him. "You can raise your head now, yeah he's made his turn, he won't come for you until nightfall, Ha, ha, ha," slowly unveiling herself into a push upon their seats was Tiffany herself wondering what mental breakdown inspired her to do such a thing? "My god I can't believe I did that, tell me I didn't just do that? Ah you did it" Erica as did Susan yet taunted her, herein making their way home as quickly as possible. Obviously their not realizing the accident which held them up for hours. All the police cars and ambulances they were passing was an accident involving Susan's man friend Syefan Erin and Tiffany's fiance, Michael Day, one of which had been killed. They paid very little attention to the wreaked cars, the massive chaos, but how could they have known?

                   ...THY NAME IS OINTMENT POURED FORTH...

                                                            SCENE IV

"And we are here, you two." Trying to remain calm and encouraged little did they realize the horror awaiting them as they parked their fancy mobile. "There's Brad and Nickie," seeming the closer they drew to the hospital's entrance, the farther it was away, “and they Sissy don’t look all that promising, I don’t think I’ve seen Brad’s face so long. That was quick you guys, you can thank gas pedals over there,” with Tiffany's heart pounding harder and harder, as did Susan's, did Bradford grab her at rushing her down a long hall. “But where, he asked me, ...Nicholas," refusing to be touched, thus followed so tenderly of Nicholas Edin, Tiffany just started to tear, as she continued she could see Michael's mother crying, his father trying desperately to calm her, his sister's were also sobbing. This terrified Tiffany the more, all she wanted at this point was to see Michael, was to know that although he'd been injured, he was very much alive. “Ah god, my god, I need your help,” sensing intensely this wasn't the case, did a horrid fear tighten her throat along escaping warm to cold tears, her cheek, her neck, soon feeling faint. “I got you,” of course Nicholas Edin who'd followed so close captured her losing all control, helping her to a seat. "Where is he?" Passively, looking tenderly, yes sickly into Nicholas's equally lost demeanor, his being there to help. "Where’s Mike? My god Nicholas just tell me oky, he can't be dead, he can't, I, I got to, to find him. Tiffany!" Striking at a single driblet of hers, at taking her hand, at leading her into a private observation room he'd studied and studied how best to do this. "I don’t know how, damn it, I told Sye I, I couldn’t, I was just with, he's not, my god Nicholas!" Did an astonishing creature beyond words, Tiffany Ann style Nicholas Edin so nigh to her, swiftly clasping her breaking self about his stout neck, his kind embrace, smell, obviously to prevent him so overwhelmingly to near tears himself. “Shhhhh, I’m here for you,” ideally closing his eyes into this enormous closeness, her soft silken mane, that baby smooth skin, indescribable scent, her generous helplessness and needing her, this so much, himself. "Something bad, ---No, no!" Jarring the head, did a single finger of hers fly up at accusing him "No! No, you can't tell me that, you can tell me anything but that, please Tiffany, you won’t, look, something bad has happen, please, Tiffany!” Gulping hard as one staying close to her, as to talk sense into her, even into himself, this greatest trials of Nicholas Edin’s life, of theirs. "Mike, he, he didn't make it, the crash was, was, but I was just with him! Noooo! Tiffany? Her flying out the door, his flying out the door after her, "don't you see Mike isn't dead, why in hell should I believe you? I don't even know you, he isn't, Tiffany, look, I'm not lying, I'm not mistaking, my god I only wish I was, please! No, I don’t even know you, no damn it, no! Please stop saying that and let me help you, Tiffany please!" It was then Tiffany Ann looked at that hand, at Nicholas Edin Coogan getting dangerously close to persuading her, that her life. as she knew it, as she'd made it, even from birth, was now gone, over in a matter of seconds. That Michael Day Harmon, her lover and friend was at this very moment, waking up on the other side of life, into an unending peril, emptiness and uncertainty, perhaps even a void blackness, hell she didn't know. "I don't believe you," harshly swatting tears away, into a seat, hell a stand, into a quick get away, that she's to even run and never stop. "Why should I believe any of you, and what about Sye, is he dead too? Come to me Tiffany please, .no! You see Nicholas, this isn't happening, this is only a dream, a freaking nightmare, I'm not even here, this is not even a hospital, ---Tif-fa- ny? No! Damn It! Mike will come, you'll see, he's late sometimes, but he always, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Hollering explosively toward a pitiful, as well crying after her Erica Lynn, it was then Nicholas Edin signal Erica to get help, as it was apparent, Tiffany Ann was breaking down. Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, as those rebellious in Ezekiel's day, yet say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more Beast Of Beauty, Pieces Of Tiffany Ann, here,

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