Monday, May 2, 2022


Prophecy Links Fulfilling, May 2, Apocalyptic 2022 

Youtube, The Virtual Telescope Project, Near-Earth Asteroid 2022 HB1 very close encounter: online observation – 26 Apr. 2022,, (Asteroid Destroy Wisconsin (West Constantly Sinning}, Separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada off the map; waking Aug , 2019, the word disappeared frozen as, on all HD, 5G AND social Media Screening, because something as naturally apocalyptic as an asteroid impact or 101 Yellowstone send two westernized world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, taking 190 years of teach, and a mentioned lately, September 27/28, 2021, what could be actually in both Saints and Sinners, 190 million lives each WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith As Recent as The Commanded (june 17/19 2002?March 13 2022), African American Exodus, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM   

Article, Transnistria Forces in Moldova Preparing 'Appeal' to Putin, Says Ukraine,


For When The Seventh Angel Shall Begin To Sound,

-There's no appeal Russia will hear, that doesn't protect he and his from the stronghold of genocidal America, Western Leads and their NATO/UN Allies. Who's Error Trump, Palestine's Abbas December 3, 2017, mentioned 8 leads, the stampede of both Memphis and African Elephants of staying unaware, anyway? Know, 08/05/21 Rev 11, AODHF and star warring Archangel Michael THEM, standing over sleeping beds anxious, revisited two years ago when all their bloody systems were FIREROCKETING off the planet, leaving Islam/ HUSSEIN this worlds proxy Leaders to Deliverers, explaining the Obama's world reign even during ({July 27 28, 2016/Oct 17 2028}), Jesus' Millennium descent.  WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, JCON; also the (June 17 2002/ June 17/19 Juneteenth, 2020), SUNLIGHT of GOD, from behind a Mountain God's Back Turned Throne, calling for an alike Mose's exodus only by the enslaved African American from all WEST RULE World Systems, presently, blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit; 

-Marvel not, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, too revisited two years ago Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL come saying no further Delays US soil, desolations predicted now come! Surrealistically, the only continuity of their bloody democracy, fiery doomsday apocalypse sending them fire-rocketing. Get this straight, Russia show, of taking Chernobyl alone is all the evidence you need; if you're all the way's GOD'S, with Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around, any prophesied day now you're going up there, second Heavens Intercessions.

-Just the same, if you're anyways GOD'S, with Ezekiel 9 reapers, one stab the telling heart even on your stampeding heels. Still, may you take Rev 12:1-5/Gen 18/19 Abraham's Nephew Lot for example, even crawling down on all fours, Dan 4 King Nebuchadnezzar's/Trump's madness. Clearly as into, as from US Georgia's Atlantic Coast, not Atlanta/not Florida. You're crossing over to there, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Exile Luxury, blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS and Mat 24/Rev 2, 12, 18 Jesus' Overcomers, Thus Saith, Rev 12, star warring, THEMSELVES, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands Of The Mark Of Oct 17 2021 Until SEVEN BEAST Years Be Fulfilled, Oct 17, 2028, Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom, Lightwolf, Hawkfinder Bhaskar and Queen Bride Chelsea Rendaya Fullington

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Lightwolf, Hawkfinder Bhaskar and Chelsea Rendaya Fullington was born a son Fullington Edward Bhaskar, a son, Wolfrun Pathfinder Bhaskar, a godson Stardancer Eaglehead Bhaskar, and a goddaughter Jordan Kerstin Bhaskar, Fullington

