Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Heavens Crystallizing, Breaking Apart, Missiling Down Unveiling Those Two Falsifying Crystallized GODZILLA BEAST

Prophecy Links fulfilling Nuclear Aug 22 Apocalyptic Firestorms, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR/TIFF/Cosmic, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9, mocked, Satanic, Demonic, Alien Apocalypse, until here, three videos could be evidence , the spiritual warfare of leaving this planet and billions who refuse to repent, behind; marvel not when Eze 9, commanded heart stabbers, where done chasing down, stabbing, descending, ascending, US procrastinators, they blamed not illegal drug lords, but legalized drugs, also for near human extinction! HBOW, arriving in time to possess, prep and launched dan 2 stone, from heaven, could be the same, hammering off of a reigning, Mt Sinai type, more apocalyptic events; And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. Apb, The RAM 

Actually twice during Obama/Biden WH I witnessed the millennium of Jesus reign that’s predicted to bring about a new earth, heaven to orbiting planetary bodies; Aug 2010, my as John descending Jerusalem was in the form of a descending White, Holy House, remember westerner’s fire-rocketed to crossed over, The entire continent like exactly Rev 11:1, 2 42 month interval, a predicted Hussein WH  during Saddam Hussein persecution to execution; Frightnight to rolling twilight skies The Americas left nothing but a coast to coast impact  craters, those oceans of flooding magma its plenty known for; The One Senator Obama’s WH, two weeks and 7 years run finale we, the multibillion man Royal Priesthood are descending with Lord Israel and Lord Urusalem this peaceful exchange of world rule between them, could prove the mightily torn between two ruins. tug of Gethsemane, this same prophesied hour manifested the flesh is him, he’s “THAT ONE!” King Zion Rule!

I know, I know, but next time you watch a Mr Weather man forecast all along central, Caribbean and South America, including North America in the background; including UK Britain that when Rev 18 AODHF begin to say for in one day, it’s Rev 17 prophesied hour, is she literally destroy; Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. I been warning, The aftermath of unprecedented SOLAR ATTACKS to pending Nuclear Attack! 

Well just say THEY for these recurring apocalyptic reason THEY just mocked building you race cars to racetracks with names and numbers and then warn, Noah’s Cousin, dating back for multimillions of years is actually molten lava flooding; and only a nanosecond within it prophesied hour skyrocketing the bride too is a catastrophe upon the planet! Marvel not standing over sleeping beds  anxious with intravenous, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus Dec 3  warn watch! Dec 4, warn RUN! Dec 5, four months Rev 11, AODHF showed HIMSELF too Star Warring, believe me you don’t wanna know the holy trinity, like HBOW, ruling Gods Back Turn Throne, even mocked Dome. Dec 5, Rev 3, Jesus warn, LIVE/(ASCEND)! 

YouTube Marfoogle, EVERYTHING'S IN PLACE! | DOES THE FIRE START NOW? via @YouTube; Like I explained to Elon Musk X member, The Saviour, @stairwayto3dom counting down the days into these areas imploding the more, are they ready for THE WORLD WAR?

SEE CHERNOBYL MISSILE CRISIS MALACHI 4 BEWARE THOSE OF FATHERS RUNNING WITH A SINGLE SON WAKING SPEAKING THEIR FOUR FOREIGN LANGUAGES INCLUDING REV 17, BAB.LA DUTCHSINSE, mocking DUH! Plus There’s  waking the night of Trump’s assassination speaking a none human language, are they too headed for Rev 9 key opening portals, equally as HOLY SAINTS leaving fiery doomsday planet behind? 

The longstanding prediction that put Hussein in the WH, restored Trump as 47th US President, also predicted a US Arab to Asian invasion. Surrealistically Trump and Archangel, Sunlight Of God commanded Juneteenth inherit as Moses Exodus!!! Divine Q and A, if as Isaiah to Jesus witnessed, Trump Gabriel’s Holy Saints run, will Archangel Michael’s List of Tribulation Saints run with them? Star Warring AODHF/JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM

YouTube mrmbb333, This will trigger a BIG earthquake - Are we prepared?! via @YouTube; believing John is seeing, describing the same, world ending, Rev 6, 6th seal; is what I’m seeing, the heavens crystallizing, breaking apart, missiling down unveiling those two falsifying crystallized GODZILLA BEAST, as mrmbb333, portrayed a prophetic parable here.

