Friday, July 22, 2022



Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear July 22, 2022, 



-Don't y'all get it, aren't these at least, church people, don't they know something about its roots, like THE BIBLE? THEY, Biden and Obama legalized and are yet uphelding a marriage Abomination, F FOR FORNICATION, A for Adultery, A for Abortion, LGBBTQ and P for Pedophiler. Clearly a transgression of the Genesis Marriage that once, during Noah's day, fallen angels mating with women, got the world wiped off the map; apparently Coronavirus alone, near a million US dead, its judgment reaping and they still don't get it, REPENT OR PERISH! Thus Saith BIBLICAL JESUS THE CHRIST!

-According to Dan 9/Rev 9 when a world belittled a raging pandemic that's killed millions in mostly parents and grands, world wide, then in less than two years and they continued SINNING! Actually not only according to Dan 9/Rev 9 such continuing ABOMINATION was a cause for opening the bottomless pit to a horde of persuasive, genocidal, ancient devil's and demons; Jan 12 13 2018/ Dec 3,4,5, 2021, Rev 2 Jesus THREATEN to turn such a killer pandemic upon the children, for their one mass dieoff,  ascension! 

-Stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, even America, WEST RULE, isn't above reaping what riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers sow. Marvel not the predicted August 2004, backward letter C, pandemic, that under the microscope look like the leopard spots. You do know the prophetic parody of the Leopard's spot? AODHF, mocking HIS creation and their sins are as incorrigible as the leopard spots; Ironic one of the three ancient genocidal beast I witnessed a guess among your children as any other friendly house  pet was Daniel 7 to Rev 13 described GENOCIDER BEAST leopard! WHY DIE! WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Aug 5 2021, showing HIMSELF star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, Rev 11 described. 

Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.

Happy, BLESSED, Brexit! Briexit! Blaexit!

-You all remember when the worse thing to be on the planet was an African, well believe you me, presently its being European/Euro-America/Euro-Westerner, and recently clarifying they don't wanna share the country with us anymore. Seemingly until not only did they create a bio-weapon, as I explained, I witnessed the backward letter C pandemic, formed in a US lab, I figured not much different than watching the building of the atomic bomb.

-Just as so, here's a bio-weapon, that kill disportionately non-whites, more than anyone, world wide. When these evils as their father satan, they unleash this deadliest flu to New pneumonia ever during the one administration, even its projected run ({2015{), was aligned to Ancient Beast, genociders, Gog and Magog.  Well talk of reaping as sown, since y'all don't want us anymore that's AODHF like saying, June 17/JUNETEENTH ({2002}), I know what to do with them, and their for centuries African American lineage, easily, send them back to their mother Africa. Easily while the Blaexit is crossing over into Africas' Southwest Atlantic, deemed exile luxury, the Brexit is fire-rocketing off the planet, never seen again.

-Like I said, the worse time to be a European, come also, nine months now, Oct 17 2022, is the Islamic, Israeli, AntiChrist, reign, a seven year non-aggression, pact, then by Gog and Magog's man's, Trump, Abraham accord. Right off, claimed is 100 million Westerners, Brits, Canadians, Americans.. Unimaginablly, earth ending soon to leave a million dead daily and billions, by the time its Rev 11/Rev 13, 84 month duration, sounds the 7th angel trumpet of Jesus's Millennium Reign. only with HIM too, arriving a fiery doomsday apocalypse, HIMSELF, beware, thus saith, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM  

You Tube Off The Kurb Ministries, THIS IS A WARNING BUT PEOPLE DON'T SEE IT!, though I see and hear Him prancing back and forth the planet the sea, US/Canada West Pacific; I begin to hear, desolations predicted now come; beware the Midwest, beware the Eastern Seaboard, as the Inundated with such forewarnings US, Canada West Pacific; fret not while as a young lady stuck in traffic, Dec 29, 2019, those waving through flood waters all around, reading behind the steering, an article written in Dutch, (see YouTube, Dutchsinse earthquake forecastor, some Feb 2022, the Dutch word Duh, as in ) it too was about predictions, larger earthquakes, US, Canada West Pacific! 

