Thursday, July 28, 2022

The possibility Of Russia Using Nuclear Weapons, Can Russia Hit Us,? My Pat Brad Niece, SHILOH Asked

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 30, Apocalyptic 2022, AND THOSE WHO DIDN'T DIE BY THE BACKWARD LETTER C PANDEMIC, repented not! Hearing (Feb 12 13 2017), Kil all parents by FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! We all know who Eze 9/Rev 11/Aug 5 2021, Star Warring, AODHF was talking to, He'd summoned 6 slayers from the higher gate north and now their 21st century, US soil, mission. Like they carry these sword-like syringes, target one STRIKE the telling heart and they chase down even those ffinally! FINALLY I say, stampeding like their Dec 3 2017, African elephants of staying unaware. 

-Frightnight a Memphis Grand was to spend the summer in Kentucky, they'd visited there a week earlier. You can ask her,.the little Miya girl, backseat surveyor, this being one of the areas; as US/Canada West Pacific/Memphis/Mississippi NEW MADRID, seismic zone, Mighty Angel said, BEWARE,  I asked her months prior, did her Kentuckycousins own a house boat? Yeah, yeah, just tempting a WRATHFUL GOD, but the Dec 23, 2021, Memphis Highland street, child, asking for a returned favor,, as bringing them drinking water, yeah that kinda sealed it, THEY'RE warning bout massive flooding again, a Noah's Cousin to an Aqua Era and those suddenly in flash left behind, left atop high-rise buildings! HBOW/Apb


Tensions Mount In South China Sea As Chinese Communist Party Official Threatens To ‘Shoot Down’ Nancy Pelosi’s Plane If It Flies To Taiwan, (WHERE OH WHERE GEOFFREY IS THE DE-ESCALATING DANIEL 9 27, TRUMPIAN, ISLAMIC/ISRAELI/ANTI-CHRIST, ABRAHAM ACCORD WHEN SERIOUSLY NEEDED? Truly we been getting some serious reveals about Asians, CHINA, tova Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift Since May 27/28 2021,' revisted Feb 12 13 2022, when I woke two times speaking as Asian fathers on the run to their alarmed sons, once, waking speaking Chinese, another waking speaking Japanese! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, CHINA starts WW3,

Aligned to Gog and Magog, An Error Islam and 50 Million US Death's

-US/NATO meddling, exchanging to supplying weapons starts WW3, natural genociders. Explaining why, while they were hunting down Saddam Hussein, end time eschatology fulfilling was putting an ebbing and flowing still, declared THE ONE! Barack Hussein in the US Whitehouse! Plus we were warn by both national and international ex military advisors, America interference will escalate the Russian, Urkrainan war into WW3/WWIA/ WWZ, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others... HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, Four siblings aged between 8 and 1 drown in catastrophic Kentucky flood after being swept from mother's arms and death toll rises to 19: Gov. Beshear warns double that number are dead and hundreds of homes are destroyed,, 


-I explain, Rev 3 Jesus, Dec 3 4 5, 2021, warning, like to me, WATCH RUN LIVE! Simply Jesus Revelation, saying WATCH to me, like WATCH and I see want I finally do it, see also, celebrating, Rev 11 7th ANGEL Trumpet Sounding. Lets just say, when Jan 22-29, 2018 Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL, a Rev 17, 7th Angel, carrying 7 bowls, allying. Surely when he begin to say to me "desolations predicted now come." They'd years earlier, like near a decade, taken me into a, like Christmas Carol fly over US being in fiery doomsday apocalypse.

-Especially US/Canada West Pacific, by now burning into the US/Biden Harris Whitehouse, I'm seeing this, had scorched, burnt cars and motorists for thousands of miles, hearing, AND THIS SHALL BE THE END! Marvel not the many references Nuclear, 2021 thru 2022 with the word Apocalyptic, as the word COVID, presently in red alert mode, all the various references to the Fast and Furious, LUDACRIS to Vin Diesel, Franchise.. Pack Lite, PACK RUNNING SHOES, NO MORE SLOW POKING AROUND! Knowing Where, NOW, RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, HBOW/Apb, 

Repent, Suffer The Little Children And bring them to ME or I'll Kill Them With Death, Dec 3 4 5, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, Now Saying A Your Dec 3,2017; Stampeding Elephants Of staying Unaware, WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

And Those Who Didn't Die By The Plague Continued In Abominable, Detestable Lives, lands and churches, SCHOOLS!  HERE ARE THE KEYS, July 24 2022, RELEASE THE BOTTOMLESS PIT! 

