Friday, September 30, 2022

Pray For All Human Beings At The Wailing Wall! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear September 30, 2022

Actually using this image, remind one of the three Nuclear, Apocalyptic 2022 walk through a maze of revealing sin, frightnight protrayed Israelis knowingly living at the edge of a cliff and regularly, routinely falling horribly to their deaths; I Know, again, I Know! There's something Sept BETA 20th, again after decades of forewarning, presently about, 101 YELLOWSTONE; something about an ORANGE alert, alerting an Imminent volcanic eruption; Marvel not the last YELLOWSTOME alert, Eze 5/9 Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, come with the unprecedented still, Hunga Tonga eruption; see what happened these recent SEPT BETA warnings,

Youtube Amtv Christopher Greene, FED,

-Even The Holy Bride Hath Wrath, Possesses, Preps And Launches Daniel 2 Described Stone From Heaven! Seen to be seeing the letters USA floating away, exiting the planet stage, SUNLIGHT of God commanded African/European exodus, trajectory, the late, Trans Atlantic Slave Trade/African Atlantic Basin/ Africa's Southwest Exile luxury, Apb The RAM!


-Explaining why it's as if we're seeing reveals in reverse, even the things which where, are and future ebbing and flowing simultaneously. The Rising Above Ministry (The RAM), began at the end of Western Civilization by an Apocalyptic event, that GINORMITY set to follow Noah's Cousin, massive flooding; sending two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet; fightnight with a 1986 SUNLIGHT of GOD to 1986 Chernobyl meltdown too threatening the inevitable END OF ALL THINGS,the more.

-Marvel not prophesied for millennia the Holy Bride, actually a spring event was being snatched out of the worst performances of the planet, the planetary body and mankind ever or ever again old things passing away, new heaven and earth all come from above. Clearly at this time Christopher, hundreds of millions of westerners alone are dead THE AMERICAS DECIMATED, filling with, drowning in those 99 bowls of molten lava: with billions to be lost worldwide, explaining during Jesus (July 27/28 ({2016)}, descent< the earth was littered with its battle of Interstellar Armageddon/ARMAGEDDON dead.

-Know and beware, everytime you, Christopher say, they planned it this way, whoever they are, you're saying they planned their and humankind's EXTINCTION. I'm thinking since this home planet is ALL, ALL ALL they got or will ever have, explaining the mystery woman, this last hope, also offering up mansions in heaven. No Christopher, they didn't plan, except Jesus Millennium Reign, recurring Apocalypse of human EXTINCTION.  No you're witnessing the reaping of West Rule, America, THE AMERICAS, their own weight of blood guilt. just reconsider, if without shedding of blood there is then no remission, no restructuring to  rehabilitation.

-Just saying, if  Christopher Great power and World Reign is measured in Martyred Human Blood and here NOW, right NOW it's judgment, sentence, of being suddenly wiped off the planet; not only the shaking me by the shoulders thrice, a predicted for 16 years Oct 3, BIG ONES COMING; Oct 17 2021 Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations;, Great Tribulations! There's July 27/28 (2021, waking from your death tolls UK, BC US calculated into 100  million and July 27/28 2022, just now, there's getting WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES, either Hawaii missile morning, Rev 2 Jesus, threaten, mass dieoff, ascension of children or the hinting, Aug 24 2022, tthat the Bottomless pit is opened to Satanic Demonic even 👽 Apocalypse, equally, THE END! 



-WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER THE RAPTURE? Your, Pastor Breaker, What's Gonna Happen Sept 23 2017,; really peaked my interest and assured me what else, past, present and future, was so unprecedented about that particular date. My grand Caden/Cameron and I entered the Bride's Chariot; once settled, I looked toward the dash, their screening. Like on a news ticker, was the month September and a date, by the time it caught my eyes moving from the  22nd, 23rd, onward, this was the year ({ Sept 2015}).

-Moments earlier I was sitting at my desk , outreaching, I'd just pastor witnessed the translation of my older grands (pending Tribulation Saints, from (US/BC West Pacific Fiery Doomsday, VOLCANIC Apocalypse); as from Memphis into US Georgia's Coast, Savannah. Clearly that was June 27 of that same (2015) year, presently running us out of Florida, not a safe haven, (June 27, 2021), TRUMP OF GOD, Angel Gabriel; and something its (July 6 2015), bout UK Cameron, Russia's Putin, Syria's Assad, and the ebbing and flowing, tug of WW3,; presently Rev 12: 1-6,  RAPTURE, July 6 2021, six years later. presently I'm looking at a now Archangel Michael's Grand Caden, slash cousin Cameron come in saying, asking, "are you ready?"