BUT PEOPLE DON'T SEE, Yes warning the days of all prophetic to technical know how, yet the mass majority are taken as unknowingly as those the days of Noah, Thus Saith Jesus THE CHRIST; what an incomprehensible curse; HBOW/Apb

-Just as I write, while researching trumpet sounds on youtube, I'm clicking on your video; while I Google Rev 8 and virtually you and I start reading off these trumpets event simultaneously and how amazing. You see, days past, with all the goings on with the sun, extreme heat and apocalytic firestorms and on and on, a fiery doomsday apocalypse predicted.  I begin to reconsider Rev 16:8, bowl Judgment poured out, on the sun; only thing bout that, well I'm like wouldn't the 7 trumpets go first? 

-Then I reconsider all the trumpet sounds, witnessed around the planet, explaining my research and finding your video. This too, not only was ebbing and flowing date,  for over two decades, the end of West Rule, Oct 17 2021, predicted Oct 3 2021, after it too revisit, predicted (Oct 1,{ 2004}) two big coming; on Oct 17 2021 we were warn we're in prophet Daniel's final week of years, triple Great Tribulations. Frightnight Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL, Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 17 7th Angel allied him,.Well, not only does Rev 17, 7th Angel carry those same 7 bowls.

-Know also, the mystery woman, a decade now, the maze of sin, she also carried some of these bowls, only now blacken as US/Western soil. Then speaking of Chernobyl Spring ({1986}), here's the first Spring Rapture demo of the Bridegroom, and Archangel Michael THEM snatching the Bride out, only it was totally live, and the LORD HIMSELF, was Holy Father God, HIMSELF!

-Whereas, days past, like July 17/18 2022, I was in another maze of sin, where I wore this huge winter coat and huge winter gloves, I thought referenced an approaching nuclear, VOLCANIC to Cosmic winter, you know like West Rule, America, The Americas, the sunlight no more, for a time anyway; Jesus does arrive to a Twilight planet earth, HE a sort of Gamma ray burst HIMSELF, and at evening time, there shall be light, as surely HE IS, Mal 4 predicted, WINGED SUNLIGHT OF GOD! Beware, HBOW Apb, The RAM.  

War And Human Sacrifice In Hawaii ttps://

-War and human sacrifice in the American Continent, counts for its 12/25/01, Eze 4, Dan 5, weight of marytred blood guilt, 190 lbs. As in 190 months, if it wasn't for a Rev 2 Jesus Matrix ten day countdown award, that's MYSTERY BABYLON, burning with lights out by Oct 17 2017, and within an hour AMERICA, WEST RULE NO LONGER THIS PLANET! WE'RE IN SEVEN DANIEL 9:27 BREAST YEARS, THUS SAITH OCT 17, 2021, Jesus, THE CHRIST AND TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS! WHY DIE! WHY PERISH? WATCH RUN LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5 2021/Jan thru July 2022, MAT 25/Rev 3 Jesus! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Hillsfeet Tribunal, Backyard Eagle, Haunting Wolf, Futures and Bridegroom, Hillsfeet Tribunal, Yolanda Jaguar Sit, The Phoenix Soar, Lightwolf  

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Allas Holly Goher and Divine Mercy (Mercy) Street was born a goddaughter Roseanna Juliet Goher, a daughter, Liliana Jodlyn Goher, and a goddaughter, Brianne Jodeua Goher, Street

