Saturday, April 16, 2022


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 22, Apocalyptic 2022

Will Putin Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine? Just learning Israel is bombing in Gaza again, though US error Islam judgement sentence of 50 million US deaths, is set over a decade now; still how many babies have Biden had over Israel bombing Gaza, about as many as he's had over Russia's Invasion of Ukraine? HBOW/Apb The RAM

-First, a ginormous RED ROSE, 04/18/2022, both sweet and bitter, roses of SHARON come up out of the ground to me during the now President and First Lady, the Obama's Memphis, New Madrid, Dunlap Street, The COMMANDED African American exodus; just now, a tenth matrix day countdown to fiery doomsday apocalypse, April 22 2022, there's a ginormous CAN OPENER.

 -I guess it's meaning is clear, the black horse of famine, here, still, let's pray, hope, the only reason God allowed the US to drop atomic bombs on those Japanese cities, on those men, women, and children, their error Asians, a reported, recorded 50 Million US dead speedily, is so that learning from such an unimaginable horror, even rebellious man wouldn't have the wherewithal to ever, ever, ever, do it again.

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, AMERICAN WILL USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS, only according to their own Jeremiah 37 to Daniel 5 to Rev 17 Handwriting on the wall except they seek peaceful initiatives, they're virtually toast; marvel not during their own maze of sin, offered hundreds of millions waiting a single water cooler; even instead of the yet smothering black bowl judgements she yet carried was business cards for better homeless earth shelters; 

Business Cards For Better Homeless Homeless Earth Shelters During Fiery Doomsday a Christmas Carol

-I can't help wondering FSS after knowing what you know bout commanded Hemingway Exodus, for one strike the telling heart, that's who Eze 9 commanded reapers target, procrastinators. Actually US/Canada entire West Rule Pacific imploding into 101 Yellowstones and those predicted 99 bowls of molten lava. Surrealically, the smoke of her eruptioning up and missiling down rising up forever and ever and forever will keep American to Western peacemakers from making war ever again; beware days countdown into US/Western/NATO wars are also your day to day  countdown into a fast and furious Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, you know three designed assigned territories where!

-Question is FSS, before predicted sixteen years coronavirus killed millions, still we know suddenly tens of millions of Americans are about to die. Not only April 22, 2022, the huge enough to block out the sky ROSE, (See ROSE OF SHARON), and a day later, a huge enough CAN OPENER. Though a month prior, March 27, 28 2022 come to be rescued from procrastinating parents, a line upon line of injured to orphan office school children; again question is, which commanded to guided extinction level event, natural, nuclear to NEO'S will cause the Alaska, Hawaii' to California fiery doomsday domino effect? 

-I know, first there's Jan 22-29 2021, flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying sauce,r liftoff of Pres Biden and Vice Pres Harris. Presently seems we're cooling our heels, when January, February and March, Apocalyptic 2022, in one night, mocked as we packed boxes we had coming like on our heels 7 forms of extinctions, including YELLOWSTONE; it was four years Trump's Whitehouse, a mid-night March 13 2022 authentic escaping from a barbecuing, here's Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around; I know, no getting off task for THEM. WHY DIE? WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus forewarn Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/ Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands To Marks of the Beast

