Saturday, July 23, 2022

If you take the heart signal, lose the left hand keep only the left, you're seeing how sufferers protrayed what deadly pandemic sicken them!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear July 24 Apocalyptic 2022, I woke (Aug 2004), from being brought into a lab, one of those we trusted, brought as look Into a microscope, seeing the designing of a deadly pandemic, something like the killer Spanish flu, only a hybrid Avian to Swine NEW pneumonia.

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear July 24, 2022, Understand, before I realized, what I'd drawn and put online as far back as August ({2004}), was the imaging Leopard Spot, see also, Jer 13:23. I was accusing the overall commercialization of my drawing and making billions, and robbing me. The shower curtain gift of my daughter-in-law, wearing this once oblivious to me, print for no, no, no apparent reason, it just keeps falling, if only to bring awareness. 
-The August 2004,  Backward letter C pandemic, you know as a Covid pandemic, that's killed millions, its represent. Said killer instinct, bio weapon is mutating into its deadlier yet and Apostle I Am also, I'm taking Apostle John and I witnessed Rev 6, 4th seal Pale horse and a horse of Hell, that rides with him. Some biblical scholars saves, the Pale horse, he's possibly green, like the color of Avocado Ranch, I just saw, last night, it too representing the color of death, under these existing administrations, a quarter of the earth worth. HBOW/Apb

Article, Tornado Warning Issued For Part of Chicago Area With ‘Golf Ball-Sized' Hail Expected,

See also here,; here, and here, When THEY May 22, 2021 explained storms were coming, showed us the building up of rescuers, told us to pray. When THEY by Dec 23 2021, showing of more catastrophic events, even recurring funerals, repasses, asked should THEY instead pray for us? Well I guess we didn't know THEY were referring to the loosening of the four winds of Apocalypse, Rev 7:1, 

And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree; know as recent as a little past midnight March 13 2022 Archangel Michael THEM were withessed circling the Bride's Chariot all around.

-Marvel not by a revisited May 22, 2022, we witnessed that line upon line ,neverending line of injured to orphan children, come to me as even the Twilight Movie scene, office, Instead a nurse. Some say no different than those paired animals that come to Noah's Ark, howbeit during a projected Noah's Cousin, those the future Royal Priesthood, Rev 2 Jesus, mentioning of The Children of rebellious, procrastinating parents, HBOW/Apb

Article, Scientists are narrowing in on why some people keep avoiding Covid. BA.5 could end that luck.

-Though Under The Microscope Recently We Realize What I Saw As The Hybrid Flu/New Pneumonia And Drew Were Also Images Of The Leopard Spots, I know Extreme Mockery; If You Take The Heart Signal, Lose The Left Hand Keep Only The Left, You're Seeing How Sufferers Protrayed What Deadly As The Backward C Pandemic, Sicken As To Extinct Them!

-Intentionally or not, more so to If you take the heart signal, lose the left hand keep only the left, you're seeing how sufferers protrayed what deadly pandemic sicken them!   all the panic about such a speedy vaccine, ESPECIALLY under genocider Trump, Dr Fauci explained they'd had seventeen years of coronavirus research, as in easy to design a fixer from that; I figure easy to design a purposefully genocide. Plus, I'd watched them do it.

The backward letter C pandemic has been designed since ({2004}) to kill better than the Spanish flu while mutating into an Avian to Swine NEW PNEUMONIA, and  that's Apostle John and I, pale horse pandemic. Know, that's a quarter of earth's inherit dying, tens of millions US/Westerners soil, because if the pandemic don't get you just as apocalyptic, natural, nuclear, SOLAR, to Cosmic events will. 

-The stall? According to (JUNE 27, {2021}), TRUMP OF GOD, Angel Gabriel, THE STALL is assuring your urgent, fast and furious escape, remember Mat 24 Jesus had us pray against travel bans, said run so fast, and don't return to your houses. Apostle I am say, if you can't backpack it over your shoulder, fret not those born again were never settlers. Churches? Get them in, saved, filled, trained, ANOINTED, send them into the WHITE, readied harvest, NEXT! Like blessed HIM, our home isn't this DOOMSDAY PLANET, our home is where our heart treasures, are, HEAVEN! AODHF/JCOR.  