YouTube Fellowship Of The Martyrs, Things are BAD BAD. Weep with me.  8/8/2024 via @YouTube; grieving The Holy Spirit and Earth’s Inherit,

PRAISE INSTEAD, see The Reigning Bride, crying in heaven,; “Thy hands, if they are cleaned so, yet if you play them at panic, what shall it profit?" I been looking to remember this wisdom, decades now, one of the first, the earliest I remember Father Jacob’s Angels visiting, communing like a family gathering! 

Exodus Moses, equally timid ways got him and Juneteenth Ancestors, the most phenomenal miracle, Red Sea crossing, but there’s the 40 year wilderness curse/Jesus fulfilled 40 days, a year per day, wilderness trial. Presently while Trump Gabriel THEM are Translating to Skyrocketing some! Commanded a Moses, Juneteenth inherit exodus, Archangel Michael THEM are Fire-rocketing to crossing over some. 

Including as recent as my June 10, 2023, adult grands, again translated come running in like the last days of Ezekiel, you was right, about all of it! Floating over, including Senator Obama campaigning WH to Pelosi’s Taiwan famed letters USA, shown too escaping along the once US Georgia’s Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade route into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic, Archangel Michael THEM exile luxury coastal cities, towns! 

LOOSE THE FOUR WINDS OF APOCALYPSE! Including a building Hawaii into a world ending! There’s been three hammering off of apocalyptic events since; Go And Get The Twelve Heirs! INVITE THE BETA! 



YouTube Fellowship Of The Martyrs, Things are BAD BAD. Weep with me.  8/8/2024, via @YouTube;

See also Isa 16:1-5, Rev 12:1-6, And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days; our tears once causing the silence in heaven; then SUNLIGHT of commanded and as Moses exodus, pastor aren’t good for the welfare of this planet.

THEY’VE gone from the rapture goes live, while Jesus is assuring Lazarus’s Mary he’s resurrection; shown the building of our stay put pillars and most of all declared these days our happy days! But I too woke just now, Aug 21, unsettled yes like the scripture above. Assured my adult grands will be taken into Safehaven territory Commanded Juneteenth inherit, the repatriation of Africa’s daughters to Abraham’s sons.

Understand, see that’s what June 27/28 2022, Dan 9-10, Trump Gabriel was brandishing. Like 3 designed Safe-havens and so far Pastor, mine knowing these area's map, have avoided them like the plague! But my sorrows waking me, even 1,260 days of Safehaven and circling the two witnesses skyrocketing all around pastor still puts my beloved grands here during the Rev 13:5, April 2025, a date gone viral, thru (Ethiopia's Mayan Apocalypse), Oct 17, 2028, Antichrist reign. 

THEY shook my shoulders 2021 Sept, “Oct,”Nov, Dec, 3x’s great tribulations after THEY showed the Dan 9:27 final week of years, as Us Pres Trump/Islamic/Israeli, Abraham Accord in progress! Soon mocked Super Mario Brothers, Cart/ molten Dragon an end of the world scenario skyrocketing of West Rule Two systems.  Like what happened to Aug 5/7/31, 2015/2019; what happen to Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11 AODHF showed HIMSELF Star Warring alongside Rev 12 Archangel. Aug 24/25 2023, Rev 9, grocery store, store managers, keys, barter balan, tollbooth; frightnight to rolling twilight skies, to Amazing Grace, summoning ! Holy Bride, Of Wrath, exactly a year its fulfilling.

Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders As The Day Of Their Birth; Thus Saith Weeping, Causing The Silence In Heaven,  AODHF

Imagine, the highest ranking, decorated, natural, terrestrial, celestial, from head to toe, military officer, all the world a stage, man, animal, planet, being this epic dishonor, to fail. Soon one by embarrassing one, being stripped of all power, honor and worldwide worth until he's again birthday, naked. Understand when that stone, from heaven, King Nebuchazzar witnessed from, impacted, all kingdom nation, ever was, ever would be again.  Just as antichrist is with great world prowess shown possessed, prepped and launched by reigning Holy Church Bride! 