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"You grand Sia always told me, if they're choosing death over obedience to repentance, death does flee from them, still, grand Silverton, I'm just gonna be honest, it's like all mine are committing murder suicide knowingly by approaching fiery doomsday, mass extinction accepting their innocent loved ones as sacrificial, collateral damage, no wonder Rev 2 Jesus is THREATENING to take them all, all rebellers children that is. Clearly, as in well they knowingly wait to fulfil a cocktail of apocalyptic events so earth to planet shattering not only do you have Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around, asking should THEY pray? The Trump of God, Angel Gabriel like telling us, run fast and furiously THEIR way, for three Millennia predicted, designed to assigned, the word APOCALYTIC is in red alert. Whereas the charmed world gathered around the CHOSEN Jesus praying the Lord prayer in aramaic doesn't mean a thing. Purely if BIBLICAL Jesus says actually their father is the devil and ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, for near four decades has shown me with HIS Throne chair picked up and its back towards them; marvel not HOLY ONES, shown sitting and commanding his Tthrone is the Holy Bride, prepped to launch Dan 4 stone from heaven; an unrealizable MOUNTAIN, I mean is that from where the stone was cut out without hands? Surrealistically, a rising from behind this Mountain SUNLIGHT, which spreads HIS HEALING WINGS, speaks and give commands, this one such command, let the African American exodus! Clearly now, the reigning Bride shown possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 Kingdom Nation killer, is that why there's a hole in heaven, is that the root of Ethiopia mysterious to phenomona Skyfalls? I know, I know, I know, you Tribunal Silverton, and you Tribunal Futures and joining us Tribunal Yolanda and Sia Measure Goher, where oh where did I get the store managers keys and what on earth does it mean, and what reference do they have to the Rev 9 MIGHTY ANGEL handing over the keys to the bottomless pit? What would you all say if I said, once while a demo in heaven, I was assured this hear triangle shaped scar, I woke lately and it's under a spotlight. If you look closely, there's now what appears a blastoff scar, Thanksgiving 2018 I think. Yes, the same time one time I'm talking like to you all and before another word is passed I'm shooting, rocketing through the planetary bodies and all it survey. Anyway while there in heaven, opening three time tested doors..I was told this triangle scar, is a much desired after, search after, key, ah, to the, ah, you know. I most remember that cause Holy Bridegroom and I debated back and fourth its actually a scar. One I got when I was a child, and horrified my other siblings, both older and younger, seeing my Mom watched over me like a priceless treasure. Grand Sia, yes, Grand Silverton Nicholas? You know how that sound," seeing her meticulously, wipe her eyes, her nose, even this bitter to sweet memory lane. "I know it sound like how Jacob was with Joseph and how horrid his siblings were told him, and mine, toward me as well. You think she knew? Ah, Grand Maaseiah Adonai, if you Measure Goher know what that name mean, then you know if she didn't know, like Father Jacob, she suspected. I know I was kept back from all of it, like I was saved for some grand reason to purpose, until this one act, now this tortuous, transformation infirmity. I'm proud of you all, tell you, this triangle scar is possibly why, how I end up with those keys, that handing them over, the clerk celebrated, like a circus showman, right up into the ceiling.  Only it was then I looked back for her, the third of us, now lost in an unnumbered of procrastinating, endangered shoppers. I horrified, I should've used those keys to first urser my, our friend to the front of the line, checkout done. But the extreme mockery here, there's to be no frivolous shopping, no extreme prep, that's a warning as far back as the Bush administration awarded an 11 o'clock, some say the bewitching hour, shopping lunch hour. I just know, everytime Grand sia you mention that incalcuable HOST of shoppers, I'm reminded not only of the Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal, confirming US/West Rule 5% into 15% death tolls. Though also, there's your first recorded maze of sin, and all those multi-millions, yes, waiting a single water cooler, when Mystery entered, carrying more of those bowl judgments, only they're now Silverton, blacken. She cut between me and this line, trip, see me, start a conversation, and reaches into her upper left hand pocket. Then she pull out these stunning, rosey pink business cards, they're for better homeless earth shelters, meaning by now there's hardly a planet earth left. We knowing, if it wasn't for Jesus' Millennium Reign there wouldn't be a need, to save any of it, a new earth, heaven, golden City Jerusalem come, descending.  