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

"Speaking of this April 2 2022, line upon line of injured to orphan children, who was Kiersten? Look, aren't we to look at them all as Rev 6, John, the 5th seal, seeing under God's Throne what has to be an incalculable in wounded saints, crying AODHF avenge their martyrdom, HE showed HIMSELF actually  doing, star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, the taking back of planet earth, as recent as Aug 5 2021 and March 13 2022, circling the Bride's Chariot all around? Excellent Issac man, I love it; still, Kiersten, just ask yourself, if the Lamb's Book of life, to Church Bride book of memory, wait, the Church Bride Book of memory, when El Mahaseiah that happened? To, to, to, ({Feb 2021}), Michael having his own List, if either were calling your name, what would you do Kiersten? Ah come, just like them, exactly, don't forget by grand Sia mom witnessed years back a (Feb {2015}), the Lamb's Book of life was made into a school, name roll call, now a line upon line of orphan children as if to  answer, Archangel list to rapturous shout. Plus we also know since (Feb {2017}), like all parents commanded dead to damned by a certain date, children also are marked for death, Rev 2 Jesus threaten Jezebel whore, except she and whoring genociders repent, recently as ({Feb 2022}), that's every procrastinating parent, then even as high as the Obama's, and besides Millions Covid dead, that threat is also your line upon line, neverending line of injured to orphan school children. Undoubtedly you all readying their inconceivable carnival under that untellable twirling, pearl staircase also under God's Unimaginable Throne, Bosom, as we, the first resurrection ready instead into second heaven intercessions, for interceding Tribulation Saints. Why Speak In Parables? See entire prophetic parable here,


Will Putin Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine?



-The fiery doomsday apocalypse, natural, solar to  cosmic, commanded MEGA disasters, like 101 Yellowstones, to guided fireballs, like May 31 2021/ March 13 2022, Archangel Michael Gen 19 like intervention; to sky touching TSUNAMIS. Crystal skies missiling down, any of which world ender that just gave us a line upon line of injured to orphan school children; as they're to all come to the office school nurse, or was it the beckoning, Lamb's Book,of life acting like a school, name roll call. Undoubtedly, just as I predicted, whatever its catastrophic causes here is the earth ender that'll stall Putin and others war efforts to advances.

-Surrealistically, turning all such attention North America's to the Northern Hemisphere way; WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? The blessed Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit are all diminishing timetables along blessed acts of divine intervention, from star warring Archangel Michael THEM to Michael's List and you westerners its billions inherit, because of THEM you know three designed, assigned territories where; know also, anything else for star warring Archangel Michael THEM than escaping THEIRS would be unimaginably off divine task. WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 19 Apocalyptic 2022, Article, Professor wanted to blow up the Moon with nukes-to improve weather on earth, ( Apparently by giving us a missiling down interstellar nuclear winter, marvel not AODHF urgency has gone from granting star warring Archangel Michael THEM, to THEM standing over sleeping beds anxious to THEM regularly, circling the Bride's Chariot all around;

- Fret not thyself because of evil doers, because of such insanity; even, apparently because you see a death bringer from beneath, presently 101 Yellowstones worth; I explained three curses of madness is spreading. One, May 22 into June 27, 2021/ Jan 20 2022, even deemed fast and furious Ludacris contagious and again spreading, see Oct 2018 Daniel 4 madness curse, begin Oct 19 2019, for 7 post apocalyptic years, now spreading among Trumpians, to Americans to procrastinators, ah, repent or perish! JCON/JCOR

Article, Space Weather, X1.1 solar flare Sunday, 17 April 2022 18:29 UTC, see here and also see It Missed US by 9 Day's, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, Follow Up With A Shaky Shaky Shelter and Triple Great Tribulations And A Number No Man Could Number Poured Into The Lamb's Throne Bosom, Presently May 31 2021 Opened Bible, Apostle John Saw -I witnessed them all, (July 27 28 {2009}), pour into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; why when I heard YouTube Amtv Christopher, excite about building up your muscles, I thought how better to lift one's backpack from the truck of a car, its millions just went dead, while an extinction level fiery doomsday apocalypse is raging toward them. Mid-night March 13, 2022, Archangel Michael THEM Circling Bride's Chariot all around; know it was (March 13 {2018}), I saw them all again. Like every kind of auto, Elon Musk, there is, pouring into US Georgia's Coast, -I guess a natural to nuclear to cosmic inferno can do that, suddenly millions dead, injured or missing. Just like at present, a chaotic sun, causing chaotic weather to recurring MONSTROUS disasters. Well, at least your trunk is filled with running shoes and you know just what to do with them, where the burning HELL to go, all. Yeah, like these 30 plus rapture springs, I witnessed them all again, whenever the planet, the Royal Priesthood and pending Tribulation Saints are alone in 101 Yellowstones worth of danger. -Honestly THEY descend upon up in incalcuable numbers, only this time its circling Bride's Chariot all around us, including your April 2, 2022, line upon line to never ending line of injured to orphan school children. I know, sound like something right out of the bible, then from Genesis 19 to Rev 7 to Rev 20, probably because GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD HE STAMPEDE TO ASCEND HIS, WHY DIE!? WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! also see here, You tube Mike From Around The World/Pastor Begley, Breaking: Crazy Apocalyptic Events,, JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 18, Apocalyptic 2022, If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee, Dec 3, 2021, JCOR

