Saturday, October 1, 2022

Though We Miss You, Your Divine Mission Is Clear!


Though We Miss You, Your Divine Mission Is Clear! 


See more here,;TIP, see here, I Thess 4:16-18/I Cor 15:51-58;  just as I told you Bumbum was holding out for Sept twenty something, the Bride's estimated time of arrival into JESUS HEALING BOSOM. Therefore mean, as she's scheduled today to be put into the earth, Dancing Hallelujahs all around, this is the date for 7 years THEY'VE practiced taking THEIRS out of the earth; the grave;

AND JESUS AFTER OUR CROSS WAS HARD TO LOOK AT; within a nanosecond this mortal puts on immortality, this corruption puts on incorruption, Ken Peters described putting on glorification right out of the grave as sparkling diamonds to sequence gowns;  I saw them shoot skyward as fire rockets, into a capturing them each, ballooning cloud;; no more pain, death, crying, no more sorrows, former things passed away, ALL THINGS BECOME NEW! LOVE AND KISSES, Aunt Pat! 

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? DANCING HALLELUJAH!

Mission Impossible, ACCOMPLISHED, Big Sis, Until We Meet At Jesus' Feet!

Though we miss you, your mission is clear, THEY covered you with THEIR FEATHERS  and carried you away from here. Okay ,If you tell me what seeing Juanita, Moonk, again is like,  I'll tell you mine, like North Lee asked, what I'd do once I'm there with him? Happily my arms flung wide, head jerked heavenward, and I said, singgggg, apparently I think I can. Yeah Big Sis, I saw her too, still being Madae, waiting with those healing clouds, leaves and wings. Girl---- Bumbum, we got like forever, golden walks, talks, crystal streams, golden lanes of golden memories; THEY can't wait to be with us HOLIES, say, I Say Take Us To Gaze Upon THE LORD, BEHOLDING HIS BEAUTY AND HIS GLORY! Though we miss you, Sadie, Pat,  Baby Jr, Tiny, AND ALL OTHERS YOUR  BELOVED!!! Mission accomplished, on to unspeakable JOY,, Jubilee, mansions, this divine phenomenon, Big Sis, you know we're coming, as surely as we're dust, so leave THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD on for us; DANCING HALLELUJAHS ALL AROUND, Sis Pat Love ❤️ and kisses, Sadie Jean, Pat, Tiny, Baby Jr, (Hudson)...AND ALL OTHERS YOUR  BELOVED!!!

See more Poetry Rising, Mission Butterfly, here,

See also here, Young Man Dies From Overdose and Explains The Horrors Of Being In Hell, See more here,; the moment you asked why where you given another chance when so many other's hasn't? To myself I said prayer,; someone Holy Father totally trust and they totally trusting HIM was Interceding for you. When you said Grandma, brought tesrs, that's exactly how I am about my grands, all nine of them; even if it seems they don't appreciate it, GOD IS FAITHFUL IN ALL THINGS HE PROMISE, DOES. -I lost a nephew lately, seeming a heat stroke, it was so all of a sudden,lost his mom, my next to the baby sister only six months prior, she was shot, murderered; buried my eldest sister Saturday past, her by legal drugs, crippled body, just gave up her Holy Spirt. Truth is ,I cared more about where they are now, especially my nephew, when I was reminded of two weeks prior I prayed for the forgiveness of their sins and was reminded Jesus explained to his disciples/APOSTLES,, THEY COULD AND SHOULD FORGIVE SIN. -Understand, they, THESE EVILS couldn't keep you, like Jesus labeled the woman with the issue of blood, DAUGHTER; GOD CALLED YOU SON FOR A REASON, YOU ARE HIS; I need you to reconsider one thing, one of my grands, more spirit minded, hearted than others; one I told lately young men your age , upper teens, early twenties are become more and more hopeless, careless, violent, dangerous, deadly. Anyway, she explained seeing word by word blinking into formality, soon saying, THINGS AREN'T WHAT THEY SEEM.!

-What if I tell you actually your drug use was used as a catalyst of reminding Hebrews 11:3 also saying, this world (MATRIX), isn't made up of things that really do appear, see also The Book of Revelation, see Because of your prayer warrior grandma and its HOLY SPIRITS PRESENCE, you knew something was wrong with the world. Like multi-millions of others elected to use drugs and other mind HEART altering substances, (LIVES LANDS CHURCHIES, BOMBS GUNS AND VOTING BOOTHS); to try and make heads or tales of it. Soon, THEY helped you, God saying SON, I have to let you go, as in this is the only way, here's your own Revelation of Spirit Truth, blessed are heaers, REPENTERS doers and STAMPEDERS! HBOW/Apb The RAM

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