Just as so, shown hammered off a reigning Mt Sinai, type, by a Sunlight of God, who since AODHF showing HIMSELF gone Star warring with Archangel Michael's List THEM! Description all down through prophetic dispensations hath him, a ginormous solar event, Zech 14, plaguing solar event. Mat 4, Sunlight Of God, II Thess 2, Brightness of his coming, 2 Pet, 3, planetwide consumption; my Chernobyl April Spring, leaving enemies as ashes, who is this king of glory, this Lord King David, this Lord King Zion, this Lord KING of kings, Jesus THE CHRIST!  

Poetry Rising

Mission ButterFly                                                                                                    05/12/2016
My Dearest Regan Central

    -I came to find you and you say you’re not lost, I seek to be near you and you say you can’t be found, I long to know you and you say you’re unreachable, I’m  keeping you here,  yet the window is open,  I’m keeping you near me, yet the drapes are blowing and I just know it.  I say I love you and you say it’s heartless, I say I adore you and you say you doubt it, I say I’m coming for you and you say that’s impossible.  I say I must have you and you say dream about It, I say I’m nothing without you and you say I’m all things regardless, I say you’re countless and you say prove it.

   -I say I’m clueless without you and you say how flattering is that? I say you’re gone away from me, this butterfly to the yonder breeze and you say you are right here light breaths from me. I know that I lost you, this bitter to sweet rage in me, that misses you dearly, this is how I know you are mine and you say, all the time, one Heart Breathe, Beat away, thine own, Phearson, McPhearson, love always.  From Preece Phearson McPhearson to wife Juttah Bride, Preecest Regan Central, by Patricia A. Bradford,

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Goddess, Queen Amphitrite Afridi, daimus Kutz and Lord Bridegroom Renaissance Bastion, desus Achilles

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2028/3038

The Septennial Juttah, Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Negeb Ophel Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

The Nexus Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2028/3038 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Desrek Allum and Kiefer Bay was born their son Claymore Vincent and a daughter, Robin Zioness

Unto Soledad Maurice and Kessel Berlin was born their first daughter Reese Lora lay and a second daughter Cadence Noël and daughter still Christian Journey

Unto Collin Hain Johnaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johnaanson,  a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaanson, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray        

