Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Youtube, Why Files, Compilation: The Moon is Weird - No, really. The Moon does not make sense.

Prophecy Links fulfilling Nuclear Aug 20, Apocalyptic Firestorms, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR/TIFF/Cosmic, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9, mocked, Satanic, Demonic, Alien Apocalypse, until here, three videos could be evidence , the spiritual warfare of leaving this planet and billions who refuse to repent, behind; marvel not when Eze 9, commanded heart stabbers, where done chasing down, stabbing, descending, ascending, US procrastinators, they blamed not illegal drug lords, but legalized drugs, also for near human extinction! HBOW/Apb 

Marvel not since Aug 2005, leading into the Feb 22 2016 signed Brexit, and the skyrocketing chariot warning some bout Cameron July 6, 2015. I looked, witnessed Britian, America go separate forks in the road, heard Britain, America separate them into itty , bitty pieces, wipe Canada off the map! 

Rumor has it VP Harris has a sobriety problem, just think you have to be an Alcoholic to suffer Dan 4 madness Contagion to know what they know and go on with the Continuity of anything America to West Rule. Tge truth is, blame it on seeing too many of @shayehsuliaman charcoaled Gaza’s children. I mocked which of these western leaders, would they give, would they forfeit US elections to The Presidency. 

You know what astronomical events has marred the US elections, including assassins bullets wizzing around Trumps deaf ear and black heart; know, Biden true reason why Palestine 40, 000 dead and hundreds of thousands injured the entire burning Biden/Harris WH should’ve been dissolved to disavowed so says elections 2024; been thinking, intravenous SSO Blinken is in what WH rule. place margin, wait, who’s speaker of the US House Of Representatives? 

YouTube ChaosMoogle Wild UFOs... In The BACKYARD?! https://youtu.be/EmqCvdGi_Ts?si=ZvVTo73wX08PS01D via @YouTube; 73 STRANGE Lights in the Sky! South Florida - July 16, 2024 https://youtu.be/d8tUHFoPW_w?si=Gsq6OTF-oB3DCDmd via @YouTube; I wanted say this too was happening around Pres Trump, US pending 47, attempted assassination but is it invasion or desertion? 

Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above, Thus Warn, Date Went Viral, Sept BETA 23, (2015), Skyrocketing Off Doomsday Planet Craft Chariot! 

Gen 6:4, There were giants in the earth in those days; Aug 24/25 2023 Rev 9, loose the four bound Angels/ THE KEYS TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT! AODHF! 


I had two wowing events 2023, and one 2024 Trump’s attempted assassination where I woke speaking a non-human language, heard, witnessed, a box language.  Now if the craft flying around the cuckoo’s nest, Dan 4 madness contagion, Biden, Harris flaming White House haven’t flown the coop, yet! Days prior in my kitchen of reveals, yet to explain it the sound of The “Signs,” movie, baby monitor of alerting Alien activity. 

The triangular one Chaosmoogle caught at the video 8.28 point, stepping out on the phone, I witnessed three, darts I call them, fly over my house, July/Aug 2022. Then while panicking on the phone with my grand, I tried to put it off on a passenger Jet, only one flew past them into view while they few out of view! 

True, the sighting of UFO’S to UAP’S and the government being more open, kinda. Honestly, kinda all went viral after I was told 2022, fallen angels Rev 12, is why angels exist! Didn’t mean much, just killed the for the ancient theory, humans come from them. Then increased mine,  fallen angels exiled here for millennia perpetrated everything about Aliens to Mystery, Alien tech!

Oh, until circling the bride's chariot all around my house, standing over sleeping beds anxious to snatch us out intravenous Ps 35/91/GEN 15/Rev 12. Surrealistically, before THEY explained fallen angels procreated giants, and now hybrid aliens. I didn’t believe in aliens, but I didn’t have to, I believed in for millennia biblically verified fallen angels/Rev 9 bottomless pit.  HBOW/Apb