-I been reminding for months Jesus threatening to take the Children In a mass dieoff unless Parental, Religious, Political leaders repent of NOAH'S DAY to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah MARRIAGE EVILS. For five nights straight, one, May 22, 2022, yes, around that Uvadle School shooting, children come to me, something they do when they're in danger ,one, a ghost child, one a wonderful spirit, some my own grands, with procrastinating, endangering parents, their own. 

-So many this time we thought we'd build a center, then the never ending line of them come, wrapped around the school building, right into the office and I like a school nurse to supervisor. The end also come, Triple GREAT Tribulations COME, upon Jan 12 13 2018, Rev 2 Jesus described riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, no flesh survives that Jesus said HIMSELF, THE END! AODHF/JCOR!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 27/28 2022 When Since Mother's Day 2020 and Christmas 2021, Dr Fauci Suggested Out Door Family Gathering Come Family Funerals to Repasses, Three And One Pending My Own! Understand further Biden, Islamic Assassin's Creed; Japan's Abe assassination; Boris Johnson resignation and the fact Biden out and we could soon have our first Indian/African American Female Priz are all evidence, we wrestle not against flesh and blood.. WE'RE NOT IN CONTROL! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, The possibility Of Russia Using Nuclear Weapons, Can Russia Hit Us,? My Pat Brad Niece, SHILOH Asked

A Hand Writing Upon A Wall, 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava, Trump's (Jan 12 13 {2019{) REV 17/18, Prediction Of The END Of America, WEST COME, Ebbing and Flowing Five Years Now!

 -Understand Rev 13, I saw revisited upon the 21st century ({July 27, 28 2009}), a pending Barack Hussein WH; John witnessed frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon (Lucifer/Satan); The BEAST, ANCIENT TERRITORY SPIRIT, possibly Eze 38/39 Gog and Magog and the false prophet, frogs that represent demons, demons disguised as influential leaders.Further in Rev 17, there's describing plainly what's come known as a nations summit, Dan 9 27 as well. 

-I  been to one of those, THE HOLY CHURCH, also a world leader; heard THEM declare Senator Barack Hussein  "The One!" Only here, againJohn additionally sees this highly oppressing, possessive TERRITORIAL BEAST sits with them also. When after only an hour he persuade them along a ten headed confederation. You'd know by a UK Briexit to Trump, Kushner, Abraham Accord/Islamic, Israeli, ANTI-CHRIST reign. Know also, your world leaders who can't know end day eschatology and thus follow are totally oblivious.

-Easily meaning you'll never be able to estimate what they will and won't do ever again! Frightnight to this Anti-Christ shown with an army of Anubis', mummifiers to undertaker's all around; again they're totally.unaware,  you're totally unaware,  Aug 5 2021 ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER HIMSELF,  by The Trumpian Abraham Accord, just puppeteered prudent, rebellious, disobedient,  kingdom nation builders. Ironically, your impressive WORLD LEADER'S, that they're to do wisely and easily hand over their world to the worst BEASTLY GENOCIDER ever this planet and firstly target and rid themselves of US/West Rule. 

-Frightnight to the reigning Bride possessed prepped and launched Dan 2 stone from heaven; Hitler's Germany saw millions dead,. BEWARE this Alexander, Hitler Germany  type rule, His coupled with a WRATHFUL,  shown star warring AODHF, you'll soon see death tolls in the millions daily, easily why JESUS explained no flesh survives, snatches THEIRS out;! Presently stampeding (July 27 28 {2021}),  West Rule toll,100 million, even; marvel not early 2021 Dec, Rev 3 Jesus advice, one alert per three days, the 3rd,  WATCH! The 4rd, RUN! The 5th  LIVE! Until by the end of Dec 2021 and Triple Great Tribulations pending, we hand Rev 12, described star warring Archangel Michael THEM asking us should THEY instead pray for us? HBOW/Apb The RAM.  

Youtube, amtv Christopher Greene, RE-SET,

See more here,; agreeably, sinceChristopher Greene, is building, a safehaven the same US Mauna Loa where the first apocalyptic, volcanic domino will be triggered, inaugurably he's being tainted by what's now described a fast and furious Ludacris, that's contagious and spreading; with most well known preppers, staging stay put incentives, when Jan thru July 2022,  Archangel Michael THEM, as Dec 3 4 5 2021 Mat 24/Rev 3 Jesus isn't only telling us to run but as fast and furious as its movie franchise, Vin Diesel's hot rod!  HBOW/Apb The RAM.  

