Monday, July 22, 2024

About 3 Weeks Ago, the media told you that Biden was sharp as a tack” Elon Musk

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 24, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2024; Remember when date September 23, 2017 went viral
As date of Rapture. It’s true Rev 3 Jesus has as thief began to bring all endtime biblical prophecy to past, including we’re near three years the timetable that launches Dragon
BEAST 42 months more whose finale July 27/282016 was a peaceful exchange of this planet rule between King Zion Jesus and World Rule Barack Hussein. I know he made me a promise and AODHF can be a God of setup, puppeteering leaders one cause or another unknowingly leading him his apostate followers to their eventual doom tossing in knotted rope saving children out is Elon Musk playing the whore, playing both sides? Further Rev 3 JCOR, his advice, like his Mat 24, WATCH! RUN! LIVE, Christ CROSS is that you live, ascend!

The water spot above remind of the animated craft that flew just about house roofs over my head 2022; remind of the skyrocketing 2023 craft I squeezed into with recently murdered sister, like four to five ways hijacker Syed Farook demo; shooting up to heaven, to finding momma! The craft trailing my son’s car also 2023, no it was differently triangular. 

There’s The craft parked outside the moon, another capture, for mrmbb333 to see, no, yes, no. Though actually, the one, outside the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff The Planet, Biden Harris WH, they into US of A for Africa, landing. We know dominoing Hawaii building right now there’s, tens of millions of US to westerners uselessly dead is theirs, you, yours, your subscribers Adam,  followers, what’s gonna be your would’ve, should’ve, could’ve’s? 

Many not knowing it’s been Sept 22/23 2015 another trial running many THEY’D snatched us off the planet, reminding planet earth beware of Ben Affleck Batman vs Superman type Aliens Dangers from Above. During such a trial Jan, 16, 2023 while THEY were both coasting and mocking Georgia son get into Georgia’s COASTLINE crossover. Yeah, I was squeezing into a cart with sis Ne’Ne for short we’re skyrocketing off to find moms in heaven 

I just learned so is my gone viral, prophetic date April 2/20 2025 even NASA is warning about launching hers, Dan 2, HBOW, earth ending would systems ginormities related to this date, well more this year 2025; 7 years Oct 17, 2021, exactly Rev 11:1, 2 gives us April 2025 just as Rev 13:5 42 months put us Red Dragon Antichrist reign and for some reason as for millennia THEY'VE pegged Pres Trump the presidential guy. HBOW/Apb

Elon Musk ✅X @Elonmusk 

 About 3 weeks ago, the media told you that Biden was “sharp as a tack” 🙄 

2 days ago, the poor guy was basically forced at gunpoint to resign as Dem nominee. His staff weren’t even informed.

Now they say Kamala is the best thing ever 🤦‍♂️

Revisited Aug 24/25 2023 LOOSE THE FOUR BOUND ANGELS! And Those Who Didn’t Die By The Plague, Asteroid Destroy Middle Schools, Strip Leaders! Strip Schools! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSHES 


They said they’d make the world England; they said they’d make the world Christian; under VP Kamala Harris, they will make the world same gender; breakage of the Procreating Genesis Man/ Marriage/Rainbow Covenant. Marvel not there’s the hammering off, at houses, into protective stilts since there’s designing it a Noah’s Cousin to Aqua era. That Angel up there with that pitcher in hand, wasn’t pouring water but flooding a handwriting 99 bowls of molten lava, a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone! 


Trump Gabriel were mocking him, BD morning return, his family with him; keep instead into US GA’s coast/CROSSOVER, squeezing me into a skyrocketing Mario Cart; designing y’all fast and furious Vin Diesel to Ludacrist race cars to racetracks; Frightnight there’s some bout molten lava flooding and how terrifying! I’m frightening they’ll never listen, getting my bug out bag, I’m walking out of here! 