Article, Medical Health, New Universal Vaccine Capable Of Protecting Against Any Virus https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/new-universal-vaccine-capable-of-protecting-against-any-virus/vi-AA1nj5I9?ocid=socialshare&pc=HCTS&cvid=388482d082d54f2fa02d1d6666f8498d&ei=27#details; -pray it cures the pandemic of sin mocking a Rev 9 multimillion man, grocery store, store mangers keys, barter balan, tollbooth; unleashing of 200 million demons, target a refusal to repent during US lab bio-Covid! marvel not the word College, dwindled into it letter C, after I witness this time last year, mass dead, littering a college campus, covered with pale horse colored, tarps, a horse of hades rides with him, instead of black, tarps. God is not mocked, don't you be either, WATCH, RUN, LIVE! Dec 3. 4. 5, 2021, Rev 3,   

Youtube, Why Files, Compilation: The Moon is Weird - No, really. The Moon does not make sense. https://youtu.be/OAzikSDmslU?si=ySPaH3TWJqiz7T7U via @YouTube, Take heed, I'm only sharing this because its host, is very impressive, with what he does, I dispute, plus ancient of days, intravenous angels just nip it into the red earth of Adams creation, Aliens, described, exist by fallen Angels, did not make the Genesis, man, woman of procreation, to predestination; lighgt hath come, but men love darkness better than light, to the greed, of billions in earn in mystery to conspiracy theories,

Article The Moon is slowly drifting away from Earth and it's beginning to impact us; https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/moon-drifting-away-earth-impact-2668813219

Why are planes falling from the sky? 3 incidents on the SAME day! https://youtu.be/iAdlzmcv8jc?si=jvcWIxIYL_2sCWov via @YouTube; as warn four years now, something tampering with air travel to cockpit autopilots, Jan, Feb, March 2019, the witness myself of Rev 12, John star-wars battle, up there!' HBOW/Apb

See Rev 11, also, And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

Enoch "walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him" (Gen 5:21–24), 

Kings 2:1-18 As they climb away from the riverbank, Elijah is taken up to heaven by a whirlwind in a chariot of fire.

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. And These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

Things I will share mrmbb333, this all happened within intravenous angels 2021 September October, November December Daniel 9;27  a week of years seven year timetable October 17, 2021 God marking Revelation 11 and showing himself Star Wars with revelation 12 op to Michael. Revisit the resurrection  Ascension of the two witnesses, Enoch and Elijah  of the tribulation saints of the sound May 15. 2004 Trump Gabriel mentioned seven Angel trumpet that herald  Lord Jerusalem, Lord Urusalem and the multibillion man royal priesthood! 

Know also, March 2024, waking from hearing, "He will kill you, sabbath day, on Main Street! Proves to more evident as this warning favored, Rev 11, the martyrdom of these two witnesses. Frightnight as we're nearing 3 years, Oct 17, 2021, 7 years, until Daniel week of years, 9;27/Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5, be fulfilled by it Oct 17, 2028, post-apocalyptic America since its catastrophic 42 month interval  April, Spring Rapture,  2025 and Jesus second return, Oct 17, 2028!

I don’t know if I ever shared it, but Chernobyl April Spring rapture, 1986, around the second time this phenomenal winged creature in heaven, arms stretch toward me, telling me to come. I did question whether, as described the two witnesses, I was about to die and he had come to get me because all he was saying was come! Then after Four days, Rev 11, martyred witnesses Enoch and Elijah 

hear a voice from Heaven come up here! They rise and skyrocket into heaven!

COME UP HERE! I Did, Plenty, Times We're Up There, Two Part The Way, Looking Down Here, With God! As Gods!

So I wake just now, my window is all illuminated into my room, as daylight come. I look at the time, it’s only two in the morning. I’m like okay, here's one of early daylights mrmbb333 been talking about. I go to the window, thinking I can get a picture, look out, up, only it's the full moon, sitting, shinning right into my window, around my room, so disappointed, not an early daylight. 

I busy about, go out, I come back, sit down, turn the tv on.  but first, Sunday past, a college grand return for fall classes, took my TV set with him. The TV I have now, long in-action cuts off, leaving my room completely black.  So I cut it on, it takes me a while, when I begin to realize, the light in my dark room just now, This was again the moonlight itself, acting as a night light. So I look at the window, its three o-clock in the morning black again.  I know I should've got up, looked to see where did moon go?

You probably don’t remember, but this happened to me Stone mountain, 2018, my night lamp just quit working, I went to sleep by my lite laptop.  I woke hours later, the moon had positioned itself a nightlight straight through to to my pillow, my head. Frightnight to Amazing grace, just a few days ago I realized the two times I witnessed odd lying over craft, and seeing add flying craft around the moon even your son, isn't coincidental.  