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroome Sebastiano Centeuri Fraize and Queen Bride, Selene Tristiana Laetitia 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Hillsfeet Tribunal, Backyard Eagle, Haunting Wolf, Features and Hillsfeet Tribunal, Yolanda Jaguar Sit, The Phoenix Soar, Lightwolf  was born a godson Ridley Bloodrain Features, a son Ribel Gastaldo Features, a son Pier Foxchase Features and a goddaughter Jazey, Lyyian Features, Lightwolf

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"Okay, okay, okay, but did I have one shoe because of the speed of my Briexit to Blaexit, Mat 24 Jesus setting HIS to flight did began to see some snatched out; or where they as of the whole armor of God and the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; mocking me too as compromised? I'd think its still relative to speed, they'd just shown you, even a little prep as a toothbrush toothpaste kit could act like a wrecking ball in fast and furious escape, which remind, I know it's another demo but same characterization, but if you and this other waited her behind wrapped around the store customers then her escape is gravely compromised, yours too, this perilous wait. I'm thinking grand Sia, possibly this wasn't you, the one shoe, maze of sin, as often its not. I know Memphis Carter, as I exit those greeting me, even hearing her voice. Suddenly, it was as if I was the Memphis niece waiting me when I stepped up out of that Anubis' underworld. Here's she too curious, cause there also were my Memphis grands church family, and uncle pastor, soon leading me to a trunk of all sorts of offerings. Sorta like Father Abraham offering his bastard son Ismail, instead of his spirit son Issac, with Memphis uncle Pastor losing his first born son that following year, the day the stone Anubis, launched a single arrow. Frightnight, here's the Memphis niece, actually who's father, though known as Big June, presently, the 20 years now, June 17/JUNETEENTH Sunlight from behind a Mountain God's back turned Throne commanded the exodus of African Americans. He, her father's who's birth name is also Abraham, the niece who's house endured a drive by shooting since, 11 bullets, 8 persons, none harmed. But, but, but also the house, Jan 2022, acting as the demo location of a family gathering happily, as they'd gotten good at it, around a funeral, repast, possibly Abraham's first born son. So grand Sia these, these recurring dreams are your acquaintances both by blood, marriage and friendship! This other checked out, because she was wise to get there first, you grand Sia ending up with the store keys ushered you right through check out as well and you said,the clerk did a high off his feet, standing ovation, celebration after you did, crossover. But all the while I kept thinking, why didn't I just past her the keys before I returned them, how I wasn't thinking, now we're looking back and she's trapped behind innumerable of awaiting others. This other, like the Rite Aid Pharmacy, back turn counter deal, it wasn't the little Miya girl surveyor to translator, no she was of the other sisters, but speaking of the little Miya. I think she just saved my Memphis grands from having a double funeral, but seeing this commanded spirit past over one first born son, well actually two, two weeks prior I'd asked God for mercy and not sacrifice, does, are these Memphians yet due for a family double? I know they all been warn, elected to take their chances, but perhaps Grand Sia, those two others you saw endangered only two days before CHRISTMAS?