Explained, I sensed overwhelmingly for something so cataclysmic to happen, that it's to turn all this world attention from encroaching WWZ/WW3/WWA, towards US to Western soil; marvel not as petrified and prancing back and forth, the planet, the sea, the US map, as a husband with a wife travailing in birth Rev 10 Mighty Angel, saying no further delays US soil. But with so many extinction level events to choose from, a CME, Carrington repeat, a MONSTER, US/BC Earthquake, tsunami, the asteroid commanded to finish middle schools, a hand writing, clumsily Escape Yellowstone; marvel not, my for months now inquire, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! We got revisiting for four years Dec 3 2017 those stampeding elephants of staying unaware; Dec 3, 4,5, 2021, we got Rev 3 Jesus again saying, WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

Article, Space Weather, X1.1 solar flare

Sunday, 17 April 2022 18:29 UTC, see here and also see It Missed US by 9 Day's,


Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, Follow Up With A Shaky Shaky Shelter and Triple Great Tribulations 

I know exactly 7 months October 3 2004/ Oct 1, 2022 BIG ONES COMING/Oct 17 2001/ Oct 17 2022 Predicting Not Only The Skyrocketing to Fire-rocketing Of Two World Systems: but assuring Daniel final week, SEVEN BEAST YEARS is here, but come with Triple Great Tribulations; marvel not Dec 3, 4, 5,Rev 3 Jesus come saying, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Apocalyptic 2021, Dec 3, WATCH! Dec 4 RUN! Dec 5 LIVE! AODHF/JCOR

-We've been warn about a CME to EMP event of a fiery doomsday apocalypse beginning US/BC West Pacific, for a over two decades, (Dec 24,25, 2001); even Aug 5 2021 referenced Rev 11 ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, shown star warring with Archangel Michael THEM revisited the (Aug 5 {2019}) standing the world still, earth ender, leaving the word DISAPPEARED frozen on as all HD, 5G and Social media screening,  the irony of Frozen 2 premier...

-Fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol, honestly that made coronavirus national to international lockdown appear as an act of divinity, I kid you not, followed further its forewarning was a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone and soon the sky crystallizing, breaking and cracking along huge shard's and missiling down.  No one planet earth was safe, especially hundreds of millions stranded in SE, into safe-zone US Georgia's Coast, bound traffic, presently going for thousands and thousands of miles, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more here,, see more its prophetic parable here,

Youtube Amtv Christopher Greene, Maverick!!! 2022 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon 4×4 Serving Island Project,, ( The end of America, West Rule in likeness to Ancient genealogy, Empires Rome/Britain, revisited ebbing and flowing date, two decades, Oct 17 2020, their overall defeat was portrayed as A FORK IN THE SANDS, as of the sea, of those rebellers so numerous, as to join with Red Dragon Lucifer them, raging against The Kingdom of God And His Christ, Earthwide, Eternal Occupancy! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Know Where You Going You Won't Need Cars Your Crawling Knees To Running Shoes To Crawling Knees Will Do! HBOW/Apb The RAM!


