Monday, July 22, 2024

I Met The Blinking Of An Eye Tribe, The Tribulation Saints, Jesus husband promised, Crowns of Righteousness, if They Endure The imminent Anti-Christ 666 Grocery Store, Economy1

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Starring Herenton Egan Lowd III and Kyefer Berlyn Nollel, Herenton Egan Lowd IV and Joslyn Ameka Bellows, Kylpe Elfin Lowd and Sophia Ireland Harrison, Kegan Berlin Noellel and Tyson Edward Wells

Unto Kingsley Edward Artelon and Kieynan Deloris Mensdan was born a son Alfred Chanston Artelon, a son, Jakhya Layton Artelon and a son, Gracelight River, Artetlon, Mensdan

Unto Brandstone Edward Artelon and Penelope Deloris Hertz, was born a son, Bradford Norman Artelon and a daughter, Chelsea Kimberly Hertz and a son Bishop Allen, Edwards
First Posted, Dec 11, 2018

…And The Lord Said To Noah Come Thou And All Thou House...

Scene Mark XVII and VII

"What is it? You may as well tell me, you just stopped the middle of the mall right now, all the people, shoppers going around us, ah, I, I, ...King, what? You're scaring me, I Key, I, I think I just had a live vision just now, as we were walking, talking. Of what? I, we were talking just as now, only before I could get the next word out, we were gone Key, we were taken, we were skyrocketing through the heavenly beings. Ah my Christ! It was that fast, that glorious, like Key before you can take your next breath! Calm down, people babe, we're being stared at, who? It makes sense, if HE'S to know the words on our tongues, right? Don't you see what this mean? Nothing babe, nothing, no place, no how, not even the grave is gonna stop Him from taking us, nothing, just imagine that. Remember the words they gave Sia Maaseiah just as spring ended, just this blessed reassurance, the ah, lyrics from that song, 'no mountains, no winter's cold, can stop me, Him, from getting to you. That's to us babe, the Royal Priesthood and though fall/winter is here, evidently it's like spring all around for Christ's anointed right now, a heatwave setting records. Which King explains the speed by which two days of snow melted at such a record pace, just the other day, yes, love, yes, again it all make such miraculous sense. It was, hold up babe, hold up, look, that corner right over there, I gotta call Brandy. Wait, wait, what, so he can laugh in your face as always? Yeah, Key okay, I got to call him, you should call, {{{Brand, hey, hey, you, you okay? Brand, look, can you, yeah it's, look I was, Key and I were just now walking and talking and all of a sudden man before we spoke our next word, breathe our last breath we were gone Branston man, just like that! You wake me up to tell me that? Wake you? It's like, but don't you see? That mean we're closer and closer and how long little brother have they been saying that, huh, thousands of years, right? Which is to mean what Brandy man, that we're that much closer, or further away? Maaseiah's Gabriel appearance," not hardly believing this, but just as well totally believing it, it was Kingsley and so like him they'd suspended all Christmas shopping, the middle of the mall of America. It was just so her husband, Kingsley Edward Artelon could once more give testament to his stubborn as a mule brother, actually twin brother, Branstone. Which suddenly reminded her, how it was of an odd dream, sorta like this, only it was as if these two were spending the night in a mall, happily window shopping and galloping freely all about, such fun. Though the second, the second dream, yet to tell husband Kingsley about either, it wasn't so lovely, the mall had been shaped and formed into a fallout, bomb-out shelter and there battered refugees gathered and hide themselves, the rocks, all about it. {{{"Assured us we're that generation, the undeniable signs and wonders right now credit us with knowing, we're that season, a season proved unstoppable until Jesus take his out, that season Brandy man. I heard you Kingsley, okay, stop talking at me like I don't believe. I'm just saying, she experienced the Lamb's book of life being open, this Branston man was because of a roll call and a census that was being taken. And what pray tell little brother does that mean? So I can get some sleep, it means as of the live vision just now, there is no further delay, it mean any nano-second Bran man, just as the Lamb's book sound off each of our names, and, and, ah Christ, we shoot up like, like, firing rockets, ah my Christ, just as He, and it's millions. Hello. Ah, no," seemed stun by his own reveal, "I, so if this phone go silent and you're Brandy here to know and testify about it, that is so not a good thing, I'm just saying, that is not good. Yeah well, I keep asking you brother why is your belief so different from mine? While how did the religious leaders and Jesus' belief, differ? It's said, the law come by Moses, but truth and grace by Jesus Christ and they hated him for it Brandy man, hated him enough to prowl him for his life, soul and immortality, all of us really, ours upon His. Like all religious people, they just knew they loved God, but they hated His Christ, which made their love, apostate. This was just because He was setting the human being free from a life of condemned flesh into a life, walk in, by the, the holy spirit, a blood redeemed, holy Temple of God. Hey, look, nice talking to you Bran man but I won't keep my stunning wife waiting, sorry I woke you, goodbye. I don't like you saying goodbye to me and you know it Kingsley man, but I'll take it, I need my beauty sleep, got another party tonight." Clearly yarning to say, no doubt stretching and relaxing under those silk covers and pillows of his, well there's, his wife, Phe, Phe, short for Penelope, such a tit for tat couple. "You bro know it's that season, yeah, tis the season alright, why Key and I are standing a shopping mall ourselves, see you later then? Yeah, that's better, see you later, hey I love you, I love you too Bran man, so much, later."}}} 
Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4; see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, see the entire, Silverton Nicholas, Coogan, Chow, Liverpool, as Moses day, trail, trial' Exodus here, and here

PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here, or simply text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb

Pieces of Lord Urusalem, City Of   Peace, Confessions of The Rapture, www.invasionof

 -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast 1986/2016/2028/3038 Beast Of Featuring King Bridegroom, Callen Adonis Jasmine and Queen Bride Adonai Harper Amelia 

Unto Callen Adonis Jasmine and Adonai Harper  Amelia was born, a daughter Gianna Penelope Jasmine, a goddaughter, Aaomi Delilah Jasmine, a godson Kingsley Josephine Jasmine, and a godson Quinn Aaliyah Jasmine, Amelia

Act One, Mother Dear, The Light That Shines, By Day! Article, I

"Mine disappeared from the bathroom," looking for his heads laying on the table, your mom, disappeared from the bathroom? No, sitting up, looking around, better, the lengthy study hall. "My sister, my two brothers from their beds, literally every time I close my eyes, Liliana, I hear her screaming, babe?" Wife Adonai Harper, rubbing his shoulder, comforting him, I'm okay, then you could hear panic the neighbors, screaming, crying, panic, looking for one or the other. Then the ground begin to erupt, the sky and planets are crashing and booming. I'm sitting here quietly listening to these testimonies, not wondering how I survive, but anybody? No way, like Noah's world stretching flood, should there be any land life left on this planet and everyone here know, it. Ah, I know, by now, billions are dead, billions dying, a predicted 3 to 4 billion, if you can imagine. Praise to be God, alone, only  holy Jesus descending millennium keep us from human extinction, Then, then, even after his thousand year reign, millions gonna realize they don't won't freedom after all if, it's gonna be righteous Jesus to, Holy God's kingdom. The Holy God's Kingdom, I remind they been begging, pleading for millennia, all your  911 loved ones, called whosoever they could, begging for that prayer, before Jesus taught us to pray, thy kingdom, come, thy will be done! I'm  to foundation, get some air, where, Callen man ais mom, your parents, lost in all that black, burning, smothering, mess, she's one of the pictures of the millions in the missing, dad too, he neve return form work as a security guard, why you asked? Brook man, just wondering, I'm coming with you, yours, your parents to family, Bailor man? Basically the same, only they disappeared in front of me, I mocked I wanted none of it, it was all crazy talk, like all the bible to gospel, so like you said I don't know, how am I here, exile luxury?" Why Doeth Guardian Angels Trump' Of Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM speak in such Psalm, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon REVELATIONS And Prophetic Parables? Is It During Great White Throne Judgment that PS 66:18/2 Chron 7:14/15 Rev 17:18, AODHF maybe, well see more here, Psalm 51/Dan 9 begin vss 4 
Listen here, Anthony Evans (Live) - It Is Well | Inspirational Gospel Music! via @YouTube; the phenomenon of being reintroduced to “ It Is Well With My Soul, reminder Holy Saints To Tribulation Saints, for decades in my prophetic parables Rev 17:14 Lamb Of God Jesus Husband overcoming 666 Damning Beast Marks, Divine Crowns Of Righteousness! Also listen here, It is Well With My Soul via @YouTube

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroom Sebastiano Centeuri Fraize and Queen Bride, Selene Tristiana Laetitia

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

 Kordavis Cordell Keele and Aryanna, Chandni Chowk was born a goddaughter Hailey Amiah Keele, a godson Jaylin Makhi Keele and a godson Darius Kesane Keele, Chowk

Unto Macarius Kieran Holmes and Chelsea Sannai Hippa was born a son Damien Mahew Holmes, a son Duomo Mikel Holmes and a godson Diamond Michael Holmes, Hippa