Though which does it matter if you're still being warn that a 10.2 New Madrid earthquake and towering Mississippi River is about to wipe out all its boarding city states, that territory ender could be the Recurring funerals and the little boy asking for clean water for Christmas. I'm just saying, Sia Maaseiah, it appear as your Memphians have made a pact together against you, not realizing the one now murdered sister they're holding firm for and now her deceased first born son now ascended, now know to be with you, and all you say to survey. You or they where serious, this is fast and furious, Ludacris contagious and spreading, nothing else can explain such profound, unprecedented awareness come and they're completely obvious, that's a curse, the Daniel 4 madness curse, matter of fact, now going on three to four years in, with AODHF mocking for Millennia how HE'D especially bring upon inconceivable, endangering unbelievers, strong delusions, JCOR, to use a mass dieoff meant to Extinct HIS to instead use DEATH to take the Children. We've seen through grand Sia, that's even the crystallized skies, being falsified, the pulpit, peace getting porches, money markets, lives, lands and churches, religious political leaders, isn't all that Mat 24 Jesus saying, LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU? Brilliant, Sia, Tribunal Silverton Nicholas, what an honor, we The Nexus Juttah, The 300 and The 57 all applaud, thanks for being our guess advisor, thanking you as well Tribunal Futures. You all know what I'm about to say, we're all dismissed, but Grand Sia, without a carry home inquiry, and since it's my, ah turn, I'd like to direct mine at Tribunal Silverton Nicholas., the only days past, walk among the maze of sin grand Sia Maaseiah just had, she wearing a huge winter coat and huge winter gloves, but only one shoe, hat does it all mean? And There African Juttah, The Nextus Juttah is your take home inquiry, comparing notes to answers with both Tribunal Silverton and Tribunal Futures, we are dismissed. Come, give your grand mother the best hug ever, you too Futures, what an inconceivable surprise, my heart is still sailing, how is all this!! The excellent why grand Sia you played it all off, we been hearing how beyond manuscript, these, your reveals classes, to be honest grand son, even more, so since I woke and my eyes opened to the tune of GENESIS HOLY FATHER, let there be light, and seeming a commanding the Sunlight of God,hastening from my window, at the same time, but you two with none if the soon to be declared 8 billion listening what's there to lose? Which remind, grand Caden, a year now, May 31 2021, fireball impact, Archangel Michael liftoff, not only seeing John with an opened bible, but Silverton man, knowing John, right, but they entering by a hole now in heaven, and Archangel Michael THEM since showing Him, THEY'RE circling the Bride's Chariot all around, no doubt grand Sia you believe its King Nebuchadnezzar, Prophet Daniel and your witnessed of the stone cast out of God's back turned Throne that left the hole. We mean Sia Maaseiah, Adonai, with you, as also, now open book John witnessing a star wars battle being wedged up there, and what does John's opened book if anything have to do with John also being offered, by the Mighty Angel, you Grand Maaseiah also saw, its consumption, that little book of reveals? Seeing she's to wonder off immensely considering both their encroaching inquiry's, remember when, well as grand Caden told this fascinating demo, His mentioning John having an open bible, first as you said Tribunal Futures, he even knowing John, I paused him right there, could you tell what scripture it was on? Of course all of it, May 15, 2004, Trump of God has already come warning to assuring, the fulfilment of all Things was upon mankind, she's coming, going with the 7th Angel, and here was grand Caden experiencing for himself what beyond fantastic features for many millennia itd be like. Well, I'm starving, I hope you two are as well, I'd love, love love to bread, the aquarium diner, of course, as much time spent with you is beyond priceless, so Grand Sia Maaseiah Adonai saith THOSE returning you Earth side, guardian angels, I know right, blew me away, THEY can't wait to be down there where I am, huh, like can we ascend, the righteous holy bride first, they all laughed, got to and readied an elevator. The second heavens of Interceding Tribulation Saints, even being crossed over into those three Angel Gabriel, June 27 2021 referenced safe-zones, Grand Maaseiah, is what THEY meant right? You even believe Bridegroom Jesus and billions earth inherit descended into as recent as Obama's July 27 2016, don't forget Tribunal Futures, there's the descending New, White, Holy House, all its Royal Priesthood, Holy Bridegroom, Bride all intact, all referencing Jesus Millennium Reign