-Okay then, how star warring Ancient devil's, demons and aliens know, actually the car Zoe Saldana character is fast and furious in, in The Adam Project, is identical to the one Oct 21 2021 WWZ, Brad Pitt, is stuck in traffic in, on his cellphone, talking to me, only its red, trimmed in white. Clearly, making it three curses of regularly driving Americans insane, is this an example of procrastinators described as being fast and furious Ludacris contagious and spreading on top of being designed riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, endangering the next generation of the Royal Priesthood, ( a never ending line of injured to orphan children I just saw, April 2, 2022,  lined up planet long, to see the office, school nurse? 

-During the May 27/28 2021 described something GINORMOUS about Asians, also related a fast and furious Tokyo Drift; right before Angel Gabriel June 27, 28 2021 reminded of three designed territories, that weren't 49 and two thirds US states nor Florida; some bout the number 7 and showed us the profile of the Fast and Furious, Franchise; marvel not witnessing ebbing and flowing date, 17 years, June 17, ({2019}), some escaping across the OLD Arkansas bridge, only like King Nebuchadnezzar's/Trump error Whitehouse, 7 years of a maddening curse, they were all down on all fours, animalistic to repentant; HBOW/Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 17, Apocalyptic 2022, hearing Eze 9 AODHF command SLAYERS from the higher gate north, kill all parents by; finish all schools, begin at my sanctuary," HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Trans doctor who helps teens transition says it’s now ‘gone too far’, (Fornication, Satanic agenda is always to extinct humankind, there's no stopping its progressiveness. Now, since mankind's only victory toward Satan is Jesus Christ Cross of redemptive righteousness; except they repent horribly they suffer, they die, they perish! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Kill All Parents By, Post Apocalyptic America, The World's Renewed Timetable, Oct 17 2021 Until Seven BEAST YEARS, Its Triple Great Tribulations Fulfilling Be Fulfilled Oct 17 2028


-Marvel not, near a million US Covid 19 parents to grandparents no more, aunts, uncles, all, April 2, 2022, line upon line, neverending line of injured to orphan children; anxious to skyrocket with the Apostle, Prophet, office, school nurse, West Rule sent fire-rocketing itself. The (Feb 12-19, ({2015},) Lamb's book of life once made a school name roll call to (Feb 15, 2021), Archangel Michael's List to shout, lifting them all off horror planet, formal apostasy past away. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies, those billions dead, for seven months littered the earth. WHY DIE! WHY PERISH! DEC 3, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus said WATCH! Dec 4 RUN,! Dec 5 LIVE! Ebbing and Flowing, Four Years The Authentic African American Exodus, March 13, 2022, Archangel Michael THEM, Circling Bride's Chariot all around, ask, are you ready? GOT THEM? HBOW/Apb The RAM

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here, $patann1258; when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb


Give: $patann1258


And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Teth lod Judah de' rossi and Queen Bride, Alyssa Crissia Skydance

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Lightwolf, Hawkfinder Bhaskar and Chelsea Rendaya Fullington was born a son Fullington Edward Bhaskar, a son, Wolfrun Pathfinder Bhaskar, a godson Stardancer Eaglehead Bhaskar, and a goddaughter Jordan Kerstin Bhaskar, Fullington