I better go, there's, my reveals classes alone, Grand Sia, I may not have asked but I'm pretty concern, they'd come after you knowing. You mean Grand Silverton Nicholas, like they come after Rev 12 protrayed new born, didn't they show us, a year now July 6, 2022, for alike endangerment THEY'RE snatching us out of alike Gog and Magog's dangers, the same, and Mystery Babylon, WEST RULE, just as simultaneously? Grand Sia, ah Maaseiah Adonai, who is the mystery woman, the maze of sin, with the authority of Rev book Mighty Angels and what have you, if she too can as Jesus THE CHRIST offer up mansions in heaven. You see, Tribunal Juttah, I figure, the only blessed exchange for a DOOMED PLANET EARTH HOME, would be Mansions in heaven. Rather I, Measure Goher, would ask out of  multi-millions waiting knowingly, patiently I mind you a single water cooler, took Mystery Women's offer? Remember these are Americans, like the evil religious leaders always argues with Jesus they both served the same God so why was Jesus God, so much superior? Americans, Churchians to Trumpians feel identical, the God they serve bless them according to their sins, as mine blesses me according to my righteousness. You should've heard the cell, when mine bragged on her God, and I returned your God just commanded, all parents killed by, all schools finished, and remember that was before Coronavirus hit shutting down the planet, taking millions of lives, especially of those parents to grand parents age, we're in the end days of the for two Millennia and a half dispensation of grace, and that's why REVELATION Book can come explaining we're now in Daniel final week, SEVEN capitsl, BEAST  also capital, YEARS and that's Triple Great Tribulations, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Blessed day my lovlies, sweet sleep, shouldn't we see you back? Back where, I hop an elevator, a free floors I'm there, hey lean not until your own understanding Grand Silverton Nicholas, nothing I tell you isn't scripturally based to rooted, you know this, you've known all your life. Blessed day grandma, grandma, ou,wi, I like the sound of that, be safe, godspeed all. Measure Goher? I'm here, please don't see these tears, that women is all the evidence, we're chosen to he the ones to witnessed Jesus Millennium descent, hopefully Measure Allas Goher while we're all aboard. I have to say, she's walking, breathing, talking, end day fulfillment, I hope that's okay, just as Angel Gabriel Himself verified, Mesure Goher, but so was Jesus in HIS, day, presently The Spirit Of Prophecy.  Grand Sia saw that, Jesus Descent, and both during President Obama Whitehouse, 2010 and 2016. Yeah, yeah, then after THEY assured her by divine like text messages, along her bed, in ({Feb 2015}), Jesus was on HIS way here! Tell me if I'm on the right track, there's a prophecy about a women seen in the heavens, gifted to bless the earth in ways unimaginablly, clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars and its out of the very Rev 12 scripture, THEY revisted upon your grand Sia Maaseiah Adonai, both snatching holy bride out and securing for 1,260 months  both the African and Jerusalem birth mother. I thought, well remember Sia Futures, I would have to go and find it, grand Sia has a prophecy about a white, Holy women crying up into heaven, and heavens cries back with a date of escape, as the Christmas Holiday that also represent, The Jerusalem, birth of a DIVINE new born. Presently Sia Silverton Nicholas, US and West Rule Dec 24/25 2001, revisted into fulfillment, holy Angels speeding to put it back on track, Dec 29, 2019, Dan 5, Weight Of Bloodguilt Judgment Sentence, by a dirty Mede, come with unlimited torture vehicles; so Marvel not, Dec 3 4 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus come saying, WATCH! RUN!LIVE! Surely Tribunal Yolanda, I'll be in touch, you all enjoy the rest of your day, I can't wait to get back and regale mine with all the miraculous, heard, seen and experienced today. You too mesure Goher, and yours plenty, we all must take our leave, I have to make another stop so see you two back at headquarters, surely Sia Silverton, and godspeed until then." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious during Prophet Ezekiel day, still harden to frighten, even Rev 17/18 AODHF, saying I see your sins, they've reached unto me! "The Lord seeth us not, the LORD is ascended from the earthMiraculously until when a winged SUNLIGHT of GOD, Chernobyl spring 1986 to 1992/1993, AD bought me too, into THEIR 92/93 AD Revelations, He first of all hand me off to a 586 BC/593 BC, Elder Ezekiel, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM.