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 28, Apocalyptic 2022, hearing ({July 27/28 2021}) the totaling of death tolls, Britain 25 Million, Canada 25 million, totalling 100 million, when you add US's 50 Million dead; hearing Oct  3 2021, BIG ONES COMING; hearing further, predicting an ebbing and flowing date, for two decades, October 17; learning lately, revisiting, ({Oct 1, 2004}), an alike forewarning, TWO BIG ONES COMING, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, Two Skyscraper Size Asteroids Are Barreling Toward Earth This Weekend,

You Tube Pastor Breaker, What Are The Chances The Rapture Will Happen In 2022?

I could test this identical, surreal blessed assurance, like May 27/28 2022, having for years withessed then translated into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST. HE SHALL Cover You With His Feathers And Under His Wings Shalt Thou Trust I Was Assured By Standing Over Sleeping Beds Anxious To Snatch Us Out ({July 29/30 2021}), Archangel Michael THEM; Only since Pastor, May 22, 2022,There's Been A Line upon line, never-ending line of injured to orphan school children come to me, like an office school nurse, since, see here, Rev 2 Jesus...

There's The Capturing, Ballooning Clouds, Wings Clouds, Ah Clouds!

-See more here, Isa 16:1-5/ Rev 12:1-6,  know we have promised safehaven to exile luxury fulfilling made our biblical Ancestry. Presently, we've gone from having star warring Archangel Michael THEM; to standing over sleeping beds anxious to Snatch Us out Archangel Michael THEM; to circling the Bride's Chariot all around, Archangel Michael THEM, then on March 13 2022, that's 4 years we witnessed hundreds of millions pouring into its commanded African America exodus, Brexit Briexit Blaexit,; so if I had to guess Pastor, that'd be a yes.

-I arrived, ebbing and flowing, for five years, July 6 2020, Into a Isa 16 1-5/Rev 12:1-5, demo just in time to witnessed then snatch out the new born (only here, The Hojy Church Bride). On to have its instead African birth mother entreated with unspeakable adoration, an overwhelming sweet Savor Jesus, this grown-up cradle, on to exile luxury, Africas' Southwest Atlantic. Plus, plus, plus, THEY explained, October 17 2021, we're in the final Daniel 9:27  DRAGON BEAST YEARS and you and I know its literally impossible we're here, both The Bride and fire-rocketing West Rule, 9 months into its 84 month duration, I Know, I know! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Mary Greenley, Most Devasting Flood Event In Kentucky History, Virginia,; These Mary, aren't only all the US states I witnessed decades back all come states of emergency to US states of Barbecue: This is the area map Jan 22-29, 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel forewarn be just as aware as the inundated with such forewarnings US Canada West Pacific! 

A Hand Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone! There's Something About A 10.2 Earthquake And That We're In Triple Great Tribulations!

Although there's a judgment designed both Noah's Cousin to an Aqua Age, and like something out of Revelation, I witnessed an Angel up there pitcher in hand pouring floodwater on the planet. Though more concerning I believe all US city states along  the Mississippi River, are imminent for an Apocalyptic event as a 10 plus New Madrid earthquake/deluge.

 More dreams and visions about massive flooding in Memphis TN, the first of the year caused me to wonder how many of my grands were good swimmers? No joke! One included a little boy on Highland St asking only three days before Christmas for a favor as bringing back water; another, I turn on this Street and there's a line upon line of dump trucks coming and going; with so many other's burning, a choice between hell or high water I call it;  WATCH! RUN! LIVE!. Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 29, Apocalyptic 2022

When I woke ebbing and flowing date Oct 17 2021 since US/WEST RULE, Dec 24 25 2001 weight of Blood guilt 190 months into Oct 17 2017. I was being intensely assured, again it's, actually predicted October 3, 2021, Oct 17 2021, we're in the last week of Daniel 9:27 SEVEN, DRAGON, BEAST YEARS! Like someone is to then for shaking urgent sense into another THEY grabbed my shoulders, saying Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations, GREAT TRIBULATIONS! And Then I Woke Up! See my more its prophetic parable here,


-Showing Nov 3/4 2013, Obama/Biden/Clinton, that 40 something, paperboy, bike handlebars with a funeral reef attached, shooting skyward,. Eventually that's about Pres Obama, H. Clinton, Col  Gaddafi/CHINA, their golden denair and the Petro-dollar; I Know Christopher, because the date used was ({Nov 3/4 1975}); the literal birth of the US/Saudi Petro currency. Only presently this where those ten head's, Dan 7/Rev 12/13/17, began to be named, mostly Islamic sounding, Kobe Bryant's crash morning, on how most most California Dreamers (Americans/Westerners) would die, barbecued, hence the invite of all US states, March 13 2018 from barbecuing, exception US Georgia's COAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! See entire blogspot here,

-Puppeteered by AODHF, using Trump's Abraham Accord, gaining world prowess, for the October 17 2021 thru Oct 17 2028 ANTI-CHRIST reign.  THEY DON'T WANT NO MORE DEALING WITH AMERICA, WEST RULE AND NEITHER DOES A NOAH'S DAY WRATHFUL, EVEN SHOWN STAR WARRING, REV 11 TYPE, AODHF! ALL About Col Gaddafi's/CHINA, US of Africa and golden denair currency threatening the Petro-dollar, now you see why they're all US Leads gone pending aligned to an error Islam.