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, 

“I was raped and sodomized by three of my classmates,” as one wiping meticulously at near to tear eyes, even a leaking nose at finding himself in front of a group talk section Collin Hain could not believe he was unleashing the darkest day and secret of his short lifetime. “The main guy had been making advances to me, although I wasn’t gay, these advances yet stirred my weak flesh into trusting him who was openly gay. This, this right here is my girl André, I, actually we lost one another for a while after this happen, but we’ve since found each other, we’re even engaged,” that he’s to pause at the applaud of a group of about twenty others young people. “I mean what can you say about feelings? I was horrified, the pain was unbearable yes, but the reality of what had happen. I wanted to die, and if my two cousins, Desrek and Soledad, both of them believers, in the Christ Lord I mean, if they’d not been there for me, well God have mercy I would be giving this testimony from the pits of hell no doubt. There is no evidence of this, I made sure nothing of this would be known beyond that hotel room and that’s ok, I’m not looking to bring charges, but that you be reminded. That you realize always and forever nothing in this world other than Christ’s cross is what it seem, especially with the Supreme personally promising strong delusions upon unbelievers. One of these guys have since apologized, he said something about a darkness had a hold of him, he could see and hear. That he could even feel everything he was doing and believing was all wrong but he was powerless to stop, he further say he just fell one day. That he stumbled upon his face and started calling on the Supreme Holy One of Israel and the dark presence illuminating as a light (the American Dream) was lifted off of him, like a weight unimaginable he described it, it’s a miracle he said, and indeed it is. To be honest it was an easier transition for him than it was for me, I simply wanted to crawl off into a hole somewhere and dwindle away to non-existence, though we being immortal, with a death judgment pending, this simply wasn’t possible. No matter how much it hurt me and embittered me and even horrified me, I had to make a choice, you have to make a choice because beyond this planet you have no control over your fate. Only he who created mankind has this power and no man has this claim, it’s what the Christ mean when he says don’t fear. Or don’t be intimidated by those who has power or who usurp power over your flesh, but has no power over your immortality, don’t fear them. You’re born dead, or with a death debt and God unto Christ’s cross is both proprietor and the redemption, don’t be deceived, the man you fear can only kill your body, the God you trespass against can kill both your body and soul in hell. The demon spirits of homosexuality and Lesbianism, of same sex relations and marriages are described in the Supremes’ word as turning the truth of God into a lie, and as a result the Supreme promise malignancy would be rampant among these evil doers, this is why the lifeblood has been so tremendously compromised by what is described as HIV (Aids), this 20th /21st century holocaust. It’s true, making this choice, or these choices is your freedom, the Christ Lord died for your freedom, that you know the truth about the practices (freedoms) that you make, that when you make these decisions you’re deciding whether to walk with God (Christ’s cross) or against God (the children of the devil). This is what you have to be most concern about, God’s form of righteousness is about you knowing the truth and the implications, even the accountability of those decisions. We can’t worship God,” a stunning, truly inspirational André is to chime in as they’re to make these claims as a couple, “and he can’t be God to us, create this phenomena relationship with us if or when we make the wrong decision. Say we’re in a discussion whereas we’re all talking about how we’re looking forward to spending eternity in heaven with God, and all the various ways we have of getting there. There’s the church we attend, the denomination we’re in, the known spiritual leaders we have, that we’re or you’re one of the most kind, charitable persons you know. Of course this list goes on and on and on and the Christ Lord walk up, the one who know even the words in our mouth not even spoken and say, that all seem good and right, but I’m the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto, or enter into, upon the Supreme Father except by me. Then someone ask but how is it you’re the only way? And then he answer the cross, the blood sacrifice, the atonement for you, I suffered in my flesh, as God putting on flesh for this reason. That’s to completely make null and void the blood/sin debt against you, there is no other line of defense against this sin debt, by the shedding of blood it’s the second death, or the shedding of pure blood, immortal life, and all mankind’s blood carries a sin debt. This is why God, this single mediator created the Christ Lord as sin, who knew no sin, who was essentially sinless, not that he couldn’t sin, but wouldn’t sin as he’s the only one who could enter into the Holies of Holy offering up his own pure blood for the salvation of mankind, (his name shall be called Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.) In other words guys,” as one scooting a rub of manly hands into the end of his seat, where the young people in attendance totally flabbergasted by these too. “You may think the greatest decision you’re to make is your choice of college or career, that is nothing and has been nothing but a subterfuge, the truth is you’re on your way to a grave, and when that happen whether or not you believed the Christ Lord will decide the fate of your immortal soul. Remember the Supreme Creator breath into man and he became a living soul, it is your God-ship, it can, and shall never, ever perish thus your most meaningful decision is immortal life, or immortal death as our God and not rebellious man, reign.” That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers  from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, The RAM

 …I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

      For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Article How Russia's war against Ukraine may end: Czech President's forecast like us refugees running  from too many countries to count, our world diplomacy; do you know where your US soldiers are to its mocked 11:00 shopping lunch hr, forfeiting them to tortures?

I know, and there's been three hammering off of more apocalyptic events since, how they mocked, an in my hall mirror Eze 5, barber chair, Ben Affeck, Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, one three apocalyptic, for mandatory evacuation, running saves lives, souls.

Passed up a youtube vid, saying, Ukraine is blowing bridges in Russia and sorta bragging its with US weapons, like Trump bating Kim, and now we have an imminent earth ending Hawaii missile crisis, here's bating Putin, that Cuban missile crisis 2, i saw when Eze 9, heart stabbers gave chase, 

Q & A Trump Gabriel 7th Trumpet Saints, Run will Archangel List of Trib-Saints run with them? Is that why Mat 24 Jesus told HIS run, saw HIS yanked out & Michael's tribulators made safe? You know what's wrong with all spiritual leaders realizing, we're in 1-19, Revelation fulfilling, is they can't dissect, Rev 17/18, before April 2025, Antichrist, two of our, yours and my world systems, are suddenly wiped out!   