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{"There you are, what the, one minute I'm talking to you, you in the kitchen, you go quiet, I'm like damn, did she go through the window? No, well sort of, you sitting? You crying? Are you sitting? Cause I'm calling you from my grandma phone, I didn't know your grandma was here, didn't know she would again come to Memphis. Grandma is not in Memphis, she's in Georgia! AH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, argggghhhh, I'm not gonna be able to, KIONNA, DID YOU HEAR ME, I'M ON GRANDMA PHONE, IN GEORGIA! No, no, no, stop freaking me out, ah my god it sound like cars are crashing back to back, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I'm not kidding, she call it, wait, wait, wait, you're telling me you're hundreds of miles away from the kitchen just like that? No, no, no, stop playing, oh god, oh god, oh god, stop playing! I'm not, she call it a translation, written in the bible all, and you didn't tell, me? I didn't think you'd believe me, that's not for you to decide, ah my god Tesia, ah my god, I know your Grandma knew things, saw things, I watched her pray for Cordero from being an ICU organ donor back home, healed and everything, so stop it with you couldn't tell me, shit! Look, just calm, and Don't Freaking Tell Me To Calm Down!" Easing over to her window, peeking out carefully, seeing her neighbors in panic, some cars crashed, burning, smoking. "Breath Kionna, this is a dream, a nightmare, ah my god," staggering over from the ear pain, swinging the door opened more than she intended, stopping son Macarius for now. That's a plane, YOU HEAR ME, THAT'S A FREAKING PLANE CRASHING! And Why The Hell Are Your Crying? My grandma too is missing, just go to the kitchen, my phone should be on the counter where I was just now, ah my god Tesia, seeing it was all true, her apple cell phone, and all else just left, like paused in time. "Nooo, you see it don't you? Noooo, no way you're telling me Tesia, you're, you're, what about us huh, what about me and Macarius? Wait, somebody's there with you, I can hear them, yeah we all start appearing at the same time, and you should've seem the looks on all our faces, Cortez here, its Kionna, hello, girl its all true, we were all, all of suddenly brought here, and its louder and louder, I'm on my phone, here's Tesia back. Okay, okay, if our street Tesia look like this, then, I know Kionna, the multimillion in cars, traffic jams. What's that, something else she told you and you didn't tell me? Listen to me, no, this is crazy! Listen, listen, grandma told me the last she dreamed before she left Memphis, in June 2017, and the first time they showed her the backseat, surveyor, translator, was my cousin Miya. Whatt'da hell is a, ...grand said Kionna, she was making a left turn on Ramill instead of a right turn, which would've taken her home. I do know a little Miya in the back seat of the car means there's something directional to transitional here. Ah my god Tesia, it so freaking loud, I know, I hear it too, this can't be happening, because Kionna okay, because Ramill is gonna bring you out, near, along the Nike Plant, and if you follow that, yes, yes!" Uselessly wiping both cheeks into realizing where this was all leading, fitting son Macarius ear plus in the better, knowing he too was terrified. "There's an intercession, to the expressway, yes, yes, I think that's exactly where both the little Miya girl, translator and ARCHANGEL are leading. Okay, okay, I'm listening, I also heard her tell some, if this happen, if you find yourself trapped on the highway with millions of others, call on Archangel Michael. Explaining Kionna how he and his will be taking THEIRS out, call on him. plead your procrastination, that you're sorry Kionna you didn't get out when you was supposed to, grandma say Deliverer Archangel won't hear nothing else. She also said there are Eze 9 type commanded reapers, coming after procrastinators, even chasing you, one strike your telling heart. Wait, chasing, me? There are also Anubis demons, yes Kionna I said demons, looking to drag you down into their demonic underworld, oh my, oh my god, this is not happening, YOU KNOW KIONNA THIS IS HAPPENING, YOU HEAR IT, SEE IT!!!!! Now get Macarius, pack lite, lite I mean it! Now it doesn't matter what you see out that door, calm breath by calm breath, you get to that car, get in, maneuver around whatever, and Kionna take the direction i told you. Okay, okay, but what's a Archangel Michael, what make you think Tesia, he'll hear me? I'll help you, but you have to get to your car, that's your faith to fate right now, get in, get going! Come on, well you get ready to get out, I'll pray with you, okay here goes. Please Archangel Michael hear us, please help us, please forgive our procrastination, this is Apostle grandma, grand Tesia. I know you know me, grandma once told me, because of their righteousness I, like all their grands was one of your assignments, those you're getting to safehaven territories. Please have mercy and not sacrifice, show Kionna this same grace, and get my dear sister, out please help us. Now you Kionna just have to believe from here, and keep chanting that request, and with all your heart, all you heart Kionna, I mean it! Hello, hello, oh my god Kionna, please God, let this be a good sign, please deliverer angels have mercy and not sacrifice, ah, ah I see, the phone is dead, all our phones are dead, please deliverer Angels, please God, Jesus have mercy!" Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious prophet Ezekiel day, yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. HBOW/Apb The RAM