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

"I can see all that, during three forms of madness curses, but May, there are some who gonna look at your for three decades source, Trump ot God Gabriel to star warring Archangel Michael and not blink at THEM assuring you fallen angels is why Aliens exist, just as you assessing for the longest, all ancient to present mysteries solved if we reconsider the genocidal agenda of fallen angels. Then May, the working of all these evils, by the multi-millions, for many its Millennia, its ignorant to foolishness, that we've endured all this time wrestling against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places except by divine intervention, as star warring Archangel Michael THEM to assessing God's Whole armor. Ah yeah, before I go, another phenom concerning Ethiopia, its calendar, Nibewe and I were talking a few days ago, she goes she read or watched a video. Explaining how Ethiopia's calendar is like 8  or more years behind others and described  May, how that put the Mayan Apocalypse around Oct 17 2028, what's that grand, whoa, what? My reaction exactly, so May I go, Nibe, what do you get when you add 7 years to Oct 17 2021? She pause long, figuring where I'm going, I say, when they predicted we're in Daniel final week of years, October 17 2021 they were explaining though by triple Great Tribulations, and never before this planet wars and human dieoffs, seven months to bury them all, this dispensation is over, by Oct 2028, Ethiopia's just verified the ebbing and flowing Mayan Apocalypse; Rev 11:15 described 7th Angel sounds and Jesus Millennium descends as a White,Holy House with the Royal Priesthood intact. Then to top it off May we know said world catastrophe has been intervened upon since its (Dec 24/25 {2001{), 190 months its Oct 2017, 40 days Into its Thanksgiving 2017; come its first ten days, Dec 3, 2017 Rev 2 Jesus, matrix ten day countdown award, 4 years in, Dec 3, 4, 5 2021, Rev 3 Jesus come saying WATCH! RUN! LIVE! And I grand didn't even realized right off that's the Dec 3, 2017 I come into a demo, Memphis Carter and I are hand in hand crossing a Memphis  street, when come a mighty rumbling, shaking, breaking us up and apart. When there's just quaking and a stirring all around of people until I see in the distance an African dirt path and a mighty stampede of described elephants of staying unaware. Remarkably, then, it was Trump, Putin, Abbas to  Assad, a tug of Nuclear WW3 here, exactly four years later, Dec 3, 2021, its, Rev 17  described United Nations verses Russia to ASIA, a tug of Armageddon, with Maaseiah Adonai, Archangel Michael THEM, circling the Bride's Chariot all around and that indescribable jubilee grand is me waking just now, celebrating dancing Hallelujahs all around, whewwww, Hallelujah then girl, dancing all!. I gotta go, someone at the door, right, love and kisses grand, you loving girl as well, blessed day, sweet sleep." >>> "Suddenly she broke into laughter, I'm like gram, what? She's like, I was sitting here thinking how your uncle them, gonna pile into that van of theirs, a destination in mind only to find themselves translated for hundreds of miles here, US Georgia's Coast. Then I said, boy, wouldn't I like to see that, only to fondly correct myself, right, ah my God, cause gram, you already seen it, we both burst laughing, yes, yes, then she's, seen them pouring into US Georgia's Coast, seen them pouring into Africa's Southwest Atlantic and had to be there when John witnessed them all pouring into Jesus' THRONE Bosom. Ah man, Memphis Caden man, the divine things your grand has seen, yeah, African Juttah, make you wonder, we're in the last week of Daniel, Bride's Chariot shown ready, set, go and circling our blastoff, how could THEY miss resurrection ascension,Easter coming up, do THEY love us that much?  Don't know Brand man, only know for 30 plus rapture springs THEY'VE done Just that, passed it over, earth's Easter Sunday. Still, Justice man,  I asked grand ,she said the last she asked that, did THEY love us enough, they'd send a mass disaster for stampeding them, she lost her next to the youngest sister, shot, murdered. Plus it didn't work, she said, just made them more bitter at her and her God messenger, she plus, they have a god more keen toward giving to granting them, their American dream, that they actually believe that, she said, wow Memphis man, wow, both Mighty Angel's little book sweet then bitter. What is it Lightwolf man, why aren't thou cast down, all? I don't know, you guys see History, the finding of pyramids under Antarctica? I thought more about them telling grand Sia mom, well, your grand Sia mom, fallen angels is why Aliens exist. Yeah, said first thing come