-I  think Pastor, the 'are you ready? To that back turned Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, assuring she'll wait on me,"  Mockery here, three decades prior, what I call the Chernobyl Spring Rapture, 1986; I wasn't ready, I was looking at bringing me into the heavens, God the Father, not scripturally, Jesus, the LORD,  moments ago HE had healing wings. I'd only been months in Christ Jesus, with Holy Angels ascending and descending upon me, teaching me, showing, anointing me, now I was ascending,  I was highly upset.

-Only here, apparently Sept 23 (2015),  I raised in agreement, hearing further,, "There's Something about Cameron." Just as described, we (no doubt pastor that May 22 2022, Rev 2 Jesus, described, threaten, line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children), again, we  board, I got a feeling, what may appear to anyone else, as recently just a plethora of Triangle Craft's. Though I've heard since, this  Apocalyptic 2022,"fallen angels is why aliens exist," then Sept BETA 2015,  I heard, warned down into earth's inherit, "beware of alien dangers from above, see more here, Rev 9/12.

-Just as so, Pastor, as you ask, what happened next? Besides THEY pouring into my kitchen of reveals, (2011), explaining we too, like reigning Jesus, Interceding THE CHURCH BRIDE',  we HOLY CHURCH BRIDE, have an ascension assignment,  Rev 12, Second Heaven Intercession of Interceding Rev 7/Rev13 described, Tribulation Saints. I know, no more the mystery of praying down here in an unknown tongue from up there; I know, no more Mystery, THEY having snatched the Hojy Bride onny to delivered us, like in between the two was our temporal stay; I know, no more nystery, Hojy Lord's escorting me back to home earth, assuring THEY can't wait to be down here, as Pastor, second heaven intercessions; again I know; HBOW/Apb, see more of its prophetic parables here,

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Koph Reshiram Saurus and Queen Bride Laydon Seashell Bianca Voightright  

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The... 

Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Featuring King Bridegroom Lord Jerusalem, Selama, Kesaté Birhan and Queen Lord Urusalem, Maaseiah, Adonai, Was Born A Descending, 05/17-19/2010/07/26/2016, New, White, Holy House, With Royal Priesthood Intact, that's twice I witnessed Jesus' millennium descend into Obama's, US White house rule, only by then, a post apocalypse, America, 15% it's losses assured twice, so tens of millions dead/The American Continent/World Stretching West Rule, an African Obama, ruler, beware, GOH/JCOR/Apb

Unto Blazing Saddles (Saddle), Hillsfeet and Constance Annason Teams was born a son Kenneth Harrison Lawsona daughter, Kennington Glory Lawson and a son, Bennington (Benny) Clarkson Teams  

 Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII 

     "Lords Cherubim so beloved, I will be with my Lord Urusalem alone, as you will King of all kings. I fear you've heard, well more than likely, you've fused and felt, Yellowstone exodus began. I'm better Lord Israel than expected, good, those predicted have escaped, Michael and His Holies star war to show them the way. Yes my spirited grands always reminded as Lord Elder John heard and saw them come up to here, I heard and saw them come into their own Jordan's Petra to Georgia's to Africa's Atlantic coast. Though Holy Lord, who besides them could've guessed they'd be all the world's refugees, the same? And still those millions in losses only because of rebellion, of thieving, lying, murderers, do I hate them King Zion who hate and war against thee; do I count them also mine enemy? For thy own name sake this unwordable, untellable escape, fret not thyself Lord Urusalem because of evildoers, for they've been cut down as green grass. They wither as the green herbs, diligently you should seek their places and not find them and just as soon like their betraying Helel, Hades molten ovens will gladly have at them! Why Lord Jerusalem, do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying. Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure, then Lord beloved, city of peace, for countless millennia, world leads are forewarn, all its damning folly. And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem, ( Lord King Zion); Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. Come, come always come, I'm thy comfort, I don't want to be comforted, billions are dying to perishing to, yes, and you've placed the Jesus Husband in their sickbeds, crafted Michael's Throne, second heaven their, its intercession, knocked, knocked and knocked to offer up mansions in heaven, you are Lord Urusalem, indeed. No doubt you think Lord Urusalem I'm more worthy, I know stop reading your heart's mind, but do you really think beloved Lord, mine also being human as they are, the night of Gethsemane to the desert,  wilderness trials are the only times I pleaded Holy Fathers cup be gone from me? Our everlasting holiness Lord Urusalem, getting us all the glory is what make us worthy to sit as judges Elohim's Great White Throne judgments. Where Lord Israel as from the womb, his telling heart is his judge, jury, executioner to redeemer, he among you Lord Urusalem, without sin, cast down Daniel 2, stone, cut out without hands. I look out into this beyond and I'm again Lord, floored, I think I see, no, I know I see a flock of red birds, and what a sweet miracle. Just a day ago, earthen home, I was to Google, though two played tag the tree's my backyard, why there's only one red bird seen at a time? Then Lord beloved, I look up days later from writing, commenting, you could hear their loud cawing, but there, the tree limbs, nearly as close as you Lord Israel right now, black birds and they're frozen, intensely looking at me, calculating. Any doubt Lord Urusalem waiting to relaunched themselves, go feast upon the flesh of kings, queens and warring billions, have your fill to busting, even.  A beyond description mansion in heaven, wondrous floral, chirping birds, look, come close this moist cheek, there's a crystal, healing stream, still, just there, see it, a tree of life. The beloved Maaseiah, tree of life, its leaves for healing tattered nations once this phenom is all descended to there; be still thy bleeding, melting heart, even speaking heart. Listen closely, such delicious, replenishing hymns of praise, eeh, so amazing grace.  Did I tell you King Zion, I was told as a child, growing up, into you, heaven's host all , Ancient of days inhabits the praises of his people? Did I tell you, I've seen Holy Father dance, dance I say dance, bitter is grim reapers for stampeding did spin captures into a hearty waltz, themselves, and one strike the telling heart, if only to descend them all. Did I tell you Lord Urusalem, Lord Israel can't endure this out breaking of mortuary, one strike the telling heart, as you say, and most are descended, without you? I know beloved hearted one you're to stay this wonderment and like its stunning pillars never let go ever, ever! Of course, that untellable escape will come only not yet, only beloved Urusalem, not yet; here Lord Israel, take my as yours, my firing hands, come, come, surely and for always, I too, will run after thee! It spoke, your heart Lord Urusalem also spoke to me, and what dearest one of all did it dare say? Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God! Indeed, spoil this rod of peace, extinct the genesis man, marriage, make Lamb of God's, Christ's Cross of non-effect." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed cold, as, are their elephants of staying unaware and their Brides of going on as all is normal, refusing running shoes, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here, (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come ) Why speak in parables? For Those Today As Those Rebellious Prophet Ezekiel Day, Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth! Beware Holy GOD Of all Gods, Is AWARE! Apb