Pieces of Lord Urusalem, City Of   Peace, Confessions of The Rapture, www.invasionof

 -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Bailor Valentina Kartsman and Queen Bride Victoria Liliana Moids 

Unto Bailor Valentina Kartsman and Victoria Liliana Moids was born a godson, Declan Maurice Adam’s Kartsmant, A godson Eion Nathew Kartsman a godson Cormac Dashiell Kartsman and a goddaughter Calliope Iberian Kartsman, Moids

Act One, Mother Dear, The Light That Shines, By Day! Article, 2

“No, remember Jesus explaining to all those people, extraordinarily, unimaginably gifted he didn’t know them, their sins remain; the gifts are without repentance, you judge righteousness by them. The  people they took off the plant were holy just like Jesus, that’s how my parents were, not churchians ,  Christians. I read behind her, when she used the movie, Sunday Morning Rapture, saying not so much the movie but the trailer, she loved the trailer. How people spend too much time leading people to church, lead people to Jesus Christ Callen, how you know they’re going to last until church? See here, Sunday Morning Rapture Extended via @YouTube

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty featuring King, Bridegroom Silverton Nicholas, Chow, Liverpool and  Queen Bride, Torrance Allergra Lattern

…YOU’VE JUST ENTERED THE AFRICAN JUTTAH 1986-2016-2026-3036 Herenton 

Egan Lowd IV, Evacuate Us !

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy, 

Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Coogan, Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern

               Scene Mark Noah to Moses Cousin, XVII and VII

"I'm coming, who is, I hear you, please stop knocking, what is this? I know you say you don't want to be bothered, questioned even, but I also Silver see you come into the cafeteria, take a dish of food that you hardly eat, I presume so that you're in the presence of others. What do you want me to say Torn, that I haven't, Torn? Torrance, I mean, ah, that, ...what is it about my name that seem to disgust you so? It was her name, my ah, girl, my girl, her name also was Torrance, I called her Torn for play, please tell me what happen, please Silver, I want to know. I would beg to differ, ah, my friend Brat and I as mad-men leaped from the house, from the porch, ear piercing sirens, attacking the heart, the thoughts and all, Although we'd been warn not to but, I, I was going after Torn and he, Brat, he was going after his girl, Demetria, then our parents and siblings. Driving like a bat out of hell, we like took a sharp turn around this curve and heart terrifyingly we couldn't see nothing but headlights, so bright, so blinding. I was hollering at him, he at me, at them, only Tory what happen next, you'll never believe it." As a sorrowful one opening the door, that she may enter in altogether, heck he didn't know, maybe she could explain it, even had the answer. "When I Tory woke I don't know how much time had lapsed, I was stranded the side of the road with no driver (Jan 1989/Jan 2021, this car was red); and if that isn't odd there was a little Miya girl in the back of the car. She didn't even have to tell me her name, I just knew it, in fact she never spoke, almost like she was a mystery herself . It was then glancing past her I realize in bound traffic was decimated, as in it was no more, only outbound traffic abound, the very opposite the car was turn. So, as I sat trying to get my head together, she with me, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, because I asked, perhaps? So I sat there, trying to figure things when soon I moved to the driver side of this odd car, you see the car wasn't even the car Brat was driving. How is that, how did I Tory in the blink of an eye end up thousands of miles away, a strange time, ah era, country even and car? This late model, way late, the forties, fifties, I was in Wyoming, right in the middle of this sudden extinction of millions and now; so soon we arrived at a gate and that is when we learn the crossing over toll demanding two quarters, not Torrance fifty cents mine you, but exactly two quarters. It was when it was time to pay the toll, leaving us to search for and finally discovering two US quarters for this crossing, even like little Miya's work was done somehow, like Jesus Silver saying, it is finished. I only learned a few days ago Tory we're in El Salvador, which is strange. Strange? I know, the last word I should be using, but didn't Sia Maaseiah warn none of the America's was safe? Yes, which is why we're being evacuated, I'm sorry, what, what did you, huh? Yes, the Juttah transits are already arriving, an Aqua Juttah is returning for us, whoa, what, an Aqua Juttah, we're going aboard an Aqua Juttah? Your friend Brat, you think he ascended? I don't know what happen to him, I shudder to think, I don't know what happen to any of them, it is as though I'm an orphan, ah suddenly. Well, you've come to the right place, there are a lot of them, parents without children, children without parents, so I guess they're to be counted with so many dead or missing. You don't seem to have much to pack, I told you what happen, you don't believe me, that it's a dream? Come here, look, there's the car right there, the blue, four door ford, like 1948 more or less, here are the keys, my Christ, you weren't dreaming, no Tore, I wasn't. Look, if you can, when you can, just do a search on Silverton Nicholas Liverpool, it'll tell you until only a few days ago, I lived in Wyoming with my parents and a sister, Halle, all my life. What the hell is that? Don't panic, there'll be three sirens until boarding is complete, ah god, how terrifying, I thought it was happening all over again. I better go where I'm needed, I hope we get to sit together or close, yeah, me too, ah, what I just told you, I know Silver, it's not my miracle to tell, it's yours. Have you Tore been on an Aqua Juttah, or in the paradise of Africa? No, I haven't, either, but soon huh? Yeah, ah, I thought you should be genesis married to enter the Juttah, it's best for the Sia Juttah, but the surrounding islands where we're going, aren't as strict, no reapers there. Ah, I see, hey we only have an hour or more so, right, right, see you later, not Silverton Nicholas if I see you first, later, yeah, later, just remember, you're not alone, we're all in this living stream to boiling pot to heaven together, ...right, together." Why Speak In Parables? Beware, Apb, The RAM, See in entire, Silverton Nicholas, America's Hemingway Exodus Here,