to mind was fallen Angels is why Giants exist, like instead of all this time spent on investigating Ancient Aliens, they should've been investigating RED DRAGON to Ancient Angels undersea, surface to interstellar, paramount associations, we know, from the Genesis, that's their genocidal agenda for mankind. I don't get it EL EL man, why the cloak and dagger, why not just overthrow mankind and take over the world? They felled from God's Grace too, the war in heaven, Archangel Michael THEM defeating and ejecting them Lightwolf, man, got whatever dominance they had taken away, putting them at these limits even with mankind. Woe, woe, woe, earth's inherit, they, Lucifer and his, come down there, knowing they have but a little time, presently 78 months of an Oct 17 2021 Daniel 9;27 final week of BEAST years. Yeah Maha, explaining whatever rebellion they're to-do is done through influencing rebellious mankind. The spiritual warfare, Gog and Magog into ARMAGEDDON, even Lightwolf, man, shown to be an interstellar Ad Astra, type Armageddon, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Hey Darling girl, we get it? It took forever, but yes, you guys gotta come, there's a christening, I didn't know Lightwolf man, people still do those. Heck yeah, its big on Rendaya side, then we're partying eating and such into easter morning, y'all gotta come. I was more flabbergasted about the neverending line of injured to orphan children,  like cursive coronavirus millions in parents, grands, politicians, pastors and teachers no more. Then coming to grand Sia mom like she's a school office nurse, a school office, a building that once portrayed the Lambs book of life as a name roll call and a nurse Maha sis, not only with Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around, but there's Archangel's list to Archangel's shout, heralding the Bride's Chariot final liftoff, we'll be there Lightwolf man, I'm sure, can we bring anything? Ah, no, just yourselves, I gotta meet my girl, you're bringing her, right El,El man? Ah yeah, can't wait to dance with her, I know right, thought those two Maha at least would be prenuptials by now, me to Maipo, something still about Ajaih parents, all he'll say, yeah all we'll say, we got a party to plan, yeah Maipo we all do, so see you guys in an hour or two, we're off to mission cake. Maha, my hand, ah, thanks, I know sorry I brought it up, if he can't get Ajaih, Maipo, that boy gonna have a baby, I just know it, then love, as it written Septennial Juttah, genealogy, so let it be done, yes our faith, in our faithful prayers. I think I know just the thing to wear, yeah grand Sia mom warning against frivolous shopping, especially Miapo since she, Dec 10/11 2021 early morning of that killer, Kentucky tornado, witnessed a building shredded and its shop sign thrown down to the ground; no doubt Revisiting the 11 o'clock shopping lunch hours, of forfeiting their military loved to a line upon line of Mene torture vehicles achieving worthless, temporary treasures. I think, Maha, I know what to wear as well, I'll commy you with my ideas, okay, pick me up hour and a half, you know I will, no doubt I'll be early, watch where you going, thanks, love you, love you more--oooor. Push 2 for me, so Maha, Easter Day, made the authentic Bride's Chariot shooting skyward, I doubt it God's Thoughts, ways Mahalo, just Halo, right, and THEY don't esteem one day above another, Holidays, holy days all a show of worship but mostly for the satisfaction of the flesh, no salvation, too many of them lost, souls endangered. Thanks for holding the elevator, that's how Jesus taught it anyway, see you, thanks, welcome. I know that look, even How your feel but they're monitored, schooled and lead by some of the most anointed spiritual Leaders on the planet from the Juttah Tribunal, to the Nextus Global to the Hillsfeet Tribunal, they walk in the holy spirit, that fjesh and blood, more elevated than most, and still live their reality as innocent as teens, they're like an enigma, catch your later, yeah Charity, thanks, welcome! hey how can I get one, even that one? Now that I can't answer only she's El Mahaseiah and she's betroven to Sia Miapo just now, yeah but how?". >>> Speaking of this April 2 2022, line upon line of injured to orphan children, who was Kiersten? Look, aren't we to look at them all as Rev 6, John, the 5th seal, seeing under God's Throne what has to be an incalculable in wounded saints, crying AODHF avenge their martyrdom, HE showed HIMSELF actually  doing, star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, the taking back of planet earth, as recent as Aug 5 2021 and March 13 2022, circling the Bride's Chariot all around? Excellent Issac man, I love it; still, Kiersten, just