being here, now, so Marvel not we got star warring Archangel Michael THEM, standing over sleeping beds anxious Archangel Michael THEM and presently, circling the Bride's Chariot all around Archangel Michael THEM and Grand Sia what withholdeth?" >>>"Will you please tell him, Shaddai to Eli, tell Sebastiano what's meant by the the AJG to Tombola, descript, godchildren? Only that one day you'd be asked to let them serve in the new Ezekiel's to Golden Jerusalem, City, Temple. That's okay, that's what Cristiano says and says but I ask mandatory or free will? Only he don't know, and Selene the wife, want to know. I don't think its mandatory, but since it will be for all earth inherit survivors to make travels there at times, so there's really no way to know only that's what's clarifies the godchild. You don't know El Shaddai, do you? Selene and I have promised quad sons, and they're all godson's, to her it mean as they're given they're taken. No some regard this mission, as jury duty, some are chosen, some are not, and though serving is mandatory, there's these rules, that give you an out. Now come brother Sebastiano and to sister Selene, you're thinking way too far ahead, I want to know more about the two visitor Tribunal Silverton Nicholas and Tribunal Features. We perhaps hear of which is you godtriplets, uncle, yeah and how? He Cristiano, ah Tribunal Silverton Nicholas is our eldest sister Darius Juttah Queen, Karsiann, eldest son. Then its also true, he Tribunal Silverton Nicholas, lead, the as Moses, the River Nile into Jordan's Petra, come a mount of transfiguration of the 144,000; or so you two, like you, we've too heard. You ready Memphis man? Yeah, I have a newborn on the way, ah my god, well, can we like all come? Fine with me, the more the better to keep me distracted, we're talking possibilities, and here you are Memphis Carter man in the unimaginablly thistles and thickness of bringing us a future Royal Priesthood.".  >>>"So where did you get the keys? I'm sorry, you said grand Sia, you had the store managers keys, ursuring you right into the checkout before an unimaginable number, a cashier's eerie, off his feet, rapturous celebration! Ah my God!" Frightfully catching her full mouth, soon a tickle, "where did I get those keys?" They all stalled into her remembering, also remembering described ebbing and flowing, date, five years, Pat-Brad niece, first of 2022. Scarily, she too had a dream about being hand, she thought car keys, then by one as high as MEMPHIS DUNLAP, Street, The Obama's. Wait, is that Yolanda, and who's that she's with? Funny, she didn't tell me she had a lunch date. Believe half of what you see, brother Tribunal, if she's seeing you, she's saying the same, but I don't know Him, either of you? Stop, she'd be considering committing suicide and eternal damnation by Negeb Ophel if it's what you're thinking. You right Sia Maaseiah Adonai, around the dinner table I'll hear about it all, no, I'm sorry no? We Tribunal Futures know what she's thinking, no, go over there, let her see you, introduce yourself, take Silverton Nicholas as a witness. Ah yes, Madam, Silverton? Right behind you. Beloved Yolanda, ah my Christ, Features and Sia Juttah Silverton, how on earth? We'd visited Grand Sia, reveals, end up having lunch here, come, sit. didn't, we can't, Sia Maaseiah await. Well, possibly dear one, the same, a surprise visit, from Gomer Files, meet their recruiter, Allas Goher, turn into lunch, Mr Goher, I'm the ah husband. A Tribunal Hillsfeet," as one scuffling happily to his feet, impressively nervous, set back. "Actually I'm a Hillsfeet, Tribunal Silverton, is A Juttah Coogan, Kroff, you dare mean of the African Juttah founding fathers, Coogan, Kroff? I'm too honored to find the right words, I have an ideal since you're yet to receive your lunch, why don't you two instead join us, we were in the midst of an unprecedented inquiry toward Grand Sia Maaseiah Adonai, neither of you dear wife, Yolanda, want to dare miss."    >>>{{{"May darling, it's a sweeping flood, like those hitting, breaking records all over the planet, your Noah's cousins to May 22 ({2021}) build up of rescuers, until by May 22, 2022, you have a line upon line, never-ending line of school children; not to even mention Jan 20, 2022 coming and going, buildup of dump trucks. Frightnight May all made to appear or mocked as a carnival type highway to heaven, 0nly May, only like the deadly Jan 2022, gladiator, arena dream, and another loving Memphian first born son, since deceased. They're seen as making fun of dying a good, pleasured death only Rev 9:6/16:8,9 star warring, puppeteering AODHF is mocking procrastinators choosing a possible good death over repentance, obedience and blessed escape. Equally we know, May, here's a wrathful God, twice since apocalyptic 2021, once using Ben Aleck's Armageddon, revisiting Eze 5 