Pieces of Lord Urusalem, City Of   Peace, Confessions of The Rapture, www.invasionof

 -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast 1986/2016/2028/3038 Beast Of Featuring King Bridegroom Maxxius Quentrell Lyord and Queen Bride Nicholas (Nikie) Amirah  Maisiel 

Unto Maxxius Quentrell Lyord and Nicholas (Nikie) Amirah  Maisiel was born a son Raker Aaelyn Lyord a daughter Hunter Jordan Elena, Lyord a daughter, Tecuani Sharice Lyord Maisiel 

Act One, Mother Dear, The Light That Shines, By Day! Article, 2

“Actually my name is Nicholas, your parents, Nicki for short, of, you Nicholas, what they or, Nicole, wanted a boy. No, they always agreed boy or girl their first would be Nicholas. So where are they now, or you, they’re here, don’t wanna, the African, whoa your parents are in, I see them every, the parental Jutth? Weekend. Next you go, like can we go, we’ve never been, ah it’s stunning, like the most beautiful  on this side of the island, Still some say can’t compare to Grsnd Sia Paradise, right, it’s Skyfall, what is that really? Because we, like, it’s what it say, never been, it’s a waterfall, I keep hearing, pouring down from heaven, I like to think it’s all tears ever cried, and I’m like what’s that? Adam or before him even, he’s living streams of living tears. So where, were you? It was Monday night sports, we switch locations, so he’s at my house, he and dad hollering from the other room, are on opposing team, suddenly there’s a news break some bout a 10.2 earthquake He and I are like, what the hell, did they just say a 10.2 earthquakes.  Only here’s where I’m realizing, beside my shocked parents I’m no longer hearing Bryson voice and he’s gone, as fast as we’re taking he’s gone! No way he walked away, he disappeared I start screaming for my parents, they come running, zim like Bryce just disappeared, ah my god Nicki, they’re  like what you mean he just disappeared, this when we heard someone spinning into the yard, ah my god, Nicki, and it all hell fire all around it’s kinda , it’s like  everything on the planet was just falling over, the speeding into yard, down, even up, its hard to explain, oh Bryson parents, it like they knew,  his younger sister was gone too! My parents like everybody else were running around, grabbing stuff, car wouldn’t start right, oh my  lord, hollering at me that I grabbed some stuff and we just went running, soon lots of people just falling dead he had to be a believer, people trampling right over them, we hitched a ride this old, cause they weren’t taking any others, old truck and I’m, we’re here. Your  Bryson must’ve been saved., yeah he was born again, I attend church with him now and then, but never took, yeah like us, serious, never took it serious! Oh oh oh, any, cause they got a children center there, a virtual  mini Disney world, no, not yet and you, and Maxximus, he’s yeah, but no, but soon, ah so tomorrow 1:00 pm sharp, ooou, I gotta run, see you guys, don’t disappoint, ah we won’t, thanks!” Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious prophet Ezekiel day, yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. HBOW/Apb The RAM

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Prophecy Links fulfilling Nuclear Aug 27 Apocalyptic Firestorms, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR/TIFF/Cosmic, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9; the ...