Know, mrmbb333, seeing these craft, this was when I was trying to get a better look at the moon, Dekalb Georgia, walking the driveway a clearing from the trees. So I can see the moon, soon this kid's futurist drawing, of an animated craft with characters in it, flying over my head, just above the neighbor's house, like it was all normal, wgat the shenanigans is Elon Musk and hi flying contractions, up too? 

There's Memphis 2023, when we left there was this incredible, crystal, fingernail moon, when we got back, I was looking up. Trying to see it again when I saw a trailing triangle craft, like fly, opposite, I jumped out of the car, trying to see it again either this fast or this cloaked, gone! So both those time, mrmbb333, I was trying to see the moon, could tell you intimidating oddity of what happen, trying to see that April 8, 2o24, Eclipse, finale, even if that Sept BETA, 23.2025, triangle craft scorched the skies warning alien dangers, with me it!

MAJOR MILITARY BUILDUP ON BORDER | HAS THE LINE BEEN CROSSED? https://www.youtube.com/live/YPGxLoYl2Ro?si=R9KNNiq46b6eapKq via @YouTubes; see, 🚨 *State of Emergency* in CONN - This went 'South' REAL quick! https://youtu.be/F3a8VfIeosI?si=E2mxosiClXS_Mxgq via @YouTube; Riddle me this, in prophetic hindsight running from Noah's flooding magma apocalypse US/Canada Pacific are supposed to be met with Noah’s flooding Atlantic Ocean; especially Georgia, as from hell to highwater!

Hearing Mighty Angel US W. Pacific incinerated, be just as aware, “The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard!” What if Marf/Adam April 3, 2019/ here recently, Putin does what he threat? Crossing the red line, Ukraine using US funded weapons in Russia. Putin sees as US attacks in Russia and he’ll attack US soil in return. 


Either coordinated attacks by Russia/CHINA or Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE. Know some ginormity by Oct 17, 2017/2021/2025, blew US soil till kingdom come; its hell or highwater, have you Adam crossed the red line? The one drawn through the middle of the country to continent  from burning Canada into the flooding US gulf to the Caribbean coast, HBOW/Apb

Stand Blinking Of An Eye Tribe, Stand Star Warring AODHF, Eye’s Blink! 

Only He who will let, will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked, be revealed. 

Plus Trump’s Error N, Korea Rocket Man, Kim, Hawaii missile morning shtn Rev 2 Jesus with every holy angel in his marshal all around Holy Church Bride designed it all Riches to rags sickbeds, sleepovers forfeiting their children to a mass dieoff ascension, although trump’s assassination later, worlds President Biden’s resignation and gazillion VP Harris world wide Sodom, later, clearly this pundit to rhetorical was the question which to forfeit US elections, even The Presidency to save Gaza's children? 

Just think Pastor JD Farag what if the signing of the Dan 9:27/Rev 11:2, 2  Abraham Accord Sept 15, 2020 was the prequel. Nation Arabia/Israel that, those mostly to matter to this earth’s inherit, modifying peace agreement. Remarkably revisited a year that ebbing and’ flowing, Rev 12, Sept 23 2017, planetary phenomenon Sept BETA 22/23 2021, unbelievable. Unbelievable just as so, unbelievable as fulfilling the last week of Daniel 9:27!

I’m hearing, seeing, even having my shoulders shaken, SEVEN DRAGON BEAST, Antichrist years/ TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS! I explained the Dragon I saw wore for a breastplate the Democratic of Obama thru Biden/Harris WH. F for FORNICATION, Pride Flag. Don’t even, well marvel not I asked lately the knotted rope I used to fish “ORPHAN CHILDREN” out of Anubis demon underground’s, from whence it come? 

Remember, these evils been having their way with parents and their children by way of entertainment devices since my eighties, intravenous Holies, of a prayer closet; remember, one of the three beast Daniel 7/Rev 13 The Lion, The Leopard was also Eze 38/39/Rev 9, a demon dog Anubis undertaker, democratic mutilating, mummifer! 