of crafting fast moving master disasters to extinction level events, WW3/WWIA/WWZ until your thought good death look more like the three articles I shared here,; especially, May love, one survivor exclaiming Kentucky flooding looking like a nuclear bomb, and the couple, tree hugging, losing hold of their four children, 8 to 1 years old, a May for them, living, horrid nightmare. Clearly explaining further, those Rev 9:6/16:8,9 crying for death over penance, to commanded exodus, are all the more tortured by what's described triple great tribulations, unable to find the satisfaction of even death and dying, a beyond imagined judgment, curse: what grand about the line upon line of shoppers to the celebrating, showman like, cashier? Right May, did he celebrate you getting out safely or you getting out period, or both? Yeah grand, would deliverer Lords celebrate abandoning so many people, I like overheard it said by THEM, left some along extinction path, and there was a sorry, to sadness there. May, aren't you forgetting the no-brainer here? Those manager's keys, possibly the keys to the bottomless pit and the last cashier,  a Rite Aid Pharmacy. reminded of US/West Rule death tolls sat at 5% into 15% percent. Plus loving girl, you got to remember, earth enders, people eaters, Gog and Magog them expected the Holy Bride to make a Briexit, Sept 22/23 BETA 2020. They even know, this pivotal junction in end days eschatology, taking HER, has to happen now, as the word NOW, itself, as multi-colored, blinking lights of caution. Truly those could be Rev 9 referenced keys Maaseiah of all keys and Gog and Magog them celebrating, you're finally out of it, even out of their way. SCHOOLS grand, grand, those referenced judged, sentenced, dying 2003, commanded finished since (Feb 12/13 2017); seems there's no more virtual classes, what's gonna happen next? I should love be asking you, a line upon line, never-ending line of injured to orphan children just come to you, even a school office, nurse, Rev 2 Jesus referenced dieoff to ascension of children? Come even to you May to where you witnessed (Feb 12/13 2015), Rev 19, Lamb's book of life, portrayed a school name roll call, not only you since, awarded your own book of remembrance, which I realized grand can be various obituaries, they're books of remembrance also, wow Maaseiah, Ah My God, yes, they are!  When I May, just woke (July 31 2022) hearing, WOE IS SCHOOL BUSES, so Marvel not some of the most historic mass disasters are wrecking everything, the proposed, beginning of another endangering school year. May, we're entering all gone APOCALYPTIC, two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, STANDING THE WORLD STILL, ebbing and flowing, Aug to Sept, 2022, suddenly millions dead, injured to missing. The imminent difference to danger, after 7 more years we were told ebbing and flowing, date, two decades (October 17, 2021) we're now in America, THE AMERICAS, to West Rule can't be here, Daniel 9:27/Gog and Magog, Trump/Kushner, final SEVEN DRAGON, BEAST YEARS, and unimaginably Maaseiah Adonai Coogan, going on nine months in.  I gotta go love, pray it's to be declared 8 billion earth's inherit all repent to Jesus, THE CHRIST, and we all Abraham's to Mother Mary's children, go off planet all while it's imploding, reaching its finale, the ebbing and flowing fiery doomsday, it's for many millennia ebbing and flowing, post apocalypse, sweet sleep love, you too grand, grand, love and kisses." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious during Prophet Ezekiel day, still harden to frighten, even Rev 17/18 AODHF, saying I see your sins, they've reached unto me! "The Lord seeth us not, the LORD is ascended from the earthMiraculously until when a winged SUNLIGHT of GOD, Chernobyl spring 1986 to 1992/1993, AD bought me too, into THEIR 92/93 AD Revelations, He first of all hand me off to a 586 BC/593 BC, Elder Ezekiel, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, to be continued here,

PS, Hashtag, Excreta Nuclear July 24 Apocalyptic 2022,

-The hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone; when an imminent, 101 Yellowstone were revisited Ben Affleck's, Nov 21 2021, Sum Of All Fears, When We Got An Under Ocean Hunga Tonga Interstellar Eruption Instead! Least we forget Pres BURNING Bush, the ({1998{) Handwriting Jer 37:8, ALL Enemies Come, Bringing Fire!

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.

Article, A midsummer fire in California expands to nearly 12,000 acres and threatens homes,, 

See recently revisited, Joel 2, Mal 4 and Rev 16:8; didn't know Cali was burning again, though most of Europe is. That's the choice I said come between hell and highwater;but the sun been repeatedly exploding, and giving off summer time UV rays since Feb 2022, fiery doomsday? AODHF!

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...