Article, New SGTreport: This Is It - This Is What They're Hiding via Justen Faull,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 25, 2022, I was sitting in bed here weeks back, watching tv,  now understand, I've always surmised, if these studies to mysteries would reconsider the existence and participation of both fallen angels and giants a lot of ancient history could be resolved; when I begin to hear one talking out loud to me, and I quote, "fallen Angels is why Aliens exist." unquote, I first thought, well fallen angels is why giants existed. Now, whether Aliens are a hybrid species or they're perpetrated or falsified by fallen angels, and they're one in the same, I only know, just knowing Fallen Angels is why Aliens exist, resolved so much it Ancient Mysteries, like I always anticipated!" HBOW/Apb

SAKURAJIMA, ERUPTS,; Now I'm thinking, no wonder I been having youtube Dutchsinse earthquake forecastor on the brain, the last two days. No doubt he predicted those seismic events leading up to this dangerous eruptions! I guess you could say he's been on the brain, as far back as Feb 2022, when one of three languages I woke from speaking. 

-Frightnight, three of the territory earth hardest hit right now, Japan, CHINA, one was saying in Dutch, (Dutchsinse), DUH, as in Just as in ebbing and flowing date, five years Jan 12/13 2022 of predicting, Rev 17, 18, being fulfilled, the fiery doomsday apocalyptic end of Mystery Babylon Western Civilization, by, within an hour a disintegrating ginormity, until for Jesus day, it was warn when they shall see the Abomination that maketh desolate, for the US its, when they hear of the domino Mauna Loa, erupting, said to be 100 percent, active to imminent, I know, I Know, HBOW/Apb The RAM

With 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava On Trump's Wall; A Hand Writes Clumsily, Escape Yellowstone!

-Something to really think about, the erupting of volcanoes, compared to AODHF puking up his WRATHFUL stomach. Clearly the stomach sickening of earth's inherit described abominable, detestable lives, lands, churches and schools! ASTEROID, 101 YELLOWSTONES, DESTROY AMERICANS/WEST RULE, CONSTANTLY SINNING! Actually riches to rags, sickbeds and sleepovers, ({Jan 12 13, 2018}) Apocalyptic Hawaii, Rev 2 Jesus described it all  

-Correctly, the same Rev 2 Jesus, explaining to PARENTAL FORNICATORS openly spreading fornication, REPENT, or your children a mass dieoff, ascension; marvel not just May 22 2022, like a scene, the Twilight Movie office, a line upon line, neverending line of injured to orphan children come to me, like to the Lamb's Book of life, (Feb 12 13, {2015}), made into a school, name roll call! Beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more here,

Youtube Marfoogle, 72 HOURS,

They Actually Took Me By My Shoulders, Saying, Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations Only Moments After THEY Explained We're In The Human Extinction level, Final Week Of Daniel 9:27, see more here,


Youtube Marfoogle, 72 HOURS,

-The Marfoogle referenced Pat-Brad niece, and some bout, SHILOH, of encroaching guerrilla WW3, WWIA, WWZ; a month or so back Russia threatening she ask could Russia do what its threatening? I'm like America, WEST RULE under judgment, a million Coronavirus dead also evidence, yes they can hit us. They're are puppeteered right now, by HGOW, Dan 9:27/Rev 17:17 to do so. Though what I should've said was, America, West Rule under judgment is why  Islam, Russia, CHINA and North Korea are all threatening, coming, bringing fire.

-Let alone apocalytic events, natural, nuclear, VOLCANIC, SOLAR, COSMIC; for when fiery doomsday, domino MAUNA LOA, shall begin to blow into 101 YELLOWSTONES , indefinitely that's the point of no return, within an hour Rev 18 AODHF predicts GENOCIDER The Roman/British Empire, appendage, America/WEST RULE, just say in only an hours time, you shall diligently seek their places and not find them; marvel not, nearing in only days, July 27, 28 2022, not only for two years, July 27 28 2021, we witnessed the calculating of Britain, Canada and US's combined 100 million in losses 

-Frightnight to a stone Anubis', come to life, his, launched a single arrow; this same date for 7 years (July 27, 28 2016),  we were with Jesus Millennium descending into an earth littered with the dead, into a yet ebbing and flowing The Royal, HUSSEIN/Obama's world reign. Truly, I  believe Marfoogle what I just described is the authentic Rev 6, 6, predicted, DOOMSDAY APOCALYPSE, no where to run, hide, no where to live, FOR THE GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH IS COME! Except by divine intervention US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, costal cities, by Nuclear Jan thru July 2022, GENESIS thru REVELATION, DELIVERERS, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, SAFEHAVEN TO EXILE LUXURY, IS! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Pastor Begley, JAPAN, SAKURAJIMA, ERUPTS,, (-I was explaining Pastor Begley those area maps who's various languages I woke speaking the first of the year,  Japan, CHINA, SPAIN To South America, THE AMERICAS are the hardest hit right now; including saying, DUH in Dutch, referencing both (see Jan 12 13 2017 thru Jan 12 13 2022, predicting the Apocalyptic Fall of MYSTERY BABYLON, US/WEST RULE), to youtube Dutchsinse earthquake forecastor, who possibly predicted the seismic events leading up to this volatile eruption... HBOW/Apb


See also here,, (-I wanted to share, the mockery of  prep I saw, fiery doomsday apocalypse to the African American exodus was a backpack to an auto trunk, filled with RUNNING SHOES! Whereas here lately THEY showed something as miniscule as a toothbrush, toothpaste kit act as a wrecking ball in fast and furious escape; and only days past I'm in another maze of sin, one sock, shoe, on, one bare foot, again the speed by which I escaped, I guess. Know, I'm wearing this HUGE winter coat and these HUGE winter gloves, I think a nuclear, volcanic to cosmic winter has  come.