I admit it was later, but I was curious about the back turn rite aid pharmacy counter turning, she’ll wait on me, when over her shoulder there’s a counter with raging customers out the door and around the building. Marvel not the run on matrix blue pills; marvel not the warning we’ll a  pandemic of overdoses; 

Marvel not to heart gripping dripping,  when Eze 9 heart stabbers were chasing down US procrastinators.  done THEY revealed authentic drug dealers as pharmaceuticals! I know it’s for real, surreal, near 3 years, the date Oct 17, 2024 into Rev 11:1, 2, the first 42  months interval! You know our own Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10,  Mighty Angel, how’ accurate these prophecies. Like when I used its Rev 11:1, 2, during Bush error Saddam Hussein what became the Barack Hussein White House. They revealed further its Rev 13, predicted it’d have two consecutive terms;  predicted hundreds of millions to a billion westerners would go into exodus; then showed Jesus Millennium descend, Zech 14/Rev 20! 

It’s even now Democratic of Kamala Harris tug of war with the Almighty God, “THE ONE, throughout Noah’s WORLD FLOOD previously having finished in perfect secession Revelations of Chapter 17, “EMPIRES,” Egypt, Babylon Medo Persia, Greece, “THE ROMAN EMPIRE/The British Empire. Frightnight for millennia, Great Whore Mystery Babylon going on disguises Western civilization it’s 7th world reign! 

Howbeit, through strong delusions Dan 4 madness curse. Beware even it’s Abraham Accord to producing also  Daniel’s 10/Rev 13, even Kobe crash morning to Pres Raisis crash, beginning to unveil the ten headed, 7 crown beast who’s little horn takes the world rule the planet with a 666 economy of mass human extinction 

Marvel not as recent as what happened to Aug 24/25 2023, especially since Aug 5, 2021 it’s a Rev 11, Star Warring Rev 12, AODHF! THEY mocked deemed the scariest scripture in these historic writings Rev 9. Further mocked no news is news but Israel a shopping mall at the edge of a cliffhanger of them regularly falling to their need; come SOS Blinken rescue from genocider Pres Netanyahu!

Here’s Westerners gone from a multimillion man single water cooler, where’s my water πŸ’¦? To, to a multimillion man grocery store, store manger’s keys to the bottomless. I knew only as I hand them to this spinning happily into the ceiling showman clerk, crossed the toll booth locking behind me, locking in, including a since a young adult, TN/MS friend. Just as church choirs, highchair feeders, trapped these tens of millions, into the Elm Street/The Obama’s Memphis Dunlap Street, of nightmares, 666 barter balen, toll booth of bargaining The Immortal soul! 

So Hawaii missile morning, entreated as world ending as the Chernobyl meltdown. THEY all come for those translating, crossing over, firerocketing to skyrocketing. Frightnight there’s the speed of at any moment of each day, its hour to nano-second. The line drawn, Full Spectrum Survivor to Canadian Prepper to Dan 2, Reigning Holy Bride, down the middle, from Canada to Gulf coast, if you’re not it’s Georgia’s 

State line to Atlantic coast!

 So the only explanation that we are still here doing this one of those as far back as the Prophet Isaiah saying they have eyes, but they see not, ears but they hear hear not, their hearts waxed gross they’re as their stone gods. One for example, its Jan 6, 2021, stone Anubis demon, come to life, take, stretch his bow and shoot a single arrow stating their arrival and go back to its  former deceptive self,

Sulaiman Ahmed 


This is not a scene from a movie.

This is Deir al-Balah, August 20.

https://x.com/shaykhsulaiman/status/1825924153318244402?s=46; Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till he come, gives a better understanding of Britain/America going into itty, bitty pieces! The American Continent Under Oceans Of Flooding Magma That handwriting 99 bowls of molten lava; that handwriting clumsily shaky. shaky shelter escape Yellowstone; beware THE BEAST stomping, chomping N. American flaming drivers, cars, bikes to wagons!‬ WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 



BREAKING: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Ukraine bans Christianity 

Zelensky's regime has just adopted the law banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

https://x.com/megatron_ron/status/1825837870319391083?s=46; lest you forget Turkey mocked US leads they had an Antichrist Netanyahu on the loose  during our celebrativr Christmas holidays


‪Don’t fret as far back as error Islam, Israel Bush/Clinton they warned get from churches to CHRIST; asteroid destroy the dying of schools. A huge beast didn’t just stomped through pews but pulpits. Pedopher teen male were blamed on church, Rev Jesus first priority their apostasy!‬

I don’t understand which part a weeping AODHF caused the silence in heaven and thirty minutes later a sunlight from behind a Mt Sinai type commanded as the days of Moses enslaving pharaohs let us Juneteenth inherit go into Archangel Michael’s Safehaven exodus, Africa’s SW Atlantic 

Ps 35/91/Rev 12, skyrocketing us, Chernobyl nuclear meltdown: THEY  come into my kitchen explaining to me Fukushima nuclear meltdown ; first why for decades we been arriving up there only two thirds the way; marvel not mysteries the moon!  But how soon from up there we’d look, pray for you tribulation saints. 