What Happens After The Rapture?

-Marvel not Pastor, Sept BETA 2020, In The Heavens,  Eze 38 39/Rev 20 GOG AND MAGOG and Theirs Debated with Ps35/Rev12 Archangel Michael and THEIRS, whether the described 2011 Holy Bride another Rapture miss, was now in their proposed since timeline Oct 17 2021, until two 42 months intervals are complete, isn't SHE now in ANTICHRIST reign? Marvel not, that May 2020, Anubis underworld reveal wasn't the first dealings with them, they come right after me for to destroy me Gog and Magog, demon dog Anubis them, not liking I can see them, their for millennia human genocide, fields and fields of their slain.

-Further, I know no longer is the mystery, biblical prophecy no doubt fulfilling hour to hour, minute by minute, nanoseconds seen to have all gone on without MAGA LEADERS, CHURCHES CHOIRS AND MASS ASSEMBLY; proving their faith to faithfulness, all put in flight not only by Mat 24 Jesus but Mal 4/Rev 7,  Sunlight of God, like since JUNETEENTH 17-19 2002; commanding an African, European repatriation of Mother Africa; WEST RULE AMERICA THE AMERICAS no more this planet in apocalyptic progress Continent to WORLD WIDE! 

See more here, Rev 4/Rev 19/20, WHAT HAPPEN AFTER THE RAPTURE; after I witnessed them all shoot off like fire rockets; one by one ballooning a cloud bigger and bigger and bigger with each its arrival; soon Tribulation Saints by the hundreds of millions, THEY, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM ascending us first descended us showing us a billion or more in escapees crossover from US GEORGIA's Coast/Africa's/Atlantic Basin, now living in exile luxury, Africa's Southwest Atlantic! Marvel not seeing just now the letters USA making an exit this planet the trajectory in reverse, once the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; marvel not we're labored, these wooden, heavyweight, slave necklaces as the blinking of an eye tribe, now tell me THEY don't have jokes? AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM!!!


Hindustan  Times, Mission Alaska? 4 Russian warships & 3 Chinese Vessels daily near US Alaska,; (When I woke from speaking as escaping Father's with their son, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Dutch (Dutchsinse); we knew there would be unprecedented events concetning area maps of these various  languages; marvel not May 22 (2021) warn about Asians, China, a Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift; onto to showing me teaching children how the Chinese language work; like I said something GIGANTOR brewing, the for decades predicted US soil, Islamic/Asian Invasion.


see here, Feb 12/13 2022,  Malichi 4, fathers retuning to their  sons, sons returning to their fathers and some bout nothing but ashes left of a fiery doomsday apocalypse; see here; this Dutchsinse video, showing what's already imminent, I been warning for  years they're all come, beginning US/BC West Pacific, Natural/VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic Apocalypse and how sitting duck Americans are suddenly gonna be dead by the tens of millions; how you can't even begin to image its catastrophic traffic jams