Nadira Ali


Zi0nist crimes, monstrous in their savagery, leave an indelible mark on the pages of history, unparalleled in the annals of inhumanity.

Nadira I need to clear up, Rev 2 Jesus, Hawaii Missile morning, mocking parents riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers. How a deadly pandemic couldn't bring to repentance, HE'S to take endangered children if by a mass dieoff ascension then May 10 2023 begin counting down 37 days!

Those 37 days, a weather alert on my phone, I begin to see this, NASA WARNING: "The Biggest SOLAR STORM in History is Coming in 2025!" THE TIFF in my work since 2001 to a 2023 warning superstorms from Florida to Carribean, Texas and soon 190 years gone like they never happen! Apb

He will Begat 12 Tribes, He will Begot, 12 Princes, there's something about "The Torah; Those 37 Days Nadira finale, besides the HUGEST SUN/TIFF ever, we're heir earth/heaven assured, a hammering off apocalypse now, Jesus husband, skyrocketing of all orphan children, all parents commanded killed, Feb 12/13 2017 I grew in in Jesus Gospel, and Jesus the spirit of prophecy also hearing about a carve out of mountain, city Jordon's desert city Petra, just waiting his refugees!

As amazing as having ghost children playing all around my legs as I move from kitchen, to front room, if wondering? Yes, the same kitchen, Nov 3/4, 2020, David Muir and his entire debating broadcasting group, arrival. There's too endangered children arriving the foot of my bed, like the two drown brothers, the wrong bus stop, standing with hammering Jesus, before he snatched them all out, time, I saw that yellow, number 5, uno card, I knew Caleb was here, see years prior, while his Le bonheur team were shocking him, back, at one point, i saw in heaven, he was wearing a yellow hue, hence his name, golden boy and he was learning to ride a bike!

I'm still asking where are some of the largest flying US Flags? President's Day, 2022, something about Pompeii Movie, Of Memphis Autistic Carter/Artistic President Carter, something about patriotic, tiny US carrying, endangered Teen Girls; I saw them all burning, HUGE US flags, power lines were down, sparking fires and HUGE, sky blocking, US flags were burning! See here, Jan 2018, Rev 6, 6th seal,

Article, Before Its News (ISRAEL),Why Is There Plywood Going Up Around the US Capitol? (Video) | Politics | Before It's News (; I know what you thinking, asking, so does this make Trump/Abraham Accord, July 26/27, Senator, Barack Hussein's campaign, revisited upon US soil, Rev 13, Antichrist beast, the one from land? Howbeit not the continuity of America or West Rule, proven to be evident I used Rev 11:1, 2 to predict, more like m0ck a Saddam Hussein WH; soon Senator Barack Hussein was being equally being awarded a Dan 9;24-26, two weeks and 7 year, timetable, only by Trump's April 2, 20 2019, so was he; paused Trump and his run amok Covid, behind the Biden/Harris WH, until post-apocalyptic Trump's, more his Abraham Accord, final years, along with the Anti-Christ, timetable, Dan 9:27/Rev 13 5, 42 month interval, both reach it's finale, ebbing and flowing since, Dec 25, 2001, fiery doomsday apocalypse 2028, again, Apostle, Prophet, THEY entreat me, advised westerners, no further delays, get off this planet to continent!       

Article, BBC News, (BURNING), Canada orders freight back on track to end rail stoppage,

Hearing 2003, Asteroid Destroy Middle Schools! Hearing 2023 "Destroy Louisiana," "WIPE CANADA OFF THE MAP!"

Nov 11 2021 Eze 5 Designed, Commanded Heart Stabbers/Aug 24.25 2023 Rev 9, Satanic, Demonic, Alien Apocalypse, Kill All Parents by Antichrist timetable Dan 9:27/Rev 13:5, April 17, 2025 to Finale Oct 17, 2028, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!

-Thinking, a threat of rail strikes The US spread into a Mystery still. A barrage of train crashes and deadly chemicals. Soon burning warehouses to throats, eyes, poisoning neighborhoods.  One ascent, descent began as West Rule end as a train wreck splintered into sweltering pieces and Apostle Prophet THEY entreat me, keep reminding, the speed, knowing where, get off this continent! 