-Actually, is possibly why a  US Admin earlier, know also,  I witnessed Christopher, both Bush and Cheney applying axle grease to those same, now funeral reef handlebars disallowing Russia and CHINA. Basically the only two nuclear powers that could stop Islam from becoming just another US colony,. WHOREMONGERING and War-mongering such weights of martyred blood, Judgement sentence ebbing and flowing two decades, showed again July 27/28 2021; here's abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, ,after two decades aligned to 50 Million US dead. 

-Frightnight to Hitler Germany's Antichrist, Anubis army all around, said staggering numbers not including Britain 25 million, Canada 25 million. Right until by its July 27 28 2022 just now, as the days of the deadliest of Covid-19, we're in recurring, daily family gathering all around family funerals again; marvel not, funeral handlebars by the Biden Admin was giving us one US dead by Coronavirus every 20 seconds, presently a million US dead in total, so 99 million westerners to go. Knowing natural, nuclear, SOLAR, Volcanic to Cosmic Apocalyse is here, what kinda man ought you to be, wait, aren't you also an immortal soul that only needs JESUS THE CHRIST? AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM

NTEB, The Stunning Connection Between Mohammed Bin Salman, Emmanuel Macron And The End Times City Of NEOM,

He's The One, With Jesus Millennium Reign proposed Descending Into Both Obama's Aug 2010 and Jujy 2016, One A white Hojy House With The Royal Priesthood ALL Intact

What's stunning still is ebbing and flowing, Senator to President, Barack Hussein Obama, The One, THEY CALL HIM; has an Islamic/Israeli/African/European blood Genome; as Daniels described little born, see Daniel 7/Rev 17, AND THERE ROSE UP AMONG THEM A LITTLE HORN! Dan 7:8; besides predicting during Bush, a Hussein US Whitehouse, Rev 11:1, 2, until his campaign run, and aligned timetable, two weeks and 7 years, I knew nothing about this man, you, Geoffrey?

Further, I'm suppose to remind my procrastinating Memphians, endangering children, the future Royal Priesthood. How it is the reason those Rev 16:8 being scorched by the sun,l can't find death I'd because they choose horrid death over repentance, Obedience; Marvel not they're shown being chased by one strike the heart,Eze 9 type reapers to being shown crossing over the old Arkansas bridge into US Georgia's Coast CROSSOVER down on all fours penance. 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 29, Apocalyptic 2022

-When I woke ebbing and flowing date Oct 17 2021 since US/WEST RULE, Dec 24 25 2001 weight of Blood guilt 190 months into Oct 17 2017. I was being intensely assured, again it's, actually predicted October 3, 2021, Oct 17 2021, we're in the last week of Daniel 9:27 SEVEN, DRAGON, BEAST YEARS! Like someone is to then for shaking urgent sense into another THEY grabbed my shoulders, saying Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations, GREAT TRIBULATIONS! And Then I Woke Up! See my more its prophetic parable here,


-Showing Nov 3/4 2013, Obama/Biden/Clinton, that 40 something, paperboy, bike handlebars with a funeral reef attached, shooting skyward,. Eventually that's about Pres Obama, H. Clinton, Col  Gaddafi/CHINA, their golden denair and the Petro-dollar; I Know Christopher, because the date used was ({Nov 3/4 1975}); the literal birth of the US/Saudi Petro currency. Only presently this where those ten head's, Dan 7/Rev 12/13/17, began to be named, mostly Islamic sounding, 

Kobe Bryant's crash morning, on how most most California Dreamers (Americans/Westerners) would die, barbecued, hence the invite of all US states, March 13 2018 from barbecuing, exception US Georgia's COAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! See entire blogspot here,

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Phearson And Regan, Mr. Derry Man, The Christmas Apocalypse! Nov 24, 2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -The Stampeding Of Elephants Of Staying Unaware, Pres Bush buries a Hussein, Holy God As Predicted Rev 11, 1, ...