ask yourself, if the Lamb's Book of life, to Church Bride book of memory, wait, the Church Bride Book of memory, when El Mahaseiah that happened? To, to, to, ({Feb 2021}), Michael having his own List, if either were calling your name, what would you do Kiersten? Ah come, just like them, exactly, don't forget by grand Sia mom witnessed years back a (Feb {2015}), the Lamb's Book of life was made into a school, name roll call, now a line upon line of orphan children as if to  answer, Archangel list to rapturous shout. Plus we also know since (Feb {2017}), like all parents commanded dead to damned by a certain date, children also are marked for death, Rev 2 Jesus threaten Jezebel whore, except she and whoring genociders repent, recently as ({Feb 2022}), that's every procrastinating parent, then even as high as the Obama's, and besides Millions Covid dead, that threat is also your line upon line, neverending line of injured to orphan school children.  Undoubtedly you all readying their inconceivable carnival under that untellable twirling, pearl staircase also under God's Unimaginable Throne, Bosom, as we, the first resurrection ready instead into second heaven intercessions, for interceding Tribulation Saints. My Lord, what Is he doing to that girl? So that's you Dae Dae love ingesting my orgasmic recreations into procreation? Ah my god, I don't know Chodne what Just happened, I'm crying for Jesus sake, just tell me on what orbiting planet are we skyrocketing? I could show you, if you marry me Maha instead, I've seen it, and I've  told you plenty Lightwolf, Hawkfinder, Hillsfeet, its not happening. Hand my things, I bet the whole beach, picnic, heard us, how embarrassing, come here to me incredible creature, are you forgetting beach tent, picnics are made for this, for what Dae, Dae love,, high-pitch, curling, cries? Come on Light man, she's right, your continued advances are next to harassment, I know Knightly Tristian man, threatening that Negeb Ophell hill, all that. Plus, aren't you Maipo friend at that? Just telling what I saw, you saw that, the Nextus Juttah Genealogy? The what? Knightly is right, it doesn't matter Lightwolf man where you saw you're El Mahaseiah's AJG, if it wasn't by one of the Juttah Tribunals, Tombola; if I'm not mistaking, the Hillsfeet Tribunal don't honor the Juttah Tombola. Look, here comes Miapo, please Lightwolf leave both it and me alone, I'm not your AJG, (Aqua Juttah Genealogy) okay, just forget it. Who can you see? Ah god, Maha them, Knightly Tristian, Kyyle, Kiersten, they're close, no doubt, look at me, shhhh, look, we're married, this is normal, that was not normal, times out, take my hand, let's get something to eat, okay? Sure, whatever you say, good, cause we're missing a stunning day, plus I'm starved, what? Nothing, can't tell me that, ah the sand feel so good, I know right, still Chodne, what? When you said you're starved, I couldn't help remembering grand Sia mom seeing just now, a huge can opener and what it must mean, inconceivable, even apocalyptic hunger. Yeah, yeah but the faster Chodne they get to Archangel Michael THEM supply of safe-zones, the better, right, exile luxury, right, dancing Hallelujahs even, that's theirs and our tender Jesus hearts blessed hope as well, right?" >>>Frightnight still, The last sis, group of orphan children, were her own grands, grand Sia mom also said he was dressed in present day attire, the guardian outside their Georgia home, follow me. Right now we're seeing Archangel Michael THEM movement about the planet by advance UFO's, especially triangle crafts but once WW3, WWZ to WWA Armageddon  leave us as the days of the horse and buggies, even the LION OF JUTTAH, Trump of God, Archangel and THEIR  masses return. I see El Shaddai where you're going, since they're returning across the skies by horseback seem they've suffered the same technological reduction, the things you think about, Dae, Dae. It was you sis Darius Karrsiann startling me just now, I know I've never called you, El Shaddai, but proven here yours, ours El Shaddai are the authentic beautiful minds and all others failing replicals incapable of doing anything capable, and that's sis said of the mind of those deceived by unnatural affections now the same gender, genocidal, agenda, so Sis Darius Karrsiann, is that a fourth circling all around, just as contagious, madness curse? Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him, with Holy Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying, well, see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, The RAM, see the entire, the African American exodus, Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, here,

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...