YouTube, John Barnett, Q&A-111 WHAT HAPPENS TO CHRISTIANS WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN THE RAPTURE? https://youtu.be/dz1WUOYNZOQ?si=bn48U5Z8xzAvAT48 via @YouTube

See, Rev 7 John Innumerable Tribulation Saints, As The Blinking Of an Eye Tribe! https://piecesoflordurusalem.blogspot.com/2024/07/i-met-blinking-of-eye-tribe-tribulation.html

Delivering US to The Lord Himself Arguing With Scripture, Receiving Us Was Actually FATHER GOD HIMSELF! 



A sudden, world wide catastrophe and the speed, even treating of Hawaii missile morning as the end of our world, THEY ALL COME TO TAKE US OUT! Just as Archangel Michael is simultaneously crossing over tribulation Saints, into we know Jordan’s Petra/Africa’s SW Atlantic. Trump Gabriel, Them, the dead in Christ first will take every born again saint off doomsday planet, whether they believe in the rapture or not; just as those Rev 7, 144,000 specialty saints don’t have a say neither will skyrocketing us!

You can say well, President Trump’s Abraham Accord was being signed into law; Sept BETA 23, 2020, when I come into the demo rev  12 newborn, as the holy church bride was being snatched off the planet. Then I hear God say, “yes, take him his, but this one, at the time portraying me, even Rev 12 birth mother an African American tribulation Bride, apostate all! Once estranged Holy Father, say “she is mine,” I float back into a grown up cradle. Soon overwhelmed by an adoration unfounded. Too, what I can only describe it’s calculating billions decaying dead this rising, rushing, blustering highly perfume all around, Rev 17:14, windman, Jesus Husband!  HBOW?

Zech 14, Just as Jesus arrives as a Gama Ray bursting; reigning Bride as peppers prepped, and The Antichrist wiped them off the planet! Described by intravenous 2011, reigning Holy Church Bride, possessed, prepped and launched Dan 2 stone from heaven. Seeing further it had a meteor surface, when she launched, I begin to hear in my ear, Antichrist murderer!” Apb, The Ram! 

Article NASA Science Live

Climate Edition Extreme Weather, 


🚨 *State of Emergency* in CONN - This went 'South' REAL quick! https://youtu.be/F3a8VfIeosI?si=Sw7zWHbJBUwVlGPg via @YouTube

He just said it mrmbb333, a solar event caused a 7 plus quake and volcanic eruption, see here, YouTube Stefan Burns. Devastating GLOBAL Electromagnetic Chain Reactions are Becoming More Com... https://youtu.be/rA3o700sw2w?si=4lNuf_iQTzQC-yTT via @YouTube

OCT 01, 2004/Oct 03 2021, TWO BIG ONES DESTROY! AUG 5 2021 REV 11, Star Warring AODHF!



Know, since THEY revisited THE TIFF/CME/EMP upon its name sake July, Aug 2023. Frightnight as she traveled from Florida into a Caribbean Cruise. Those areas have been hardest hit by African/Atlantic hurricanes. 

I ask YouTube Marfoogle What Earth  Ending Movie, Exodus/ migration Reveal Solar Events Affect World Weather? Ask YouTube Bright Side Global what would Pangea In reverse look like and could Earthers survive it? 

AND THERE WAS NO MORE SEA REV APOSTLE JOHN! MONSTROUS events hitting the planet to the US since both that not for 500 years solar event.; followed by that April 8, 2024 Eclipse/Devil comet event. Until like intravenous Angels warning Texas I knew early on Beryl would come Into the US gulf by way of Texas! HBOW/Apb

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Prophecy Links fulfilling Nuclear Aug 27 Apocalyptic Firestorms, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR/TIFF/Cosmic, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9; the ...