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

"Dad, Heus, I didn't even know you was here, yes, we just had a meeting, planning moms day, mom's Day? I'm sorry son I'm still a little groggy, mother's day dad. I was in the 11 o'clock news hour, session, ah, with El Shaddai them." Come up to greet him better, daddy Nicholas Edin was getting a deja vu feeling of when Heus Agurus as a teen come to them, well actually him, devastated over a literal fist fight between, back then, presently Darius Juttah, King Preece Ebonee and Queen Preecest Karrsiann, and how in deadly danger it put her in, so apparently he was just as emotionally tattered. "Ah dad, mom's latest comments, have you read them, how do we know that as Gen 19, Archangel Michael and Grand Caden May 31 2021 fireball, event wasn't like Hawaii an incoming rocket, their assassin's creed of shutting her up, of finishing her and all that? First, stunning son of mine, calm down, second, sit down, ah my god dad, I forget how otherworldly her secret garden, I know son, its literally like God's Eden garden come down to earth, landing right here. This is probably Heus, not going to surprise you, but having these same concerns, I took them to wise old grand, grand, without hesitation she remind what happened with grand, grand Saurus hinting at her alike endangerment, and how its the first star warring Archangel Michael THEM introduce themselves her phenomenon angelic defense, as not only Heus Agurus being all around her, but all over her, all through her, like nothing thew planet, even that galaxies could penetrate their guardianship, you think that's why ANCIENT Of DAYS. then by mot of Rev 11:5, sounding of the 7th angel trumpet, not only just showed HIMSELF son Heus, standing over sleeping beds just as anxious to snatch HIS out, but that HE'S equally star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, the taking of planet earth, beyond amazing dad, ah my god, and you know grand, grand, she never told him that happen, probably because she had yet to scrutinize what'd just happen; then Heus straight way she remind, how speedily your mom July 6 2020, was in that demo, watching them snatch not only new born Him but new born Her, the holy church off the planet because just as he was being threaten by Red Dragon them and their human entities so was SHE, Heus, because she's THEIR assignment THEY'VE shown THEMSELVES gone from star warring, to standing over sleeping beds anxious to 4 years AMERICANS are invited from a barbecuing, and come pouring into US Georgia's Coast crossover by the droves of every kind there is; just past midnight it's March 13, 2022, Archangel Michael THEM are shown as circling the Bride's Chariot, the one your Mom witnessed created by a metamorphosis of the SUNLIGHT OF GOD, it and no doubt millions its own drone missions, ah dad, like Triangle crafts, yes, they're circling the Royal Priesthood speedy Briexit. Can I tell you something else dad? Remember way, way, way back, you're smiling, you felt it too? I did like a de jave, yes, wild girl Karrsiann had just beat up Preece Ebonee, only presently dad the unspeakable for all times, New Africa, The African Juttah! While I read your thoughts dad further, I just wanna huge you so tight, please do son, hug me so tight." >>>"You do know Lightwolf, Maha don't sit with us on Wednesdays and Fridays, I do Kiersten, ah all you others, know, she said she's in training those days The Ethiopian, Brightville, Flight Center. Wait, you asked her? No Gale rather, its, you mean she told you? Cause we been asking her like forever, ah yeah, that come the argument around as well, but she said she never felt at liberty until now, but its you Kiersten, tell me more about this Aqua Juttah Genealogy, you should wait for Maha, she's why we know, you know, I heard what you said as well. There's an alarm, with stubbing, light-grey eyes of hers shooting skyward into a worrisome alert, did they, without hesitation head to the meeting hall as expected, I bet its about Russia, you guys? Yeah, all bets off light man, you're probably right, I had an aunt me about it, and they all normally walking around, hearing, seeing and believing nothing that intervenes upon their American dreaming, can Russsia attack US soil? Though grand Sia told us, what's come is more apocalyptic natural disasters , but the US, Western soil being under a two decades judgment, sentence, natural, nuclear to NEO's, yeah Russian, any of them, can have at us, yeah ah, some bout seeing angels in a running race, Dec 29. 2020, to put that exact, since, Dec 24/25, 2001, timetable, of incoming, recurring mass destruction, like back on track, then we got, triple great tribulations, its original date of fruition Oct 17 2001, then for seven years, unquestionably, that's billions dead, easily. Look, Maha is here, where, up there. with the Darius Juttah Tribunal, see, see, see, why is it she can be up and we can't? Ah my gracious she is the Juttah Preecest's tribunal liaison, informing us, Light, of all its goings, on, i know, I know, she's godtriplet, all, that's my Hillsfeet tribunal, i'm going up there, no light man, I wouldn't do that! May I have all attention, I want all who have American refugees, the Southern Pacific to Northern Atlantic Hemisphere, please stand, now those of you standing and has received a recent, satisfactory update, please sit, those of you no update, but are pretty sure you know where they are and have informed the task department, you can also sit, those still standing am to presume, even after using all the resources here, you have no idea where your loved ones are? I need you to get to the task department posthaste, please, please in an orderly manner, we will record these proceedings for viewing later. Those of you haven't heard Holy Lords, put the plants, its world systems under not one, not two, but three great tribulation, no this is include since for near two decades the prediction of big ones coming, we know by grand sia the Phoenix reveal. something magnanimous torn through crystal skies and send it all missiling down on top of us, further meaning, Archangel Micheal THEM, circling the Bride's Chariot all around, bring blessed Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit, and just as Jesus arrival while the stars are raining down, apparently the Bride's skyrocketing off planet, is also while the heavens, missile downs, marvel not their most recent red alert was in form of get back to escape, like reeling in all anchors, this getting to, safe zones, also referenced exile luxury to a playhouse carnival, or everlasting run, this is why I end this meeting assuring you, what you all should do when THEY come for you. THEY shall cover you with THEIR FEATHERS and under THEIR WINGS SHALT THOU TRUST! BLESSED DAY AFRICAN JUTTAH, SWEET SLEEP! Oh, oh, oh, I, Darius Juttah, Silverton Nicholas, had intent to remind of yet the sweetest blessed assurance, approaching, an ebbing and flowing, for eighteen years, specialty date, May 15, 2022, is when Trump of God, also Himself, The Seventh Angel, come to us, reminding, all things biblical were unto fulfillment, and the described 2011, Church Bride, both her Briexit to Reentry would be herald across the planet, heaven, by a seventh angel, and the Trump shall sound, thank you for this time, godspeed all! >>>Mos-ta-faaaa, how mny times man, stop calling me that, stop calling you by your name, you know what I mean, not like that, it Most, no, it Mos-ta-fa with you called Most, just don't sit near me, yeah don't tell me where to sit. Look guys, I don't get it, I keep reading about these runaway Russian Oligarch's and these mega yachts. Why don't they do as Grand Sia suggested to Elon Musk them, fill them with escapees and go park them on Africas' Atlantic Southwest limb. Yeah, only Beets man who's gonna stand up to America and West Rule tierny to piracy? Hello, how bout star warring Archangel Michael THEM? Star warring Archangel Michael THEM, even ANCIENT OF DAY HIMSELF, shown with THEM, intervene for the righteous, skyrocketing and for the repentant, crossing over, either into Jordan's Petra, US's Georgia's Coast or as you, Chynna man just said, Africa's Southwest Atlantic. I mean Grand Sia, as far back as when an African native son, that's a predicted during Bush African native son was a US Senator, African America campaigning for the Whitehouse. Like May 21 2021, open bible John witnessed an incalcuable number pour into Jesus bosom, she too witnessed an incalcuable number pouring out of the Atlantic ocean into African costal cities. I mean Michael got his own List of assignments and responsibilities all, so that's Adam's Eden, into Noah's Ark, into Abraham's Bosom, into Jesus' Cross/Lamb's Book, Michael's List while presently is shown, there's the Bride's own book of rememberance, that's just brilliant, divinity, Maha love. Still, anyway, Jesus said, rich men don't repent, Jesus said it's unlikely that a rich man repent, but presently, indefinitely, they're all rags to riches sickbeds and sleepovers, seen down on all fours penance. Their planet home over, seen beginning with West Rule tierney to piracy, why Grand Sia says, first of all, what? Hear, then repent, like blessed are hearers, repenters, doers, stampeders, again that's the plentious in the now the multicultural man, washed and made white by Jesus' blood, John saw coming in! So saving the American Continent for their own gain, that's OV, its for many centuries, reaping its blood guilt, judgment, sentences leaving nothing if it all but a barrage of impact craters and oceans of volcanic magma, yeah imagine that flyover. I mean seeing that huge rose, followed by that huge can opener, that's something beyond glorious, like the rapture followed by something equally nightmarish, like BEAST REIGN, right? That's saying, frightnight still, as seeing Anubis mummifiers and undertakers, all around, to reach a for many millennia prophetic quota of seven years, doesn't matter who they are since Oct 17 2021,they're dying near three million a day this solar, cosmic, volcanic hell on earth. Evidently, they're to lose their souls as well, to an eternal lake, that burns with fire; you all, all of you know how ridiculous that is? I mean don't they know, didn't they hear the parable of the rich man, no don't they know Chynn man Jesus told the parable of the rich man for these here reasons, right here? Torn to pieces between two lovers, and only one loves you back, so what's the profit of forfeiting your immortality, is that too just ridiculous? Though look Noomi man, I didn't know your parents were in the parental Juttah, yeah, but wife Tanacity's as well, Tassos' as well? Yeah, mind, heart-blowing, I know when they call a conference,they call us in as a couple. So how long before you get to see them? They said a month at the least, so another two weeks or so I can't wait to see the look on their faces, nor ours theirs I guess, if the African Juttah isn't heaven, all my gracious to God, as grand Ruma would say