-Only,  I'm mostly looking for a rest room,  know in two previous restroom dreams highlighting specifically how the F for FORNICATION, A for Adultery, A for Abortion, LGBBTQ and P for Pedophiler genocidal agenda are changing so many rules, dangerous, damaging, DAMNING. Both previous dreams Jesus, THE BRIDEGROOM, as oblivious as a thief snatched HIS OUT, including those a mass dieoff of children, left millions stranded atop high-rise buildings. 

-What most don't know, snatching the HOLY Bride out, is a catastrophic event all its on, suddenly millions dead, injured to missing. WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, Rev 3 JCOR who in Mat 24 explained when you shall see the Abomination that maketh desolate. Those Recurring earthenders Marfoogle, Full Spectrum Survivor, CANADIAN PREPPER and Amtv keep as ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, warning you all about, knowing three designed, assigned territories where, NOW!  RUNNNNNNNNNN! HBOW/Apb

Taiwan holds air raid drills as China doubles down against Nancy Pelosi visit, ex-military planet wide all been warning how US meddling, even to the point of supplying weapons would but guarantee a WW3 Prophetically tmTGEVMANNIF SIN will highjack abd literally wipe human kind off the map! But westerners genocider by nature, what else to be expected? 

see more here, Mat 25-31-45, JUDGMENT OF THE NATIONS, here Eze 31 Prophecy To Pharaoh, and here Eze 11:and here,, Joe Biden Our, Pelosi In

America Have You Ever Fallen Before? Not Since My Father's The Roman Empire, British Empire! Kill All Parents By, Finish ALL schools! See that here, Eze 9!

Aligned to Gog and Magog, an error Islam and 50 US, dead, well 49 now, counting US COVID 1 million US DEATHS ; Bush and Cheney shown applying axle grease to handlebars disallowing Russia and China, handlebars Obama and Clinton, attached by funeral reef shooting skyward, giving you one US dead every 20 seconds by the Biden's Whitehouse. Your leaders know what extinction level dangers you're all in, how daily nuclear July, RED ALERT, Apocalyptic 2022, we're approaching for a year a calculation of Brits Canadians and US dead totalling 100 million. 

-Whereas since I assured these mass dieoffs are under these existing admins, world leads like predicted to go nuclear, Japan's Abe, UK's Johnson and America's Biden. Just say ALL religious, political leaders, attempting to build back genocider West Rule, they're ALL in one way or another ALL prophetically compromised, until long before Johnson resigned, I'd suggested if they knew what I know and believed, acted according his type would all reign, pack up their families get out, they all know where.

-Shown to be evident, see even their own weights of marytred blood guiit, as Daniel 5 hand writings of Judgments, sentences, Jer 37/Dan 9/Rev 17:17; marvel not May 28/29 2021 I got too many references to Asians now being flooded off the map; as a fast and furious Tokyo Drift, to CHINA, period. Until, I'm standing before a class of children explaining how the Chinese language work. 

Only, such Asian surreal escalated when I woke Feb 12 13 2022, from escaping father's with their son, speaking Japanese, another, speaking Chinese, another speaking Spanish and yet another with me saying DUH, in Dutch, meaning, (Rev 17/18) within an hour judgement of MYSTERY BABYLON; Frightnight, the last I sat behind a steering wheel, reading, stuck in traffic, people waving through thigh to waist high flood waters, as I said, inconceivable, historic flooding, presently wiping parts of CHINA, even our blinking light of caution, INDIA off the map.

-Ironically, the Dec 29, 2019 article I was reading was about greater earthquakes, the US West Pacific, Jan 22-29 2018, Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL warn the Midwest to the Eastern Seaboard all about; and Frightnight still, it was written in Dutch; beware when Mauna Loa begin to erupt, that's the hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone! The Nov 21 2021 Ben Affleck's Eze 5 barber chair, THE SUM OF ALL FEARS! the maze of sin July 22 2022, the huge winter coat and huge winter gloves as clear as crystalliized skies missiling down referred to a Nuclear to Volcanic to Cosmic Winter! HBOW/Apb

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...