Y’all do know while he was witnessing 70 plus UFO’s event: I had two myself June/Oct 2023 Archangel described Star Warring events. “setting his all around,” were witnessed warning Texans get away from the gulf coast; then there's this here,; actually seeing, hearing a Star Wars battle, hearing Michael Is Setting His all around; hearing, pray for all humans at the wailing wall, seeing how the world gets left behind! 

How To Make A Kid's Bug Out Bag - Mountain House,; See More The Great Escape here,; here, Warning ⚠! Angelic Encounters! Evacuate Texas! via @YouTube:  here, BRAND NEW UFO Sighting in South Florida!!! July 16, 2024 via @YouTube; plus I did mock whether this underwater anomaly Elon Musk and his, taking my advice, getting, sitting, waiting, here. 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till He come, Rev 19, I woke this morning July 23, 2024, hearing again since Ben Affleck Armageddon, Nov 2022, fiery doomsday apocalypse fire starter dominioing Hawaii is building; before the historic IT event I’d just asked Jr Darius about keeping cash. Whereas just now, discussing faster get aways, how like in the way God warn Lot’s wife their parents shouldn’t come back we should keep forward into them, we lost power; 

Frightnight to Amazing Grace, there’s the maze of sin, just now with Color Purple Fantasia, like showing her the Granda, Westwood house of building that 60’s Blue Ford for getting out of Pompeii, of Memphis. Some mocked these outbreak of funeral repassses mocked family gatherings! 

So like did Fantasia Color Purple/Pride Flag( F for Fornicstion, A for Adultery, A for Abortion, LGBTQB, M for Molesters, M for Mutilators, M for Murderers, P for Pedophiler, Church Teen, Males; do a rendition of GOD IS “TRYING,” TO TELL YOU SOMETHING, Right Now!? 

Knowing end of this world recurring, even hammering off apocalyptic events. I too start getting serious, it’s time my Grands ready individual grab bags, into US Georgia’s COAST, commanded Juneteenth Blaexit, (Brexit/BRIEXIT/) Crossover, you, yours, your social media followers,  to subscribers? 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Goddess, Queen Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz and Lord Bridegroom Renaissance Bastion, desus Achilles

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nexus Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

“I rather hear more bout Grand Sia waking speaking another language, only it wasn’t of human origin! Now,”as one easing in, smelling as magnanimous as he look, as to carefully say. “If those last three waking her languages were about the most populated areas, therefore the most to die, needing speedy escape. Like did fallen Angel, Hybrid Aliens earth inherit get the same message; take its advice and are literally also by the millions leaving this planet behind? Gotta go, what the heck Blazely man! It's Evden Blazely and we’re late for reveals class. Where, where we can get Tribunal Headwater two US quarters. toll booth worth! “Wait, they all one by one coming shockingly along. “Wait, but if they’re exiled here, but what did grand Sia see updated date, Aug 24/25 2023? Elevator anyone? Wait, how’s that an updated date and does anyone know the date she’s told aliens exist? But what's Socrates man more mind boggling? I’ll tell y’all, Red Dragon according to scripture and a third of mutineering Angels, which is procreating millions in Devilment. Multimillions since the war in heaven been exiled home planet to do all the evil entrapments they do. Straightly to guarantee our Genesis man, marriage extinction, frightnight, we won’t even exist, could be not for millions of years later. Human planet and the universe, all its wonders, galaxies all first hear alpha and omega, let there be light! All, all unimaginable but can we El Dae Dae, like turn the elevator back on? I wanna know if Aliens are stampeding skyward as well as hundreds of millions refugees getting to Safehaven territories. That’d be billions, Cruiser man, my name is not, okay, okay! Then what about Grand Sia’s shown Rev 9 version, make escaping to invading hybrid Alien Angels possible? Elevator Mesure Tristan Troy, back on, so hopefully is your shirt. Okayyy, entering class talking about lost shirts, Archangel and circling bride chariot, this Nexus Juttah, gonna be good.  Actually Tribunal Headwater can the same open portals, Prophet Ezekiel and now Archangel’s Grand Caden did see. There’s these entry holes torn out of heaven, be used by millions of Hybrid Aliens also escaping fiery doomsday planet, that’s slash Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE? Yeah and is that the wowing reveal that send dozens in Darius Queen  Wives and goddess Amphitrite walking as around we’re screening all earth ending visual aids as Jericho TV series? I know, please take your seats Nextus Juttah, the dozens in stammering Darius Queens were more pop up reveal. Pres Trump 2024/2025 thru 2028 of what remains, it’s Two weeks and 7 years timetable. Pop up reveal seeing ticking timeline paused four years short the Biden/Harris. Plus like you Nextus Juttah I have a Darius Queen Bride inside. What Tribunal Headwater, we have Aliens escaping instead of invading? Could Cruiser Canadian Tristian Troy , like descending, ascending, skyrocketing Holies, be both!” Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth,  Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see more, Regan Central, Phearson McPhearson here, See Also, here,