the phenom things Juttahs, THEY have prepared for Us, ah man, how will we ever bear it? So we go missing in all this apocalyptic, nuclear mayhem, skyrocketing through crystal skies themselves missiling down in huge chunks. Probably when all US West Pacific super eruptions dominos into Yellowstone two years before Nov 11 21 2021 Ben Affleck's Armageddon Yellowstone was again brought online, ({Aug 5 2019}), during two months times five references were made to a Yellowstone Armageddon, right into the Sept 22, 23 BETA; one event so catastrophic,it sent two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, taking 190 years of tech and hundreds of millions of lives. So yes, Crowning man, The Bride disappears within a fiery, burning, smoking doomsday that commanded exodus the Brexit to Blaexit by Michael's charge are stampeding their way through to their own miraculous getaway as Africa's Southwest Atlantic, exile luxury. That's evidently all true, Russia threaten a Chernobyl to Fukushima type nuking of the planet, they America, West Rule look to see how best to profit by going after Russian Oligarch's, Mega yachts, cause they like Judas' Iscariot they tend to the world's money bag, I know it make AODHF so sick as to vomit up every volcano The Americas to West rule territory and with not one but 101 yellowstones THREATENING, HE'S gonna do it. So I was reading in reveals, that's what Grand Sia mean, when she say by the time Mighty Angel says no further delays US, US, BC West Pacific is already scorched earth, highways, byways, motorist and automobiles. Yeah Noomi man, explaining her seeing Mighty Angel standing, while more like trancing and prancing about US map Midland to Eastern Seaboard, warning them, many decades of forewarniing fiery doomsday along US West Pacific done, beware same fiery earth enders an unstoppable, sky reaching inferno, aiming for the Mid West and the Earthen Seaboard, explaining her, well Grand Sia seeing the Whitehouse engulfed in flames. Hey, hey, hey, Tribunal are making an entry, got to be bout Russia , then Britain threatening, whose to lose 25 Million, causing Canada 25 million and the US 59 million." Why Speak In Parables?

Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him, with Holy Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying, well, see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, The RAM, see the entire, the African American exodus, Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, here,

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...