-One ascent, descent began as West Rule end as a train wreck! I keep reminding US Congress train wreck, even Mike Lynch yacht sinking,; THEY were here, judgements warn as far back as 1999/2000 burning US Bush, then now 2021 thru 2024, burning Biden/Harris’ US, WH, cursing any Gods betrayal or their Rev 17:6, guilts of martyred blood going on as celebrating, those happily massacred. 

-Especially 2018, US Trump’s hurricane season, presently Beryl, Debby, and what other superstorms tearing from Africa’s coastal basin into US/BC Atlantic to dominoing US/Hawaii Pacific. Then it was Katrina, I was leaving my kitchen, hearing no more going on as normal; marvel not a Cuban Missile crisis Part 2 Eze 9/@diedsuddenly_ “heart stabbers, “chased US unrepentant procrastinators commanded all killed, by. 

One ascent began as West Rule end as a train wreck splintered into sweltering pieces and descended me into what, where. Predicted Isa 16:1-5/Mat 24 Jesus saying run, SULIGHT OF GOD, commanded Juneteenth inherit, Africa's daughters to Abraham's Princes to Tribes, witnessing Jordan’s Desert WONDER OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD; city Petra’s, innumerable in refugees and all around street vending, while visions of returning to home Jerusalem danced from Rev 12, African Mother safehaven grown up cradle, head to heart  to safehaven, HEAVEN's treasures, HBOW, Apb

YouTube HISTORY, Volcanic Origins of Hawaii | How the Earth Was Made (S1, E12) | Full Epi... via @YouTube

Dan 5, Hand Writing 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava; Hand Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone!


Wow Geology Hub showing raging rivers of water under New Mexico. The Hawaii summit is truly ginormous enough to wipe out tens of millions before its equally warn the Midwest, it’s Eastern Seaboard take notice.

Intravenous Trump to Archangel putting volcanic activity on orange alert, months before warning revisiting, Nov 2021 Ben Affleck Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, Hawaii is building into. 

Mighty Angels stammering around up there, warning about W Pacific Ring Of Fire to W. Pacific Dominoing Hawaii: see here, as warn mine and all US states of barbecue, said warning of west pacific incineration.

Red Alert come for VEI 8, 101 YELLOWSTONES have reached inland as far as Texas; Marvel not Jan 2023 the reminder Noah’s cousin is molten lava flooding henceforth the designing of fast and furious, race cars to race tracks to skyrocketing super Mario, Brothers, Carts! HBOW/Apb

YouTube 13 News Now, Another home collapses into the ocean in Rodanthe, NC via @YouTube


Marvel Not Since THEY Aug 2023 revisited THE TIFF/NASA/CME/EMP name sake. Happily going into Florida, into Caribbean Cruises. Superstorms been,  Hitting These Prime Coastal Areas, The Americas, since. 

The Last Letter I Wrote To President Bush Was To Warn Once The Year 2000 Hit Into his own 2005 Katrina.There’d Be No More Going On As Normal. Especially Tourism! Frightnight one of the 2023, hammering off of the reigning Mt Sinai type more mass disasters. Understand it was at the stilts that keep beach front houses. 

You all know what Eze 5 is being lead to do and why they revisited this same warning as a Ben Affleck Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! That you trust heart treasures to heaven and while commanded an exodus THE REPATRIATION OF  SW AFRICAS ATLANTIC!  Abandoned all efforts THE American Dreaming; WATCH! RUN! Live! 

World Wide Titanic as America, THE AMERICAS, WEST RULE is sinking. Seeming like its tragic predecessor you’re going on playing partying, whoring, like it’s all normal. Do what you will with yours but earths inherit, especially children they’re HIS/ ELO-HIM’S many millennial sacrifices HE’S made into his own only begotten son. Juneteenth inherit a Sunlight of God from behind a Mt Sinai type commanded your leaders let you go into exodus! Like I told Trump, there’ll be Apocalypse Now, until they do. “LET MY PEOPLE GOD!” THUS SAITH REIGNING SUNLIGHT OF GOD! HBOW/Apb

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Prophecy Links fulfilling Nuclear Aug 27 Apocalyptic Firestorms, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR/TIFF/Cosmic, Aug 24/25, 2023, Rev 9; the ...