YouTube, ON OUR DOORSTEP | TESTING OUR WEAKNESS? via @YouTube; I said a day ago, Cuba Missile Crisis part two, now we get a near assassinated US President; there’s saying Adam the  shooter actually researched John Kennedys assassination; like brilliant YouTube planetary watcher mrmbb333 would say, “you just can’t make this stuff up! 

Marvel not when out the door escapees, on their feet, arms filled of Brad Pitt and Jolies kids, and Eze 9 commanded heart stabbers gave chase.  I explained on the ground, running for your souls breaking news, looked like a Cuban missile situation. HBOW, Dan 2, stone, what she’s possessing, prepping and launching is isn’t for us, it’s the Antichrist murderer, get out of its way, watch, RUN! Live! Apb! 

Revisiting Sunlight Of God Spring Rapture; Chernobyl Spring Rapture; Ben Affleck Devil Comet Spring Rapture, US Lab Bio-Backward Letter, Leopard’s Spot Pandemic Kill All Parents By The Year Date Gone Viral Trump, NASA/NORAD April Spring Rapture 2025! 


Let My People Go! Thus Saith Sunlight Of God From Behind A Thrice Now Hammered For Triple Great Tribulations Mt Sinai Type! King Nebuchadnezzar’s, Reigning Bride’s Daniel 2 Stone? 

Death is inevitable so is millions horribly dead, it’s the horrible that suck then hell and judgment that follows. Last time Adam since 2019 for two  weeks and 7 years Gog and Magog Trump wasn’t ready Covid made y’all do the right thing. Maybe this time it’ll be Ben Affleck Armageddon, Yellowstone or can’t take it no more they funding Ukraine against him, Russia. 

Alls I know they can give Harris Gazillions of dollars GOD isn’t gonna let an advocate of Sodom and Gomorrah for the world to progress further. Read her list of supporters Rev 11/12 Star Warring AODHF want them one place. Their knees, all four actually, here Ps 51, here, Dan 9, begin vss 4! Repent or I’ll loose the 4 bound angels, it’s 200 million demon army; the keys to the bottomless pit, it’s called bottomless for a reason! AODHF/ HBOW, Apb

YouTube mrmbb333, All the warning signs to something BIG but are we PREPARED? via @YouTube

In case ya’ll missed this BIG ONE, Warning ⚠! Angelic Encounters! Evacuate Texas! via @YouTube; how is this different than intravenous Angels come for Father Abraham’s Lot and Family; my sons and there families, my grands? 

Knowing since that May ten 2023, not for 5000 years Solar event. Right into that 2024 Eclipse, Devil comet especially Texas to deep states been hit. I was concern Texas need to be warn, Beryl coming just before this video; speaking of Lot THEY can’t help you save your soul, unless you’re willing to RUN! HBOW/Apb

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Prophecy Links fulfilling Nuclear Aug 27 Apocalyptic Firestorms, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR/TIFF/Cosmic, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9; the ...