-Just as so I been wanting, here again Dec 23, 2021/Aug 1,2022, described during Bush's, a Noah's Cousin flooding/AQUA ERA, a ginormity, US/BC W. Pacific would follow; possibly, biblically described WATCHERS, Daniel 4, come asking me, What's The Secret Of Time Done Lapsed The Obama's, Memphis Dunlap Street, New Madrid, that's presently a threatening Juan de Fuca/San Andreas Apocalyptic Flood to MOLTEN LAVA event, combined, bye bye ALL MS R.iver Cities to resident, including my procrastinating, endangering children, Memphians, HBOW/Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear October, 3, BIG ONES COME, Apocalyptic 2022

99 Bowls Of Molten Lava On Trump's Wall, repeat twice more; If One of Those Bowls Begin To Erupt 98 Bowls Of Molten Lava On Trumps Wall! Actually Good For Insomnia!

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, DON'T WAIT THIS COLLAPSE IS BIG,

See more here,

-THEY been telling us, even ONE as Aug 5 (2021), star warring Rev 11, AODHF, THEY'RE TO MAKE ALL HER DEBT DUE/FRIENDENEMIES EMBOLDENED, ALL NOW COME WITH FIRE; a Memphis street called St Elmo, over two decades now, THE END OF WEST RULE/AMERICA THE AMERICAS! Youtube preppers, you do know you're talking to runners to OVERCOMERS, right? The huge enough to block out the sky, can openers: followed by a placed in the hall here, the symbol of love, ROMANCE but also this HUGE, red, recurring funeral ROSE;  You, actually y'all do know you all are addressing runners to OVERCOMERS, right? Just as predicted a Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era, that gave us an Angel overhead, pitcher in hand, pouring water on the planet, now we have a water country to world.

-I was just reminded, Oct 3, 21/here Oct 3 2022,,  predicted 18 years now,  Oct 1,(2094), BIG ONES COMING, presently there's a hand writing in MOLTEN LAVA  Noah's day figures 717, only a reminder of flooding magna. Eventually giving us seer Youtube Dutch-sinse; we know there's a death renderer from beneath the earth; followed by as recent as Sept 21, 101 Yellowstomes to 99 bowls of molten lava, and by Sept 22, see hear, an ORANGE ALERT, ERUPTIONS IMMINENT!

Having In Common Dutch-sinse, Dutch, Duh, BABYLON

-Unquestionally knowing, there's many oceans of lava that spreads from the US W PACIFIC to the US Atlantic;, and around The American Continent. Frightnight with US, W PACIFIC supervolcanoes,three of Hawaii's, including Mauna Loa, to California's Long Valley; lest we forget, the secret of Memphis, New Madrid Texas/Tenn all too with Orange ALERT activity.; and in case you're wondering ,yes, New Mexico is said to have an active supervolcano as well; so youtube preppers, you do know you're talking to Mat 24/Rev 17:14/Rev 18 Jesus' runners to OVERCOMERS, right? HBOW/Apb

PS, HASHTAG, EXCRETA NUCLEAR OCT 3, Apocalyptic 2022 with all West Rule territores, including America to THE AMERICA'S no longer a part of the puzzled landscape, old passing away, could we be looking at a pangaea situation in reverse, even was that of it, seeing of cracks in the earth just now, again fusing themselves back together? Knowing where, NOW!  RUNNNNNNNNN! HBOW)Apb The RAM



-I don't know if you FSS read my prophetic blogs to  prophetic parables; I just described two days ago not being able to throw off referenced to the movie, Mrs Winter Born; both references to a trainwreck and a  possible Nuclear Winter.

- Only days prior, I explained, ten days after that Hawaii missile alert, CROSSOVER/ASCENSION, Jan 22-29 2018, Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL alerting US/BC West Pacific, fiery doomsday apocalypse, no further DELAYS; actually stayed around until that US Congressman Trainwreck; some surmised they're running to safehaven bunkers; see both predicted Morgan Freedom and Ben Affleck's, SUM OF ALL FEARS!

-Though what really get my attention, hearing, seeing some bout, a Nuke Train; my Oct 11/21 2021/Jan 12 13 2022, Brad Pitt/SHILOH,  encroaching guerrilla war/ His Bullet Train movie? No, not really, years back, Bush's errror Saddam/Barack Hussein, an Israeli related  passenger train suddenly come to Itty-bitty pieces,. When there's both an ascension, descent into refugee Israelis on the run from a recently (Oct 17 2021); revealed Alexander/Hitler's Germany, ANUBIS' ARMY, of an Anti-Christ!  AND THIS SHALL BE THE END,THUS SAITH, STAR WARRING ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, HBOW/Apb The RAM


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